View Full Version : Screw the National Debt - You Are Not the Nation!
Hatha Sunahara
23rd July 2010, 12:13 PM
Here's the quintessential Stefan Molyneaux on who owes the national debt. He starts making some serious sense about 7 minutes into the video. The only problem I see with his advice is that you have to make a connection between 'no responsibility for the national debt' and tax resistance. Most people haven't the courage to refuse to pay taxes.
I am me, I am free
23rd July 2010, 12:41 PM
I've always wondered how it's possible to 'resist' a tax one is not liable for in the first place.
Only the rubes 'volunteer' to take on a liability where none originally existed, and once 'in' only the cowards won't stand like men upon the realization they've been played for fools of the first order.
23rd July 2010, 12:46 PM
because all of you are running around out having not paid your taxes in 20 years. :oo-->
23rd July 2010, 12:49 PM
Hatha Sunahara
23rd July 2010, 01:27 PM
I've always wondered how it's possible to 'resist' a tax one is not liable for in the first place.
Only the rubes 'volunteer' to take on a liability where none originally existed, and once 'in' only the cowards won't stand like men upon the realization they've been played for fools of the first order.
I've wondered that myself. You can send them a letter telling them you refuse to pay $x amount, but they will throw you in jail after sending the Federal SWAT teams to your house. There is safety in numbers, but no guarantee that anyone else will join your 'tax resistance movement'.
If everybody else refused to pay taxes, I would join them. But if I tried to persuade them to do it, I'd end up like Irwin Schiff--in Jail in Las Vegas.
23rd July 2010, 03:28 PM
The spontaneity of internal revolution will solve the problem of the criminality of forethought. But this is exactly the problem. Whereas the aristocratic organizers of the American revolution had a sea separating them from their rulers and a gulf separating their intellects from that of the brute masses, the French revolution could count on no such independent aristocracy, the superior men of power had all been absorbed by the French state, and instead had to rely on upstarts from among the mass-men. As history has shone anyone who cared to look, upstarts from the crowd are the worst tyrants of all. These animals then went on to execute or disempower the only people who had the sagacity to govern with kindness, the aristocracy.
If we are ever unfortunate enough to witness another popular American revolution, our present conditions will ensure it will be tragic.
23rd July 2010, 04:34 PM
Interesting video....
He is wrong about the contracts. Contracting to become a US Citizen is just that, a contract. Only US Citizens may participate in FICA (contract) and Medicare (contract).
The 14th Amendment in 1868 made sure you could NEVER question the Federal Debt, and guess how many 'sovereigns' decided to get enfranchised? (contract)
23rd July 2010, 04:42 PM
Here's the quintessential Stefan Molyneaux on who owes the national debt. He starts making some serious sense about 7 minutes into the video. The only problem I see with his advice is that you have to make a connection between 'no responsibility for the national debt' and tax resistance.
Tax resistance has many different definitions. To some it is making a stand and being vocal. To some it is merely not reporting "some" income. To some it is pocketing as much available profits, pretending they don't exist. Report the purchase of a vehicle for less then you paid. The list could be endless to define actual everyday resistance. IMO people don't make the connection in regards to National Debt. It's just what "they" are expected to pay.
Most people haven't the courage to refuse to pay taxes.
Most people don't pay very much in taxes!! It is the productive that bear most of the burden. I laugh everytime I see one of those per person breakdowns of the National debt. Yeah right! Try to get that silly number out of me. ;D
23rd July 2010, 05:24 PM
Interesting video....
He is wrong about the contracts. Contracting to become a US Citizen is just that, a contract. Only US Citizens may participate in FICA (contract) and Medicare (contract).
The 14th Amendment in 1868 made sure you could NEVER question the Federal Debt, and guess how many 'sovereigns' decided to get enfranchised? (contract)
Constitutional Amendments can be repealed.
Actually, the entire Constitution can simply be repudiated, just as they did in 1789 with the Articles of Confederation!
I not only "question" the National Debt - I REPUDIATE IT.
23rd July 2010, 07:35 PM
I appreciate his passion. However, it collides with practicality.
Sure, you didn't sign a contract to pay taxes. Stop paying them, and you'll be forced into prison. So, you're tax free, but in prison.
Yes, if a large percentage of taxpayers simultaneously decided not to pay, it could lead to the necessary revolt to undo the state. But keep in mind, half the people already don't pay taxes. Then, the salaries of half the actual taxpayers are dependent upon tax collection! They're not going to revolt. So you are starting with 75% of the population unavailable for a tax revolt. Which means you have to convert a huge fraction of the remaining 25%. All at the same time, in order to be effective. This is quite the daunting task.
Yes, ultimately the system will implode because of the mathematics. How long did the Roman Empire last? Four centuries? So we may still have another one or two hundred years to go.
23rd July 2010, 10:29 PM
The best part of the video is the comparison between slave owners & slaves, this portion of it is as much true, and is what is inevitably occurring.
I though most of it quite excellent & good spirited, a 10 in my book.
Saul Mine
23rd July 2010, 10:34 PM
Although cultures all collapse in the same general ways and for the same general reasons, details and timing are random. The Roman Empire went on collapsing for something over a thousand years, and portions of it could still be detected well into the 20th century. USSR disappeared overnight. Sparky's assessment of the numbers is probably accurate, but I don't think there will ever be a revolution no matter how the numbers pile up. Americans simply don't agree on anything except who and what to hate. And you can't rebuild a country in the grip of haters.
Like it or not, this is a war of religion. Americans have never agreed on one religion, in fact that was a prerequisite of the American way of life; but they did always agree on the basic elements of public behavior: everybody would respect everybody else's religion; illegal or unsocial activities would be confined to a designated part of town, or outside of town; every able bodied man was to work to support himself and his family; charity was reserved solely to churches; and so forth.
In modern USA those elements have been broken and discarded. Family ties have been severed or discredited, gender roles have been rejected, brides are now treated the same as hookers, welfare renders husbands obsolete, schools reject parental authority, and so forth.
There is nothing to rebel against except standards of right and wrong. There is no way to rebuild the country except to rebuild those standards. When the country again has moral people, then it will again have a moral government.
23rd July 2010, 10:58 PM
The speed of this collapse will be at the speed of light due to the products available to do so, the reduce productivity of globalism will only work to speed this further.
Like Molyneux stated its already started 40yrs, prior.
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