View Full Version : Holocaust Denial Expert Causes Stir at University of Oregon

26th July 2010, 08:16 PM
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Holocaust Denial Expert Causes Stir at University of Oregon

By Pamela Mortimer | July 24, 2010

The University of Oregon will serve as the venue for a Monday night rally where David Irving, a devout “Holocaust denier”, will give an address on free speech and “Political Imprisonment in Modern Europe.”

Irving declares himself as a World War II expert who has denounced reports of the Holocaust and its effects on the Jewish people and the world. Irving’s presentation is part of a nationwide tour which includes what Irving calls “the real history of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler.”

The event is being sponsored by The Pacifica Forum, a local weekly discussion group founded by retired University of Oregon professor Orval Etter. To Etter and other Pacifica Forum organizers, Irving is seen a “free speech martyr” who was wrongfully imprisoned for his views.

Social justice groups have planned to object to Irving’s appearance with a protest vigil. Michael Williams, a board member of the Community Alliance of Lane County, is helping to organize the protest.

“They cross the line into being anti-Semitic — they create such a comfortable environment for bigotry,” Williams said.

Irving knows quite a bit about being imprisoned for his views. He has been barred from entering Germany, Austria, Australia and Canada, and spent 10 months in an Austrian prison for denying the existence of the Holocaust. In his role as a prolific historian, Irving routinely downplays the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust and repeatedly states that there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz.

The Anti-Defamation League has called Irving “one of the world’s most effective purveyors of Holocaust denial.”

The University of Oregon has reported that they are in no way linked to the Pacifica Forum or Irving, the campus is simply being used as the venue. Former professor Orval Etter has the privilege of reserving a room at the campus free of charge. Etter is also one of the event’s organizers.

“The Pacifica Forum is not affiliated with the university — the space is being used under a campus policy that allows retired professors to rent rooms on campus,” said Julie Brown, Director of Media Relations.

Brown said the University will not seek to ban Irving’s presence because it respects the freedom of speech for all organizations.

“The university is really committed to freedom of speech and wanting to make sure that there is a place for groups to be able to express their viewpoints,” she said.


There’s Resurrection denial and denial of the virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary; then there’s denial of the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians and the Allied holocausts in Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki but all of these denials are permitted, indeed in some cases regarded as brilliant.

Why the special opprobrium for skepticism about some of the vast claims made about WWII, now grouped under the rigged Newspeak category of “Holocaust denial” ?

Irving has an absolute right to speak and his audience has a golden opportunity to learn something and to challenge him during the question and answer period. The hysteria surrounding what should be a search for truth with a controversial alternative speaker is absolutely contrary to American ideals.

Michael Hoffman


Michael Williams
michael.e.williams@comcast.net | 541-607-5681
Michael Williams is a retired engineer active in peace and justice issues. He is a member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and Tikkun Community, member of the Anti-Hate Task Force, Recorder for the Peace and Social Concerns Committee of Eugene Friends Meeting (Quakers), and a member of the Coordinating Committee of the North Pacific Yearly Meeting (Quakers).