View Full Version : Southwest must be held at all costs

19th July 2010, 04:18 PM
The abandonment of the US Southwest is underway, as the unwillingness of the White House (not just Obama, but many before him) to do ANYTHING to secure it, or deport the invaders. The States of Arizona,Texas,and New Mexico need to be encouraged to and supported in ANY way in this.Right now, although Im not a fan of any politician, Gov. Brewer is at least, TRYING to do SOMETHING bystanding firm and is asking for help, the AZ Militia is also asking for help.I just finished the purchase of some acreage near Bisbee, which once the papers are final and the survey is done, Im going to "loan" to Patriots to use as they see fit for staging, storage,etc. Im going down to the area in October and see for myself whats going on and gather photos for posterity.I urge everyone to help these states defend themselves. The Zionists,Communists and their Cartel cronies are trying to Balkanize the US, then destroy it,Its up to us now.

19th July 2010, 04:21 PM
I just finished the purchase of some acreage near Bisbee, which once the papers are final and the survey is done, Im going to "loan" to Patriots to use as they see fit for staging, storage,etc.

Good for you.

But, if there is a potential silver lining to this recession and soon-to-be depression, it is that the economic collapse may discourage less illegal immigration and encourage some illegals present in the US to self-deport.

19th July 2010, 04:38 PM
I just finished the purchase of some acreage near Bisbee, which once the papers are final and the survey is done, Im going to "loan" to Patriots to use as they see fit for staging, storage,etc.

Good for you.

But, if there is a potential silver lining to this recession and soon-to-be depression, it is that the economic collapse may discourage less illegal immigration and encourage some illegals present in the US to self-deport.

I see the "immigrants" as a small part of the whole issue. I think the collapse will make things worse. The Cartels.Aztlan, and their puppeteers are out for a "Reconquista" of what they view as their territory, and just all out power.

Grand Master Melon
19th July 2010, 04:56 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

19th July 2010, 05:02 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

No You dont want that, Its not going to just "Break away" and be all good. Mexico would absorb it almost immediately. Thats what THEY want! Balkanization.If the US wont defend AZ now, What makes you think they would help it later? Arizona could not stand alone in a general invasion by Mexico. The other Neighboring States would have to help This needs to happen now, not after a collapse.

Grand Master Melon
19th July 2010, 05:05 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

No You dont want that, Its not going to just "Break away" and be all good. Mexico would absorb it almost immediately. Thats what THEY want! Balkanization.If the US wont defend AZ now, What makes you think they would help it later? Arizona could not stand alone in a general invasion by Mexico. The other Neighboring States would have to help This needs to happen now, not after a collapse.

No, that's what I want and I wouldn't be concerned with mexico at all. Remember, the reason we have the problems we do is because our hands are tied by the feds. While our own government in AZ is inept they're not nearly as inept as the feds.

19th July 2010, 05:11 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

No You dont want that, Its not going to just "Break away" and be all good. Mexico would absorb it almost immediately. Thats what THEY want! Balkanization.If the US wont defend AZ now, What makes you think they would help it later? Arizona could not stand alone in a general invasion by Mexico. The other Neighboring States would have to help This needs to happen now, not after a collapse.

No, that's what I want and I wouldn't be concerned with mexico at all. Remember, the reason we have the problems we do is because our hands are tied by the feds. While our own government in AZ is inept they're not nearly as inept as the feds.

Ok, good point about the Govt. But really, lets say the Cartels and their handlers, gain control, I mean real control over Mexico and its army.do you really think you could hold off an invasion by the Mexican Army?Remember, youd be alone if you seceded. you would surely be able to hold the areas around the Mongollon rim, and White Mountains, but your highest population centers would be occupied and you cant really fight a mechanized army in the open desert with infantry, youd be fugitives and Guerrillas. I believe this has to be ended now, while public support is at least somewhat concerned.

Grand Master Melon
19th July 2010, 05:16 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

No You dont want that, Its not going to just "Break away" and be all good. Mexico would absorb it almost immediately. Thats what THEY want! Balkanization.If the US wont defend AZ now, What makes you think they would help it later? Arizona could not stand alone in a general invasion by Mexico. The other Neighboring States would have to help This needs to happen now, not after a collapse.

No, that's what I want and I wouldn't be concerned with mexico at all. Remember, the reason we have the problems we do is because our hands are tied by the feds. While our own government in AZ is inept they're not nearly as inept as the feds.

Ok, good point about the Govt. But really, lets say the Cartels and their handlers, gain control, I mean real control over Mexico and its army.do you really think you could hold off an invasion by the Mexican Army?Remember, youd be alone if you seceded. you would surely be able to hold the areas around the Mongollon rim, and White Mountains, but your highest population centers would be occupied and you cant really fight a mechanized army in the open desert with infantry, youd be fugitives and Guerrillas. I believe this has to be ended now, while public support is at least somewhat concerned.

I guess it all depends on how it goes down. Should we keep existing military bases then I wouldn't be very concerned what with us having the largest F16 base in the world as well as other bases down closer to the border.

19th July 2010, 05:21 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

No You dont want that, Its not going to just "Break away" and be all good. Mexico would absorb it almost immediately. Thats what THEY want! Balkanization.If the US wont defend AZ now, What makes you think they would help it later? Arizona could not stand alone in a general invasion by Mexico. The other Neighboring States would have to help This needs to happen now, not after a collapse.

No, that's what I want and I wouldn't be concerned with mexico at all. Remember, the reason we have the problems we do is because our hands are tied by the feds. While our own government in AZ is inept they're not nearly as inept as the feds.

Ok, good point about the Govt. But really, lets say the Cartels and their handlers, gain control, I mean real control over Mexico and its army.do you really think you could hold off an invasion by the Mexican Army?Remember, youd be alone if you seceded. you would surely be able to hold the areas around the Mongollon rim, and White Mountains, but your highest population centers would be occupied and you cant really fight a mechanized army in the open desert with infantry, youd be fugitives and Guerrillas. I believe this has to be ended now, while public support is at least somewhat concerned.

I guess it all depends on how it goes down. Should we keep existing military bases then I wouldn't be very concerned what with us having the largest F16 base in the world as well as other bases down closer to the border.

Yes, the USAF bases are a very strong deterrent, as they alone could smash any army coming from the South.But again how many F-16 pilots does AZ have? if the state went its opwn way, the pilots arent nearly all local, they would go home or other bases,who would defend the airfields? the fuel? Im not trying to nitpick,just saying the downsides. IMHO they should be using them now. BTW, i am FULLY in support of your state as is my wife, a native of Buckeye.

19th July 2010, 05:25 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

No You dont want that, Its not going to just "Break away" and be all good. Mexico would absorb it almost immediately. Thats what THEY want! Balkanization.If the US wont defend AZ now, What makes you think they would help it later? Arizona could not stand alone in a general invasion by Mexico. The other Neighboring States would have to help This needs to happen now, not after a collapse.

No, that's what I want and I wouldn't be concerned with mexico at all. Remember, the reason we have the problems we do is because our hands are tied by the feds. While our own government in AZ is inept they're not nearly as inept as the feds.

Ok, good point about the Govt. But really, lets say the Cartels and their handlers, gain control, I mean real control over Mexico and its army.do you really think you could hold off an invasion by the Mexican Army?Remember, youd be alone if you seceded. you would surely be able to hold the areas around the Mongollon rim, and White Mountains, but your highest population centers would be occupied and you cant really fight a mechanized army in the open desert with infantry, youd be fugitives and Guerrillas. I believe this has to be ended now, while public support is at least somewhat concerned.

I guess it all depends on how it goes down. Should we keep existing military bases then I wouldn't be very concerned what with us having the largest F16 base in the world as well as other bases down closer to the border.

Lets not forget what happened last time a state seceeded and wouldnt "give back" a "federal" fort.

I understand your position and where you are coming from, and if Az did break away, I doubt it would be the only one in the south west to do so and certainly wouldnt be totaly abandoned and alone by the citizenry of the surround areas, HOWEVER, theres no way in hell D.C. would allow them to go quietley, nor would they allow them to hang on to their federal military hardware and infrastucter.

This of course goes for ANY state (or states) that would try this.

19th July 2010, 05:30 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

No You dont want that, Its not going to just "Break away" and be all good. Mexico would absorb it almost immediately. Thats what THEY want! Balkanization.If the US wont defend AZ now, What makes you think they would help it later? Arizona could not stand alone in a general invasion by Mexico. The other Neighboring States would have to help This needs to happen now, not after a collapse.

No, that's what I want and I wouldn't be concerned with mexico at all. Remember, the reason we have the problems we do is because our hands are tied by the feds. While our own government in AZ is inept they're not nearly as inept as the feds.

Ok, good point about the Govt. But really, lets say the Cartels and their handlers, gain control, I mean real control over Mexico and its army.do you really think you could hold off an invasion by the Mexican Army?Remember, youd be alone if you seceded. you would surely be able to hold the areas around the Mongollon rim, and White Mountains, but your highest population centers would be occupied and you cant really fight a mechanized army in the open desert with infantry, youd be fugitives and Guerrillas. I believe this has to be ended now, while public support is at least somewhat concerned.

I guess it all depends on how it goes down. Should we keep existing military bases then I wouldn't be very concerned what with us having the largest F16 base in the world as well as other bases down closer to the border.

Lets not forget what happened last time a state seceeded and wouldnt "give back" a "federal" fort.

I understand your position and where you are coming from, and if Az did break away, I doubt it would be the only one in the south west to do so and certainly wouldnt be totaly abandoned and alone by the citizenry of the surround areas, HOWEVER, theres no way in hell D.C. would allow them to go quietley, nor would they allow them to hang on to their federal military hardware and infrastucter.

This of course goes for ANY state (or states) that would try this.

agreed, i think if any secession occurred it would be a group, organized into some sort of Confederacy, But I still believe that the time is here and now and not wait for the Southwest to be overrun.

7th trump
19th July 2010, 05:48 PM
Mexico is not going to take Arizona.
Theres freaken nothing in Arizona except more freaken desert.
Now I'd lift an eye if Arizona was a midwest state where its green and grows plenty of food, but Arizona isnt nothing but a deset sate with spare green area's.
Once the white race has left the mexicans will leave too.

19th July 2010, 06:02 PM
Mexico is not going to take Arizona.
Theres freaken nothing in Arizona except more freaken desert.
Now I'd lift an eye if Arizona was a midwest state where its green and grows plenty of food, but Arizona isnt nothing but a deset sate with spare green area's.
Once the white race has left the mexicans will leave too.

Are you serious? that is the single most foolish answer that one could give. This isnt about food, Mexico can grow all it ever would need by itself. This is about control and power, what flows through AZ? the Colorado river does, and it feeds California's cities and farms. Where does huge amounts of copper, In fact, AZ is the number one US Mining state for non-fuel minerals! This isnt about race, at all, the strategic passes ,interstates,and railways link the Southern tier. If you think they are all coming to simply be day labor or welfare recipients you need to get more education.

19th July 2010, 06:03 PM
I just finished the purchase of some acreage near Bisbee...

Looks like a nice little town - but some of the architecture is just all wrong:

600 Warren Hill Street

This place has windows bigger than the doors - and, my, what a lot of doors. Why, there's doors where there aughta be windows.

No fire trap here.

19th July 2010, 06:05 PM
I just finished the purchase of some acreage near Bisbee...

Looks like a nice little town - but some of the architecture is just all wrong:

600 Warren Hill Street

This place has windows bigger than the doors - and, my, what a lot of doors. Why, there's doors where there aughta be windows.

No fire trap here.

lo, I know, kinda weird buildings there! the land I bought is out of town towards Mexico about 3 miles.

Grand Master Melon
19th July 2010, 06:10 PM
Mexico is not going to take Arizona.
Theres freaken nothing in Arizona except more freaken desert.
Now I'd lift an eye if Arizona was a midwest state where its green and grows plenty of food, but Arizona isnt nothing but a deset sate with spare green area's.
Once the white race has left the mexicans will leave too.


Read a book.

19th July 2010, 08:57 PM
I ain't surrendering.

-- PDT/Phoenix, a Fifth-generation Californian

19th July 2010, 08:58 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

No You dont want that, Its not going to just "Break away" and be all good. Mexico would absorb it almost immediately. Thats what THEY want! Balkanization.If the US wont defend AZ now, What makes you think they would help it later? Arizona could not stand alone in a general invasion by Mexico. The other Neighboring States would have to help This needs to happen now, not after a collapse.

Mexico ain't gonna do shit that American gun owners don't allow.

19th July 2010, 09:13 PM
Mexico ain't gonna do sh*t that American gun owners don't allow.

So you're saying Mexico is gonna do a lot of shit?

19th July 2010, 09:16 PM
I ain't surrendering. -- PDT/Phoenix, a Fifth-generation Californian

White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2008 42.3%

Even this rosy official figure shows that you already LOST California. You think the birthrate of Whitey can compete with Mexicans? Mexico annexed California over a decade ago.


19th July 2010, 09:32 PM
Bisbee is a interesting town. When Phelps Dodge shut down the copper mine in the 70's, they sold the miner's houses for a few hundred dollars (not the land under them though)...I knew several hippies that had houses there. You could have bought the Copper Queen Hotel for $35,000...the doors on the place were worth that. The town was abandoned until the hippies moved in.

Mexican may populate parts of the US but they are not the dominate race...even in the majority. Lots of cities are majority Mexican in Texas, but they don't have the power...numbers don't make power. If it did, peasants would rule everywhere.

19th July 2010, 09:35 PM
I ain't surrendering. -- PDT/Phoenix, a Fifth-generation Californian

White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2008 42.3%

Even this rosy official figure shows that you already LOST California. You think the birthrate of Whitey can compete with Mexicans? Mexico annexed California over a decade ago.

Los Angeles / San Jose / Fresno =/= "California"

I hear Boise is starting to look, uh, "less than American" rather quickly.

19th July 2010, 09:36 PM
Mexico ain't gonna do sh*t that American gun owners don't allow.

So you're saying Mexico is gonna do a lot of sh*t?

Unfortunately, you have a point. :'(

20th July 2010, 05:01 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

No You dont want that, Its not going to just "Break away" and be all good. Mexico would absorb it almost immediately. Thats what THEY want! Balkanization.If the US wont defend AZ now, What makes you think they would help it later? Arizona could not stand alone in a general invasion by Mexico. The other Neighboring States would have to help This needs to happen now, not after a collapse.

Mexico ain't gonna do sh*t that American gun owners don't allow.

That was my response to Melon's hypothetical post saying if AZ went independent, Arizonians wouldnt be "Americans" at that point. They wouldnt have the strength to go alone, thats why i say the time to act is now and to support the AZ folks defending themselves.

20th July 2010, 06:25 PM
heres a vid showing some of the Invasion that MSM wont show you, around 10 minutes long.


20th July 2010, 10:19 PM
If anything comes from all of this I hope it's AZ breaking away from the US. That would make me happy.

I hope you are jesting. By all that is holy, never utter secession as a "good thing".

The dissolution of the UNION would invariably cause individual States to become easy targets for conquest by other foreign powers. Not even a Texas could stand alone.

As the parable of the fasces reminds us - even the weakest stick becomes strong when bound together in a bundle. In unity, can we mutually defend our property rights.

The problem is the "voluntary" surrender of property rights, via national socialism, usury, and political franchise. That won't be resolved by breaking apart the United States of America.

21st July 2010, 01:10 AM
I hope you are jesting. By all that is holy, never utter secession as a "good thing".

What a surprise you're arguing against freedom.

The dissolution of the UNION would invariably cause individual States to become easy targets for conquest by other foreign powers. Not even a Texas could stand alone.

Provided Rhode Island had nuclear weapons and delivery systems, it could easily stand alone. Look at Singapore...no nukes, but independent and rich.

Texas has access to plenty of nuclear weapons. So do many states. And conquest is not merely just dropping a couple of planes of paratroopers, especially in mountainous regions.

national socialism

Apparently repeating this lie often enough makes you believe it's true.