View Full Version : New SHTF Series on Discovery- " THE COLONY"

26th July 2010, 05:27 PM
"The Colony" is a post SHTF teamwork/survival series starting July 27th 10:00pm EST on Discovery Channel


God's Peace

26th July 2010, 05:32 PM
Last seasons "The Colony" turned out to be a bunch of suck-tastic suckiness that sucked. It was incredibly displaced from the realities of the situation they were trying to portray. There were a few intersting gizmos and ideas though, but not many and nothing more than one could find on a less sucker-ific show.

Im sure this new one will also vaccum golf balls through garden hoses (thats a lot of sucking power), but I'll give it a chance.


Shorty Harris
26th July 2010, 05:44 PM
Yeah, last yr it was more like a game show than anything else. Not at all plausible in the very least. I'll give it another try maybe, but its going to be on a very much shorter leash thats for sure.

27th July 2010, 05:21 AM
I can't believe they did not eat that baby goat last season,
what a bunch of sissies.

Hopefully this season is better, but without the genuine fear of imminent death, it's not going to be anything approaching reality.

27th July 2010, 05:44 AM
"The Colony" is a post SHTF teamwork/survival series starting July 27th 10:00pm EST on Discovery Channel


God's Peace

now my sister-in-law will have a chance to learn about TSHTF, from the comfort of the sofa.

27th July 2010, 09:48 AM
Yeah, last yr it was more like a game show than anything else. Not at all plausible in the very least.



Most of that show was ARGUING because there was no real unity of command (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/unity-of-command.html). Bunch of pussies and feminists who could not survive in authentic anarchy...lol.

27th July 2010, 10:07 AM
The entire show struck me as FAKE. THE SH*T HAS HIT THE FAN, yet you're doing crap trying to survive with cameras following you everywhere?

Yeah ok. :oo-->

27th July 2010, 12:49 PM
The entire show struck me as FAKE. THE SH*T HAS HIT THE FAN, yet you're doing crap trying to survive with cameras following you everywhere?

Yeah ok. :oo-->

I watched two episodes, and stopped.

In a SHTF scenario, in a city such as Los Angeles, there is one thing you must obtain before everything else. It's not food, it's not water...it's firearms (with ammunition). If you fail to obtain/secure that, you are SURELY dead. If even one guy with a shotgun shows up, and you're unarmed, you're fu*ked.

This Jewsmedia series avoids the reality of FORCE being the number one earthly thing required to survive.

27th July 2010, 12:52 PM
Most of that show was ARGUING because there was no real unity of command (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/unity-of-command.html). Bunch of pussies and feminists who could not survive in authentic anarchy...lol.

Exactly. I've told my family, if/when disaster strikes, I will expect them to follow my "orders" without question, not because of my ego, but because we will live or die as one organic unit.

If one is in a survival group, there can be only one captain, and if everyone does not follow the captain, those persons who don't must be excluded immediately...otherwise, the whole ship goes down.

27th July 2010, 01:05 PM

Going to be interesting wtshtf as nobody answers the HOTLINE (http://www.ndvh.org/get-help/help-in-your-area/) and the police won't arrest the intractable husband...lol.


28th July 2010, 07:09 AM
I didn't see last year's episodes.
I did watch it last night. It was a little better than I was expecting
after reading the scathing reviews here.

Too many prepositioned assets by some supposed global health/aid organization,
to make it a true survival scenario but the collective knowledge of the group was above average
for just a random band of yahoo's that got thrown together by happenstance.

They worked fairly well together to collect and purify water and cook.
They totally failed on the security aspect and would have all died in "real life" during
the gang attack.