View Full Version : Scientist Denies He Ever Predicted BP Oil Spill Would Cause Extinction Of Mankin

the riot act
23rd July 2010, 06:05 PM

Scientist Denies He Ever Predicted BP Oil Spill Would Cause Extinction Of Mankind (http://www.businessinsider.com/gregory-ryskin-methane-2010-7#ixzz0uX2NFPf6)

Suddenly everyone's talking about the methane-driven oceanic eruption and mass extinction theories of Dr. Gregory Ryskin, claiming that elevated methane levels from the oil spill could cause the end of mankind.

Absent from this discussion has been Ryskin, who Northwestern University says is out of his office until September. The professor gave us the real story by email:

I also want to emphasize that in my theory, methane hydrates (clathrates) do not play any role.

Methane hydrates are the volatile compounds that have been released in large quantities in the Gulf of Mexico. They may suffocate aquatic life or cause a pressure explosion. But they probably won't poison the atmosphere and destroy 96 percent of life on earth.

He was talking about "an extremely fast, explosive release of dissolved methane (and other dissolved gases...) that accumulated in the oceanic water masses." For more on Ryskin's methane theories, he said we should watch this video from 2007.


23rd July 2010, 07:57 PM
Well I'm happy he denies predicting mankind's extinction, but I must say that's one of the scariest videos I've ever watched. He's describing a methane eruption that appears to me to be easily as destructive as a direct strike from a large meteor.

I'm left trying to figure out if you're intention was to calm things down with this thread or scare us out of our wits :o

23rd July 2010, 08:17 PM
As a Floridian I find that video somehow rather comforting. :)

24th July 2010, 07:54 PM
I wouldn't worry about it, there's not going to be any methane explosion. The methane that deep is frozen, it's not a gas bubble, but a frozen solid. It will be released slowly.

Think of your propane bbq, it's what 120 psi and it's in a liquid state. Propane and methane are very similar. What's the psi pressure thousands of feet underwater? Methane is frozen down there.

Unfortunately, there's enough down there to wipe out the planet though. As the sea temps rise, it's releasing slowly. Our extinction is a slow one. The last mass extinction was from a meteor that released all the frozen methane suddenly.

Check it out...we can light frozen lakes on fire now. Isn't it cool?


24th July 2010, 08:50 PM
The last mass extinction was from a meteor that released all the frozen methane suddenly.


Russia probably has a few nukes aimed at the Yellowstone Caldera.

Yellowstone Supervolcano Swelling Mysteriously

Nov. 8, 2007 -- The turmoil beneath Yellowstone's "supervolcano" is raising the land as much as 2.8 inches per year, new ground measurements show. But the inflating land is not about to erupt, assured geologists, despite the caldera's ancient history of massive explosions.


24th July 2010, 09:23 PM
Don't worry baby

watch and listen to this and you will feel better ;)


27th July 2010, 07:45 AM
I wouldn't worry about it, there's not going to be any methane explosion. The methane that deep is frozen, it's not a gas bubble, but a frozen solid.

Oh yea Mr. Science, what happens if that gigantic methane ice cube suddenly breaks free from beneath the see floor and suddenly pops up to the surface of the Gulf? What then, Hmmm?

Mega death, that's what.... people will be dying all over the place.

And then, after the massive Tsunami hits land killing bazillions, just one large red hot meteor hitting the methane ice cube bobbing around out there could ignite an explosive fireball so humongous it'd instantly bake all the spuds in Idaho, and boil the earths oceans for 8 minutes.

The good news is that those who survive will enjoy perfectly cooked sea food and baked potato's for some time. ^-^