View Full Version : Major Chinese Government investments in Australia.

28th July 2010, 01:06 PM
Interesting that this particular informative article says nothing about the buying spreed being done by the state of Israel.
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Major Chinese Government investments in Australia.

Chinalco: spent $15.5 billion for 9% of Rio Tinto shares in London on
February 3, 2008.

China Iron & Steel: The Rio Tinto-operated Channar iron-ore mine in the
Pilbara has a capacity of 10mtpa and is 40% owned by China Iron and
Steel, an investment worth well over $2 billion.

China Petrochemical Corporation: China's biggest energy distributor
secured 60% and control of the Puffin oil field in the Timor Sea from
the struggling AED Oil in 2008. The deal values the assets at $1 billion.

CNOOC: holds a 25% share in China LNG, a new joint venture within the
existing $19 billion North West Shelf structure that diluted the other
six joint venture parties down to 12.5% each.

Shanghai Baosteel Group: owns 46% of the Rio Tinto-operated Eastern
Range iron ore mine in Pilbara which produces 6.5 million tonnes a year
worth more than $500 million a year. Chinese investment now worth more
than $1 billion.

CITIC: paid more than $400 for its 22.5% stake in the Portland Aluminium
Smelter in the 1990s.

Shougang Corp: spent $400 million buying 20% of WA iron ore company Mt
Gibson Iron in early 2008 and then teamed up with fellow Chinese
investors APAC as part of an emergency $162 million capital raising in
January 2009 that left Shougang with 14.34% and APAC with 28%.

CIC: alongside Macquarie bank, China Investment Corporation agreed, in
June 2009, to lend $200 million in Australia's leading property trust
Goodman Group.

Sinosteel: completed a $1.37 billion takeover of WA iron ore hopeful
Midwest Corp after a 2008 takeover bid pitched at $6.37 a share. Would
like to buy neighboring Murchison Metals, but FIRB has limited it to a
maximum 49%.

CITIC: spent $113 million in July 2007 lifting stake in Macarthur Coal
stake from 11.6% to 19.9% but is now losing on the investment after the
resources bubble burst.

Consortium: five Chinese companies were given FIRB approval in January
2008 to develop the $3.5 billion Oakajee port and rail project in WA and
then former WA Premier Alan Carpenter announced the winning tenderer in
August 2008, but construction hasn't started yet.

Chalco: in September 2007 Queensland government awards rights to develop
$3 billion bauxite project near Aurukun, which Noel Pearson has claimed
includes an unfair forced land grab. This is now in doubt as Chinalco
will be keen to focus its attention on expanding Rio Tinto's Queensland
bauxite operations at Weipa.

Anshan Iron & Steel: paid $39 million in September 2007 for 13% of iron
ore miner Gindalbie and signed $1.8 billion joint venture deal to
develop the Karara Iron Ore project in Western Australia. Backed this up
with a $162 million placement at 85c a share to Ansteel in February 2009
which increased its stake to 36.3%.

Shougang Corp: China's fourth biggest steel group spent $56 million in
March 2007 buying 13% or iron ore developer Australian Resources and has
an option to inject a further $42 million. Shougang has also agreed to
fund the $US2.1 billion development of the Balmoral South mine and port
project in WA thorugh an interest free loan and also buy the entire output.

China Metallurgical Group: paid $400 million for the Cape Lambert Iron
ore project in WA in 2008, which is now in doubt given that China has
secured its supplies through Rio Tinto.

China Nonferrous Metal Mining Co (CNMC): secured a 51.66% shareholding
for $252 million of Sydney-based rare earths company Lynas. CNMC also
provided a corporate guarantee to a Chinese Bank to raise another $253
million, which brings the cost of transaction to $505 million. They have
since been denied the percentage of ownership by a decision by the
regulator FIRB which requestedto be cut to less than 50 per cent.

Resource Development International: Gold Coast-based Clive Palmer who
still claims to be worth more than $5 billion was hoping to raise more
than $1 billion from Chinese investors through a float of this iron ore
venture that is still to get off the ground.

Zhongjin: China's third largest zinc producer paid $45 million to take
control of Broken Hill-based Perilya in early 2009.

*Deals that have fallen through*

Chinalco: spent $15.5 billion for 9% of Rio Tinto shares in London on
February 3, 2008, then made a $24.4 billion offer for Rio Tinto, which
would have been the biggest deal in Australian corporate history.
Chinalco, otherwise known as the Aluminum Corp. of China, signed an
agreement to invest in Rio Tinto to secure resources for China and
assist Rio Tinto with debt reduction.

Sinochem Corp: China's biggest chemicals trader, offered a revised $2.6
billion or $12 per share takeover for pesticide maker Nufarm, which was
rejected, after decreasing their initial offer of $13 per share. A deal
with Japan's Sumitomo Chemical was swiftly finalised when Sumitomo
agreed to pay $14 per share to buy up to a 20 per cent stake in the
Victorian-based Nufarm.

Offers on the table

Bright Foods: one of the world's biggest food companies, best known in
China for making "white rabbit" lollies, made a $1.5 billion bid for the
130-year-old CSR - Australia's main sugar refiner.

*Singapore Government investments in Australia*

1995: Singapore government body, Capita Land, buys controlling stake in
property developer Australand which is now worth more than $1 billion.

June 2000: Singapore Power, which is fully owned by the state, buys
Victoria's monopoly electricity transmission business Powernet for $2.1

2001: Singtel, which is majority owned by the state, pays $14 billion,
much of in shares, for *Optus*.

April 2004: Singapore Power paid $5.1 billion for TXU's Australian
energy portfolio in April 2004, although $2.2 billion of retail and
generation assets were on-sold to China Light & Power in March 2005.
Late in 2005, 49 per cent of the remaining Australian power assets were
floated in a vehicle called SP Ausnet, raising $1.3 billion.

2007: Singapore Power pays $4.5 billion in cash to Alinta shareholders
to become the *monopoly gas distributor in NSW and the largest
distributor of electricity in Victoria*.

May 2007: Singapore sovereign fund, the GIC, pays $717 million for a 50%
stake in Westfield Parramatta, Australia's third-most valuable shopping

June 2007: the GIC teamed up with the Commonwealth Bank and the Myer
family to pay $600 million for the prestigious Myer Melbourne complex.

June 2007: Temasek Holdings paid $401 million or an excessive $7.30 a
share for 12% of ABC Learning to become the largest shareholder in the
world's biggest childcare company.

August 2007: Cityspring Infrastructure, which is backed by Temasek, paid
a hefty $1.2 billion for the Basslink electricity cable linking the
Victorian and Tasmanian grids.

August 2008: Temasek helped save Australia's biggest office tower
investor by underwriting part of an emergency $1.6 billion capital
raising that left it with almost 20%.

*The Middle East*

Dubai World, a holding company owned by the government of Dubai in the
United Arab Emirates bought P&O in March 2006 for $US7 billion, giving
it a half share in Australia's lucrative stevodoring duopoly.

Sheik Mohammed: the ruler of Dubai splashes $460 million buying the
thoroughbred, training and bloodstock operations controlled the Ingham

Kuwait Government: owns 50% of Australia's tallest office tower, the
Rialto, through the St Martins property business which also controls
three buildings in Perth's St George's Terrace.

*Rest of the World*

UK: The government-underwritten *BBC bought control of* Australia's
iconic travel publishing business *Lonely Planet* in July 2007.

Canada: the Canadian Pension Plan now owns 15% of tollroad giant
Transurban after a recent placement to reduce debt.

Netherlands: The Dutch government and eduction sector pension fundand,
Stichting Pensionefonds ABP, which controls about $350 billion in
assets, bought 40% of Goldfields House at Circular Quy in Sydney from
the struggling Valad Property Group.

Additionally, here are lists of foreign companies generating more than
$200m, and Australia's improving foreign ownership record.

Check out all the Mayne Report business lists here. Go here to see the
full comprehensive list of lists we've created documenting the dominance
of foreign investors in Australia and our relative poor performance on
the international business stage.