View Full Version : Hell as an invention of the church

18th July 2010, 02:23 AM

18th July 2010, 04:48 AM
Religion is a protection racket.

18th July 2010, 06:38 AM
Athiests eat baby children.

18th July 2010, 07:32 AM
Kregener invents hell on earth.

18th July 2010, 07:50 AM
Hell is the absence of God's presence.

18th July 2010, 08:00 AM
Hell is the absence of God's presence.


Wandering Wastrel
18th July 2010, 08:26 AM
Hell is the absence of God's presence.

I thought God was supposed to be everywhere...?

Saul Mine
18th July 2010, 08:35 AM
"Maybe salvation needs to be conveyed as enhancing your humanity, rather than rescuing you from it."

Wow, that's a knock out!

"Religion is a protection racket. "

Woodman, you miss the point. Religion is what you make up because you didn't understand the above point.

Everybody: hell is a hole is a grave. Check any dictionary.

18th July 2010, 08:44 AM
Hell is the absence of God's presence.

I thought God was supposed to be everywhere...?

He (she ? they ?) refused to sign the Israel Loyalty Oath, so they kicked him out.

Now Israel has only The Devil on their side ... which is the way they like it.

Unfortunately, they inflict their version of Hell on the Palestinians, who have to live in it.

18th July 2010, 10:02 AM
So if there is no hell, then there is no Creator? That seems a bit silly......

Heaven v Hell is a dichotomy millennia old. Good v Evil. Light v Dark. Hot v Cold. Yin v Yang. Dualities. It is called a balance of opposing sides......

How about posing the question like this:

Do you think you came from an animal? If you believe so, dont be surprised when the rest of the farm treats you like one.

18th July 2010, 10:10 AM
Controlling the masses, I agree I think alot of organized religion is brainwashing.

18th July 2010, 10:46 AM
I thought God was supposed to be everywhere...?

The flock is only told half the story.

18th July 2010, 11:07 AM
God - the Federal Reserve, IRS, IMF
these are run by the invisible creator (Queen, Rothchilds, Illuminati, Zionists) that has created everything and cannot be seen;

Jesus - our savior who has shown us the way
pay your taxes, turn the other cheeks, obey the police, treat them with kindness because they know not what they do;

Going to Heaven
keep paying your taxes and give 10% of your income to the church, this way you will reach the promised land where everything will be hunky dorry, i.e. maybe you'll still get to pay taxes and be a slave when you're dead, good luck.

not paying taxes, thinking for yourself, denying the existence of God as the supreme being who rules everyone, not obeying God, protesting "the way things are", being a heathen, not giving money to the church etc.

18th July 2010, 12:03 PM
Controlling the masses, I agree I think alot of organized religion is brainwashing.

I can agree with this also.

As a Christian.

Convincing the masses that there is no God is just as an insidious form of control and brainwashing. maybe even worse.

18th July 2010, 12:22 PM
Controlling the masses, I agree I think alot of organized religion is brainwashing.

I can agree with this also.

As a Christian.

Convincing the masses that there is no God is just as an insidious form of control and brainwashing. maybe even worse.

Good post I agree with you and Zap

We are not on this earth very long....We will all find out soon enough.

18th July 2010, 01:19 PM
"Maybe salvation needs to be conveyed as enhancing your humanity, rather than rescuing you from it."

Wow, that's a knock out!

"Religion is a protection racket. "

Woodman, you miss the point. Religion is what you make up because you didn't understand the above point.

Everybody: hell is a hole is a grave. Check any dictionary.

That is an excellent sentence and one that should be understood by anyone seeking enlightenment. It depends on just what you consider 'humanity' to be. If humanity is a description of the human condition then religion and salvation should be avoided at any cost. At any cost because hell is heaven under that definition. By the way Saul, I've rarely been accused of missing any point. I do respect you acuity though and I certainly am a fallacious 'human' so maybe I missed something?

18th July 2010, 01:31 PM
So if there is no hell, then there is no Creator? That seems a bit silly......

Heaven v Hell is a dichotomy millennia old. Good v Evil. Light v Dark. Hot v Cold. Yin v Yang. Dualities. It is called a balance of opposing sides......

How about posing the question like this:

Do you think you came from an animal? If you believe so, dont be surprised when the rest of the farm treats you like one.

While I agree Dualities do exist, you do not find them everywhere. There's no good or evil in the animal kingdom. Predator kills prey or the predator dies...there's no good or bad in this...it is simply a fact.

Just an observation to keep in mind.

18th July 2010, 02:10 PM

I went ahead and watched that.

The guy is calling Jesus a lier.

Jesus spoke of Hell as being a reality

Jesus also Called God his Father
yet this guy claims God in not a parent figure.

This guy trying to lead folks astray....Just like Satan does.

18th July 2010, 02:12 PM
So if there is no hell, then there is no Creator? That seems a bit silly......

Heaven v Hell is a dichotomy millennia old. Good v Evil. Light v Dark. Hot v Cold. Yin v Yang. Dualities. It is called a balance of opposing sides......

How about posing the question like this:

Do you think you came from an animal? If you believe so, dont be surprised when the rest of the farm treats you like one.

While I agree Dualities do exist, you do not find them everywhere. There's no good or evil in the animal kingdom. Predator kills prey or the predator dies...there's no good or bad in this...it is simply a fact.

Just an observation to keep in mind.

Eat or be eaten?

18th July 2010, 02:17 PM
"Maybe salvation needs to be conveyed as enhancing your humanity, rather than rescuing you from it."

Wow, that's a knock out!

"Religion is a protection racket. "

Woodman, you miss the point. Religion is what you make up because you didn't understand the above point.

Everybody: hell is a hole is a grave. Check any dictionary.

That is an excellent sentence and one that should be understood by anyone seeking enlightenment. It depends on just what you consider 'humanity' to be. If humanity is a description of the human condition then religion and salvation should be avoided at any cost. At any cost because hell is heaven under that definition. By the way Saul, I've rarely been accused of missing any point. I do respect you acuity though and I certainly am a fallacious 'human' so maybe I missed something?

This will help all truth seekers:


18th July 2010, 04:29 PM
So if there is no hell, then there is no Creator? That seems a bit silly......

Heaven v Hell is a dichotomy millennia old. Good v Evil. Light v Dark. Hot v Cold. Yin v Yang. Dualities. It is called a balance of opposing sides......

How about posing the question like this:

Do you think you came from an animal? If you believe so, dont be surprised when the rest of the farm treats you like one.

While I agree Dualities do exist, you do not find them everywhere. There's no good or evil in the animal kingdom. Predator kills prey or the predator dies...there's no good or bad in this...it is simply a fact.

Just an observation to keep in mind.

Eat or be eaten?

From time to time. Also when to flee and fight another day.

18th July 2010, 07:11 PM
Survival of the fittest.

18th July 2010, 10:18 PM
There is no doubt in my mind that there will be either a more "harmonious place" or more "painful place" as a result of our actions in our lives.
Whether you want to call it heaven, hell etc. (pick a language too).

We created not the heaven and the earth and what is between them in vain. That is the opinion of those who disbelieve. So woe to those who disbelieve on account of the fire!
Surah Saad 38
Ayah 27

The Bible on the next life
After my skin is destroyed, this I know....that in my flesh I shall see God................(verse 29) that you may know there is a judgement.
The word used for "God" used above in Job in Hebrew was ELOAH.

In Ezra 4:24, the word for "God" used is ELAH, which is Aramaic....the language of Jesus (peace unto him).....Allah (subhanu wa ta'ala) knows best.

In the Qu'ran, the word for "God" used is ALLAH (subhanu wa ta'ala) which is Arabic.

See the word/term used for "God" from Hebrew to Aramaic to Arabic.....

Surah Al Kahf 18
Ayah 29
This is the truth from your Lord. So let him who will believe in it, and him who will, deny it.


18th July 2010, 11:19 PM
Eat or be eaten?

Does it take the old and weak? Or the strongest and brightest?

Does it do it humanely? Or when able, eat out the back end slowly over days?

19th July 2010, 11:03 AM
God - the Federal Reserve, IRS, IMF
these are run by the invisible creator (Queen, Rothchilds, Illuminati, Zionists) that has created everything and cannot be seen;

Jesus - our savior who has shown us the way
pay your taxes, turn the other cheeks, obey the police, treat them with kindness because they know not what they do;

Going to Heaven
keep paying your taxes and give 10% of your income to the church, this way you will reach the promised land where everything will be hunky dorry, i.e. maybe you'll still get to pay taxes and be a slave when you're dead, good luck.

not paying taxes, thinking for yourself, denying the existence of God as the supreme being who rules everyone, not obeying God, protesting "the way things are", being a heathen, not giving money to the church etc.

I'm not sure of the poster's intent (probably just - accurately - mocking Churchianity), but none of these are consistent with the GENUINE Christianity taught by Jesus Christ and His true followers.

Christ did NOT just accept the System of His time. He attacked the moneychangers, physically, identified tax collectors as the lowest of the low (even "they" could be saved), and advocated that Christians arm themselves with weapons.

19th July 2010, 11:10 AM

I went ahead and watched that.

The guy is calling Jesus a lier.

Jesus spoke of Hell as being a reality

Jesus also Called God his Father
yet this guy claims God in not a parent figure.

This guy trying to lead folks astray....Just like Satan does.

I regard anyone with a collar or other priestly garb to be a suspected Satanist. They serve both the church (whichever denomination), and the entity which permits the Church to operate, the government, via licensing and tax exemption.

19th July 2010, 11:19 AM
Gravity is an invention on Isaac Newton!


the riot act
19th July 2010, 11:54 AM
Hell is the absence of God's presence.

A "thanks" and a applaud!