View Full Version : Dees does it again

I am me, I am free
17th July 2010, 04:06 PM
So many people are going to be caught unaware.

"Those that are unaware, are unaware, of being unaware." Victor Issac Carson


1970 silver art
17th July 2010, 04:25 PM
U.S.A. = The land of broken American dreams. :'(

It is not very good in the U.S. and it will get worse despite the MSM and the "doctored" gov't statistics on the economy. Just my opinion.

17th July 2010, 04:35 PM
"Those that are unaware, are unaware, of being unaware." Victor Issac Carson

I like that Quote!

17th July 2010, 04:37 PM
How beautiful yet painful to realize.

Great Depression II, here we come.

I am me, I am free
17th July 2010, 04:38 PM
"Those that are unaware, are unaware, of being unaware." Victor Issac Carson

I like that Quote!

Then you should like this thread, in case you missed it - http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/we%27re-stupid-but-not-that-stupid-%28the-anosognosia-of-everyday-life%29/

17th July 2010, 04:43 PM
Dee's is great!

18th July 2010, 01:06 AM
So many people are going to be caught unaware.

"Those that are unaware, are unaware, of being unaware." Victor Issac Carson

I was unaware of this...

Saul Mine
18th July 2010, 10:20 AM
The American dream originally was a place to worship freely. Then it became a farm. For a long time it was to own the house you live in. Then for a few decades it was to keep up with the bills. More recently it was to win the lottery. Now it is to get raptured before the whole world revolts against itself.

18th July 2010, 10:41 AM
"Those that are unaware, are unaware, of being unaware." Victor Issac Carson

I like that Quote!

I mis-attributed that. Actually belongs to Merrill Jenkins.

18th July 2010, 11:03 AM
I just realise today that I am part of the upper middle class where at one time I was only part of the lower middle class........and as time goes by.........who knows, I could be part of the upper class......unless the government comes after my silver and gold..........and all this with only my Social Security as my source of income hahahahahahahahahah.

I read this morning that the real unemployment numbers are over 25% which means that we are now in a depression as in 1929 where the numbers were also of 25-26%.

To create the illusion of wealth by using a credit card is not being wealthy but a sucker........like the cop that search me and found the roll of money that I had on me....he asked me "With so money home you you are driving such an old pick up?".........and my answer was......"That's why I have so much money on me", the cop stood there for a few second with this stupid look on his face till finally it dawn on him the meaning of what I had just said......"Have a nice day sir and don't drive so fast" hahahahahahahahah.

By the way folks......if I talk a lot about myself is only because I believe that I am the best example of what I am talking about.........to talk about what others do is like saying nothing.