View Full Version : Co-Habitive engine

21st July 2010, 05:47 PM
I just posted on another thread about using old British bike engines for powerplants, heres another idea, I have done in reality. a 80s VW diesel works best for this, permanently park your Rabbit/Jetta/ Dasher behind your bug out cabin. install a generator to the engine belt drive, if you remove the power steering pump,or a/c there will be a available v-belt pulley. this is now your generator, DO NOT remove the alternator from the car,as this keeps your battery up and can charge dc items or run dc appliances., then remove the radiator and install household radiators, in your cabin/shed/etc. now the heat from the radiators will heat your home, make sure this system holds at least 5 gallons of coolant, that way the engine never overheats,but you will get very comfortable heat. If your area is real small, like a 8x8 shed, plumb in a small radiator with a thermostat or ball valve OUTSIDE the hut, to take away the extra heat. finally plumb a exhaust directly from the car into a second muffler buried under the ground, then have it exit back up about 10 feet away using a weathercap. this absorbs resonance noises from the engine. the car burns virtually no fuel at idle (5 gallons in two days for our old one) one last thing , dont try to use newer engines with electronic fuel control, etc. enjoy!

21st July 2010, 08:23 PM
diesels also have the advantage of being able to burn other types of compustables other than diesel itself. Such as old cooking oil (cleaned and filtered of course), etc.