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27th July 2010, 08:23 AM
'US psywar plan includes 2 hot wars'
Mon, 26 Jul 2010 23:58:29 GMT
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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the United States and Israel plan to attack two countries in the Middle East as part of a conspiracy to apply pressure on Iran.

"We have precise information that the Americans have devised a plot, according to which they seek to launch a psychological war on Iran," Ahmadinejad stated in an exclusive interview with Press TV on Monday.

"They plan to attack at least two countries in the region within the next three months," he added.

He said the US seeks to achieve two main objectives with the scheme.

"First of all, they want to hamper Iran's progress and development since they are opposed to our growth, and secondly they want to save the Zionist regime because it has reached a dead-end and the Zionists believe they can be saved through a military confrontation," Ahmadinejad explained.

He also advised US President Barack Obama not to follow the policies of George W. Bush.

In addition, he warned Russian officials to avoid playing into the hands of Washington because that would go against their national interests.

Commenting on the nuclear issue, Ahmadinejad said Iran will resume nuclear talks with the West in September, adding that Iran wants Turkey and Brazil to participate in the negotiations.


27th July 2010, 12:37 PM
I will take my stab in the dark and say the war rhetoric is related to the Oil Bourse of Iran.

Iran is always trying to take it (the bourse) off the dollar and peg it to their own national currency (The rial, I think.) However, one of the conditions to be a member of OPEC is that you MUST trade your oil in dollars only.

In this sense, the US dollar then becomes a petro-backed currency.

The last time we were *really really* close to going to war with Iran, I think 2007 or so, there was a major scuffle with their oil bourse. When Iran backed down and continued to use the dollar, the war rhetoric in America MSM went relatively silent.

Within a month of Invading Iraq and Afghanistan, new "Centralized" Banks were set up for those countries. Before the invasions, the only countries in the world not to have Rothschild style centralized banks were:

Iraq - bank established upon invasion
Afghanistan - bank established upon invasion
North Korea
(I think I'm forgetting one more country)

Basically international finance is on the ropes right now and they last thing they need is one of the significant OPEC members throwing their weight around, trying to literally change the international value of the dollar. That's what it was last time we almost went to war, so I am assuming that it is, at the very least, a major factor today.

Iran sees oil bourse in two months
Web posted at: 5/6/2006 1:15:2
Source ::: REUTERS
BAKU: Iran plans to launch an oil bourse on the Gulf island of Kish within the next two months, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday.
“Our specialists are currently working on the plan and the bourse will start working within the next two months,” he told a regional conference in the Azeri capital of Baku.
Iranian officials have previously said the bourse would be a small pilot operation trading only two or three petrochemical products and it would start before March 2007, a delay from previous plans.
Western media and think-tanks have speculated that Iran’s oil bourse could undermine the importance of the dollar by pricing the world’s fourth biggest exports of crude in euros. Here:

The Iranian Rial will be used for all transactions on the Tehran Oil Bourse, Gholamhossein Nozari said today, according to IRNA. (TNE: THIS ALMOST CAUSED A WAR) Iran, the second-largest producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, was originally expected to start its own oil-trading market in 2005.

As to whether the Bush administration would start a war to defend dollar hegemony; that's a question that should be asked of Saddam Hussein. Iraq was invaded just six months after Saddam converted to the euro. The message is clear; the Empire will defend its currency.

Similarly, Iran switched from the dollar in 2007 and has insisted that Japan pay its enormous energy bills in yen. The "conversion" has infuriated the Bush administration and made Iran the target of US belligerence ever since. In fact, even though 16 US Intelligence agencies issued a report (NIE) saying that Iran was not developing nuclear weapons; and even though the UN's nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, found that Iran was in compliance with its obligations under the Nuclear Nonproliferation (NPT) Treaty; a preemptive US-led attack on Iran still appears likely.


The phrase petrodollar warfare refers to a hypothesis that a hidden, driving force of United States foreign policy over recent decades has been the status of the United States dollar as the world's dominant reserve currency and as the currency in which oil is priced.