View Full Version : ALERT: Gulf Readers, please contact us about residents hemorraging in the millio

Large Sarge
25th July 2010, 11:30 AM
ALERT: Gulf Readers, please contact us about residents hemorraging in the millions.
Posted by Vatic at 08:08
Vatic Note: WE need to confirm this through personal knowledge, either your child, spouse or yourself has experienced this hemorraging that is being pumped out here as happening. We want "TRUTH" not unsubstantiated fear mongering. EPA whistleblower, that even this publication questions because of the lack of mention of the military side of the issue (military directed evacuations) IF YOU ARE A MEDICAL DOCTOR PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU ARE SEEING THIS LEVEL OF HEMORRAGING, AND LET US KNOW THE EXTENT OF IT. I know many of you along the gulf read this blog, we need to hear from you all the way from Texas, LA, Alabama, and Florida. Thanks.

EPA whistleblowers also still work for the gov.& the gov works for BP. So we must get independant confirmation. Remember if true, then it was intentional, since there is no way BP did not know what that level of dumping over land at night would do, and they had, as usual, multiple agendas for doing it. 1. depopulation, 2. evacuation, 3. Gun confiscation and this is a big one. And all three of those are about "CONTROL" which they do not have right now, and keep in mind BP is run and owned by the neocon Zionists who have their protocols that out line this attack on the ecosystem, depopulation, and control, all three elements contained in this crisis. They also have proven for centuries that they have no humanitarian or humane bone in their bodies WHERE THE GOYIM IS CONCERNED, so this would not suprise me.

Conversely, if this is another FEAR ladened false flag propoganda and disinfo act, then the purpose would be the same as items 2 and 3 above. So we must know which it is. Notice we went through the same thing three times now with the blow out oil moving up into the atlantic and killing everything in site and a planet destroying event, then the methane bubble volcano, etc. None of which has happened after almost 3 months or 90 days. So, lets stay calm and rationally determine the truth, but then again, that keeps us busy doesn't it? FOR WHAT REASON? What are they doing we should know about that they don't want us to know about? Keep an eye open on all fronts for now, and report out to everyone so we can follow up. Thanks.

Censored Gulf news: People bleeding internally, millions poisoned says 'EPA whistleblower'

July 21, 9:44 AMHuman Rights ExaminerDeborah Dupre'

"...we have dolphins that are hemorrhaging. People who work near it are hemorrhaging internally. And that’s what dispersants are supposed to do... Congressman Markey and Nadler, as well as Senator Mikulski, have been heroes... Mark Kaufman, EPA whistleblower, Democracy Now!

Poisoning millions of people

In its report, EPA Whistleblower Accuses Agency of Covering Up Effects of Dispersant in BP Oil Spill Cleanup, Democracy Now! states that "many lawmakers and advocacy groups say the Obama administration is not being candid about the lethal effects of dispersants," so Amy Goodman interviewed Hugh Kaufman, a senior policy analyst at the EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response and a leading critic of the decision to use Corexit" who disclosed how the officials are lying about many things related to the catastrophe poisoning "millions of people." (Listen: Real Audio Strea or MP3 Download)

The rushed transcript includes Kaufman saying, "And I think the media now has to follow the money, just as they did in Watergate, and tell the American people who’s getting money for poisoning the millions of people in the Gulf. (Emphasis added)

"While concerns over the impact of chemical dispersants continue to grow, Gulf Coast residents are outraged by a recent announcement that the $20 billion government-administered claim fund will subtract money cleanup workers earn by working for the cleanup effort from any future claims.

The "Vessels of Opportunity" program has employed hundreds of Gulf Coast out of work people because of the spill which Kaufman says is viewed as yest another way "to limit the number of lawsuits against BP."

"And the government—both EPA, NOAA, etc.—have been sock puppets for BP in this cover-up. (Emphasis added)

Kaufman concurs with MSNBC's report last week, that "sole purpose in the Gulf for dispersants is to keep a cover-up going for BP to try to hide the volume of oil that has been released and save them hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars of fines... not to protect the public health or environment. Quite the opposite.."

He says to follow the money, and that leads to individuals in the Obama Administration, naming Mr. Geithner, Mr. Summers with close ties to Larry Fink who owns BlackRock that owns most BP shares.

He commented on the children being poisoned: "...you know, when you’re on the sand with your children and they dig, and there’s a little water?—they documented there was over 200 parts per million of oil waste in the water, and it’s not noticeable to the human eye... On top of it, the contamination in one of the samples was so high that when they put the solvent in, as a first step in identifying how much oil may be in the water, the thing blew up, just as he said, probably because there was too much Corexit in that particular sample."

When Goodman asked Kaufman to comment on the similarities between the Ground Zero of the Gulf catastrophe and what happened at Ground Zero of 911, he explained that he did the ombudsman investigation on Ground Zero, "where EPA made false statements about the safety of the air" ... since proven to be false.

Red herring: No more tests needed. Corexit known to be dangerous.

"The largest ingredient in Corexit is oil. But there are other materials. And when the ingredients are mixed with oil, the combination of Corexit or any dispersant and oil is more toxic than the oil itself. But EPA has all that information.

"That’s a red herring issue being raised, that we have to somehow know more information. When you look at the label and you look at the toxicity sheets that come with it, the public knows enough to know that it’s very dangerous. The National Academy of Science has done work on it. Toxicologists from Exxon that developed it have published on it.

"So, we know enough to know that it’s very dangerous, and to say that we just have to know more about it is a red herring issue. We know plenty. It’s very dangerous."

"[T]he media now has to follow the money, just as they did in Watergate, and tell the American people who’s getting money for poisoning the millions of people in the Gulf."

No mention was made by the whistleblower about military involvement in this operation, nor that the DoD has been in bed with EPA for decades, testing aerosol sprayed chemicals on unwitting individuals and large populations.

With all eyes on big bad BP, could it be the real red herring?

Large Sarge
25th July 2010, 11:30 AM

26th July 2010, 01:01 AM
It's a smart move to attempt to bypass the controlled MSM/pentagon and gather info like this. It reminds me the Iraq war in '03 & beyond, how tightly controlled the official US casualty numbers were kept. We'd prolly hear of about half of the KIAs, then those enlisted who didn't die on the spot from their wounds but died hours or days/months later, they weren't counted. Night time returns of corpses to the US, out of the view of cameras. So the official, total number of US/Iraq casualties was a joke- the US public was/is being given the mushroom treatment by the pentagon/MSM. I always wondered why some group like Red Cross didn't put out an open call to military families who'd lost someone to the war, to contact them for a separate, independent count, then see how that compared to the official numbers.

Info/truth re the gulf depopulation op will be managed the same way, of course-- it already is. As Stirling says (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/), the Gulf "catastrophe" is in fact "Disaster Warfare Against America and the World by the Global Banking Families". They *know* the cleanup workers are doomed, as surely as the workers have been ordered to go to special BP medical clinics BP set up, rather than normal hospitals, where TPTB risk civilian medical people going public with how bad the casualty situation is. "Information Control" is crucial in a "Quiet War" like the BP/Gulf op.

the white rabbit
26th July 2010, 01:32 AM
It's a smart move to attempt to bypass the controlled MSM/pentagon and gather info like this. It reminds me the Iraq war in '03 & beyond, how tightly controlled the official US casualty numbers were kept. We'd prolly hear of about half of the KIAs, then those enlisted who didn't die on the spot from their wounds but died hours or days/months later, they weren't counted. Night time returns of corpses to the US, out of the view of cameras. So the official, total number of US/Iraq casualties was a joke- the US public was/is being given the mushroom treatment by the pentagon/MSM. I always wondered why some group like Red Cross didn't put out an open call to military families who'd lost someone to the war, to contact them for a separate, independent count, then see how that compared to the official numbers.

Info/truth re the gulf depopulation op will be managed the same way, of course-- it already is. As Stirling says (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/), the Gulf "catastrophe" is in fact "Disaster Warfare Against America and the World by the Global Banking Families". They *know* the cleanup workers are doomed, as surely as the workers have been ordered to go to special BP medical clinics BP set up, rather than normal hospitals, where TPTB risk civilian medical people going public with how bad the casualty situation is. "Information Control" is crucial in a "Quiet War" like the BP/Gulf op.
Leaked documents show unreported Afghan deaths, fears about insurgency http://www.thestar.com/news/world/afghanistan/article/840053--leaked-documents-show-unreported-afghan-deaths-fears-about-insurgency?bn=1

26th July 2010, 10:46 AM
Like BP, NOAA requires scientists to sign contracts preventing release of their findings (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/like-bp-noaa-requires-scientists-to-sign-contracts-preventing-release-of-their-findings)