View Full Version : Jim Willie

philo beddoe
17th July 2010, 02:42 PM
In my view, the really important critical clue was widespread usage of the Corexit oil dispersant. Its usage proved they did NOT want to collect the oil with skimmer vessels effectively. Its usage proved they wanted INSTEAD for the oil to remain below the water surface, where it would kill marine life. Its usage proved their goal was contamination of the water system, both sea and airborne. Their excuse was to prevent oil from hitting the shore, which was certain to happen with or without a dispersant. Toxic rain is already falling on the coastal areas, killing the ground level green life. The toxic rain will render great harm to farm land and crop output, much more to come. The food supply from fish, crustaceans, and farm crops will be contaminated. People will die from eating such food. Rivers and tributaries are soon to close for all vessels since they contain oil on the hulls. Cities & towns are soon to close down electricity generators since water intakes contain oil. Any hurricane activity will turn a nightmare into a national tragedy. Much more to this story, to be left for conjecture. As with Watergate, follow the money, like stock investments, shorting activity, and communications before the Deepwater Horizon explosion. Any serious investigation will find certain Wall Street firms and certain Major Oil Service firms in a position to exploit the situation, BEFORE it occurred. Some of my opinion will be kept private, not shared. One thing is clear, that the Southern coastline is taking on firm Third World traits, and USGovt officials resemble Third World leaders in their official negligent response. :o

philo beddoe
17th July 2010, 05:45 PM
Perhaps diabolical sinister forces conspired to wreck the Gulf of Mexico in order to cripple the USEconomy. A combination of negligence, criminal behavior, market profit potential, and powerful enemies make for a deadly mix. The perpetrators might be inside the US leadership and corporate leadership, the very real Fascist Business Model at work. Their goal might be martial law, as second stage to 911 in a grand plan. Evacuation of the Gulf Coast could be the initial exercise of the martial law advocates. The United States has been the host for a few key parasites whose names are best not mentioned. The primary frauds and gutting of the national finances are nearly finished, like the Wall Street bond fraud, the housing wreckage, and the Black Holes officially adopted (Fannie Mae & AIG). The usual course of action, the deep pathogenesis, is for the parasite to kill the host. Given the extreme lack of global popularity of the USMilitary, some foreign parties see a means to dislodge the military from its powerful perch by snuffing out the USEconomy. The USGovt is incapable of prosecuting grand criminals near the helm. Foreign forces might be at work. Lastly, never to be overlooked, the Greenspan tenure was all about ruin of the United States in my opinion. He took two paychecks, one from Swiss bankers.

17th July 2010, 10:14 PM
Lastly, never to be overlooked, the Greenspan tenure was all about ruin of the United States in my opinion. He took two paychecks, one from Swiss bankers.

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