View Full Version : Most WORTHLESS Militia group

18th July 2010, 03:20 PM
Im somewhat embarrassed to even post this , but I have come to the conclusion the Michigan Militia is the most WORTHLESS of all militia groups. what a far cry from the Michigan Militia Corps. of the early 90s, these guys are a freakin joke! Their website is full of "Militia babes" ads, messages on "Diversity" etc. They quote Clarence Thomas for Christ sake on their title page ! The fact that they are based in the Southeast corner of the state (Detroit Metro area) really doubts their abilities. The Original Michigan Units were from the heavily forested and self reliant areas of Cheboygan and Emmet counties (tip of the mitt). IMHO these guys are nothing more than Govt. patsies and would be useless in any crisis.

Grand Master Melon
18th July 2010, 03:23 PM
So quoting Thomas or not having a problem with diversity means you can't be self reliant or be in a militia? :oo-->

18th July 2010, 03:25 PM
So quoting Thomas or not having a problem with diversity means you can't be self reliant or be in a militia? :oo-->

keep reading their page,Yes ,Militas quoting SCOTUS members is a bit unusual ,dont you agree? Is Diversity a primary objective of Patriot groups? or is that something that is assumed? :oo-->

18th July 2010, 04:33 PM
...these guys are a freakin joke! Their website is full of "Militia babes" ads, messages on "Diversity" etc...

Typical tactic of co-opting a legitimate Whitey group by jew infiltrators then morph it into one distracted by porn and SPLC management. For every three members two are FBI/ADL agents and one is the naive chump being set up.

4. To neutralize or win over (an independent minority, for example) through assimilation into an established group or culture.

18th July 2010, 04:40 PM
The local Michigan Militia commander was a real whack job. He actually wore a tin foil hat around and claimed he was being tracked by sattellites. He thought they were actually following him around. He came over one night and looked more disturbed than usual. I asked him what was wrong and he pointed to a star above the house and said it was a sattellite and was following him. I told him it was Venus and was always out in early evening in the same spot. Not too long ago he was arrested for masturbating in the nude in front of his female neighbor. He did it repeatedly and they finally caught him. They put him under observation and took away all of his guns. People like this discredit the whole militia movement.

18th July 2010, 04:42 PM
Do a search on Michigan Militia and Hutaree, you will see them bending over backwards for the feds during the Hutaree busts. Hutaree by the way, was diverse, not that that's a consideration. When it comes to militia's, the Constitution and self-defence are the priorities.

My take on the MM, besides having a fed infiltrator spokesman... is that they think the reason the feds hate the militia, is because we just haven't explained our side of things politely enough.

18th July 2010, 04:55 PM
I should rephrase that OP, When Im speaking of diversity in the Michigan Militia Im not complaining about the members, Im bitchin about how they just HAVE to point that out. A true Patriot group doesnt need to advertise tha t fact.

18th July 2010, 04:56 PM
The local Michigan Militia commander was a real whack job. He actually wore a tin foil hat around and claimed he was being tracked by sattellites. He thought they were actually following him around. He came over one night and looked more disturbed than usual. I asked him what was wrong and he pointed to a star above the house and said it was a sattellite and was following him. I told him it was Venus and was always out in early evening in the same spot. Not too long ago he was arrested for masturbating in the nude in front of his female neighbor. He did it repeatedly and they finally caught him. They put him under observation and took away all of his guns. People like this discredit the whole militia movement.

which is EXACTLY why he was there in the first place.remember Mcveigh? He attended a meeting or two,but when OK City happened who did the feds go looking for first?

18th July 2010, 05:01 PM
The local Michigan Militia commander was a real whack job. He actually wore a tin foil hat around and claimed he was being tracked by sattellites. He thought they were actually following him around. He came over one night and looked more disturbed than usual. I asked him what was wrong and he pointed to a star above the house and said it was a sattellite and was following him. I told him it was Venus and was always out in early evening in the same spot. Not too long ago he was arrested for masturbating in the nude in front of his female neighbor. He did it repeatedly and they finally caught him. They put him under observation and took away all of his guns. People like this discredit the whole militia movement.

which is EXACTLY why he was there in the first place.remember Mcveigh? He attended a meeting or two,but when OK City happened who did the feds go looking for first?

Most likely the case. A lot of militia folks have gone underground, realizing the movement has been infiltrated. No one trusts anyone.

18th July 2010, 05:12 PM
The local Michigan Militia commander was a real whack job. He actually wore a tin foil hat around and claimed he was being tracked by sattellites. He thought they were actually following him around. He came over one night and looked more disturbed than usual. I asked him what was wrong and he pointed to a star above the house and said it was a sattellite and was following him. I told him it was Venus and was always out in early evening in the same spot. Not too long ago he was arrested for masturbating in the nude in front of his female neighbor. He did it repeatedly and they finally caught him. They put him under observation and took away all of his guns. People like this discredit the whole militia movement.

which is EXACTLY why he was there in the first place.remember Mcveigh? He attended a meeting or two,but when OK City happened who did the feds go looking for first?

Most likely the case. A lot of militia folks have gone underground, realizing the movement has been infiltrated. No one trusts anyone.

Thats exactly what happened with a lot of my contacts, the Divisions dissolved, very secretive. mission accomplished for the Gov.

18th July 2010, 05:27 PM
Agreed Gypsy, looked into these folks last year and decided that even looking through their site without a proxy server could be risky, let alone contact them. There has to be something else but I haven't looked in a long time.

Desolation LineTrimmer
18th July 2010, 06:15 PM
I should rephrase that OP, When Im speaking of diversity in the Michigan Militia Im not complaining about the members, Im bitchin about how they just HAVE to point that out. A true Patriot group doesnt need to advertise tha t fact.

True. Nor does a true patriot group need to be diverse. Notice how the Tea Partiers are in trouble constantly for being too White, and how they kowtow and sweat the issue, like a bunch of cowards. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

18th July 2010, 06:32 PM
I should rephrase that OP, When Im speaking of diversity in the Michigan Militia Im not complaining about the members, Im bitchin about how they just HAVE to point that out. A true Patriot group doesnt need to advertise tha t fact.

True. Nor does a true patriot group need to be diverse. Notice how the Tea Partiers are in trouble constantly for being too White, and how they kowtow and sweat the issue, like a bunch of cowards. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Militias in N. Michigan in 90s were accused of being "White Supremacists" by the MSM. without regard to the fact that the area has virtually no minority groups to recruit from! When all was said and done, the truth about many of the members being part Indian (the one larger minority group in N. Michigan) the MSM fell silent.

Desolation LineTrimmer
18th July 2010, 06:49 PM
I should rephrase that OP, When Im speaking of diversity in the Michigan Militia Im not complaining about the members, Im bitchin about how they just HAVE to point that out. A true Patriot group doesnt need to advertise tha t fact.

True. Nor does a true patriot group need to be diverse. Notice how the Tea Partiers are in trouble constantly for being too White, and how they kowtow and sweat the issue, like a bunch of cowards. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Militias in N. Michigan in 90s were accused of being "White Supremacists" by the MSM. without regard to the fact that the area has virtually no minority groups to recruit from! When all was said and done, the truth about many of the members being part Indian (the one larger minority group in N. Michigan) the MSM fell silent.

Are many full-blooded Indians oriented toward freedom and Constitutional issues?

18th July 2010, 06:52 PM
Are many full-blooded Indians oriented toward freedom and Constitutional issues?


Not to big on the USA actually. No.


18th July 2010, 06:59 PM
I should rephrase that OP, When Im speaking of diversity in the Michigan Militia Im not complaining about the members, Im bitchin about how they just HAVE to point that out. A true Patriot group doesnt need to advertise tha t fact.

True. Nor does a true patriot group need to be diverse. Notice how the Tea Partiers are in trouble constantly for being too White, and how they kowtow and sweat the issue, like a bunch of cowards. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Militias in N. Michigan in 90s were accused of being "White Supremacists" by the MSM. without regard to the fact that the area has virtually no minority groups to recruit from! When all was said and done, the truth about many of the members being part Indian (the one larger minority group in N. Michigan) the MSM fell silent.

Are many full-blooded Indians oriented toward freedom and Constitutional issues?

I cant speak for all, as they are nations and cultures within themselves.The ones I know personally I can say mostly yes. As many believe the US Constitution was based on their laws.The Natives from the West, the Lakota primarily are more Militant and would rather have a separate nation. they all dont fall under the same umbrella,contrary to what Russel Means and Dennis Banks (The Indian AL Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) believe. Most Indians are not full blooded or even close and in the East as long as they arent living in the traditional manner are hardly noticed, but again the Western nations look entirely different and totally different culture, primarily Eastern Natives had villages and farms, were more technologically and socially advanced than their Nomadic Western plains counterparts.

Grand Master Melon
18th July 2010, 06:59 PM
Are many full-blooded Indians oriented toward freedom and Constitutional issues?

I think the ones that are attempting to declare their sovereignty are.

18th July 2010, 07:01 PM
Are many full-blooded Indians oriented toward freedom and Constitutional issues?


Not to big on the USA actually. No.


Most of the Nations are patriotic as long as their rights dont get trampled,hows it feeling "Washi" to getting doinked by the Govt. Weve had it for a couple hundred years!

Desolation LineTrimmer
18th July 2010, 07:06 PM
Are many full-blooded Indians oriented toward freedom and Constitutional issues?


Not to big on the USA actually. No.


Most of the Nations are patriotic as long as their rights dont get trampled,hows it feeling "Washi" to getting doinked by the Govt. Weve had it for a couple hundred years!

What's Washi mean?

Desolation LineTrimmer
18th July 2010, 07:09 PM
Are many full-blooded Indians oriented toward freedom and Constitutional issues?


Not to big on the USA actually. No.


Some seem to have volunteered to fight in our wars.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
18th July 2010, 08:23 PM
Being from SE Michigan, I can attest that SE Michigan has no militia prowess.

The northern Michigan militia types have been neutered since being labeled extremists and accused of plotting to kill those cops earlier this year. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jhK5VTvnp2Kc1AwCg9DlHUh3xnfAD9GGIHR02

They're still out there though, disorganized as they are.

Black Blade
18th July 2010, 09:29 PM
I should rephrase that OP, When Im speaking of diversity in the Michigan Militia Im not complaining about the members, Im bitchin about how they just HAVE to point that out. A true Patriot group doesnt need to advertise tha t fact.

True. Nor does a true patriot group need to be diverse. Notice how the Tea Partiers are in trouble constantly for being too White, and how they kowtow and sweat the issue, like a bunch of cowards. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Militias in N. Michigan in 90s were accused of being "White Supremacists" by the MSM. without regard to the fact that the area has virtually no minority groups to recruit from! When all was said and done, the truth about many of the members being part Indian (the one larger minority group in N. Michigan) the MSM fell silent.

Are many full-blooded Indians oriented toward freedom and Constitutional issues?

I cant speak for all, as they are nations and cultures within themselves.The ones I know personally I can say mostly yes. As many believe the US Constitution was based on their laws.The Natives from the West, the Lakota primarily are more Militant and would rather have a separate nation. they all dont fall under the same umbrella,contrary to what Russel Means and Dennis Banks (The Indian AL Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) believe. Most Indians are not full blooded or even close and in the East as long as they arent living in the traditional manner are hardly noticed, but again the Western nations look entirely different and totally different culture, primarily Eastern Natives had villages and farms, were more technologically and socially advanced than their Nomadic Western plains counterparts.

Gee thanks, I'm Lakota. In 1987 I even helped to nominate Russel Means as a candidate for the Libertarian Party (although he lost out to Ron Paul). BTW, I am Libertarian, a FFL holder, self-employed, gunowner, and Lakota. Actually I was perma-banned at the old GIM by racists Scorpio-Skydyke by letting it slip that I was a little darker shade of white. :D


18th July 2010, 09:49 PM
Actually I was perma-banned at the old GIM by racists Scorpio-Skydyke by letting it slip that I was a little darker shade of white.

You pretty much own our Preparedness section. No one else here has posted as many informative and educational threads...lol.


18th July 2010, 10:20 PM
All of them?

18th July 2010, 10:22 PM
Actually I was perma-banned at the old GIM by racists Scorpio-Skydyke by letting it slip that I was a little darker shade of white. :D

Neither Scorpio nor Skykyke are racists. Scorpio and I had a battle one time regarding the worthlessness of most Blacks; I got banned for my views. And Carl M. Andersen, aka Skyvike, is married to a brown Thai woman.

Black Blade
18th July 2010, 10:36 PM
Actually I was perma-banned at the old GIM by racists Scorpio-Skydyke by letting it slip that I was a little darker shade of white. :D

Neither Scorpio nor Skykyke are racists. Scorpio and I had a battle one time regarding the worthlessness of most Blacks; I got banned for my views. And Carl M. Andersen, aka Skyvike, is married to a brown Thai woman.

Apparently one of them - reason for ban was "not white" and when ban will be lifted "never". Draw your own conclusions. Could have been Khan maybe. Geez, how many mods are over there anyway? Looked like a classic case of "too many chiefs and not enough indians". A lot of racist groups in that area around Savage, MN where Carl and Richard live. But I digress...

18th July 2010, 10:50 PM
Apparently one of them - reason for ban was "not white" and when ban will be lifted "never". Draw your own conclusions. Could have been Khan maybe. Geez, how many mods are over there anyway? Looked like a classic case of "too many chiefs and not enough indians". A lot of racist groups in that area around Savage, MN where Carl and Richard live. But I digress...

WOW, I wish you had gotten a screenshot of that! Pretty damning of the "kind, 'open-minded' folks of GIM."

I believe they have/had around 20 moderators/"Founding Members." I don't see g-khan, Scorpio, or Skyvike ever banning someone for being non-White. Maybe Drill and Fill did it to be "funny."

Who is "Richard"? Scorpio lives in Wisconsin. G-khan is Russell Townsend in Sauk Rapids, MN, a suburb of St. Cloud. Skyvike is Carl M. Andersen, a Freemason officer.

18th July 2010, 10:50 PM
Well it's a good thing there aren't any racists on here.


You're the one with the Hitler avatar.

Black Blade
18th July 2010, 10:59 PM
Apparently one of them - reason for ban was "not white" and when ban will be lifted "never". Draw your own conclusions. Could have been Khan maybe. Geez, how many mods are over there anyway? Looked like a classic case of "too many chiefs and not enough indians". A lot of racist groups in that area around Savage, MN where Carl and Richard live. But I digress...

WOW, I wish you had gotten a screenshot of that! Pretty damning of the "kind, 'open-minded' folks of GIM."

I believe they have/had around 20 moderators/"Founding Members." I don't see g-khan, Scorpio, or Skyvike ever banning someone for being non-White. Maybe Drill and Fill did it to be "funny."

Who is "Richard"? Scorpio lives in Wisconsin. G-khan is Russell Townsend in Sauk Rapids, MN, a suburb of St. Cloud. Skyvike is Carl M. Andersen, a Freemason officer.

Sorry, I meant Russell. Been a long time since the old Gold-Eagle days (pre-GIM). ;D

18th July 2010, 11:06 PM
Well it's a good thing there aren't any racists on here.


19th July 2010, 02:45 AM
I should rephrase that OP, When Im speaking of diversity in the Michigan Militia Im not complaining about the members, Im bitchin about how they just HAVE to point that out. A true Patriot group doesnt need to advertise tha t fact.

True. Nor does a true patriot group need to be diverse. Notice how the Tea Partiers are in trouble constantly for being too White, and how they kowtow and sweat the issue, like a bunch of cowards. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Militias in N. Michigan in 90s were accused of being "White Supremacists" by the MSM. without regard to the fact that the area has virtually no minority groups to recruit from! When all was said and done, the truth about many of the members being part Indian (the one larger minority group in N. Michigan) the MSM fell silent.

Are many full-blooded Indians oriented toward freedom and Constitutional issues?

I cant speak for all, as they are nations and cultures within themselves.The ones I know personally I can say mostly yes. As many believe the US Constitution was based on their laws.The Natives from the West, the Lakota primarily are more Militant and would rather have a separate nation. they all dont fall under the same umbrella,contrary to what Russel Means and Dennis Banks (The Indian AL Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) believe. Most Indians are not full blooded or even close and in the East as long as they arent living in the traditional manner are hardly noticed, but again the Western nations look entirely different and totally different culture, primarily Eastern Natives had villages and farms, were more technologically and socially advanced than their Nomadic Western plains counterparts.

Gee thanks, I'm Lakota. In 1987 I even helped to nominate Russel Means as a candidate for the Libertarian Party (although he lost out to Ron Paul). BTW, I am Libertarian, a FFL holder, self-employed, gunowner, and Lakota. Actually I was perma-banned at the old GIM by racists Scorpio-Skydyke by letting it slip that I was a little darker shade of white. :D


Dont take it the wrong way, Notice I posted, I cant speak for all, I just dont care for Means and Banks, and thats my opinion of them.I said nothing about the Lakota that wasnt true, Historically nomadic, and plains hunters,excellent warriors though.

Half Sense
19th July 2010, 05:52 AM
Any Militia that has more than 3 members, at least one of them will be FBI.

19th July 2010, 06:35 AM
Well it's a good thing there aren't any racists on here.


http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=9293.0;attach=3129 ;image

So.... What are you trying to say Book....? :sarc: :dunno :sarc:

Come to think of it, something about Mr Edge does seem vaguely familiar.... :oo-->

19th July 2010, 07:18 AM
Back on topic about the militias . . .

I have given this a lot of thought over the past couple of years. It seems only a certain percentage of people are willing to even investigate (with intent to join) their local militia. Are militias really full of wing nut jobs hell bent on blowing things up, or is that just what the media wants me to believe? I wouldn't know the truth, because I am not one of the few willing to dip my foot in the waters (assuming they'd let a woman participate).

Whether militias are infiltrated by FBI, CIA, etc. or we just think that they are infiltrated, the feds win.

I am not sure why people can't gather together to discuss defense, preparedness, etc. for fear of being arrested. Then again, maybe I am not sure what is discussed beyond that to make everyone so paranoid.

19th July 2010, 07:45 AM
The feds send a lot of informants to infiltrate different militia units. These informants only get paid if they produce a product the feds want to buy. There is a lot of entrapment going on, and a lot of outright lies and fabrication told by the feds.

If you want to learn more, I suggest this link for a radio show. Mark Koernke is the host. You can do a search on his name, he has his own ADL page. I have been listening for about 4 years.

LTR Radio (http://www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com/)
It is on M-F 5-7 pm EST and 8-9 pm EST.
Tuesday is communications
Wednesday is weapons
Friday is Quartermaster day

They also have their own youttube page with a section called Kitchen Militia.
Mark's wife, Nancy does the videos for that and does a couple radio shows in the fall. His son Ed, does the engineering to keep all the sites and the radio show running.

Black Blade
19th July 2010, 11:12 AM
America's Militias: http://peakoilpetroleumandpreciousmetals.yuku.com/reply/19083/t/America-s-militiamen-resurgent-since-Obama-election.html#reply-19083

Senate Terrorism Subcommittee:




19th July 2010, 12:07 PM
Black Blade,

Never saw these clips, thank you for posting!

Video 3 reminds me of WTC7....

Question: "Can you think of any reason to blow up a building?"
Answer: "When you evacuate and need to destroy evidence..."

lol. foreshadowing.

19th July 2010, 12:18 PM
Im somewhat embarrassed to even post this , but I have come to the conclusion the Michigan Militia is the most WORTHLESS of all militia groups. what a far cry from the Michigan Militia Corps. of the early 90s, these guys are a freakin joke! Their website is full of "Militia babes" ads, messages on "Diversity" etc. They quote Clarence Thomas for Christ sake on their title page ! The fact that they are based in the Southeast corner of the state (Detroit Metro area) really doubts their abilities. The Original Michigan Units were from the heavily forested and self reliant areas of Cheboygan and Emmet counties (tip of the mitt). IMHO these guys are nothing more than Govt. patsies and would be useless in any crisis.

what's their physical training like ?

19th July 2010, 04:01 PM
Im somewhat embarrassed to even post this , but I have come to the conclusion the Michigan Militia is the most WORTHLESS of all militia groups. what a far cry from the Michigan Militia Corps. of the early 90s, these guys are a freakin joke! Their website is full of "Militia babes" ads, messages on "Diversity" etc. They quote Clarence Thomas for Christ sake on their title page ! The fact that they are based in the Southeast corner of the state (Detroit Metro area) really doubts their abilities. The Original Michigan Units were from the heavily forested and self reliant areas of Cheboygan and Emmet counties (tip of the mitt). IMHO these guys are nothing more than Govt. patsies and would be useless in any crisis.

what's their physical training like ?

Who ,the current militia or the one from the 90s? the one from today mostly arent in good physical condition. they do practice shooting often though.but dont deploy or train in the forests enough in my opinion. The one from the 90s was more realistic IMHO, they trained to fight. The were a lot of Vietnam vets still young enough to be a factor then, and they passed much of their experience on to other members.

19th July 2010, 05:08 PM
what's their physical training like ?

Who ,the current militia or the one from the 90s? the one from today mostly arent in good physical condition. they do practice shooting often though.but dont deploy or train in the forests enough in my opinion. The one from the 90s was more realistic IMHO, they trained to fight. The were a lot of Vietnam vets still young enough to be a factor then, and they passed much of their experience on to other members.

i was thinking of the current militia when i asked the question. it sounded like the old militia was in shape physically and in terms of training together.

19th July 2010, 05:12 PM
what's their physical training like ?

Who ,the current militia or the one from the 90s? the one from today mostly arent in good physical condition. they do practice shooting often though.but dont deploy or train in the forests enough in my opinion. The one from the 90s was more realistic IMHO, they trained to fight. The were a lot of Vietnam vets still young enough to be a factor then, and they passed much of their experience on to other members.

i was thinking of the current militia when i asked the question. it sounded like the old militia was in shape physically and in terms of training together.

yes you are correct.

Desolation LineTrimmer
19th July 2010, 05:42 PM
Well it's a good thing there aren't any racists on here.


Or white colored doormats either. Racist is the most orwellian term out there. Racist means White community. If you are White with a sense of community toward other Whites, the way Gypsy biker is toward the Lokata, then you are a racist. But he's not. Blacks can have the NAACP and have the nerve to call others racist. It doesn't get more orwellian than that. Racist is a hate term aimed at Whites. Another thing occurred to me today, Hollywood is the greatest engine of hatred the world has ever known yet they are the first to denounce some one of their enemies as "haters". If you the type that really dislikes hypocrisy this is a difficult age.

Desolation LineTrimmer
19th July 2010, 05:43 PM
[quote=EdgeCrusher ]
Well it's a good thing there aren't any racists on here.


Or white colored doormats either.