View Full Version : The War Nerd Returns: Be Famous Or Be Shot Tryin’

25th July 2010, 06:58 PM
The War Nerd / July 19, 2010 (http://exiledonline.com/the-war-nerd-returns-be-famous-or-be-shot-tryin/#more-24965)

The War Nerd Returns: Be Famous Or Be Shot Tryin’
By Gary Brecher

I know, I know, I’ve been AWOL a long time. Shoot me. No, seriously. I wouldn’t object. It’d be great to get shot, as long as it was quick and fatal, not somewhere like the shin, where you scream like a raccoon from the pain and don’t even die. Shot nice and quick by a firing squad, that’s the dream. When that redneck demanded capital punishment by firing squad in Utah, I was as jealous as I used to get reading about Hannibal and Forrest. Lucky bald-headed Aryan Brotherhood bastard: what a way to go! He suckered those Mormons all the way. Lethal injection, now that’s scary: die on a table with tubes going up your elbow? That’s too much like how I’m going to die for reals (and how you’ll die too, even if you don’t want to think about it). But getting shot in the heart—that’s making something of yourself. Be shot.

I was so close. Take this Michael Hastings guy. He’s the biggest thing in military reporting right now because he broke the supposedly big McChrystal mouth-off story for Rolling Stone. OK, it isn’t really that big a story; how do you think soldiers talk about the politicians they have to kowtow to, especially when they’re stranded in a bar with a reporter for a week thanks to that harmless volcanic ash cloud the EU made into a fake crisis? Naturally they’re going to bitch about the pols like soldiers have been doing since the Neanderthals learned to make noises with their mouths.

But what hurts is that I got interviewed by this same Michael Hastings guy way back when my book came out. I talked to him for hours about war, about Iraq, about Fresno, about Afghanistan and even about how all the coolsters in Manhattan laughed at his book about his girlfriend getting killed in Iraq. (Which to be fair he should’ve expected because he titled that book I Lost My Love in Baghdad, possibly the worst title ever until some studio cokehead came up with Knight and Day.)

We maybe didn’t bond—that’s not my field, like the Georgia slaves said to General Sherman’s torch squad—but we had I thought a pretty decent interview, and when it was over I had a long shower and groaned for a few hours remembering every stupid thing I’d said the way I always do after these interpersonal things, and went to sleep expecting to wake up with a story in Newsweek and a rating in Amazon books in something like three digits.

Instead—instead, because the Gods of War hate me worse than they hate Poland—instead I get a nice personal email from my new pal, buddy, Vulcan-mind-meld soulmate Michael Damn Hastings saying he’s just quit Newsweek. The bastard took the buyout and ran—straight to Rolling Stone and the biggest story (as far as the sucker mainstream press is concerned) since Tet.

[article continues (http://exiledonline.com/the-war-nerd-returns-be-famous-or-be-shot-tryin/#more-24965)]

Saul Mine
25th July 2010, 07:02 PM
Yes, yes, there's always some creep who just wants to kill something even if it happens to be himself. "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out!" I asked God about that and he said "I set before you life and death. Choose life."

25th July 2010, 07:27 PM
I'm thinking you didn't read the entire article - and you aren't familiar with Brecher.

I've never been a Fan of anything - somethings I just like better than others. I like War Nerd and I'm glad to see him writing again.

26th July 2010, 12:00 AM
I'm thinking you didn't read the entire article - and you aren't familiar with Brecher.

I've never been a Fan of anything - somethings I just like better than others. I like War Nerd and I'm glad to see him writing again.

Hell... I don't think he even read the part you quoted! ;D