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22nd July 2010, 04:39 PM
Americanism 101

[1] Governments are instituted to :
(a) secure rights,
(b) govern those who consent,
(c) share the wealth,
(d) compel labor for the benefit of another,
(e) expand government.

[2] Governments are :
(a) delegated powers
(b) endowed with rights
(c) masters of the people
(d) grantors of privileges

[3] People are endowed with rights by :
(a) the government
(b) their Creator

[4] Compulsory labor for the benefit of another (except after conviction) is :
(a) unconstitutional slavery,
(b) voluntary socialism

[5] Private property (absolutely owned by an individual) is :
(a) Constitutionally protected,
(b) abolished by communism,
(c) surrendered by participation in socialist insecurity,
(d) all of the above.

[6] Charity from the public treasury :
(a) makes the recipient into a pauper at law, excluded from constitutional protections,
(b) is an entitlement under FICA,
(c) is entirely at the discretion of the government.
(d) all of the above

[1] a, b (see: Declaration of Independence, 1776)
[2] a, d
[3] b
[4] a, b
[5] d
[6] d

22nd July 2010, 05:38 PM
Americanism 101

[1] Governments are instituted to :
(a) secure rights,
(b) govern those who consent,
(c) share the wealth,
(d) compel labor for the benefit of another,
(e) expand government.

[2] Governments are :
(a) delegated powers
(b) endowed with rights
(c) masters of the people
(d) grantors of privileges

[3] People are endowed with rights by :
(a) the government
(b) their Creator

[4] Compulsory labor for the benefit of another (except after conviction) is :
(a) unconstitutional slavery,
(b) voluntary socialism

[5] Private property (absolutely owned by an individual) is :
(a) Constitutionally protected,
(b) abolished by communism,
(c) surrendered by participation in socialist insecurity,
(d) all of the above.

[6] Charity from the public treasury :
(a) makes the recipient into a pauper at law, excluded from constitutional protections,
(b) is an entitlement under FICA,
(c) is entirely at the discretion of the government.
(d) all of the above

[1] a, b (see: Declaration of Independence, 1776)
[2] a, d
[3] b
[4] a, b
[5] d
[6] d

American Reality 101

[1] Governments are instituted to :

(e) expand government.

[2] Governments are :

(c) masters of the people

[3] People are endowed with <s>rights</s> privileges by :

(a) the government

[4] Compulsory labor for the benefit of another (except after conviction) is :

(c) required for the Military-Industrial Complex

[5] Private property (absolutely owned by an individual) is :

(e) non-existent, since government requires rent (property tax)

[6] Charity from the public treasury :

(c) is entirely at the discretion of the government.

22nd July 2010, 07:36 PM
I'm of the firm opinion that almost all of this country's founding politicians would LAUGH THEIR ASSES OFF at this "test"... it's a testament to how far we've fallen that such a thing could even be put together with the SERIOUS possibility that any true "American" would manage to get even one of these questions wrong... :-\

22nd July 2010, 07:50 PM
4 out of 6 with a bone to pick on #4: assuming the questions are immutable in their definitions, how can asking about something identified as "compulsory" be compared to "voluntary" as an answer selection (it *was* listed as a,b in the answers)? Compulsory labor is not voluntary socialism, because socialism is defined as measured production and exchange. Can there be "voluntary" socialism when it is a compulsory theory?

A similar question might be raised about the "voluntary" compulsory militia duty imposed on "voluntary" citizens.

But once you volunteer, you're obligated.

22nd July 2010, 07:55 PM
American Reality 101

[1] Governments are instituted to :
(e) expand government.

[2] Governments are :
(c) masters of the people

[3] People are endowed with <s>rights</s> privileges by :
(a) the government

[4] Compulsory labor for the benefit of another (except after conviction) is :
(c) required for the Military-Industrial Complex

[5] Private property (absolutely owned by an individual) is :
(e) non-existent, since government requires rent (property tax)

[6] Charity from the public treasury :
(c) is entirely at the discretion of the government.

[1] ... only if you consent.
[2] ... not true. Masters of their CITIZENS, yes.
[3] ... CITIZENS are endowed with privileges
[4] ... The MIC did not create slavery, though it might benefit from it.
[5] ... INCORRECT. Government only taxes real and personal property, not private property (Check your own state's constitution for proof.)
[6] ... Half right.

You FLUNK reality, too.

22nd July 2010, 08:36 PM
You FLUNK reality, too.

I disagree. For most, that is reality, although a majority don't know it.

I always appreciate your insight about common law, JG, but you really need to lose the snobbishness.

22nd July 2010, 09:15 PM
You FLUNK reality, too.

I disagree. For most, that is reality, although a majority don't know it.

I always appreciate your insight about common law, JG, but you really need to lose the snobbishness.

He's an Ivy League graduate, he can't help it.

22nd July 2010, 09:20 PM
[1] ... only if you consent.

"Political power proceeds out of the barrel of a gun."

The "socialist," Mao Zedong

[2] ... not true. Masters of their CITIZENS, yes.

I am a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, but the US regime still imposes itself on me.

[3] ... CITIZENS are endowed with privileges

Governments deny rights to anyone within their power, regardless of citizenship or sophistry.

[4] ... The MIC did not create slavery, though it might benefit from it.

There is an unbroken line of succession from the slave-trading ruling class of ancient times to the MIC of today.

[5] ... INCORRECT. Government only taxes real and personal property, not private property (Check your own state's constitution for proof.)

SHOW us even one piece of "private property" in America that is "exempt."

You FLUNK reality, too.

You really need to climb down out of that Ivory Tower. It's leaning further than the Tower of Pisa.

22nd July 2010, 09:22 PM
You FLUNK reality, too.

I disagree. For most, that is reality, although a majority don't know it.

I always appreciate your insight about common law, JG, but you really need to lose the snobbishness.

I was JOKING...! Didn't you see the {smile}

22nd July 2010, 09:44 PM
[1] ... only if you consent.

"Political power proceeds out of the barrel of a gun."
The "socialist," Mao Zedong

In China, perhaps.
But in countries with a republican form of government, that is incorrect.
There aren't too many countries with a republican form, are there?

[2] ... not true. Masters of their CITIZENS, yes.

I am a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, but the US regime still imposes itself on me.

Really? Did you sign some paper / declare yourself a citizen / resident / enumerated socialist / bankrupt / pauper / recipient?
If you did, until you withdraw consent, you're a person liable.

[3] ... CITIZENS are endowed with privileges

Governments deny rights to anyone within their power, regardless of citizenship or sophistry.

Under American law, the only authorization to deny rights to life, liberty and property are in the course of due process, seeking justice for an injured party. All other instances are by consent of the governed.

[4] ... The MIC did not create slavery, though it might benefit from it.

There is an unbroken line of succession from the slave-trading ruling class of ancient times to the MIC of today.

Do you have any facts in support of that statement?
Or is this just opinion?

[5] ... INCORRECT. Government only taxes real and personal property, not private property (Check your own state's constitution for proof.)

SHOW us even one piece of "private property" in America that is "exempt."

Since private property, by definition, private, there is no recording of private property in REAL ESTATE registries.
Perhaps you should inquire at your local county recorder for a list of properties not on their list.

You FLUNK reality, too.

You still flunk.
[Humor Flag On]

Ed, you really need to climb down out of that Ivory Tower. It's leaning further than the Tower of Pisa.

Everyone has opinions, not everyone has a published entry in the Federal registry for a court case that I prevailed in.
United States v. Ganaposki, 930 F.Supp. 1076, (M.D.Pa.1996)
Of course, they ruled on my case that was dismissed one day before trial. I suspect that they cannot let "Dangerous" information unchallenged.
FWIW - I defeated an impending conviction for a State and Federal "crime" by a Writ of Error Coram Nobis wherein I stated the following facts:
1. Their authority to compel me was the Social Security Act of 1935,
2. I did not participate, for it was against my religious beliefs,
3. As a religious man, I was civilly dead.

Within 48 hours of the timestamp, the PA court dropped their contempt, and charge, which triggered the Feds to drop their charge, and discharge me - one day before the trial.

So feel free to prattle about how "The government" is rogue, etc, etc.
But as long as you consent, you're liable. But once consent is withdrawn, the servant government appears to comply with the law on the books.
Of course, your experiences may differ from mine.

I only enjoyed their hospitality in seven prisons in 69 days (diesel therapy, it's called), flew twice, on Con-Air, and was shunted about, losing paperwork, all over a petty misdemeanor.
Thank God, I wasn't a "real criminal" ! (But they did lock me in solitary confinement for 7 days - with the notice that I was "mentally disturbed" - apparently for demanding to see the constitutional warrant used to arrest me. They never did produce one - all they had was a capias.)
But - hey - if you're their n word, you're their n word.

{I was also a p.i.t.a., hosting a satellite radio call-in show "Let Freedom Wing" on the Eagle Radio network, and chaired various New Patriot groups. Coincidentally, soon after my arrest, the Eagle Radio network went out of business. Hmmmm.}

22nd July 2010, 11:36 PM
[1] ... only if you consent.

"Political power proceeds out of the barrel of a gun."
The "socialist," Mao Zedong

In China, perhaps.

But in countries with a republican form of government, that is incorrect.

No, in ALL regimes.

“Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. Government is force; like fire it is a dangerous servant -- and a fearful master.”

George Washington

[5] ... INCORRECT. Government only taxes real and personal property, not private property (Check your own state's constitution for proof.)

SHOW us even one piece of "private property" in America that is "exempt."

Since private property, by definition, private, there is no recording of private property in REAL ESTATE registries.
Perhaps you should inquire at your local county recorder for a list of properties not on their list.

If there are NONE, I can't ask for a list.

Ed, you really need to climb down out of that Ivory Tower. It's leaning further than the Tower of Pisa.

Everyone has opinions, not everyone has a published entry in the Federal registry for a court case that I prevailed in.
United States v. Ganaposki, 930 F.Supp. 1076, (M.D.Pa.1996)

You "prevailed" in this court case decided <a href="http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=18378704981611503805&hl=en&as_sdt=2&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr">September 2, 1947</a>?

But as long as you consent, you're liable. But once consent is withdrawn, the servant government appears to comply with the law on the books.

Why do you keep preaching this LIE? Everyone here knows it is NOT TRUE.

23rd July 2010, 12:09 AM
[1] ... only if you consent.

"Political power proceeds out of the barrel of a gun."
The "socialist," Mao Zedong

In China, perhaps.

But in countries with a republican form of government, that is incorrect.

No, in ALL regimes.

“Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. Government is force; like fire it is a dangerous servant -- and a fearful master.”

George Washington

And that's your evidence that the American government is inherently tyrannical?
Epic fail, on your part.

As stated in the DoI: job #1 = secure rights, job #2 = govern those who CONSENT.

[5] ... INCORRECT. Government only taxes real and personal property, not private property (Check your own state's constitution for proof.)

SHOW us even one piece of "private property" in America that is "exempt."

Since private property, by definition, private, there is no recording of private property in REAL ESTATE registries.
Perhaps you should inquire at your local county recorder for a list of properties not on their list.

If there are NONE, I can't ask for a list.
So where's your proof that private property does not exist?
Just because YOU do not know of any, is not conclusive proof.
If private property didn't exist, why would the term even exist in the law books?
Go read law, find evidence that private property is NOT protected, and it is taxed, then show us all.

Ed, you really need to climb down out of that Ivory Tower. It's leaning further than the Tower of Pisa.

Everyone has opinions, not everyone has a published entry in the Federal registry for a court case that I prevailed in.
United States v. Ganaposki, 930 F.Supp. 1076, (M.D.Pa.1996)

You "prevailed" in this court case decided <a href="http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=18378704981611503805&hl=en&as_sdt=2&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr">September 2, 1947</a>?

But as long as you consent, you're liable. But once consent is withdrawn, the servant government appears to comply with the law on the books.

Why do you keep preaching this LIE? Everyone here knows it is NOT TRUE.

So far, there's been accusations of deception, disagreement, and uncorroborated statements from you.
How you concluded that 1947 was the date in question escapes me. A simple Google search on the WHOLE citation (law is picky on such things) comes up with pages of correct data.

However, please note, in plain English:

United States v. Ganaposki, 930 F. Supp. 1076, 1083 (M.D. Pa. 1996) ("That billions of dollars in child support goes unpaid annually is evidence both that the activity is economic in nature and that the effect of not paying child support is substantial.")

Their sole argument was based on the Commerce clause, and that a claim across state lines "authorized" their actions - while ignoring the 16 other points of law that I brought in my constitutional challenge (national socialism, coercion, involuntary servitude, etc).
FWIW - filing responses in the Federal court was incorrect. Only later, did I stumble onto the proper court to file in - the court of the original judgment - with the Writ of Error Coram Nobis - a common law remedy.
As previously stated, once the proper court was informed of the pertinent facts, they corrected the situation.
I have not had one instance of being hassled by the FEDS since 1996, despite withdrawing from national socialism in 1993.
I have not been hassled by the Eye Are Us. I am not a "taxpayer". I am not a "person liable" so they have no grounds to bother me, and I have no reason to gripe about my public servants.

I can only assume that any other American who exercised their free will, and withdrew from ALL consensual nexus with the servant government, that they would honor their oaths of office, and not trespass upon you. Until I learn of an actual trespass upon one who is NOT a consenting citizen, socialist, bankrupt, pauper, contributor, usurer, franchisee, I must disagree with your opinions, no matter how heartfelt.

God Bless the USA, and her republican form of government.

23rd July 2010, 02:48 AM
[1] ... only if you consent.

"Political power proceeds out of the barrel of a gun."
The "socialist," Mao Zedong

In China, perhaps.

But in countries with a republican form of government, that is incorrect.

No, in ALL regimes.

“Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. Government is force; like fire it is a dangerous servant -- and a fearful master.”

George Washington

And that's your evidence that the American government is inherently tyrannical?
Epic fail, on your part.

You're right, and all of history, and George Washington, are wrong.

Egomania, much?

So far, there's been accusations of deception, disagreement, and uncorroborated statements from you.
How you concluded that 1947 was the date in question escapes me. A simple Google search on the WHOLE citation (law is picky on such things) comes up with pages of correct data.

You have been exposed as a liar and a fraud. <s>You claim to have "prevailed" in a court case decided on September 2, 1947, as the link I embedded proves conclusively. You now deny the court case you cited and falsely claim to have been the victor in was actually from 1947, despite overwhelming evidence available to anyone to check.</s> Here's the link again, for any interested party: <a href="http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=18378704981611503805&hl=en&as_sdt=2&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr">United States v. Ganaposki</a>.

EDIT: IRONICALLY, there is another Federal case with a defendant with the unusual name of Ganaposki in the same Middle District of Pennsylvania...whaddya know?! HOWEVER, like the 1947 case, the DEFENDANT most certainly did NOT "prevail," as claimed above; he lost...see more in the next post...

We are NOT stupid, and you insult every person here by acting as you do.

Give it up.

Screenshot of your original statement claiming victory in United States v. Ganaposki is attached in case you go back to edit it to cover your ass.

23rd July 2010, 03:35 AM
How you concluded that 1947 was the date in question escapes me. A simple Google search on the WHOLE citation (law is picky on such things) comes up with pages of correct data....United States v. Ganaposki, 930 F. Supp. 1076, 1083 (M.D. Pa. 1996)

OK, so I gave you every benefit of the doubt, and searched my databases, despite it costing me to do so (I'm cheap that way).

Lo and behold, there IS another Federal case, from the Middle District of Pennsylvania, with a defendant by the unusual name of Ganaposki, from 1996. However, the correct citation is <a href="http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=13302155535266217272&q=United+States+of+America+v.+Ganaposki&hl=en&as_sdt=2002&as_vis=1">"United States of America v. Ganaposki"</a> (or "US v. Ganaposki"), not "United States v. Ganaposki," since that refers to the 1947 case.


The 1996 United States of America v. Ganaposki is also a case where the DEFENDANT LOST.

So, if you are <a href="http://www.facebook.com/jeff.ganaposki">Jeffrey Ganaposki</a>, deadbeat dad (the 1996 case concerns the defendant attempting to get out of paying child support), you are still lying that you "prevailed." If you are not Ganaposki, you're an even bigger liar.

23rd July 2010, 04:18 AM
Looky what I found here!



"Books by Rt. Rev. Dr. Jeff Ganaposki"

"Bishop, and Pastor of the Church of the Living Word"


I'm just speechless!

7th trump
23rd July 2010, 04:31 AM
[1] ... only if you consent.

"Political power proceeds out of the barrel of a gun."
The "socialist," Mao Zedong

In China, perhaps.

But in countries with a republican form of government, that is incorrect.

No, in ALL regimes.

“Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. Government is force; like fire it is a dangerous servant -- and a fearful master.”

George Washington

And that's your evidence that the American government is inherently tyrannical?
Epic fail, on your part.

As stated in the DoI: job #1 = secure rights, job #2 = govern those who CONSENT.

[5] ... INCORRECT. Government only taxes real and personal property, not private property (Check your own state's constitution for proof.)

SHOW us even one piece of "private property" in America that is "exempt."

Since private property, by definition, private, there is no recording of private property in REAL ESTATE registries.
Perhaps you should inquire at your local county recorder for a list of properties not on their list.

If there are NONE, I can't ask for a list.
So where's your proof that private property does not exist?
Just because YOU do not know of any, is not conclusive proof.
If private property didn't exist, why would the term even exist in the law books?
Go read law, find evidence that private property is NOT protected, and it is taxed, then show us all.

Ed, you really need to climb down out of that Ivory Tower. It's leaning further than the Tower of Pisa.

Everyone has opinions, not everyone has a published entry in the Federal registry for a court case that I prevailed in.
United States v. Ganaposki, 930 F.Supp. 1076, (M.D.Pa.1996)

You "prevailed" in this court case decided <a href="http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=18378704981611503805&hl=en&as_sdt=2&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr">September 2, 1947</a>?

But as long as you consent, you're liable. But once consent is withdrawn, the servant government appears to comply with the law on the books.

Why do you keep preaching this LIE? Everyone here knows it is NOT TRUE.

So far, there's been accusations of deception, disagreement, and uncorroborated statements from you.
How you concluded that 1947 was the date in question escapes me. A simple Google search on the WHOLE citation (law is picky on such things) comes up with pages of correct data.

However, please note, in plain English:

United States v. Ganaposki, 930 F. Supp. 1076, 1083 (M.D. Pa. 1996) ("That billions of dollars in child support goes unpaid annually is evidence both that the activity is economic in nature and that the effect of not paying child support is substantial.")

Their sole argument was based on the Commerce clause, and that a claim across state lines "authorized" their actions - while ignoring the 16 other points of law that I brought in my constitutional challenge (national socialism, coercion, involuntary servitude, etc).
FWIW - filing responses in the Federal court was incorrect. Only later, did I stumble onto the proper court to file in - the court of the original judgment - with the Writ of Error Coram Nobis - a common law remedy.
As previously stated, once the proper court was informed of the pertinent facts, they corrected the situation.
I have not had one instance of being hassled by the FEDS since 1996, despite withdrawing from national socialism in 1993.
I have not been hassled by the Eye Are Us. I am not a "taxpayer". I am not a "person liable" so they have no grounds to bother me, and I have no reason to gripe about my public servants.

I can only assume that any other American who exercised their free will, and withdrew from ALL consensual nexus with the servant government, that they would honor their oaths of office, and not trespass upon you. Until I learn of an actual trespass upon one who is NOT a consenting citizen, socialist, bankrupt, pauper, contributor, usurer, franchisee, I must disagree with your opinions, no matter how heartfelt.

God Bless the USA, and her republican form of government.

We may disagree on another subject but what was it, and who was it you contacted to withdraw from national socialism in 1993?
I have an idea but, I havent heard from the SSA in my response tellig them that I want to withdraw because participation in national socialism denies me of Creater endowments.
I did get some attention when inquiring about a little statement of rights waivement when my wife applied for a ssn for our daughter (without me knowing about) that came with the ssn card.

7th trump
23rd July 2010, 04:48 AM
Looky what I found here!



"Books by Rt. Rev. Dr. Jeff Ganaposki"

"Bishop, and Pastor of the Church of the Living Word"


I'm just speechless!

You know judgement of someone is a serious sin dont you Phoenix?
When you judge someone you are in effect stepping on Gods toes and God doesnt like it when someone thinks he above God. God is the judger....not us!
Look what God did with satan when satan wanted to be Jesus......................condemned him to death! God sentenced satan, a son (son of perdition), to death.
You do know what a spiritual death is dont you?
Its being uncreated or dismantled as a being returning to nothing as in not ever been created or "perishing" as God puts it.

God puts people in places for His purpose.
Look at sheperdschapel.com, pasteur Arnold Murray has been studying and preaching the Bible for over 50 years and he doesnt have a piece of paper saying hes qualified from any agency. And the MSM churches (beggers of money) cant stand the guy for what he preaches because Arnold indirectly calls them a bunch of liars and beggers through the Word of God. God doesnt send beggers of money to preach the Word of God. Sheperds chapel broadcasts are bigger than any MSM church ever thought of being. Arnold broadcasts all over the world. Arnold is huge in China and growing and hes from a little unknown town in Gravette, Arkansas.
Theres a political beast that sets up the entrance of the second beast (satan). satans appearence on this earth gets help by the political beast which you are a part of. I wouldnt be all to hasty to throw any and all of Jets information into the trash can from judging a book from its cover. Look at the substance of Jets posts would ya.
Ever heard of this site 1215.org? The owner is another one who has no beef with the IRS and doesnt pay income taxes and yet this site doesnt even hit the internet radar screen. Theres a wealth of info on 1215.org.
Theres something in common between jet and 1215.org..................................they know how to read the Constitution as it was meant from the founding father. I've always said that the Constitution doesnt need to be rewritten or had any flaws. Its all right there if you know what you are reading. Maybe your lack of understanding is a gauge telling everyone how much of a degree you drank the cool-ade?
By the way do you know the significants of the date 1215 right?

Judge not least ye be judged!

23rd July 2010, 05:42 AM
The 1996 United States of America v. Ganaposki is also a case where the DEFENDANT LOST. So, if you are <a href="http://www.facebook.com/jeff.ganaposki">Jeffrey Ganaposki</a>, deadbeat dad (the 1996 case concerns the defendant attempting to get out of paying child support), you are still lying that you "prevailed." If you are not Ganaposki, you're an even bigger liar.


Exactly. The United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit issued a Finding Of Fact that vexatious litigant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vexatious_litigation) Ganaposki is a deadbeat dad:


Based on all of the foregoing, we conclude that the willful failure to pay child support with respect to a child residing in another state has a substantial effect on interstate commerce, and § 228 is valid under the Commerce Clause. Ganaposki's motion as it may be construed as a motion to dismiss will be denied.


23rd July 2010, 05:51 AM
First off, I filed a cross libel in admiralty, under the "Savings to Suitor" clause, which was "construed" to be a motion to dismiss. They defaulted.

I think you've been fooled if you think I "lost". That was their intent in publishing the ruling that way. Check the court record. It's in Bellefonte, Centre county courthouse and in the Williamsport Federal court. The last entry is my Writ of Error Coram Nobis (a poorly handwritten one at that) in the State court. The case was dismissed - by them. If they did convict me, that's funny, since they released me - one day before the trial. (July 2, 1996) I celebrated by watching "Independence Day" premiere. If you can find evidence of a conviction, and which federal prison I was vacationing in, let me know. I may have been unconscious for 6 months.

BTW - I was in contempt of a court order - not a dead beat. The only people legally obligated to pay non-custodial child support are duly enrolled and enumerated socialists. Once I cleared up that little mistake on their part, they dropped the contempt, etc, etc.

(Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180. I have quite a few court citations that admit that pre-socialist non-custodial parents have ZERO duty of support for x-spouses and children.)

Here's the uplinked copy of their response to my innocent question about involuntary servitude:
I used it to knock out their first attempt, in 1993, in a Georgia court. My grounds were that their authority to compel was the SocSec act, and it was against my religious beliefs to participate in that abomination.
After the passage of the Federal law, in 1996, PA came after me, again. What I failed to do, was inform the PA court of my changed status. I assumed that my "win" in Georgia courts was transmitted to them. Bad assumption. But that was corrected by the Writ of Error Coram Nobis.

BTW - there is no "official" procedure I know of for leaving Socialist InSecurity. But if you declare that you're not a participant, they will not assume otherwise (unless there is evidence to refute).

In the PHOTOS section of NASP (same place where the uplinked copy is), I have a scan of the prisoner wrist band from 1996, wherein you can see SSN#: none on the left side.

P.S.- - - after my release, I was eager to share my wonderful news with the "New Patriot" community. Would it surprise you that I was censored from every media outlet in the movement? Made me realize that "the staunch opposition" was in the pocket of "The System".
Prior to my arrest, I was a regular guest on Tom Valentine, interviewed by "The Spotlight" newspaper, and they were retailers of my earlier books. After my win - nada.

23rd July 2010, 06:05 AM
I think you've been fooled if you think I "lost".


23rd July 2010, 06:12 AM

Vexatious litigation

Vexatious litigation is legal action which is brought, regardless of its merits, solely to harass or subdue an adversary. It may take the form of a primary frivolous lawsuit or may be the repetitive, burdensome, and unwarranted filing of meritless motions in a matter which is otherwise a meritorious cause of action. Filing vexatious litigation is considered an abuse of the judicial process and may result in sanctions against the offender. A single action, even a frivolous one, is not enough to raise a litigant to the level of being declared vexatious, though repeated and severe instances by a single lawyer or firm can result in eventual disbarment.

Some jurisdictions have a list of vexatious litigants: people who have repeatedly abused the legal system. Because lawyers could be disbarred for participating in the abuse, vexatious litigants are often unable to retain legal counsel, and therefore represent themselves in court. Those on the list are usually either forbidden from any further legal action or required to obtain prior permission from a senior judge before taking any legal action. The process by which a person is added to the list varies among jurisdictions.


23rd July 2010, 06:14 AM
Here's a few tidbits for the curious:

Where mother is awarded the custody of her minor children on a decree of divorce from the father, he is thereby deprived of all rights to the services of the child, and consequently is freed from all liability to the mother for the care, support, and maintenance of the child.
Husband v. Husband, 67 Ind. 583, 33 Am.Rep. 107 (Ind.1879)

When a wife deserts her husband, and continues to live separate from him, and retains custody of a child, refusing to deliver him up to the father, who offers to support him, an action cannot be maintained against the father for the support and education of the child.
Fitler v. Fitler, 2 Phila. 372 (Pa.1857)

As I have repeatedly stated, the law, in the public record, is still there for non-socialists to rely upon. But if you're a "person liable", you're not going to believe me, since all your experiences lead you to not believe me.

Go read the law, yourself.

23rd July 2010, 06:16 AM
The only people legally obligated to pay non-custodial child support are duly enrolled and enumerated socialists.



23rd July 2010, 06:24 AM
Feel free to ascribe unsocialist maledictions upon me.
I stopped volunteering in 1993.
I am ANTI-SOCIALIST. Coincidentally, it's the name of one of my Y! groups.

All I know, is that my trial was scheduled for July 3, 1996...

And that I had received an order, signed by Judge McClure, on July 1, delivered on the morning of July 2, dismissing my written motions to dismiss. (Separate from my earlier filing, under Savings to Suitor, that prompted the published ruling)

But by the afternoon of July 2, one day before the trial, where my conviction was a complete certainty, something caused Judge McClure to issue an order immediately releasing me to the streets - with nothing but the clothes I was arrested in and no money, I might add.

The last thing I filed was the Writ of Error Coram Nobis.

23rd July 2010, 06:31 AM
Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180.


Us taxpayers still feeding your kids Rt. Rev. Dr. Jetgraphics?


23rd July 2010, 06:42 AM
While you're busy thinking up new insults, feel free to add the ones that the Southern Poverty Law Center deemed worthy of applying to me, as published in the Marietta Daily Times:
&#91;] White Supremacist,
&#91;] Neo-Nazi,
&#91;] Anti-Semite,
&#91;] Militia leader, and
&#91;] Tax protester.
They weren't true, but that reflects on their integrity, not mine.
I work for a Jewish carpenter, and only His approval do I seek.

Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180.

Us taxpayers still feeding your kids Rt. Rev. Dr. Jetgraphics?

Apparently, you are quite wroth with me.
Perhaps you think it's your duty, as a defender of socialism, but it does not change the facts of the matter.
In fact, your response is educational to the other readers who are contemplating withdrawal from "the System".

He who consents cannot complain.

He who has withdrawn consent, has nothing to complain about.

But those "voluntary" slaves may become quite agitated that someone "escaped".

23rd July 2010, 06:48 AM
I work for a Jewish carpenter, and only His approval do I seek.



23rd July 2010, 06:52 AM
Voluntary charity is a blessing.
Compulsory charity is a curse.

Jesus never preached that it was blessed to rob St. Peter to pay St. Paul.

But keep boosting readership...

23rd July 2010, 07:07 AM
Voluntary charity is a blessing. Compulsory charity is a curse. Jesus never preached that it was blessed to rob St. Peter to pay St. Paul.


How many kids do you have that you refuse to feed because Jesus says so? Since when did jetgraphic's responsibility to feed his kids become voluntary "charity"?


23rd July 2010, 07:54 AM
Since when did jetgraphic's responsibility to feed his kids become voluntary "charity"?

A parent has a duty to children in his possession. In fact, under the pre-socialist common law, only the father had the duty of support. The mother had zero duty to support. And had no claim to the labors of said children. But I digress.

If you read the previous post with the pre-socialist citations, you'd comprehend that non-custodial parents are not obligated by law to support children held by another. (Responsibility and possession were prerequisites for the duty.)
The 'obligation' for non-custodial parents was created by the Socialist InSecurity Act of 1935. (Which pretty much destroyed the economic advantages of marriage, and subsidized divorce.)

Though the law does not impose compulsory participation, and thus the obligation is "voluntary servitude", in practice, fraud is used to compel participation. (Just ask a modern parent about the pressure to get a birth certificate and SSN for the infant before leaving the maternity ward)

If you wish to be party to fraud, feel free to keep volunteering - er - being compelled - er - being ignorant of the law.

The only "U.S. Taxpayers" paying support for other people's children are voluntary socialists. And the law is clear that they're volunteers. So they have no grounds to object to non-taxpayer / non-obligated parties who haven't volunteered.

And if you do a little digging, you will find plenty of cases where non-custodial support orders were enforced on men who proved they were not the child's father. Of course, ALL enumerated socialists are obligated to underwrite the obligations imposed by "their" sovereign, the Collective State.

7th trump
23rd July 2010, 08:19 AM
Hey Book instead of waging a war you have no idea about why dont you listen to what Jet is saying because the law is the law.
Its apparant that you know no understanding of law forms in practice in this country.
You are a practicing socialist through SS under the law form of "Civil" as in Civil Law. Its you that is the enemy of this country because you are operating in law form thats not recognized by the US Constitution.

Please show me in the US Constitution where it recognizes the Civil Law form?
I see Admiral and even Equity and a couple of others but I dont see Civil Law anywhere in the Constitution period.

So take your pathetic attitude and go somewhere else like Quatloos.com which is where I beleive you are originally from by looking at your demeaner.
You will like it over at quatloos.....................

23rd July 2010, 09:44 AM
Keep it cool you 3... some of these exchanges are driving pretty close to banville city limits! ;)

23rd July 2010, 11:40 AM
Here's a few tidbits for the curious:

Where mother is awarded the custody of her minor children on a decree of divorce from the father, he is thereby deprived of all rights to the services of the child, and consequently is freed from all liability to the mother for the care, support, and maintenance of the child.
Husband v. Husband, 67 Ind. 583, 33 Am.Rep. 107 (Ind.1879)

When a wife deserts her husband, and continues to live separate from him, and retains custody of a child, refusing to deliver him up to the father, who offers to support him, an action cannot be maintained against the father for the support and education of the child.
Fitler v. Fitler, 2 Phila. 372 (Pa.1857)

As I have repeatedly stated, the law, in the public record, is still there for non-socialists to rely upon. But if you're a "person liable", you're not going to believe me, since all your experiences lead you to not believe me.

Go read the law, yourself.

GOD'S LAW is that you support your children. Regardless of whatever issues you have with the mother.

23rd July 2010, 11:42 AM
Feel free to ascribe unsocialist maledictions upon me.
I stopped volunteering in 1993.



You're exposed, and cannot be rehabilitated.

You use words on paper to avoid moral and ethical obligations. How that's different from any "socialist" regime I'm not sure.

23rd July 2010, 11:45 AM
I work for a Jewish carpenter, and only His approval do I seek.

Abe Foxman or Morris Seligman Dees work with wood?


23rd July 2010, 11:49 AM
Since when did jetgraphic's responsibility to feed his kids become voluntary "charity"?

A parent has a duty to children in his possession.

A parent has the DUTY to support his children which God has blessed him with. Abandoning the children He has blessed one with is sin.

If you wish to be party to fraud

Care to tell us which legitimate academic institution granted your doctorate, "Right Reverend Doctor"?

7th trump
23rd July 2010, 08:54 PM
Since when did jetgraphic's responsibility to feed his kids become voluntary "charity"?

A parent has a duty to children in his possession.

A parent has the DUTY to support his children which God has blessed him with. Abandoning the children He has blessed one with is sin.

If you wish to be party to fraud

Care to tell us which legitimate academic institution granted your doctorate, "Right Reverend Doctor"?

Your acting as a hippacrit phoenix to ask jet what academic institute. Your against academic institutes but yet ask jet to see his. What side of the fence are you on?
Lets see your academic institute allowing you to post your opinion as if it means anything?
"Judge not least be judged"!
I've said it on Gim1 and I'll say it here "you are all a bunch of hippacrits when it comes right down to it". FAKES!!!!!!
WTSHTF you are all to dangerous to be around. When the bullets start flying and you will point fingures, scared shytless. You will sell your birth right for a mere bowl of pourage.
Not one of you have ever been to court to feel what its like to show up with the cards stacked against you. Jet went through it knowing right up till the last minute he was a cooked goose.
The point is Jet is trelling you something worth more than any amount of gold or silver and all you can do is complain like a immature third grader. ( yeah I knoiw my grammar isnt that great with 9 kessler and cokes in me)
Yes I agree that abandoning your next of kin is bad. Even God refers thats to being worse than an "infidel" but who are you to judge a situtation that you may know nothing about. Jet never said he never he didnt support his children. He only addresssed he muted or made void the system where the state is a third party interest landlord. Have any of you ever been successful in doing that?

23rd July 2010, 10:30 PM
Phoenix is a rapid poster. And likes to stir the pot on a lot of threads (go ahead and smite me).

I want to know more about the REAL law that let's us be free again. I have George Gordon living about a half hour from me and was contemplating contacting him on these things. I want the people like jet and IAMIAF to add to the discourse. I think people baking apples that haven't been grown yet should shut up.

If a baby was born in the 1700's and for whatever reason, the parents broke up, the baby/child was an asset to the family. Thus the parent with the chattel had the benefit that the child would work the fields, learn the trade and help the family get on and help keep the grandparents when they were older. That was the social contract. Your family was your retirement benefit.

Now we have all this litigation.

If you were a married couple with no kids in the old days, you best get right with your gold and silver stacks, because your retirement is going to be bumpy.

And around again we are.

I cherish good opportunities to gain info on how to get out legally fromt he system. Please don't screw this up with your shilling.

24th July 2010, 12:22 AM
Phoenix is a rapid poster.

My apologies that my brain operates at a much higher terahertz than others. ;D

And likes to stir the pot on a lot of threads

I inject the Truth, and am not afraid to call a spade a spade. I'll declare the emperor has no clothes. Or in this case, the "Right Reverend Doctor." LOL

I want to know more about the REAL law that let's us be free again.

The "law" of America is simple: obey, or be punished with fines, being caged, or death. A dangerous delusional personality disorder leads people to believe otherwise.

Now we have all this litigation.

We have this litigation because the typical American father no longer wants to be a dad. That's not to say that all American mothers are such angels, but most of the problem parents are the fathers who won't be MEN. Uh, actually, most of America's problems are due to the fact American males won't be MEN.

I cherish good opportunities to gain info on how to get out legally fromt he system. Please don't screw this up with your shilling.

It should be clear that anyone who declares themselves a "Right Reverend Doctor" and "Pastor and Bishop" of a Post Office Box "church" is, shall we say, "challenged" in many arenas. My shilling?

There IS NO WAY TO "GET OUT LEGALLY FROM THE SYSTEM"! Why is it people can't get that? "They" make the "law," and "they" employ the millions of goons who MAKE you comply. The most efficient and extensive murder machine in all history doesn't recoil in fear when you say magic "legal" words.

7th trump
24th July 2010, 05:39 AM
This sums up phoenix to a "T".

There IS NO WAY TO "GET OUT LEGALLY FROM THE SYSTEM"! Why is it people can't get that? "They" make the "law," and "they" employ the millions of goons who MAKE you comply. The most efficient and extensive murder machine in all history doesn't recoil in fear when you say magic "legal" words.

Phoenix has already lost because phoenix beleives and wants to remain a slave.
If what phoenix says is "supposedly " true then why did Jet win in court when all odds were against him and Bill Thorton of www.1215.org?

How do you explain that phoenix?
Lets hear your reason Jet won phoenix and not this third grade temper trantrum of an opinion. I want to hear some good ole law and procedure because apparently to win like this Jet was wearing the proverbial " the emporer has no clothes" clothes!

The law of America consist of a few law forms that fall within or have jurisdictions that are practiced here in America. I suggest you learn them before saying such an uneducated statement about the law.

Do you have a hard time beleiving that Jesus was the Christ if you have a hard time accepting Jet as a reverend? Jesus didnt have any piece of paper saying he was Christ. And WHO are you to say otherwise?????????
You'd fit right in with the prosecuting Romans of Jesus's time.

The score is Jet won a court case by procedure and well you.............................zero!

Heres some knowledge you need to absorb phoenix

Wise men are instructed by reason;
Men of less understanding, by experience;
The most ignorant, by necessity;
The beasts by nature.
Letters to Atticus[?], Marcus Tullius Cicero

24th July 2010, 09:31 AM
The score is Jet won a court case...

He lost the case posted in this thread. Can you link us to a case he actually "won"?


24th July 2010, 11:29 AM
Phoenix has already lost because phoenix beleives and wants to remain a slave.

Be our hero - be my hero - and explain succinctly:

1) how one may avoid paying taxes without threat of fines or jail.
2) how one may use a car without a driver's license without threat of arrest.

If what phoenix says is "supposedly " true then why did Jet win in court

Motion denied =/= "win"

The law of America consist of a few law forms that fall within or have jurisdictions that are practiced here in America. I suggest you learn them before saying such an uneducated statement about the law.

The "law" is force.

Do you have a hard time beleiving that Jesus was the Christ if you have a hard time accepting Jet as a reverend?

Only God is reverend. Anyone calling themselves "reverend" is a blasphemer. And anyone claiming they are a "doctor" when their "degree" is from a Post Office Box "university" is a FRAUD.

Jesus didnt have any piece of paper saying he was Christ.

I'd laugh, but this is such sacrilege it's not funny. Jeffrey Gaponski is not Jesus Christ. The Bible does not have myriad prophecies telling of the arrival of the "Right Reverend Doctor."

You'd fit right in with the prosecuting Romans of Jesus's time.

LOL. You and Jeff "argue" like Pharisees. "The law, the law" - that's exactly what they did. Christ taught us to accept the reality behind & beyond "the law."

The score is Jet won a court case by procedure and well you.............................zero!

The difference between Jeff and I is that I actually win my filings...that means, the defendant or plaintiff have to do my will. "Motion denied" is not "winning."

7th trump
24th July 2010, 01:43 PM
1) how one may avoid paying taxes without threat of fines or jail.
I'm only speaking of paying taxes on your labor.
Property taxes stem from you being a 5USC 552(a) (13) "US citizen". I know cause i went and asked the city to show me where they get the authorization to tax my property...............and guess what? They said the feds give them authority and cited the specific code. The code comes back to being that 5USC 552(a) thingy again where the 14th hands jurisdiction over to the feds after you volunteer into it by applying for government benefits called Social Security. I know you wont believe it, but that is the truth.

Go look at the 1939 title 26 code and compare it to any previous code prior 1935. See if you find any mention of social security 3121(a) "wages" anywhere in Subtitle A or even Subtitle C "Employment taxes" for that matter. See if theres any mention of Social Security anywhere.
2) how one may use a car without a driver's license without threat of arrest.
Ask your state DOT for the specific statutes making you get a drivers license.
(hint) you cannot and will not be issued a drivers license without first consenting to the federal government in the form of benefits called social security. ( you will not understand what I just said but its all right there in that last sentence) All DOT's ask for a ssn. And getting a ssn is consenting that takes your VOLUNTARY signiture.
My grandfather never had a drivers license and never had to get one until after he applied for a ssn.
No federal agency has ever forced anyone to do anything without first getting your John Hancock signiture....................and thats the cold hard truth facts!
Oh.... I can hear it now! But 7th you didnt explain how you wouldnt be hauled into court for driving without a drivers license.
Well I'm not stupid........... Theres no law saying you cannot send the DOT a picture of yourself or your own ID to put into their database so when they do stop you they know exactly who you are. Like all secretaries of a dept............they can make or prescribe anything to accomodate your standing in law so police do not violate your Constitutional protections. They will not do it for you because its not their bussiness to decise what rights you want............its against the Constitution for them to decide.....................thats why it takes your signiture on their form.

Next I will ask you to find any law, statute, Act of Congress, Constitution or what have you requiring anybody to apply for a ssn!
I have in my possesion a letter from ther SSA stating a ssn is not required to work, live or merely just having a ssn in the United States.
I about spit up my drink when you said you cannot leave a hospital without first giving the newborn a ssn..............I walked right on out of the hospital three years ago and just 9 months ago for my daughter and son without signing any government forms applying for any ssn for them. They pushed it but they shut their freaken mouths when I said I will contact a lawyer.

As for addressing the rest of your post.........................its just opinionated hearsay garbage not worthy of a response.

The Great Ag
24th July 2010, 02:06 PM
Wow, I am surprised at the vehemence thrown at JG :conf: Apparently he pushed some buttons. Perhaps it is the button he pushed that should be looked at, instead of the emotional response it evoked.

The original purpose of the thread was to give a test regarding government and nationality. If one is a US citizen, then one is subject to the United States and resides therein and the state of residence. Someone who has no nexus to the United States, lives within the boundaries of the United States of America.

I have to whole heartedly agree with 7th Trump and JG stating it is possible to sever contracts with the gov't and "get out".

As soon as it is possible I will be doing so.

The Great Ag

The Great Ag
24th July 2010, 02:54 PM
The most striking thing about this thread is the attitude of some of the posters. I saw similar attitudes on GIM. The idea that "we" are superior (or at least more awake) than the bulk of the population because "we" read news from alternative sources and are willing to engage in different ideas.

When a member brings up a different idea regarding the law, its attack, attack, attack. We all serve the zions. They make the law. There is nothing we can do.

If the so-called "awake" cannot even see the prison has no locks, then may be there is almost no hope for us collectively.

I don't know, but I do know that I can get just about any "traffic" citation dismissed. I no longer worry about letters from revenue agents and taxes. As long as I am alive, I will keep trying to educate and never give up.

The Great Ag

24th July 2010, 03:01 PM
... i think here we have an idealist debating a realist......

jet being the idealist ,and phoenix the realist ....the reality is harder to believe, but, its STILL the reality.

24th July 2010, 03:45 PM
... i think here we have an idealist debating a realist......

jet being the idealist ,and phoenix the realist ....the reality is harder to believe, but, its STILL the reality.

Thank you for the compliment. However, it's not so simple as "idealist v. realist." jetgraphics peddles these "ideas" for money and a veneer of prestige. He also tells patent falsehoods, as I have clearly and irrefutably shown. I argue the Truth, because the Truth is holy to me. I also despise those who mislead others for personal gain, especially when the falsehoods can cause great harm to the sucker receiving them. So, in reality (no pun intended), I am both the realist and the idealist.

24th July 2010, 04:02 PM
1) how one may avoid paying taxes without threat of fines or jail.
I'm only speaking of paying taxes on your labor.
Property taxes stem from you being a 5USC 552(a) (13) "US citizen". I know cause i went and asked the city to show me where they get the authorization to tax my property...............and guess what? They said the feds give them authority and cited the specific code.

Which city, county and state? I'll call the relevant office(s) and determine the veracity of what you say here.

2) how one may use a car without a driver's license without threat of arrest.
Ask your state DOT for the specific statutes making you get a drivers license.

California Vehicle Code (CVC) 14604. (a) No owner of a motor vehicle may knowingly allow another person to drive the vehicle upon a highway unless the owner determines that the person possesses a valid driver's license that authorizes the person to operate the vehicle.

CVC 14602.6. (d) (1) An impounding agency shall release a vehicle to the registered owner or his or her agent prior to the end of 30 days’ impoundment under any of the following circumstances:

(E) When the driver reinstates his or her driver’s license or acquires a driver’s license and proper insurance.

Theres no law saying you cannot send the DOT a picture of yourself or your own ID to put into their database so when they do stop you they know exactly who you are.

CVC 14610. (a) It is unlawful for any person:

(1) To display or cause or permit to be displayed or have in his possession any canceled, revoked, suspended, fictitious, fraudulently altered, or fraudulently obtained driver's license.

Next I will ask you to find any law, statute, Act of Congress, Constitution or what have you requiring anybody to apply for a ssn!

26 USC 6109:

Identifying numbers

(a) Supplying of identifying numbers

When required by regulations prescribed by the Secretary:

(1) Inclusion in returns

Any person required under the authority of this title to make a return, statement, or other document shall include in such return, statement, or other document such identifying number as may be prescribed for securing proper identification of such person.


For purposes of paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), the identifying number of an individual (or his estate) shall be such individual’s social security account number.

24th July 2010, 04:06 PM
Wow, I am surprised at the vehemence thrown at JG :conf: Apparently he pushed some buttons. Perhaps it is the button he pushed that should be looked at, instead of the emotional response it evoked.

Why do you tolerates LIES? You don't get angry at lies? Why is that?

"I won the case" = LIE

"I am a Doctor" = LIE

I have to whole heartedly agree with 7th Trump and JG stating it is possible to sever contracts with the gov't and "get out".

OPINION, but no facts.

As soon as it is possible I will be doing so.


24th July 2010, 04:07 PM
If the so-called "awake" cannot even see the prison has no locks, then may be there is almost no hope for us collectively.

Locks are not the problem. The guns of the police and military are the problem.

7th trump
24th July 2010, 05:08 PM
1) how one may avoid paying taxes without threat of fines or jail.
I'm only speaking of paying taxes on your labor.
Property taxes stem from you being a 5USC 552(a) (13) "US citizen". I know cause i went and asked the city to show me where they get the authorization to tax my property...............and guess what? They said the feds give them authority and cited the specific code.

Which city, county and state? I'll call the relevant office(s) and determine the veracity of what you say here.

2) how one may use a car without a driver's license without threat of arrest.
Ask your state DOT for the specific statutes making you get a drivers license.

California Vehicle Code (CVC) 14604. (a) No owner of a motor vehicle may knowingly allow another person to drive the vehicle upon a highway unless the owner determines that the person possesses a valid driver's license that authorizes the person to operate the vehicle.

CVC 14602.6. (d) (1) An impounding agency shall release a vehicle to the registered owner or his or her agent prior to the end of 30 days’ impoundment under any of the following circumstances:

(E) When the driver reinstates his or her driver’s license or acquires a driver’s license and proper insurance.

Theres no law saying you cannot send the DOT a picture of yourself or your own ID to put into their database so when they do stop you they know exactly who you are.

CVC 14610. (a) It is unlawful for any person:

(1) To display or cause or permit to be displayed or have in his possession any canceled, revoked, suspended, fictitious, fraudulently altered, or fraudulently obtained driver's license.

Next I will ask you to find any law, statute, Act of Congress, Constitution or what have you requiring anybody to apply for a ssn!

26 USC 6109:

Identifying numbers

(a) Supplying of identifying numbers

When required by regulations prescribed by the Secretary:

(1) Inclusion in returns

Any person required under the authority of this title to make a return, statement, or other document shall include in such return, statement, or other document such identifying number as may be prescribed for securing proper identification of such person.


For purposes of paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), the identifying number of an individual (or his estate) shall be such individual’s social security account number.

Umm..................these are civil law statutes you are refering to.
Remember I said you need to understand the various law forms we have in operation in this country?

Google "american civil law" and read what it says very carefully. Research the shyt out of it so you understand what it absolutely understand where it eminates from and who's subject to it.

You really you are not qualified to ever debate because you have no understanding of law forms.

Heres an ex Californian state-patrol officer who done some research on the subject you know nothing about.
I'm posting th link but I heavily doubt you will take the time to visit and read what he has uncovered about california.

City is Davenport
County is Scott
State is Iowa

7th trump
24th July 2010, 05:13 PM
If the so-called "awake" cannot even see the prison has no locks, then may be there is almost no hope for us collectively.

Locks are not the problem. The guns of the police and military are the problem.

Bull shyt! Stupidity of arrogant ignorance is the problem.
There are no lock and hence why they need your signiture on a w4 to treat your pay as taxable and subjected "wages".
It takes your signiture on the drivers license.........................why?

Everything about the government takes your signiture. A signiture is giving your consent or permission.

24th July 2010, 05:54 PM
Everything about the government takes your signature. A signiture is giving your consent or permission.


What form did this citizen sign to give the government permission to pound his ass? Every one of your posts in this thread is devoid of reality...Ha Ha.


7th trump
24th July 2010, 06:42 PM
Everything about the government takes your signature. A signiture is giving your consent or permission.


What form did this citizen sign to give the government permission to pound his ass? Every one of your posts in this thread is devoid of reality...Ha Ha.


Yeah Yeah Yeah........................doesnt look like those thugs are from the United States to me nor does the guy look American nor does this look like its even remotely taking place in the United States.
What are you trying to do here?
Looks to me you are trying to put square pegs in round holes with this pic.
And to answer your pathetic question............................the SS-5 form or if you were to young to sign a SS form you used the number which came with a Rights warning where if you use the number you will be striped of certain rights. The government plainly warns you all the time and doesnt hide nothing from you.
You didnt read nothing did you? Just gleefully handed them the number because you drank the cool-aid saying you have to without ever questioning why.
And now after the IRS handed your ass to you for taking Schiffs advice you are sore because you took the advice of someone who didnt read the law nor understood the law in the first place. So no everyone suffers because you want everyone to suffer along with you for your own inequities..............................nice guy you are.

24th July 2010, 07:30 PM
Everything about the government takes your signature. A signature is giving your consent or permission.


Rodney King signed a consent form to get his ass beat? Can you link us to a copy of that consent form?


7th trump
24th July 2010, 08:02 PM
Everything about the government takes your signature. A signature is giving your consent or permission.


Rodney King signed a consent form to get his ass beat? Can you link us to a copy of that consent form?


Are you really going to show how much of an ass you are to this forum.............well the old saying goes "stupid is what stupid does".
Hey quatlooser book.................what starts the process of reporting to the SSA?
If you cannot answer that simple little question you are simply not even worth wasting anymore time on.

1. Whats the difference from a "US citizen" from the "People of the United States of America" or did you even know there was a difference (probably didnt know)?
(This is what Jet knew to get the judge release him one day before.)
2. Whats the difference from the Common Law form to the Civil Law form?
3. Whats the difference between civil rights eminating from the Civil Rights Act of 1866 from the Bill of Rights?
(ever read 42USC 1982, 1983 and 1984?)
4. Whats the difference between an "act of Congress" and a "ratification" of the US Constitution?
5. Whats the difference between statutory law and Constitutional Law?
If you understood any of these questions you wouldnt be acting like the stubborn ass you are demonstrating.

You know book I can sum you up with this:

1. Wise men are instructed by reason;
2. Men of less understanding, by experience;
3. The most ignorant, by necessity;
4. The beasts by nature.
Letters to Atticus[?], Marcus Tullius Cicero

You are somewhere between 4. and 3. based on your inability to answer any of my previous simple questions and your demeanor towards reasoning.

24th July 2010, 10:44 PM
I have to whole heartedly agree with 7th Trump and JG stating it is possible to sever contracts with the gov't and "get out". As soon as it is possible I will be doing so.




24th July 2010, 10:52 PM
To deprive a parent of his child, and then command him to pay for that child, held by another is injustice. It is slavery. To presume morality by imposing slavery is irrational. To defend slavery with all fervor is not unusual.

The over excited response reminds one of the speech by George Hanson, in Easy Rider.

Oh, yeah, that's right. That's what's it's all about, all right. But talkin' about it and bein' it, that's two different things. I mean, it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free, 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are. Oh, yeah, they're gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em.
--- George Hanson (Easy Rider)

To those who feel hopeless in their chains, and refuse to act in accordance with the law, there is nothing that anyone else can do for them.

The law is still on the books. The People's Democratic Socialist Republic of America has not yet supplanted the republican form.

24th July 2010, 10:56 PM
To deprive a parent of his child, and then command him to pay for that child, held by another is injustice.

Every man here agrees with you on this JG.

Let me write that again:

Every man here agrees with you on this JG.


24th July 2010, 11:30 PM

The Passport Denial Program, which is part of the Federal Offset Program, is designed to help states enforce delinquent child support obligations. Under the program, noncustodial parents certified by a state as having arrearages exceeding $2,500 are submitted by the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) to the Department of State (DoS), which denies them U.S. passports upon application or the use of a passport service. Noncustodial parents are not automatically removed from the Passport Denial Program even if their arrearages fall below the $2,500 threshold.



I live in Mexico with my children. My ex-husband is responsible for child support payments for our children, but has moved to the United States and is no longer making his payments. What can I do to enforce his obligations?

You should contact the Mexican SecretarÃ*ade Relaciones Exteriores (Foreign Ministry) for assistance in enforcing international child support orders. Contact the ConsultorÃ*a JurÃ*dica, Pensiones Alimenticias, Departmento de Derecho de Familia (Legal Office for Child Support in the Department of Family Law) in Mexico City at (01-55) 5782-4144.



I can not obtain a passport as i owe 12,000 child support. it was 30,000 10 years ago and i pay faithfully, however when i found out of this child? i was ordered to pay back support this is ok... but until all paid i can not get a passport! so my travel into cancun is work related -- not vacation... i need to get there! how can i do this?





(DRIVERS LICENCE) When you visit the EDL/EID office, bring along:

* Proof of citizenship, identity, and residence.
* Your Social Security number, which is required to help enforce child support laws. Your social security number will be verified but won’t appear on your license.
* Cash, check, or money order for the fee.



24th July 2010, 11:40 PM
Unemployment, Child Support and Federal Terrorism

Nothing has changed regarding reductions in child support since 1995, but the hold of invasive government methods has. Yet Bradley Amendment tracking, record-keeping and enforcement was hardly a problem to the majority of the American populace before the second term of the Clinton administration. Technology and its crushing grip had not come to full bear where the Bradley Amendment was concerned. That has changed. Computers, invasive privacy procedures and the attitude of law enforcement has created a new way of life for untold millions of men and a few women. The prospect of unemployment, chronic underemployment and homelessness is an increasing fate for an increasing millions of American men and women during this economic downturn with or without Bradley Law. The Bradley Amendment makes economic recovery for its’ victims almost impossible.

The Bradley Amendment has created a zero tolerance or mandatory measure for non-custodial parents, even in a depressed economy. The Bradley Amendment dictates that is is impossible for any judge to ever reduce or remove child support arrears accumulated for any reason. Most states will not voluntarily reduce child support during terms of unemployment or underemployment to match with income. To make matters worse, unemployment benefits and underemployed parents are tapped up to 65% of income for judicially declared child support without reprieve or remorse. The system is unrelenting. The reality remains that few non-custodial parents are able to get simple legal assistance or the cooperation required to reduce child support during a life crisis, resulting in a permanent catch-22 for millions of American citizens who mostly happen to be men.


There is no effective way out for non-custodial parents, so one of the effective costs of child support enforcement and Bradley Law include 5,000 additional suicides yearly and 100,000 additional men in jail at any given time. This results in additional unemployment during good economic times and is likely to increase dramatically during bad economic times with little hope for a new legal underclass of American. Otherwise responsible dads are driven further from their children during a time when ‘responsible fatherhood laws‘ encourage fathers to stay involved with their children by advertising on billboards. The Bradley Amendment has created a new nation, but not for the better. Instead, we have created a nation of quiet and unrelenting unconstitutional terror and despair. The law enforcement that claims to protect us has become an instrument of terrorism.



24th July 2010, 11:57 PM
I think you've been fooled if you think I "lost"...

The only people legally obligated to pay non-custodial child support are duly enrolled and enumerated socialists...

Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180...

My grounds were that their authority to compel was the SocSec act, and it was against my religious beliefs to participate in that abomination...

Prior to my arrest...

Um...can you tell us what you actually "won" after all this?

1) Custody of your kids?

2) Drivers License and Passport?

3) Are you on the No-Fly List at the airport? Can you even cross the USA border?


25th July 2010, 12:38 AM
To deprive a parent of his child, and then command him to pay for that child, held by another is injustice. It is slavery.

But that's not what happened in your case, Jeff.



What exactly is the reason you are not allowed access to your child? Please admit it here. Please stop hiding behind "violation of your 'rights'" and admit the Truth. Telling the Truth is good for the soul. ;)

25th July 2010, 01:02 AM
While this scenario may not apply to our fellow member here, what I do know is this: I've heard of many cases in my professional and personal life of "parents deprived of access to their children." Initially, on their face, it appears great injustice occurred. But if I took time to research the situation, the Truth behind the story was substantially different than the perception of the "victim."

Unfortunately, a particular story I know the disgusting intimate details of is that of my wife's ex-husband. He was convicted of <a href="http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=pen&group=00001-01000&file=281-289.6">CPC 288(a)</a> - the victim was three - and served years in the Big House. He has told his close family - and has had his close family repeat the falsehoods - that he has been "victimized by the court system." He even had the gall to tell a co-worker that the mother of his children was "evil," and was unjustly "depriving him of his children." This woman wanted to murder that mother, since my wife's ex is so very convincing and charming. Unexpectedly for him, his co-worker shared a college class with my ex-wife, and repeated to her the story of the alleged "deprivation of his children." The co-worker almost went into tears when shown his <a href="http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov/">Megan's Law</a> entry.

So, if a suspicious allegation of "I'm not allowed to see my children, so I don't owe them nothin'" falls on my deaf ears, that is why.

1970 silver art
25th July 2010, 01:30 AM
I think you've been fooled if you think I "lost"...

The only people legally obligated to pay non-custodial child support are duly enrolled and enumerated socialists...

Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180...

My grounds were that their authority to compel was the SocSec act, and it was against my religious beliefs to participate in that abomination...

Prior to my arrest...

Um...can you tell us what you actually "won" after all this?

1) Custody of your kids?

2) Drivers License and Passport?

3) Are you on the No-Fly List at the airport? Can you even cross the USA border?


I am guessing that he won a Get-Out-Of-Jail card since he won his case but I am just making a WAG. I really do not know.


1970 silver art
25th July 2010, 02:03 AM
I know that I am oversimplifying this here but to avoid child support payments, court battles to avoid child support, and jail time, do the following..........DO NOT GET A WOMAN PREGNANT. KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS. All of this can be avoided. Like I said, I am probably oversimplifying all of this but it does work.

Since there are apparently a lot of deadbeat dads out there, then the woman went and got a "gun" called the "Nanny Government gun" (i.e. family court system). The woman is using that Nanny Government Gun" to force that man to pay child support to her and the kid(s). The "Nanny Government Gun" does malfunction and shoots too many "bullets" into the very few REAL men who are stepping up and doing the right thing by taking care of their children.

The child support system punishes the man 99% of the time but it is also the man who usually runs away from their responsibilities to their children.

Don't want to pay child support for 18+ years? Solution: DO NOT get a woman pregnant. Enough said.

25th July 2010, 08:43 AM
Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180.


On the shelf right next to WINNING THE TRAFFIC TICKET BATTLE by Rodney King?

7th trump
25th July 2010, 09:29 AM
Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180.


On the shelf right next to WINNING THE TRAFFIC TICKET BATTLE by Rodney King?

Hey Book..................you ever going try to make an attempt to answer those question I pose or continue on down this display of ignorance?
Whats Rodney King have to do with Jets ability to move the courts?
As I recall Jet never said anything about a beating................the judge just released him do to his understanding of law.
I bet you cannot even find one case of an American (People of the United States of America) going to jail prior 1868 for not paying child support bet you dont even find a case where a judge ordered to pay child support.

25th July 2010, 09:40 AM
Hey Book..................you ever going try to make an attempt to answer those questions I pose or continue on down this display of ignorance?


I think you've been fooled if you think I "lost"...

The only people legally obligated to pay non-custodial child support are duly enrolled and enumerated socialists...

Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180...

My grounds were that their authority to compel was the SocSec act, and it was against my religious beliefs to participate in that abomination...

Prior to my arrest...

Um...can you tell us what you actually "won" after all this?

1) Custody of your kids?

2) Drivers License and Passport?

3) Are you on the No-Fly List at the airport? Can you even cross the USA border?



7th trump
25th July 2010, 11:49 AM
Hey Book..................you ever going try to make an attempt to answer those questions I pose or continue on down this display of ignorance?


I think you've been fooled if you think I "lost"...

The only people legally obligated to pay non-custodial child support are duly enrolled and enumerated socialists...

Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180...

My grounds were that their authority to compel was the SocSec act, and it was against my religious beliefs to participate in that abomination...

Prior to my arrest...

Um...can you tell us what you actually "won" after all this?

1) Custody of your kids?

2) Drivers License and Passport?

3) Are you on the No-Fly List at the airport? Can you even cross the USA border?



If I read Jets latest post he wasnt going to answer to ignorance.

Now you answer those legal questions I posed you or just keep your mouth shut because it too obvious you havent a clue, but to add your personal attack two cents.
Nobody but Jet knows for certain if or how he is supporting his children. Jet never said he didnt support them. He just demonstrated he severed the state from dictating the amount.
What you dont realize is Jet demonstrated what you've been asking all along which I'm beginning to think you are deathly scared of........standing on your own to feet against the system. (I guess I would be shaking in my boots as well too if I didnt have a clue how to move the courts like Jet has)
I know of a few people that never went to the state to see how much the parent is supposed to pay or who gets what. They worked it all out on their own. Never used a lawyer or judge in any part of the divorce ecept to finalize it.
But then we have you chiming in here spousing how you think everything should be done.
Like you are anybody!

Still waiting for those answers to see if you know anything related to law Book.
I doubt anyone will see any attempt to answer accept your daily drivle.

25th July 2010, 02:46 PM
Hey Book..................you ever going try to make an attempt to answer those questions I pose or continue on down this display of ignorance?


I think you've been fooled if you think I "lost"...

The only people legally obligated to pay non-custodial child support are duly enrolled and enumerated socialists...

Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180...

My grounds were that their authority to compel was the SocSec act, and it was against my religious beliefs to participate in that abomination...

Prior to my arrest...

Um...can you tell us what you actually "won" after all this?

1) Custody of your kids?

2) Drivers License and Passport?

3) Are you on the No-Fly List at the airport? Can you even cross the USA border?



If I read Jets latest post he wasn't going to answer to ignorance...

Nobody but Jet knows for certain if or how he is supporting his children. Jet never said he didnt support them. He just demonstrated he severed the state from dictating the amount...

What you don't realize is Jet demonstrated...

Oh.....................I see. JG wants us to buy his $35 book (for unreported cash or silver) to find out if he even sees his kids, has a drivers license or can get a passport. Send cash or three silver dollars to his POST OFFICE BOX...Ha Ha.


This whole thread is SPAM FOR A SCAM.

"Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180...

7th trump
25th July 2010, 04:48 PM
Hey Book..................you ever going try to make an attempt to answer those questions I pose or continue on down this display of ignorance?


I think you've been fooled if you think I "lost"...

The only people legally obligated to pay non-custodial child support are duly enrolled and enumerated socialists...

Yes, I wrote a book, "Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180...

My grounds were that their authority to compel was the SocSec act, and it was against my religious beliefs to participate in that abomination...

Prior to my arrest...

Um...can you tell us what you actually "won" after all this?

1) Custody of your kids?

2) Drivers License and Passport?

3) Are you on the No-Fly List at the airport? Can you even cross the USA border?



If I read Jets latest post he wasn't going to answer to ignorance...

Nobody but Jet knows for certain if or how he is supporting his children. Jet never said he didnt support them. He just demonstrated he severed the state from dictating the amount...

What you don't realize is Jet demonstrated...

Oh.....................I see. JG wants us to buy his $35 book (for unreported cash or silver) to find out if he even sees his kids, has a drivers license or can get a passport. Send cash or three silver dollars to his POST OFFICE BOX...Ha Ha.


This whole thread is SPAM FOR A SCAM.

"Winning the Child Support Battle", available for $35 FRNS, (or 3 silver dollars, US), from Living Word Ministry, POBox 298, Villa Rica, GA 30180...

Anything and all diversion not to answer some simple questions right Book?
Nothing like trying to throw the heat on someone else who you dont know for sure is not supporting his children.
All you know is that Jet told the state to take a hike and all you can think of is personal attacks towards him.

25th July 2010, 05:34 PM
Anything and all diversion not to answer some simple questions right Book?


1) Custody of your kids?

2) Drivers License and Passport?

3) Are you on the No-Fly List at the airport? Can you even cross the USA border?


29th July 2010, 05:34 PM
Um...can you tell us what you actually "won" after all this?
1) Custody of your kids?
2) Drivers License and Passport?
3) Are you on the No-Fly List at the airport? Can you even cross the USA border?

[1] As stated earlier, the claim was for non-custodial child support. I won. Claim was dropped. I did not have custody.
[2] I surrendered my license and tag, in 1992. Didn't need them to travel, as it is a right to travel. Only residents need permission slips. Non-residents do not. My passport is expired, but I may re-apply for one - or not. I have an asseveration of status that is sufficient for my needs.
[3] As far as I can tell, I am not listed as a terrorist - yet. But who knows what His O Majesty may yet decree.

The information I bring to this forum is in the public record, and I strongly suggest that you go read the law for yourself.
However, stooping to repeated personal attacks is not persuasive nor effective. Insults from an opponent is high praise. It indicates that there are no facts one can bring to rebut the information presented.
Thank you, thank you very much.

29th July 2010, 05:47 PM
FYI - Doctor means teacher, an honorable title. It was taken by the European model of education, in the 19th century as a title bestowed upon one who completed an advanced curriculum. It was also taken as an honor by Allopaths *(Physicians), though they do not teach.

I do not claim a "doctorate".
But I do teach, hence I can claim the title.

29th July 2010, 05:53 PM
The delay in reply was due to "wetware" problems. I am visually impaired, and when I can't read - I can't reply.

29th July 2010, 06:36 PM
FYI - Doctor means teacher, an honorable title. It was taken by the European model of education, in the 19th century as a title bestowed upon one who completed an advanced curriculum...I do not claim a "doctorate". But I do teach, hence I can claim the title.

Who bestowed the title "Doctor" upon you JG?


7th trump
29th July 2010, 07:15 PM
FYI - Doctor means teacher, an honorable title. It was taken by the European model of education, in the 19th century as a title bestowed upon one who completed an advanced curriculum...I do not claim a "doctorate". But I do teach, hence I can claim the title.

Who bestowed the title "Doctor" upon you JG?


As if you are anybody?

Oh thats right.......your that guy that doesnt provide any documentation nor understands simple law form.

29th July 2010, 10:05 PM
As if you are anybody?

Oh thats right.......your that guy that doesnt provide any documentation

Book is not claiming a title that is universally understood in all civilized societies to refer to a person who has undergone intensive studies at a recognized place of learning. jetgraphics does not qualify for that title. One does not bestow oneself with the title of "doctor." Unless one is trying to con others.

29th July 2010, 10:14 PM
[1] As stated earlier, the claim was for non-custodial child support. I won. Claim was dropped. I did not have custody.

Docket number and court, please. Even if "dropped," the case will be available to verify.

WHY do you not have custody?

[2] I surrendered my license and tag, in 1992. Didn't need them to travel, as it is a right to travel. Only residents need permission slips. Non-residents do not. My passport is expired, but I may re-apply for one - or not. I have an asseveration of status that is sufficient for my needs.

VIN number of your automobile, please. Since we already know your name/identity, your "privacy" is not excuse for not providing this.

The information I bring to this forum is in the public record, and I strongly suggest that you go read the law for yourself.

PLEASE! Yes, we want to find out what magic words you actually use to defeat your enemies in court. Docket numbers and court(s), please! So far, you've provided only one verifiable case, in Federal court, where you LOST (your "motion denied").

However, stooping to repeated personal attacks is not persuasive nor effective.

What personal attacks? Please clarify. Stating truthfully that you are not "reverend," that you are NOT a "doctor," that you peddle these theories for personal monetary gain, how are those "personal attacks"? Repeating truth of things you have asserted that embarrasses you - exposes you - is not "personal attacks."

Insults from an opponent is high praise. It indicates that there are no facts one can bring to rebut the information presented.
Thank you, thank you very much.

Oh, you are most welcome! :ROFL:

It's almost sad when someone with jetgraphic's background is so clueless as to not understand they are the laughing stock of a social community, such as this forum.

29th July 2010, 10:42 PM
What personal attacks? Please clarify. Stating truthfully that you are not "reverend," that you are NOT a "doctor," that you peddle these theories for personal monetary gain, how are those "personal attacks"? Repeating truth of things you have asserted that embarrasses you - exposes you - is not "personal attacks."


I imagine that Mamboni is wondering why he actually went to medical school and did that real Intern thingie at a real hospital after reading about how easy it was for Doctor Jetgraphics...lol.


7th trump
30th July 2010, 03:30 AM
As if you are anybody?

Oh thats right.......your that guy that doesnt provide any documentation

Book is not claiming a title that is universally understood in all civilized societies to refer to a person who has undergone intensive studies at a recognized place of learning. jetgraphics does not qualify for that title. One does not bestow oneself with the title of "doctor." Unless one is trying to con others.

Jesus didnt go to the credited school of Holy University. He was born in a barn to say it like it is.
Does that disqualify Jesus for being the Son of God?
My dad never went to carpenters school but everyone wanted my dad to go to work for them. He has the experience and knowledge that most dont. Does that make my dad a nobody?
You are such a hippacrit beyond beleif.

30th July 2010, 05:30 AM
What personal attacks? Please clarify. Stating truthfully that you are not "reverend," that you are NOT a "doctor," that you peddle these theories for personal monetary gain, how are those "personal attacks"? Repeating truth of things you have asserted that embarrasses you - exposes you - is not "personal attacks."


I imagine that Mamboni is wondering why he actually went to medical school and did that real Intern thingie at a real hospital after reading about how easy it was for Doctor Jetgraphics...lol.


The way government is encouraging the notion of healthcare as a right, and the increasing tendency for patients to expect services and medicines for free, many doctors are wondering why they invested their lives in years of training only to be discounted like throw-away cameras.

30th July 2010, 07:49 AM
Jesus didnt go to the credited school of Holy University.

Let it be known that 7th Trump is comparing jetgraphics to Jesus Christ.

30th July 2010, 07:55 AM
Jesus didnt go to the credited school of Holy University.

Let it be known that 7th Trump is comparing jetgraphics to Jesus Christ.


You've compared Hitler to Jesus Christ.

What difference does it make?

7th trump
30th July 2010, 08:29 AM
Jesus didnt go to the credited school of Holy University.

Let it be known that 7th Trump is comparing jetgraphics to Jesus Christ.

No, I'm not comparing Jesus Christ with Jetgraphics or visa versa.
Thats what you are trying to put in my mouth to say I'm doing and thats simply not the truth phoenix.
You are a viperous liar that twists the truth ever so slightly!
What I'm saying is you condem jet for claiming to be a "Doctor" having no creditable schooling from any creditable school.
I'm asking if you question or condem Jesus Christ being the son of God the same way you question jet being a doctor because both dont have a "supposed" piece of paper from any creditable school.
Jet is self proclaimed doctor as is Jesus proclaiming the son of God.
Jesus cured deseases as one of many things He did and Jet stopped/mutted the courts dead in their tracks to render a ruling.

I'm calling you out because you cannot have it both ways.

My dad never went to the 9th grade and never finished the eighth grade but he was very sought after for his ability and insight on carpentry.
He could open a blue print and within a few minute detect structural problems an architecture missed.

30th July 2010, 08:46 AM
What I'm saying is you condemn jet for claiming to be a "Doctor" having no creditable schooling from any creditable school.


Paging Doctor Jetgraphics...Paging Doctor Jetgraphics...Paging Doctor Jetgraphics


30th July 2010, 08:48 AM
You've compared Hitler to Jesus Christ.

When and where?

30th July 2010, 08:51 AM
You've compared Hitler to Jesus Christ.

When and where?

Haven't you called Hitler the greatest man since Jesus Christ?

30th July 2010, 08:52 AM
No, I'm not comparing Jesus Christ with Jetgraphics or visa versa....Jet is self proclaimed doctor as is Jesus proclaiming the son of God.

You did it AGAIN!

Jesus Christ had the authority to proclaim Himself anything He wanted.

jetgraphics is nothing better than any one of us. He has to play by the same rules we ordinary men have to.

Jesus cured deseases as one of many things He did and Jet stopped/mutted the courts dead in their tracks to render a ruling.


7th Trump proclaims the "Right Reverend Doctor" [sic] jetgraphics performs miracles!

My dad never went to the 9th grade and never finished the eighth grade but he was very sought after for his ability and insight on carpentry.
He could open a blue print and within a few minute detect structural problems an architecture missed.

Did your dad call himself a "doctor of engineering" or even a "Professional Engineer"?

30th July 2010, 08:53 AM
You've compared Hitler to Jesus Christ.

When and where?

Haven't you called Hitler the greatest man since Jesus Christ?

I don't recall doing so. You mean here or at GIM? Please post where you think I said such.

Is this another one of your "Phoenix must be Quantum so I will attribute all of the latter's posts to the former" slanders?

30th July 2010, 08:56 AM

Paging Doctor Jetgraphics...Paging Doctor Jetgraphics...Paging Doctor Jetgraphics


That clown might actually help the patient heal, due to humor.

jetgraphics would likely declare an irrelevant diagnosis based on some obscure book he picked up at a garage sale, and then use "treatments" from an 18th century medical manual, because "that's the way things are supposed to be done."

30th July 2010, 08:56 AM
You've compared Hitler to Jesus Christ.

When and where?

Haven't you called Hitler the greatest man since Jesus Christ?

I don't recall doing so. You mean here or at GIM? Please post where you think I said such.

Is this another one of your "Phoenix must be Quantum so I will attribute all of the latter's posts to the former" slanders?

I'm not sure what you were calling yourself at the time.

In your opinion, who are the two greatest men to have walked the earth, and in what order?

30th July 2010, 08:59 AM
I'm not sure what you were calling yourself at the time.

In other words, NO PROOF WHATSOEVER, like the rest of the stooges?

In your opinion, who are the two greatest men to have walked the earth, and in what order?

I don't make idiotic analyses or comparisons of such nature.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 09:08 AM
No, I'm not comparing Jesus Christ with Jetgraphics or visa versa....Jet is self proclaimed doctor as is Jesus proclaiming the son of God.

You did it AGAIN!

Jesus Christ had the authority to proclaim Himself anything He wanted.

jetgraphics is nothing better than any one of us. He has to play by the same rules we ordinary men have to.

Jesus cured deseases as one of many things He did and Jet stopped/mutted the courts dead in their tracks to render a ruling.


7th Trump proclaims the "Right Reverend Doctor" [sic] jetgraphics performs miracles!

My dad never went to the 9th grade and never finished the eighth grade but he was very sought after for his ability and insight on carpentry.
He could open a blue print and within a few minute detect structural problems an architecture missed.

Did your dad call himself a "doctor of engineering" or even a "Professional Engineer"?

I never read where Jesus proclaimed He was the Son of God to anyone but the apostles. I've always read where Jesus asked the person who they thought He was. Jesus always sought to see if they had faith first before ever proclaiming.
If Jesus ever proclaimed anything it was by example. God says: "I'am that I'am"and nobody in the flesh has ever seen God.

Its not a "miracle" to mute a court if you know how to speak to the court.(its called knowing and understanding law form) Do you remember what Jet "filed" with the court to mute the court?

Where did you get the idea we have to play by the rules.
Just what are these "rules" you proclaim and who told you about them?
Are these "rules" set by the same "whoever" that says a school is creditable?
Who says the people that say a school is creditable are "creditable".
You act out of blindness.
Are these "rules" really rules or just someones opinion?
Again you act out of blindness.

30th July 2010, 09:10 AM
I'm not sure what you were calling yourself at the time.

In other words, NO PROOF WHATSOEVER, like the rest of the stooges?

In your opinion, who are the two greatest men to have walked the earth, and in what order?

I don't make idiotic analyses or comparisons of such nature.

You know whether you said it or not.

I don't care.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 09:17 AM
I'm not sure what you were calling yourself at the time.

In other words, NO PROOF WHATSOEVER, like the rest of the stooges?

In your opinion, who are the two greatest men to have walked the earth, and in what order?

I don't make idiotic analyses or comparisons of such nature.

But yet you compare yourself with everyone and say you dont make idiotic analyses or comparisons.

30th July 2010, 09:34 AM
Where did you get the idea we have to play by the rules.


Been jailed.

Calls himself a "Doctor".

Claims he "won" but can't even see his own children anymore.

Can't get a drivers license or passport anymore while evading court-ordered Child Support payments.

Sells his "How To Win" book for unreported "cash only" from a post office box.


30th July 2010, 10:34 AM
You know whether you said it or not.

I honestly don't recall it. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I would be surprised if I did, because it would be hyperbole.

I don't care.

Obviously, you do, or you wouldn't bring it up.

30th July 2010, 10:39 AM
Where did you get the idea we have to play by the rules.


Been jailed.

Calls himself a "Doctor".

Claims he "won" but can't even see his own children anymore.

Can't get a drivers license or passport anymore while evading court-ordered Child Support payments.

Sells his "How To Win" book for unreported "cash only" from a post office box.


I'm convinced now that the people who put forth this BULLsh*t actually, truly believe they are right, that they are not consciously lying, and that they are not consciously profiteers. They are mental, and honestly can't understand why any of us who are still grounded in reality would object to their crazy, bizarro worldview.

Nonetheless, despite their ignorance of the nature of what really is, and what it is they really are, they are detrimental, even dangerous individuals, who believe that they are "entitled" to the money they collect and are "entitled" to proclaim honorifics for themselves, in the same way a quack charges exorbitantly for sham "cures," in the same way the madman in a lunatic asylum problems himself Emperor of France.

30th July 2010, 10:40 AM
You know whether you said it or not.

I honestly don't recall it. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I would be surprised if I did, because it would be hyperbole.

I don't care.

Obviously, you do, or you wouldn't bring it up.

It's ok - I'm over it.


30th July 2010, 10:46 AM
I'm convinced now that the people who put forth this BULLsh*t actually, truly believe they are right, that they are not lying, and that they are not profiteers. They are mental, and can't understand why any of us who are still grounded in reality would object to their crazy, bizarro worldview.

Nonetheless, despite their ignorance of the nature of what really is, and what it is they really are, they are detrimental, even dangerous individuals, who believe that they are "entitled" to the money they collect and are "entitled" to proclaim honorifics for themselves, in the same way a quack charges exorbitantly for sham "cures," in the same way the madman in a lunatic asylum problems himself Emperor of France.

Some people are statists and some aren't.

"To each his own", or, si vous préférez:

"Jedem das Seine"*

*by the way, where is jedemdasseine? I haven't seen him around here for several months.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 10:58 AM
Where did you get the idea we have to play by the rules.


Been jailed.
(and released the minute the court recognized Jet as someone they couldnt hold)

Calls himself a "Doctor".
( And he specifically explained why which you choose to ignore)

Claims he "won" but can't even see his own children anymore.
(where did he say he couldnt see his children?)

Can't get a drivers license or passport anymore while evading court-ordered Child Support payments.
(Only subjects have to get permission from the government to do something that by the Constitution is legal.)

Sells his "How To Win" book for unreported "cash only" from a post office box.
(You have no idea what zip codes label a person do you. Ever heard of or read the Buck Act?)


Wheres your credentials to judge.
Sounds to me you are comparing yourself to God Himself to be able to judge someone with impunity.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 10:59 AM
I have a feeling phoenix you are upset with Jet from not being able to correctly answer his questions.
God knows you wont answer mine.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 11:05 AM
Where did you get the idea we have to play by the rules.


Been jailed.

Calls himself a "Doctor".

Claims he "won" but can't even see his own children anymore.

Can't get a drivers license or passport anymore while evading court-ordered Child Support payments.

Sells his "How To Win" book for unreported "cash only" from a post office box.


I'm convinced now that the people who put forth this BULLsh*t actually, truly believe they are right, that they are not consciously lying, and that they are not consciously profiteers. They are mental, and honestly can't understand why any of us who are still grounded in reality would object to their crazy, bizarro worldview.

Nonetheless, despite their ignorance of the nature of what really is, and what it is they really are, they are detrimental, even dangerous individuals, who believe that they are "entitled" to the money they collect and are "entitled" to proclaim honorifics for themselves, in the same way a quack charges exorbitantly for sham "cures," in the same way the madman in a lunatic asylum problems himself Emperor of France.

Well evidently the court thought Jet was correct in his corrected filing otherwise why did they release him without a ruling?
Thats what burns you doesnt it phoenix? You just cannot fathom your dream one world order crumbles when the People start acting like the People the founding fathers meant them to be.
Yeah and jet didnt even employ a lawyer to mute the court did he.
You must be a lawyer or something to that nature to be this ass chapped about Jet.

30th July 2010, 12:46 PM
Kudos to Jetgraphics for doing more to further awareness of rights and freedom than Book and Phoenix than forum pontificate.

As for the trinity...
Jetgraphics is most like Jesus Christ in my book. Book is stirring things up, and Phoenix is ragging an attack.

And all this conflicting talk of Jetgraphics having both conviction and no conviction reminds me of Resurrection. ;D

I have the Queen to worry about.

30th July 2010, 12:54 PM
Some people are statists and some aren't.

I hope you realize that's yet another false dichotomy.

I've yet to meet an absolute anarchist; those who call themselves anarchists always acknowledge a "need" for government, if only for protection of their property.

30th July 2010, 12:57 PM
Wheres your credentials to judge.

Do you drink spoiled milk? If not, you "judge."

I am only judging the ROTTENNESS of what you people peddle. I'm not judging you for your mental health challenges. I even acknowledged that it appears you don't know any better in my earlier post.

30th July 2010, 12:57 PM
I have a feeling phoenix you are upset with Jet from not being able to correctly answer his questions.
God knows you wont answer mine.

I don't answer nonsensical questions. Your questions are of the quality of "why is the Earth flat?"

30th July 2010, 01:01 PM
Well evidently the court thought Jet was correct in his corrected filing otherwise why did they release him without a ruling?

In what court (and case number) was Jeff "released without ruling"? He has NOT provided that case number. He's only alleged it.

Yeah and jet didnt even employ a lawyer to mute the court did he.

In what court (and case number) did Jeff "mute the court"? The only case he's cited he was slapped back with a "motion denied." That is a DEFEAT.

You must be a lawyer or something to that nature to be this ass chapped about Jet.

I know the law, I know how the courts work (wholly corrupt), and know that one does not merely say magic words to make them do your will. EVERY court in this country would jail your ass for "contempt of court" if you tried these tactics Jeff and you CLAIM work. They DO NOT WORK.

30th July 2010, 01:04 PM
I don't answer nonsensical questions. Your questions are of the quality of "why is the Earth flat?"
Globalist propaganda. ;D


A classic child psychology study carried out by Professors Stella Vosniadou and William Brewer provides a central insight into how we reach genuine understanding. They used a cognitive psychological theory called 'mental models' which suggests we create, and then test, mental models of the way the world works in order to build up our understanding. This theory implies there might be a series of intermediate points where we have some grasp of a concept, but it isn't yet complete. It's these intermediate mental models that Vosniadou and Brewer wanted to look at for evidence of understanding in progress.

For their study Vosniadou and Brewer (1991) interviewed sixty children who were between 6 and 11-years-old. Each was asked 48 questions, starting with the relatively innocuous: "What shape is the Earth?", and then moving on to more probing questions designed to reveal the mental model of the Earth they were using.

30th July 2010, 01:04 PM
Kudos to Jetgraphics for doing more to further awareness of rights and freedom

And those "rights and freedom" involve declaring oneself a "reverend" and a "doctor," and being a patriot for profit by selling books?

Jetgraphics is most like Jesus Christ in my book.

The blasphemous insanity continues. Jeff Ganaposki aka jetgraphics is a dead-beat dad, a proven liar, and someone who gains personally financially for his "work" in peddling proven falsehoods.

30th July 2010, 01:06 PM
I don't answer nonsensical questions. Your questions are of the quality of "why is the Earth flat?"
Are you a globalist?

It's becoming more and more obvious that this site is riddled with mental cases.

Now speaking the demonstrable Truth - demonstrable through a simple geometry experiment - that the Earth is a sphere makes one an adherent of the New World Order.


30th July 2010, 01:11 PM
Some people are statists and some aren't.

I hope you realize that's yet another false dichotomy.

I've yet to meet an absolute anarchist; those who call themselves anarchists always acknowledge a "need" for government, if only for protection of their property.

I don't label myself an anarchist or anything, and I understand how in theory a gov't could be beneficial if it were pure and not susceptible to corruption, but the reality is, humans run governments, and human-run governments will corrupt every single time.

I just want to be left the hell alone. I don't need anybody to hold my hand, nor do I need anyone to hold me down. I just want to be left alone to live my damn life.

I don't trust in man; I trust in God (or whatever you want to call it).

Since I am absolutely opposed to governments that operate without the (express) consent of the governed, you can call me an "absolute anarchist".

Nice to meet ya!


30th July 2010, 01:12 PM
jetgraphics is a...


Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch, literary critic and author, was first to classify plots as seven basic conflicts: Man against Man, Man against Nature, Man against Himself, Man against God, Man against Society, Man caught in the Middle, Man & Woman.

As with other literary terms, these have come about gradually as descriptions of common narrative structures. Conflict was first described in ancient Greek literature as the agon, or central contest in tragedy. According to Aristotle, in order to hold the interest, the hero must have a single conflict. The agon, or act of conflict, involves the protagonist (the "first fighter") and the antagonist (a more recent term), corresponding to the hero and villain. The outcome of the contest cannot be known in advance, and, according to later critics such as Plutarch, the hero's struggle should be ennobling.

Even in contemporary, non-dramatic literature, critics have observed that the agon is the central unit of the plot. The easier it is for the protagonist to triumph, the less value there is in the drama. In internal and external conflict alike, the antagonist must act upon the protagonist and must seem at first to overmatch him or her. For example, in William Faulkner's The Bear, nature might be the antagonist. Even though it is an abstraction, natural creatures and the scenery oppose and resist the protagonist. In the same story, the young boy's doubts about himself provide an internal conflict, and they seem to overwhelm him.

Similarly, when godlike characters enter (e.g. Superman), correspondingly great villains have to be created, or natural weaknesses have to be invented, to allow the narrative to have drama. Alternatively, scenarios could be devised in which the character's godlike powers are constrained by some sort of code, or their respective antagonist.

30th July 2010, 01:14 PM
Kudos to Jetgraphics for doing more to further awareness of rights and freedom

And those "rights and freedom" involve declaring oneself a "reverend" and a "doctor," and being a patriot for profit by selling books?

Jetgraphics is most like Jesus Christ in my book.

The blasphemous insanity continues. Jeff Ganaposki aka jetgraphics is a dead-beat dad, a proven liar, and someone who gains personally financially for his "work" in peddling proven falsehoods.

That's a personal attack.

I don't want to see you get banned, so maybe you could not get so belligerent?

30th July 2010, 01:23 PM
I don't answer nonsensical questions. Your questions are of the quality of "why is the Earth flat?"
Are you a globalist?

It's becoming more and more obvious that this site is riddled with mental cases.

Now speaking the demonstrable Truth - demonstrable through a simple geometry experiment - that the Earth is a sphere makes one an adherent of the New World Order.


LOL. I won't argue with you regarding the presence of "mental cases", but keehah was merely playing on the word "globalist".

Get it?

"Globalist" as in "globe".... as in "round/spherical"...

I happen to concur with your analysis as far the earth being round (global) - I just wish you would apply that same brilliant logic across the board...

30th July 2010, 01:32 PM
Jetgraphics is most like Jesus Christ in my book.

The blasphemous insanity continues.

But it was only in comparison to having written books about freedom vs not having. Or equivalent saging.
And the only other two options for 'most like' were you and Book. Nor is not being nominated first a significant slight IMO.

And while I expect JC fathered kids and met the modern definition of 'deadbeat parent', this had nothing to do with family, that stays personal, and I respect that for both you and Book.

Perhaps I can be converted, but I would need some enlightening.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 01:33 PM
I have a feeling phoenix you are upset with Jet from not being able to correctly answer his questions.
God knows you wont answer mine.

I don't answer nonsensical questions. Your questions are of the quality of "why is the Earth flat?"

Is the question if you understand the difference between the Common Law form and the Civil law form and its jurisdictional aspects nonsensical?
Please by all means explain away why you think that question is nonsensical?
Come on lets here it phoenix......you bable so much on this thread about how much you think you know let each and every one of us know just how much you know.
Its simple elementary legalese question phoenix, a very simple question.

30th July 2010, 01:40 PM
Kudos to Jetgraphics for doing more to further awareness of rights and freedom than Book and Phoenix than forum pontificate.


I remember you posting at GIM1 that you are a Network Administrator...lol.


7th trump
30th July 2010, 01:42 PM
Kudos to Jetgraphics for doing more to further awareness of rights and freedom

And those "rights and freedom" involve declaring oneself a "reverend" and a "doctor," and being a patriot for profit by selling books?

Jetgraphics is most like Jesus Christ in my book.

The blasphemous insanity continues. Jeff Ganaposki aka jetgraphics is a dead-beat dad, a proven liar, and someone who gains personally financially for his "work" in peddling proven falsehoods.

You have no proof jet is not supporting his kids.
You cannot judge Jet for muting the courts from rendering a custody battle. Do you get that?
For all we know Jet could be supporting his children with cash amount that he beleives is sufficient outside what a kangaroo court thinks.
Really does any married couple spend 30% of their weekly income on two kids? Thats what the courts will render, 25% for the first and 5% for each and every added child.
Every divorce I've seen the mother spends 80% of the child support on everything but the child.
Most of the time the mother doesnt work and lives off the child support and wellfare.

30th July 2010, 01:55 PM
Jet, I'd like to thank you for your honesty and personal integrity in light of the ridiculous direction this thread has taken... You've become a real human being to me, an actual man with a real name and real life in this thread, which lends credibility to what I had previously thought of as hardly more than abstract pontification on your part. Kudo's...

It's funny and truly refreshing in light of this attempted character assassination by a couple of fictitious Internet cartoon characters.

It's like watching Wiley Coyote plotting and attempting to whack the Roadrunner.

Edit... I have no idea how that photo of German Nazi's got on this post. I had tried to post it on another thread earlier today, but for some reason it didn't go through.
And here it just popped up on this thread... lol

Oh well... :-\

30th July 2010, 02:03 PM
I remember you posting at GIM1 that you are a Network Administrator...lol.


Years back we even PM'd each other what is now for both of us our past works. And it was not Network Administrator.

I still consider you a friend.

How can you be so confident of summing up persons of who you have even less direct knowledge eh? loc

30th July 2010, 02:08 PM
Jet, I'd like to thank you for your honesty and personal integrity in light of the ridiculous direction this thread has taken... You've become a real human being to me, an actual man with a real name and real life in this thread...


Please don't disrespectfully address the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jeff Ganaposki as Jet. Familiarity breeds contempt. It's Reverend Doctor to you pal.


30th July 2010, 02:24 PM
Jet, I'd like to thank you for your honesty and personal integrity in light of the ridiculous direction this thread has taken... You've become a real human being to me, an actual man with a real name and real life in this thread...


Please don't disrespectfully address the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jeff Ganaposki as Jet. Familiarity breeds contempt. It's Reverend Doctor to you pal.


Book if you're jealous you can get ordained here: http://www.themonastery.org/


30th July 2010, 02:39 PM
Years back we even PM'd each other what is now for both of us our past works. And it was not Network Administrator.

I still consider you a friend.

I remember our PMs and totally agree that we remain friends. Maybe Alzheimer's has fogged my memory of your past vocation...lol.


30th July 2010, 03:12 PM
Jet, I'd like to thank you for your honesty and personal integrity in light of the ridiculous direction this thread has taken... You've become a real human being to me, an actual man with a real name and real life in this thread...


Please don't disrespectfully address the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jeff Ganaposki as Jet. Familiarity breeds contempt. It's Reverend Doctor to you pal.


At least he's using his real name. What's yours?

You and Quantum are total fictions.

And as such will always remain stuck in a loop of ineffectual posturing. Kind of like the three stooges.

"Say, where's Dr. Mamboni?" Nyuck, nyuck... lol :oo-->

30th July 2010, 03:17 PM
A big part of the reason that I'm here posting at all is because of you, Silver Art...


30th July 2010, 06:11 PM
Kudos to Jetgraphics for doing more to further awareness of rights and freedom

And those "rights and freedom" involve declaring oneself a "reverend" and a "doctor," and being a patriot for profit by selling books?

Jetgraphics is most like Jesus Christ in my book.

The blasphemous insanity continues. Jeff Ganaposki aka jetgraphics is a dead-beat dad, a proven liar, and someone who gains personally financially for his "work" in peddling proven falsehoods.

That's a personal attack.

I don't want to see you get banned, so maybe you could not get so belligerent?

Could you please tell me what I said which is not factual?


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadbeat_parent (if this is inaccurate, I sincerely apologize)

"Liar" = one who tells lies (if this is inaccurate, I sincerely apologize - however he told a lie when he said he "won" the court case in which he was defeated)

And Jeff has admitted selling books that contain, to put it politely, "inaccuracies."

30th July 2010, 06:14 PM
Jet, I'd like to thank you for your honesty and personal integrity in light of the ridiculous direction this thread has taken... You've become a real human being to me, an actual man with a real name and real life in this thread...


Please don't disrespectfully address the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jeff Ganaposki as Jet. Familiarity breeds contempt. It's Reverend Doctor to you pal.


Book if you're jealous you can get ordained here: http://www.themonastery.org/


I am "ordained" by the Universal Life Church, only because the imbecilic government requires "credentials" for doing weddings. I REFUSE to use the term "reverend" for myself, because it is blasphemous.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 07:57 PM
Jet, I'd like to thank you for your honesty and personal integrity in light of the ridiculous direction this thread has taken... You've become a real human being to me, an actual man with a real name and real life in this thread...


Please don't disrespectfully address the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jeff Ganaposki as Jet. Familiarity breeds contempt. It's Reverend Doctor to you pal.


Book if you're jealous you can get ordained here: http://www.themonastery.org/


I am "ordained" by the Universal Life Church, only because the imbecilic government requires "credentials" for doing weddings. I REFUSE to use the term "reverend" for myself, because it is blasphemous.

You are ordained? hahahahahaha
God is the only ordainer...............................not man or any of mans fictions.

30th July 2010, 08:26 PM
I am ordained by Perkunas. ;D

30th July 2010, 10:52 PM
You are ordained? hahahahahaha
God is the only ordainer...............................not man or any of mans fictions.


Could you tell us - since you are obviously so intimately familiar with jetgraphic's personal affairs - the date that "god" ordained him a "Right Reverend"?

I am me, I am free
31st July 2010, 12:17 AM
What I have to wonder is: Why do some apparently unbalanced/not well adjusted people spend an inordinate amount of time on a discussion forum (one averaging over 42 posts per day!) minding the business of others and attempting to influence their behavior (aka sheepherding) in a matter which most benefits the (Zionist controlled) corporate state?? Do they not have a life other than being online?? Why do they feel so compelled to obsessively badger others adhere to their version of reality??

On the one hand they are vehemently opposed to the complete and thorough influence the Zionists have over the USG, and yet on the other hand they twist off when anyone on this forum makes the slightest mention about not being in absolute obedience to the corporate state (as under the control of the Zionists and their ilk). This could not be more incongruent. WTF??

I suspect they're agents, and from being in contact with other posters I'm not the only one who suspects this.

"By their fruits they shall be known..."

31st July 2010, 01:06 AM
I suspect they're agents, and from being in contact with other posters I'm not the only one who suspects this.

An easy way to flush out fellow travelers would be to pose as a "freedom fighter," and vomit out crap about how one can simply ignore the reality of a police state, and refuse to have a license, refuse to register cars, refuse to pay taxes...

You've admitted your connections to "law enforcement."

"By their fruits they shall be known..."

Are you ready to tell the Truth yet?


Or will it continue to be "trust me, I believe in Two-legged Reptiles!"
