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19th July 2010, 02:27 PM
Who Controls the White House? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?15765-Who-Controls-the-White-House)
Of the six(6) senior advisers of President Barack Obama, five(5) are Jews or partial Jews. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the senior advisers of President Barack Obama by a factor of 41.5 times times, or 4,150 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the senior advisers of President Barack Obama cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?15091-Who-Controls-the-Southern-Poverty-Law-Center)
Of the twenty-one members of the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff, twelve(12) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 57%. Of the eleven(11) members of the Southern Poverty Law Center board of directors, six(6) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 55%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* This means that Jews are over-represented on the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff by a factor of 28.5 times, or 2,850 percent, and over-represented on the Southern Poverty Law Center board of directors by a factor of 27.5 times, or 2,750 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews on the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff and board of directors cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Who Controls the Ivy League? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?15300-Who-Controls-the-Ivy-League)
Of the twenty-four(24) senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities, twenty(20) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities by a factor of 41.5 times, or 4,150 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Who Controls Hollywood? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?16040-Who-Controls-Hollywood) (UPDATED 08/04/10)
Of the forty-eight(48) senior executives of the major Hollywood studios, trade unions, and talent agencies, forty(40) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major Hollywood studios, trade unions, and talent agencies by a factor of 41.5 times, or 4,150 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the senior executives of the major Hollywood studios, trade unions, and talent agencies cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.
http://i35.tinypic.com/28jv71d.jpg (http://i35.tinypic.com/28jv71d.jpg)

Who Controls the U.S. State Department? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?15046-Who-Controls-the-U.S.-State-Department)
Of the sixty-one(61) top officials in the U.S. State Department, thirty-two(32) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 52%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the top officials of the U.S. State Department by a factor of 26 times, or 2,600 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the top officials of the U.S. State Department cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?15052-Who-Controls-the-Council-on-Foreign-Relations)
Of the president and the forty-one(41) members of the Council on Foreign Relations board of directors, twenty-six(26) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 63%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented on the Council on Foreign Relations board of directors by a factor of 31.5 times, or 3,150 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews on the Council on Foreign Relations board of directors cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Who Controls the Bilderberg Group? (2010) (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?15717-Who-Controls-the-Bilderberg-Group-(2010))
Of the thirty-six(36) Americans who attended the 2010 Bilderberg conference, twenty-eight(28) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the American attendees of the 2010 Bilderberg conference by a factor of 39 times, or 3,900 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the American attendees of the 2010 Bilderberg conference cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Who Controls the U.S. Economy? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?14895-Who-Controls-the-U.S.-Economy)
Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* The probability that the heads of all these U.S. Government agencies and private corporations would be Jews is infinitesimally small. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the heads of these U.S. Government agencies and private corporations cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?14912-Who-Controls-the-Federal-Reserve-System)
Of the five(5) members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, three(3) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 60%. Of the twelve(12) Federal Reserve District Bank presidents, eight( 8 ) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors by a factor of 30 times, or 3,000 percent, and are over-represented among the Federal Reserve District Banks presidents by a factor of 335 times, or 3,350 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve District Bank presidents cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

For the past forty(40) years, every Chairman of the Federal Reserve System has been a Jew, except for a brief period of seventeen(17) months. Here are the Chairmen of the Federal Reserve System since 1970.

Arthur F. Burns(Jew)
George W. Miller(White European)
Paul A. Volcker(Jew)
Alan C. Greenspan(Jew)
Ben S. Bernanke(Jew)

Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* The probability that almost every Chairman of the Federal Reserve System since 1970 would be a Jew is infinitesimally small.

Who Controls the U.S. Treasury Department? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?14925-Who-Controls-the-U.S.-Treasury-Department)
Of the twenty-three(23) senior officials in the U.S. Treasury Department, fourteen(14) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 61%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the senior officials of the U.S. Treasury Department by a factor of 30.5 times times, or 3,050 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the top officials of the U.S. Treasury Department cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Who Controls Goldman Sachs? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?14947-Who-Controls-Goldman-Sachs)
Of the nine(9) Goldman Sachs executive officers, seven(7) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Of the twelve(12) members of the Goldman Sachs board of directors, six(6) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 50%. Of the thirty(30) members of the Goldman Sachs management committee, nineteen(19) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 63%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the Goldman Sachs executive officers by a factor of 39 times, or 3,900 percent, over-represented on the Goldman Sachs board of directors by a factor of 25 times, or 2,500 percent, and over-represented on the Goldman Sachs management committee by a factor of 31.5 times, or 3,150 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the Goldman Sachs executive officers, board of directors, and management committee cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Who Controls American International Group? (http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?15039-Who-Controls-American-International-Group)
Of the sixteen(16) trustees and members of the American International Group board of directors, thirteen(13) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 81%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the trustees and members of the American International Group board of directors by a factor of 40.5 times, or 4,050 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the trustees and members of the American International Group board of directors cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.

Jewish Population of the United States by State (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/usjewpop.html)

Jews In The American Media (http://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/jews-in-the-media-hollywood/)

Jewish Faces (http://www.jewishfaces.com/)

19th July 2010, 02:52 PM
Jews? Luckily all of those groups havent been infiltrated by ZIONISTS! Then we might have some real problems....


General of Darkness
19th July 2010, 03:36 PM
Thanks for the info.

19th July 2010, 04:09 PM
Jews? Luckily all of those groups havent been infiltrated by ZIONISTS! Then we might have some real problems....


And how can you tell the difference of one from the other?......to me they are all Zionists.

19th July 2010, 06:08 PM
Jews? Luckily all of those groups havent been infiltrated by ZIONISTS! Then we might have some real problems....


And how can you tell the difference of one from the other?......to me they are all Zionists.

Are all Cubans Communist?


19th July 2010, 06:11 PM
Jews? Luckily all of those groups havent been infiltrated by ZIONISTS! Then we might have some real problems....


And how can you tell the difference of one from the other?......to me they are all Zionists.

Are all Cubans Communist?


Oh, oh...

We may have to move this topic to the thunderdome! :)

19th July 2010, 06:13 PM
I was only playing!

I surrender!!!


Silver Rocket Bitches!
19th July 2010, 08:24 PM
From what I gather, there is a over-representation of Jews within finance, media and politics. And law.

But to acknowledge that is somehow....antisemitism....

4th August 2010, 08:36 PM
The Media is Most Definitely Jewified! (http://incogman.net/07/2010/the-media-is-most-definitely-jewified/)

The Jewified Media Part 2 (http://incogman.net/08/2010/the-jewified-media-part-2/)

10th August 2010, 06:12 AM


10th August 2010, 07:47 AM
Thanks for posting this, Gold Monkey.

10th August 2010, 08:04 AM
Or married to a jew? Why exaggerate when its not needed?

Id like to see the numbers without this flaw.

10th August 2010, 08:30 AM
Whare is the exaggeration exactly?

10th August 2010, 08:34 AM
Because one is married to someone that is jewish means nothing.

My father married my mother who was irish, does that now make him irish too?

I thought the absurdity was obvious.

10th August 2010, 08:41 AM
Because one is married to someone that is jewish means nothing.

My father married my mother who was irish, does that now make him irish too?

I thought the absurdity was obvious.

The Irish are not luciferians that are hell-bent on world domination.

I thought the absurdity was obvious too.

10th August 2010, 08:52 AM
Because one is married to someone that is jewish means nothing.

My father married my mother who was irish, does that now make him irish too?

I thought the absurdity was obvious.

The Irish are not luciferians that are hell-bent on world domination.

I thought the absurdity was obvious too.

I have cousins who are jewish, do they worship the devil? I hope this isnt the prevailing thoughts of this forum.

There is plenty of data showing that many jews are in control of major industries, there is no need to skew the numbers to make it look even worse.

Its like claiming everyone who went to Yale is in Skull and Bones.

Twisted Titan
10th August 2010, 08:59 AM
Jews? Luckily all of those groups havent been infiltrated by ZIONISTS! Then we might have some real problems....


And how can you tell the difference of one from the other?......to me they are all Zionists.

Are all Cubans Communist?


Oh, oh...

We may have to move this topic to the thunderdome! :)

And let Master Blaster oversee the evening festivities

10th August 2010, 09:10 AM
Because one is married to someone that is jewish means nothing.

My father married my mother who was irish, does that now make him irish too?

I thought the absurdity was obvious.

The Irish are not luciferians that are hell-bent on world domination.

I thought the absurdity was obvious too.

That's just what we want you to think!

10th August 2010, 10:33 AM
I have cousins who are jewish, do they worship the devil?

You would have to ask them, but if you're not a member of their synagogue, I find it doubtful that they would share the truth with you.

I hope this isnt the prevailing thoughts of this forum.

Maybe. Maybe not. It is my prevailing thought though.

There is plenty of data showing that many jews are in control of major industries, there is no need to skew the numbers to make it look even worse.

I don't see it as "Skewing" anything. For example, Alex Jones married a jew and had jewish children, and operates in the interest of israel, even though he claims to be Christian.

Its like claiming everyone who went to Yale is in Skull and Bones.

No it's not. You have to leave room for the goyim... but it is like claiming 2% of the elite class pupils are in S&Bs.


Anton Levy, founder of the church of satan:

http://www.unexplainedstuff.com/images/geuu_01_img0200.jpg <- JEW

"The first time I read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, my instinctive reaction was, So what's wrong with THAT? Isn't that the way any master plan should work? Doesn't the public deserve - nay, demand - such despotism?"

10th August 2010, 03:04 PM
I have to say this is the first ive ever heard of this....so my mind is open to it....but the video you posted is hardly evidence. She has several issues, one a personality disorder which would make her comments questionable...but she was about as vague as you could be....did she sound knowledgeable about this satan worship? Not to me.

Ill look at whatever else you offer up, but this woman has a believeability factor that is pretty low in my opinion.

11th August 2010, 11:35 AM
Ill look at whatever else you offer up, but this woman has a believeability factor that is pretty low in my opinion.

No offense intended, but I'm not going out of my waht to convice anybody of anything.
I post what I post, and it's always 100% backed up by historically documented cases. The only time I post things that are not historically proveable is when I speculate, and when I speculate, I make sure to announce the fact that I am speculating.

There is no way that I can lay down a blanket statement and say "every jew on earth worships lucifer". That is unrealistic.

However, I can say that based on my research, 99% of the jews that hold power and influence are involved in the conspiracy do indeed worship lucifer.

After the learning I have done, when I see "jew", I assume the worst until proven otherwise. The reason for this is because I have found that there are more bad ones than good ones, so I default them into the PTB camp until they have shown that they are not conspirators. Anyways, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, like I said, but I believe that if everyone had done the research I have done up to this point, we would all be in agreement.

12th August 2010, 04:57 AM
Under-represented ...

Only some 3,000 out of 1.4 million active duty servicemen and women are Jewish, about two-tenths of one percent. When it comes to Marines, the numbers are even more startling. It's one out of 1,000. One-tenth of one percent. That gives new meaning to the term "minority."

The (Very) Few, the Proud (http://www.jewishjournal.com/community_briefs/article/the_very_few_the_proud_20031114/)

12th August 2010, 07:13 AM
Under-represented ...

Only some 3,000 out of 1.4 million active duty servicemen and women are Jewish, about two-tenths of one percent. When it comes to Marines, the numbers are even more startling. It's one out of 1,000. One-tenth of one percent. That gives new meaning to the term "minority."

The (Very) Few, the Proud (http://www.jewishjournal.com/community_briefs/article/the_very_few_the_proud_20031114/)

Well DUH!

Why would they go fight and die when they can get some shabbos goy to go in their stead?

12th August 2010, 07:48 AM
post saved, thanx goldmonkey, its good to have the figures at hand when debating.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
13th August 2010, 06:47 AM
I'm willing to bet that even though Jews are 2% of the population, they are 100% of the AIPAC.

22nd August 2010, 06:21 AM

22nd August 2010, 06:40 AM
This means complete controll of the US, and the rest of the world. They are only dependent on us obeying their orders, laws and ideas, and being good citizens.