View Full Version : Peter Schiff is married to Gore daughter?

19th July 2010, 06:56 PM
Why has no one mentioned this anywhere else?


19th July 2010, 07:03 PM
But he was on the AJ show? He's on my side!!!!!


philo beddoe
19th July 2010, 07:10 PM
Schiff, Makow, Rothbard (skirnirs hero), I never trusted any of them and I can't believe so many here have. There is no 'good guy' jew...

19th July 2010, 07:10 PM
I'd prefer not to delve so much into other people's personal lives but when I did some research, many sources seem to state that he's married to some woman named Martha O'Brien:

Striding to the crowd of a little less than two dozen people gathered at the busy corner, Schiff's fiancee, Martha O'Brien, stops for a moment and drags the long-shot Republican Senate nominee back a few paces to admire the three identical bumper stickers on the back of a blue SUV.

Source: http://www.theday.com/article/20100528/NWS01/305289957/1069/rss

It appears that she's the brunette on the left:


According to the NY Times, Gore's daughter is married to someone named Andrew Schiff:

To quote the statement from Mrs. Gore's office directly: ''Vice President and Mrs. Al Gore are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Karenna Aitcheson Gore, to Dr. Andrew Newman Schiff, son of Mr. and Mrs. David T. Schiff of New York.''

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/1997/03/21/style/chronicle-216186.html

19th July 2010, 07:16 PM
I'd prefer not to delve so much into other people's personal lives but when I did some research, many sources seem to state that he's married to some woman named Martha O'Brien:

Striding to the crowd of a little less than two dozen people gathered at the busy corner, Schiff's fiancee, Martha O'Brien, stops for a moment and drags the long-shot Republican Senate nominee back a few paces to admire the three identical bumper stickers on the back of a blue SUV.

Source: http://www.theday.com/article/20100528/NWS01/305289957/1069/rss

It appears that she's the brunette on the left:


According to the NY Times, Gore's daughter is married to someone named Andrew Schiff:

To quote the statement from Mrs. Gore's office directly: ''Vice President and Mrs. Al Gore are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Karenna Aitcheson Gore, to Dr. Andrew Newman Schiff, son of Mr. and Mrs. David T. Schiff of New York.''

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/1997/03/21/style/chronicle-216186.html?scp=6&sq=karenna%20gore%20andrew%20schiff&st=cse

Nice detective work! The OP info appears to be bogus. If the author got that wrong, how much more disinfo is on his site?

19th July 2010, 07:27 PM
Karenna Gore is married to Andrew Newman Schiff who is a descendant of Jacob Schiff a hook nosed rat for sure, but not directly related to Peter or Andrew of Europac.



19th July 2010, 07:51 PM
Yea, Peter is working for the Rothschild's and the IRS, who threw his Dad in jail for tax evasion!!! ::)

19th July 2010, 07:53 PM
Yea, Peter is working for the Rothschild's and the IRS, who threw his Dad in jail for tax evasion!!! ::)

IDK who he works for but it certainly isn't in the best interest of the US. I used to be a fan of Peter's even opened an account at EuroPac, but after he showed his neo con roots he lost all my support.

19th July 2010, 07:57 PM
Yea, Peter is working for the Rothschild's and the IRS, who threw his Dad in jail for tax evasion!!! ::)

IDK who he works for but it certainly isn't in the best interest of the US. I used to be a fan of Peter's even opened an account at EuroPac, but after he showed his neo con roots he lost all my support.

Are you referring to his foreign policy I assume in regards to Israel? Yea, I hear ya, but Peter seems to be strictly an econ guy, remember most of the U.S. has been duped by the media when it comes to Israel/Palestine....

19th July 2010, 07:58 PM
BTW, what is up with the "hook nosed rat" comment? Pretty ridiculous

19th July 2010, 08:01 PM
Are you referring to his foreign policy I assume in regards to Israel? Yea, I hear ya, but Peter seems to be strictly an econ guy, remember most of the U.S. has been duped by the media when it comes to Israel/Palestine....

The thing is Peter knows better. I emailed him after the "bomb iran" incident and Andrew responded to me telling me that there was no way to get elected on Ron Paul's (constitutional) foreign policy platform in CT. He asked if there was any "nuance" on foreign policy.

So essentially he knows better yet throws principle to the wind and tries to get votes. Someone of such weak moral fiber gets no support from me.

Same with Rand.

19th July 2010, 08:14 PM
Yea, I hear ya, it really is no excuse, ESPECIALLY when you throw your hat in the political arena

19th July 2010, 08:27 PM
BTW, what is up with the "hook nosed rat" comment? Pretty ridiculous

What do you mean what's up with it. Thats what I refer to the parasites as. If you don't like it put me on ignore.

19th July 2010, 08:37 PM
I would never consider trusting a Jewish person in a position of power unless they openly confessed the Jewish conspiracy. And truth is, even then I'd be leery...


19th July 2010, 08:46 PM
BTW, what is up with the "hook nosed rat" comment? Pretty ridiculous

What do you mean what's up with it. Thats what I refer to the parasites as. If you don't like it put me on ignore.

No thanks, I'd rather read your stuff and be aware of what type of person you are

19th July 2010, 10:00 PM
If one does want to run for office and have a chance one must not burst any critical delusions and thus be accepted by the weak, the stupid and the existing criminals.

Heck if you are on record that the governments 9/11 report is a cover up the MSM will pull this out to keep real people out of politics before you can get too far.

The CBC airs programs where it is accepted that if you believe in american state conspiracies you are racist as Obama is black. They are developing a growing grift of dirty tricks to pull out that they insist stops the sheep from absorbing non approved ideas because it comes from the same 'not-right' person.

It is a tough gig running for state or federal positions, due to the lies society currently requires to keep its delusions going.

So does even considering entering the game make you a psychopathic criminal living lies for power? No.
Entering the game and supporting and giving life to the critical delusions does. Trust is gone.

I expect the top likes the soiciopathic self selection.

I'm not taking about Peter in particular here. I used to respect him. Now I see him morphing into a normal Washington politician. Better than normal, but still too normal.

20th July 2010, 11:14 AM
Looks like Peter Schiff and Ron Paul share something...

They're suspected as being agents but they're damn better than anyone in power...I'd rather have "corrupt" Ron Paul and "Suspicious" Peter Schiff in power, and then figure out the rest of the mess from there, than have my starting point be what we currently have.

20th July 2010, 02:08 PM
Looks like Peter Schiff and Ron Paul share something...

They're suspected as being agents but they're damn better than anyone in power...I'd rather have "corrupt" Ron Paul and "Suspicious" Peter Schiff in power, and then figure out the rest of the mess from there, than have my starting point be what we currently have.

Schiff talks a good game now because he isn't in power.

Look back at Bush's speeches before 2000 he talked a good game to.

They will say whatever it takes to get elected, then once in power will do whatever it takes to hold it.

20th July 2010, 02:31 PM
Perhaps the top likes the answer to the question: Is Schiff suckable for status-quo deep capture?

Again noting nothing against Schiff in particular, but needs analysis for any candidate.

Daily KOS: The Facade Is Crumbling: The Fraud and Looting Continue (http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/7/19/885460/-The-Facade-Is-Crumbling:-The-Fraud-and-Looting-Continue)

by Badabing Mon Jul 19, 2010 T

A few weeks ago I was watching David Axelrod doing the 'tap dance' about 'when the jobs will be coming back.' The 500 ton Elephant in the room, that neither the Democrats or the Republicans want to talk about, is that the brutal truth, is that both parties knowingly joined with Corporate America, and sold our entire industrial base out from underneath us. The jobs are never coming back and that is the the 'facade' that is crumbling before our eyes.

After the realization that absolutely no one (least of all our own Blue Dog Democrats) were going to stand up and demand that the biggest Fraud and Looting to ever take place in our nation, during the 'Great Heist of 2008,' was going to be held accountable, I'm of the opinion that not only is our nation in a state of 'deep capture,' but because this 'Fraud,' was ignored and swept under the rug, the 'Looting,' will continue. Because our corrupt government got away with destroying our economy, they are now ready to move in for the final 'business as usual,' which is to destroy the final safety net of Social Security and Medicare.

20th July 2010, 03:15 PM
i'm not completely awake, but i think i would have noticed if it had said "Peter Schiff" in one of those articles about Gore's daughter.

Clinton and Gore are in so tight with the Big Money Crowd they're basically like the Bush'es.

Hatha Sunahara
20th July 2010, 03:37 PM
Peter Schiff, at this stage in his political career is not much more that a 'roughly sculpted marionette'. Sort of like Pinocchio. He has the 'message appeal' and if he demonstrates popularity, he will be mounted with strings. Those strings will attach themselves to him at some point he doesn't want to be made public. Some shameful deed in his past. He will be blackmailed with that, and the strings are attached. If he's a true politician, he won't object to anything his puppeteers want. Do you think Ron Paul and Peter Schiff are exceptions? Men of honor and integrity? I wouldn't put it past them, but they swim in a sea of thieves. Surely they must be aware of it. And if they are aware of it, why aren't they telling 'the people' That all the people we elect are controlled by some other power than 'the people'. By some secret society. With a secret agenda. How do you keep something that big a secret? Or is it just 'politically incorrect' to talk about it? Or is this knowledge what sets the border between 'the people' and 'the rulers'? Can any human being cross that border without a fundamental shift (no pun here) in their awareness? What is it our 'leaders' know that we don't know? What do they know about 911? About 'The War on Terror'? About who really pulls the strings? I'd bet it's way different from what the rest of us know. Peter Schiff wants to find out.



20th July 2010, 08:34 PM
o.k now its joke time. how do you say fuck you in jewish? trust me!!! sorry if i pissed off some people. its better to be pissed off than pissed on!!

20th July 2010, 09:31 PM
Peter Schiff, at this stage in his political career is not much more that a 'roughly sculpted marionette'. Sort of like Pinocchio. He has the 'message appeal' and if he demonstrates popularity, he will be mounted with strings. Those strings will attach themselves to him at some point he doesn't want to be made public. Some shameful deed in his past. He will be blackmailed with that, and the strings are attached. If he's a true politician, he won't object to anything his puppeteers want. Do you think Ron Paul and Peter Schiff are exceptions? Men of honor and integrity? I wouldn't put it past them, but they swim in a sea of thieves. Surely they must be aware of it. And if they are aware of it, why aren't they telling 'the people' That all the people we elect are controlled by some other power than 'the people'. By some secret society. With a secret agenda. How do you keep something that big a secret? Or is it just 'politically incorrect' to talk about it? Or is this knowledge what sets the border between 'the people' and 'the rulers'? Can any human being cross that border without a fundamental shift (no pun here) in their awareness? What is it our 'leaders' know that we don't know? What do they know about 911? About 'The War on Terror'? About who really pulls the strings? I'd bet it's way different from what the rest of us know. Peter Schiff wants to find out.



it's true, I have always believed that if one is to make anything of then selves in politics, they must be controlled some how. That control is blackmail. Every single person in the house and senate etc.. has some misdeeds on their record that can be brought to light at any time, should they deviate.

Twisted Titan
21st July 2010, 06:50 AM
PS and RP can both kiss my Silver @$$

They know what the score is and if you want to stay in power YOU GOTTA PLAY THE GAME.

RP knows who is dirty and the level of theft is catastrophic yet he fills the the role of Cheff by supposedly putting Bernake on the "hot seat" during congressional hearings its nothing but pure theater and serves as smoke screen to draw you attention away from the 9ft Pecker being rammed up your taxpaying backside.


They are there to perpetaute the myth that you and your diebold digital vote can change something.

Think about it and wise the hell up.


21st July 2010, 07:03 AM
PS and RP can both kiss my Silver @$$

They know what the score is and if you want to stay in power YOU GOTTA PLAY THE GAME.

RP knows who is dirty and the level of theft is catastrophic yet he fills the the role of Cheff by supposedly putting Bernake on the "hot seat" during congressional hearings its nothing but pure theater and serves as smoke screen to draw you attention away from the 9ft Pecker being rammed up your taxpaying backside.


They are there to perpetaute the myth that you and your diebold digital vote can change something.

Think about it and wise the hell up.


Silver a$$???
9ft pecker being thrust???

You are indeed the Twisted Titan of Imagery!!! :laugh :lol

Yet, your colorful and provocative words do ring of truth!

Click click on, brother!

21st July 2010, 07:05 AM
i agree TA. i never got this whole ron paul worship thing. he knows the dirt on people + what goes on in the back rooms. he could hold a press conference today and blow the lid open on a whole bunch of stuff.

instead, he does press interviews with fox news in the rotunda of the capitol and wrings his hands about "the founding fathers."

he plays the kooky uncle on page 347 of the movie script.

21st July 2010, 08:44 AM
Looks like Peter Schiff and Ron Paul share something...

They're suspected as being agents but they're damn better than anyone in power...I'd rather have "corrupt" Ron Paul and "Suspicious" Peter Schiff in power, and then figure out the rest of the mess from there, than have my starting point be what we currently have.

Well I think your lesser of evil approach is how most people view politics. Personally I find it hard to support a person who bases his political opinion on a certain issue, on what the current popular opinion among his electorate is. If I thought that the foreign policy of the US was a major reason for world problems, I certainly wouldn't change my ideas because those who could imagine voting for me has a different opinion in general (and at least 90% of the population are not capable of thinking an original thought, but get their ideas from MSM). I personally would prefer to vote for someone that I thought was principled, but agreed with in only 50% of issues, rather than someone who looked at opinion polls and happened to agree with in 90% of issues (yeah, fat chance of that happening).

If indeed Schiff office said that they couldn't take a position against bombing Iran on the basis that CT constituents wouldn't support it, then I would say that Schiff is a very dangerous man.

21st July 2010, 08:58 AM
If indeed Schiff office said that they couldn't take a position against bombing Iran on the basis that CT constituents wouldn't support it, then I would say that Schiff is a very dangerous man.


21st July 2010, 09:57 AM
i agree TA. i never got this whole ron paul worship thing. he knows the dirt on people + what goes on in the back rooms. he could hold a press conference today and blow the lid open on a whole bunch of stuff.

A lot of people could do a lot of things.
Politicians are 100% psychopaths (with a 1% margin of error). They know that every other politician can be just as bad as they are. That's what keeps everyone in line.
If RP had a way to take the others down and not destroy himself doing it, he would. But he doesn't. He has to play by the rules and if he goes too far they'll let him know. At a small local level you find out what the limits are when your tires are slashed and windshield is broken. I can only imagine how they send the first warning at his level.
People need to stop looking for a leader because it isn't going to happen.

21st July 2010, 10:02 AM
i agree TA. i never got this whole ron paul worship thing. he knows the dirt on people + what goes on in the back rooms. he could hold a press conference today and blow the lid open on a whole bunch of stuff.

A lot of people could do a lot of things.
Politicians are 100% psychopaths (with a 1% margin of error). They know that every other politician can be just as bad as they are. That's what keeps everyone in line.
If RP had a way to take the others down and not destroy himself doing it, he would. But he doesn't. He has to play by the rules and if he goes too far they'll let him know. At a small local level you find out what the limits are when your tires are slashed and windshield is broken. I can only imagine how they send the first warning at his level.
People need to stop looking for a leader because it isn't going to happen.

Exactly; people need to be their own leader.

21st July 2010, 05:34 PM
Peter Schiff and Ron Paul are certainly good people, obviously light years ahead of anyone else in the political game. But as has been said before, you don't stop the mob by becoming a lieutenant and working your way up to being a Don.

The only way to stop them is to stop playing their game, not joining up with them.

21st July 2010, 06:58 PM
how do you say f*ck you in jewish?

That's easy! Just turn on and view the latest depravity on the TalmudVisionâ„¢; go see that latest Hollywood film showcasing miscegenation; view the latest in an endless stream of Jew produced pornos featuring defiled white women; lose your life savings by investing with JewStreet; follow the daily activities of JOG (Jew Occupied Government); investigate the Jew run white sex slavery industry; experience dispossession, genocide, and race replacement due to Jewish subversion of immigration policy and enforcement; go dance to electronica music and gobble some Ecstasy pills manufactured in Tel Aviv; get fired and be forced to train your outsourced replacement; start a weblog where you "name the jew" only to have it taken down as "hate speech"; pay an increased tax on your food so it can be certified Kosher; fail to get hired because you're white and anti-white policy is legislated... if you say anything about it, it's "white privilege" and "racism" so STFU or else; have your daughter raped and murdered by Jewish Pluralism; infiltrate forums and spread disinformation regarding jewscams; ...

Honestly, the examples of how to say "fuck you" in jewish are endless ... On and on and on ... Did I leave anything out? I'm sure I did.

The message, day in and day out, is simple: "FU*K You White America."


21st July 2010, 07:30 PM
If indeed Schiff office said that they couldn't take a position against bombing Iran on the basis that CT constituents wouldn't support it, then I would say that Schiff is a very dangerous man.

He did say just that in an email from me. I posted it to GIM and here is the majority of it

This is from his brother Andrew

"I'm not sure Peter will have time to respond, but if I may...

I can assure you he is no neocon, whatever the precise definition of that term may be. He does differ somewhat from Dr. Paul in his views on foreign policy in that he is not as iconoclastically isolationist as many in the movement would prefer. However, he vehemently opposed the Iraq invasion in 2003. His record is clear on that if you care to investigate.

With Iran, the story is more nuanced. Clearly the current religious regime in Tehran has stated that it does not believe that Israel has the right to exist. It is also clearly not interested in basic human rights. The chance, however small, that the regime could elect to use those weapons in a manner that would destablize the region and plunge the world into a global crisis, is something that a commander in chief would have to weigh in making a decision.

He would not remove all options from the table. That is all. If that makes him a neocon in your eye, then your movement will be very narrow. You apparently agree with peter on a variety of other fronts. Is there no room for nuance on foreign policy.

Incidentally, if Peter would adhere structly to Dr. Paul's foreign policy doctrine, especially in regards to the Middle East, he would be totally unelectable in Connecticut. End of story."

the white rabbit
22nd July 2010, 02:12 AM
This documentary explores the highly controversial subject of the design of America’s capital. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of America’s newfound freedom? Or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern? Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles in Stone interviews experts on both sides of the heated debate. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influence of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington, D.C.

Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda. Was D.C. laid out according to the pattern of the stars? Is there really a pentagram in the street layout north of the White House? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington monument? And why is the city filled with zodiac symbols, mysterious faces, and various god and goddess images? If America was founded as a Christian nation only, where are the images of Jesus Christ? Or does Washington D.C. symbolize another Christ, the Masonic Christ?

the white rabbit
22nd July 2010, 05:34 AM