View Full Version : MUSIC: Prepare For War, Pray For Peace

21st July 2010, 08:09 PM
... 'cause we're "Walking On A Thin Line"...

Included here are two versions of the same song, but the videos are different, and each tells its own tale.

I like the first video the best (fantasy art); the second youtube version (imho) is the better audio version and the video portion is, well... you decide.

Version One:

Version Two:

Food for thought.

Have a good night all.

21st July 2010, 10:47 PM
Idiots.........it should be the other way around........."Pray for peace, but prepare for war"........must be a freaking Zionist trying to be "nice".

22nd July 2010, 05:52 PM
Idiots.........it should be the other way around........."Pray for peace, but prepare for war"........must be a freaking Zionist trying to be "nice".

I have to laugh Ponce (Pon'-chee...???)!!! ;D

I just got lifetime banned from GIM2 because some of the posters and moderators decided that I was a "NAZI-HOMOPHOBE-RASCIST-JEW-HATING-EXTREMIST-RIGHT-WING-BIGOT"... HAHAHA!!!

And here you are calling me a "NICE JEW." ROTFLMAO!!!

A-n-y-w-a-y-s... did you listen to the song??? :conf:

P.S. If you left-click on the youtube pic a second time (after the song starts), it takes you to youtube which allows you to do a FULL-SCREEN version of the videos... MUCH RECOMMENDED!!!

22nd July 2010, 06:36 PM
All that you have to do is to click below where it say 100% and go to 150% and that will fill your screen every time.

By the way, I din't mean you.......only what thay guy wrote.........was it you? OH OH ::)

22nd July 2010, 06:40 PM

No prob, Ponce... hope you liked the song! :)