View Full Version : BREAKING: Another Oil Leak Found In Gulf !!!

18th July 2010, 07:06 PM

U.S. Tells BP to Prepare for Reopening Oil Well After Seep Found

Thad Allen, the U.S. official in charge of the response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, ordered BP Plc to prepare for reopening the company’s Macondo well after a “seep” was detected.

Allen said a “seep” was found “a distance” from the well and anomalies had been observed at the well head, in a letter sent today to BP Chief Managing Director Bob Dudley that was posted on a government website about the spill.



Dave Thomas
18th July 2010, 07:07 PM
Get a call out to that Russian sub, guess we're gonna need it. Heh.

18th July 2010, 07:41 PM
Now I do believe that they knew about this secondary (?) oil volcano, 'seeping' oil into the gulf of Mexico, prior to the capping, possibly even prior to the explosion of the maccondo well...

18th July 2010, 07:41 PM
Don't worry, it's just a little seepage.
"Seep" by the way, is just another word for "violently gushing"
Just like "spill" is another word for "raging oil eruption"

Was there any doubt this was not over?
Lying sacks of sh*t, all of them!

18th July 2010, 07:58 PM
Yup, this is BP and the Gov. vs us :box :sicko

18th July 2010, 08:08 PM
simmons (http://www.kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/Broadcast_Gold+/Entries/2010/7/17_Matt_Simmons_files/Matt%20Simmons%207%3A17%3A2010.mp3) latest interview.

18th July 2010, 08:13 PM
but weeks ago we heard/read that there was a "seep" within 20 miles of the "leak". Is this particular "seep" close to the Magombo well or is it the one that's many miles away? This is mostly propaganda with a bit of lies mixed in so what I hear/read all goes with a grain of salt.

Has ANYONE actually seen/witnessed or otherwise found 'any' of this to be real? I have 4 connections in FL and all say that everything's fine from where they are. I have read where people are complaining of lung bleeds like its common to happen from the chemicals however they are glued to the threads and posts that fit their agenda... another grain of salt. Me however if I found my lungs to be bleeding would be into the herbs or some practitioner, not sitting on a computer posting more crap.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
18th July 2010, 08:25 PM
Don't worry, it's just a little seepage.
"Seep" by the way, is just another word for "violently gushing"
Just like "spill" is another word for "raging oil eruption"

Was there any doubt this was not over?
Lying sacks of sh*t, all of them!

Were we really expecting something else ?

I was expecting the stock to go up 20% before news like this came out...

18th July 2010, 08:43 PM
Has ANYONE actually seen/witnessed or otherwise found 'any' of this to be real?

this looks real to me, from over the pond:


18th July 2010, 08:49 PM
one of the cameras (http://www.jtnog.org/) is now showing an absolute eruption of oil from the sea floor, chucking out small stones and the like. camera 6 if you can get the link to work.

18th July 2010, 09:01 PM
Yep, looks like seepage to me :sarc:

18th July 2010, 09:17 PM
Has ANYONE actually seen/witnessed or otherwise found 'any' of this to be real?

this looks real to me, from over the pond:


Which "leak" was this from? there have been many over time. Unless I know someone that even knows someone I call the whole thing bullshit. If they are hiding dead animals the dead would also rise everywhere else. If they are hiding the spill someone would be breathing this crap yet no one can confirm. A complete false flag propaganda event meant to scare the populus into negative vibration so they can pass more crap and trade legelize shit.

I do not like this current situation on many many levels. can you tell?

18th July 2010, 10:17 PM
one of the cameras (http://www.jtnog.org/) is now showing an absolute eruption of oil from the sea floor, chucking out small stones and the like. camera 6 if you can get the link to work.

Holy shit, it's just spewing!

I'm very sorry to say that Gaillo and I were right in our predictions. I could have handled being totally wrong.

18th July 2010, 10:21 PM
Geez guys, what's the problem? It's just a little seepage...

20th July 2010, 07:26 AM
Kunstler (http://kunstler.com/blog/2010/07/what-if-hes-right.html#more)'s take on Simmons, for whatever that's worth. As pointed out in the comments Simmons is known to be short (http://beforeitsnews.com/story/80/086/Oil_Spill_Conflict_of_Interest:_Matt_Simmons_Is_Sh orting_At_Least_8,000_BP_Shares.html) at least 8000 shares of BP, so there is some conflict of interest (though equally you could just say that he's putting his money where his mouth is). 8000 shares of BP is currently worth about $300,000, and he went short at $48 and $37 (current price $35.80), so it's not a huge amount of money for Simmons, as he is reported to be approaching billionaire status.

so where's he coming from? this is the oddest part of all of this, especially as he's CFR. wiki even has a piece on simmons' hyperbole, so he's doing himself no favours at all in terms of his reputation. i'm thinking the guy is just saying it as he sees it, despite the damage it's doing to him (note he retired from the company he set up in the middle of this). events appear to be moving in the direction that he's talking about, leaking sea floor, if he's right about the huge lake of oil pooled at the bottom of the gulf waiting for a hurricane to stir it (and the associated methane) to the surface, it could be really catastrophic.

20th July 2010, 08:58 AM
one of the cameras (http://www.jtnog.org/) is now showing an absolute eruption of oil from the sea floor, chucking out small stones and the like. camera 6 if you can get the link to work.

Holy sh*t, it's just spewing!

I'm very sorry to say that Gaillo and I were right in our predictions. I could have handled being totally wrong.

If I remember correctly, I think you and Gaillo said the "cap" would fail.

The Cap seems to be working fine.

20th July 2010, 11:56 AM
one of the cameras (http://www.jtnog.org/) is now showing an absolute eruption of oil from the sea floor, chucking out small stones and the like. camera 6 if you can get the link to work.

Holy sh*t, it's just spewing!

I'm very sorry to say that Gaillo and I were right in our predictions. I could have handled being totally wrong.

If I remember correctly, I think you and Gaillo said the "cap" would fail.

The Cap seems to be working fine.

Read exactly what I wrote. "Failure" includes causing leaks in the sea floor.

20th July 2010, 12:04 PM
one of the cameras (http://www.jtnog.org/) is now showing an absolute eruption of oil from the sea floor, chucking out small stones and the like. camera 6 if you can get the link to work.

Holy sh*t, it's just spewing!

I'm very sorry to say that Gaillo and I were right in our predictions. I could have handled being totally wrong.

If I remember correctly, I think you and Gaillo said the "cap" would fail.

The Cap seems to be working fine.

Read exactly what I wrote. "Failure" includes causing leaks in the sea floor.

Can you give me a link?

Leaks in the sea floor a mile away?

I don't understand how the drilling and failure of this well could "cause" a leak in the sea floor a mile away

20th July 2010, 12:07 PM
one of the cameras (http://www.jtnog.org/) is now showing an absolute eruption of oil from the sea floor, chucking out small stones and the like. camera 6 if you can get the link to work.

Holy sh*t, it's just spewing!

I'm very sorry to say that Gaillo and I were right in our predictions. I could have handled being totally wrong.

If I remember correctly, I think you and Gaillo said the "cap" would fail.

The Cap seems to be working fine.

Read exactly what I wrote. "Failure" includes causing leaks in the sea floor.

Can you give me a link?

Leaks in the sea floor a mile away?

I don't understand how the drilling and failure of this well could "cause" a leak in the sea floor a mile away

It would be a helluva coincidence if we have this problem with the oil-well in the gulf and then the next thing ya know the damn seafloor itself starts leaking and they are totally unrelated...

20th July 2010, 12:24 PM
one of the cameras (http://www.jtnog.org/) is now showing an absolute eruption of oil from the sea floor, chucking out small stones and the like. camera 6 if you can get the link to work.

Holy sh*t, it's just spewing!

I'm very sorry to say that Gaillo and I were right in our predictions. I could have handled being totally wrong.

If I remember correctly, I think you and Gaillo said the "cap" would fail.

The Cap seems to be working fine.

Read exactly what I wrote. "Failure" includes causing leaks in the sea floor.

Can you give me a link?

Leaks in the sea floor a mile away?

I don't understand how the drilling and failure of this well could "cause" a leak in the sea floor a mile away

It would be a helluva coincidence if we have this problem with the oil-well in the gulf and then the next thing ya know the damn seafloor itself starts leaking and they are totally unrelated...

I think the sea floor in the GOM has been seeping for a long long time.(look it up)

Im not say it hasn't gotten worse because I don't know if it has...or not.

the riot act
20th July 2010, 12:45 PM
Geez guys, what's the problem? It's just a little seepage...

I was reading somewhere a couple of weeks ago that the amount of gas and oil that leeches out into the GoM naturally is about 500 - 1k barrels a day.

EDIT: The amount of natural crude-oil
seepage is currently estimated to be 600,000 metric tons
per year, with a range of uncertainty of 200,000 to
2,000,000 metric tons per year.

Also from Geology dot com.

Who do I sue when I have spent all this money to escape Fla., when it doesn't get destroyed by a tidal wave? Simmons?

sg420 I agree whats a little seepage. ;D

20th July 2010, 01:27 PM
thanks Riot act

Sat. pic. from 2006

20th July 2010, 01:28 PM

No big whoop.

Seepage smeepage!


20th July 2010, 01:41 PM
Hey! If they tell you it's a seep, then it's a seep gd'mit!!! If they want to redefine the meaning of "leak" so that it now applies to million gallon a day volcanoes, you'd better fall in line and accept it! They're BP, after all... and they're too big to fail! (Apparently they're too big to do anything right either, but that's another story!) ;D

20th July 2010, 01:45 PM
I would like to see StackerKen's reply to our PatColo's very fine thread at the link.


20th July 2010, 01:48 PM
I think there are 3 kinds of people

1) people that think everything will be fine

2) people that think everything is doom and gloom.

3) people that Hope for the best and plan for the worst.


20th July 2010, 01:51 PM
I would like to see StackerKen's reply to our PatColo's very fine thread at the link.


well Horn this part stuck out to me.

[size=11pt]Just a short update, been busy! Plus the Gulf/CT speculation is really humming now,

20th July 2010, 02:00 PM
EDIT: The amount of natural crude-oil
seepage is currently estimated to be 600,000 metric tons
per year, with a range of uncertainty of 200,000 to
2,000,000 metric tons per year.

Who do I sue when I have spent all this money to escape Fla., when it doesn't get destroyed by a tidal wave? Simmons?

sg420 I agree whats a little seepage. ;D

Wow 600.000 tons of natural oil seeping out in GoM every year. That is a fair amount, about 10.000 barrels a day... That in itself could I guess explain the levels seen in the tests above...

Damn I am getting more and more confused every day...

20th July 2010, 02:00 PM
Its seems that it is fine for someone here to speculate the worst case scenarios (folks here love it)


When some one wants to speculate a best case scenario. They are an idiot with their head in the sand and will believe anything the media and the gov tell them.

I have known for over 20 years that the US government are lier's and the media is part of it.

I didn't need GIM to tell me that. Although Reading GIM did make me step up my preps...

Cause I was reading that the S could HTF any day....two years ago.

Now im prepped and will continue to prep....I will also continue to hope for the best and be optimistic.

If you don't like it?... tough chit...smite me

20th July 2010, 02:01 PM
Hey! If they tell you it's a seep, then it's a seep gd'mit!!! If they want to redefine the meaning of "leak" so that it now applies to million gallon a day volcanoes, you'd better fall in line and accept it! They're BP, after all... and they're too big to fail! (Apparently they're too big to do anything right either, but that's another story!) ;D

According to the "homespun" radio commercials BP is running here in SW Fl it's a leak, that's all, we'll work as a community and everything will be peachy keen.

F this rosy painted BS!

20th July 2010, 03:34 PM
I would like to see StackerKen's reply to our PatColo's very fine thread at the link.


well Horn this part stuck out to me.

[size=11pt]Just a short update, been busy! Plus the Gulf/CT speculation is really humming now,

Well, a little further down the thread, we find this link from DMac.


And keep your hat on, Mary.

the riot act
20th July 2010, 04:28 PM
From AP

WASHINGTON — The federal government's oil spill chief[Allen] says seepage detected two miles from BP's oil cap is coming from another well.

There are two wells within two miles of BP's blowout, one that has been abandoned and another that is not in production.

There around 27,000 abandoned wells in the Gulf, and an Associated Press investigation showed this month that they're not checked for leaks.


20th July 2010, 08:35 PM
There around 27,000 abandoned wells in the Gulf, and an Associated Press investigation showed this month that they're not checked for leaks.


Saltwater is corroding all the caps and plugs too. The Gulf will become one big Superfund site.


20th July 2010, 11:15 PM
Who do I sue when I have spent all this money to escape Fla., when it doesn't get destroyed by a tidal wave? Simmons?

Not Simmons. He specifically said in last weeks interview not to worry about tidal wave, it would have happened already anyways if one was to happen. Worry about the chemicals in the air with a storm instead, pregnant women should think about leaving the coast till things are better.

Are you pregnant riot act? ;D

21st July 2010, 12:03 AM
I think the sea floor in the GOM has been seeping for a long long time.(look it up)

and confusion reigns:

Top Expert: There Were No Natural Seeps Within 3 Kilometers of Blown Out Well (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/07/top-expert-there-were-no-natural-seeps.html)

University of California Berkeley engineering professor Robert Bea (http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/~bea/about.html) is one of the world's top experts on oil drilling disasters. Bea is an expert in offshore drilling and a high-level governmental adviser concerning disasters. He is also a member of the Deepwater Horizon Study Group.

Berkeley engineering professor Bob Bea has very little confidence in what’s been said publicly about the seeps.

He’s troubled that we’re just now hearing about seeps three kilometers away, because a survey of the seabed conducted before BP drilled its well didn’t indicate anything like that.

“There was nothing that indicated the presence of such a seep,” Bea said. “I wonder why we’re just now finding that out?”

the riot act
21st July 2010, 07:42 AM
Who do I sue when I have spent all this money to escape Fla., when it doesn't get destroyed by a tidal wave? Simmons?

Not Simmons. He specifically said in last weeks interview not to worry about tidal wave, it would have happened already anyways if one was to happen. Worry about the chemicals in the air with a storm instead, pregnant women should think about leaving the coast till things are better.

Are you pregnant riot act? ;D

Hee, hee...no just being sarcastic! But thanks for caring enough to ask! ;D