View Full Version : Colon cleanser

28th July 2010, 06:43 PM
I found out about five months too late that Accutane is some nasty stuff. I did research and found that a colon and liver cleanse would be helpful in removing this crap from the system.

Can anyone recommend an effective colon or liver cleanser? I have been advised to avoid the cheap stuff e.g. Nature's Bounty.

28th July 2010, 06:55 PM
I found out about five months too late that Accutane is some nasty stuff. I did research and found that a colon and liver cleanse would be helpful in removing this crap from the system.

Can anyone recommend an effective colon or liver cleanser? I have been advised to avoid the cheap stuff e.g. Nature's Bounty.

89-cent Cure (http://www.brandeating.com/2010/04/review-taco-bell-bean-burrito.html)

So-called colon and liver cleansers are quackery.


28th July 2010, 07:28 PM
I found out about five months too late that Accutane is some nasty stuff. I did research and found that a colon and liver cleanse would be helpful in removing this crap from the system.

Can anyone recommend an effective colon or liver cleanser? I have been advised to avoid the cheap stuff e.g. Nature's Bounty.

89-cent Cure (http://www.brandeating.com/2010/04/review-taco-bell-bean-burrito.html)

So-called colon and liver cleansers are quackery.


On what grounds?

28th July 2010, 07:34 PM
I have not personally done it but I have read about juice fasting. Don Colbert MD has a few books on juice fasting to clean the liver and for the colon and to rid the body of candidia yeast.

willie pete
28th July 2010, 07:51 PM
Colon Cleaner? Available at any drug store


28th July 2010, 08:10 PM
I think Cranberry juice is a pretty good detox-er

Or you could just drink lots of water

Saul Mine
28th July 2010, 10:53 PM
Let's talk about Intelligent Design. Your colon was designed to carry toxic waste. Get used to it. Your colon will NEVER be a nice place, it will ALWAYS be full of s--t. That's what it was designed for. If you are dumping regularly, your colon is as healthy as it will ever be. If you have any doubts, the first thing you need to do is eat more vegetables. Veggies are part of the Intelligent Design, you know. The fiber cleans the pipes. If you want some extra cleaning action, try a couple tablespoons of unprocessed miller's bran (in the cereal section of your grocery store) mixed into milk or juice. If you can't notice any difference, your colon is as clean as it needs to be.

As for the process marketed as "colon cleanse", it gives me the willies. Your colon is a store of minerals that haven't been absorbed yet. The only way to cleanse it is don't eat for a few days. I have seen some people who tried it. They were very diligent and carefully followed instructions. It is important to follow instructions because the process can hurt you if you don't do it right. The first thing I notice about these people is red blotches, usually around the knuckles but also faintly visible on other parts. The blotches are a symptom of mineral deficiencies. When I talk to them I get the impression that they are nervous, as if they itch all over. That is also a symptom of mineral deficiencies. Since mineral deficiencies are so common in the USA, I would recommend that you seek medical advice and tests before beginning such a regimen. It would also be interesting to get a nutritional analysis of that rabbit food that is a central part of the process. Alfalfa is supposed to be a great food, but only if it is unprocessed.

In my opinion, even if the colon cleanse works as claimed it is something you don't need. If you have actual complaints about the operation of your colon you need to see a doctor. Or just eat your vegetables.

29th July 2010, 08:06 AM
Dramatically increase your fiber. I'm not talking about Metamucil or high fiber bread either. Those are like shooting an elephant with a 22. Get some pure bran or psylium (sp?) husk and take 3 tbsp per day. Supposed to bulk up your poop and scrub out your insides. I don't know about that, but I do know that it makes some VERY impressive logs.

29th July 2010, 08:20 AM
Go buy some psyllium husk...high fiber...will wash everything right through you....best to do it on a few day juice fast.

Saul Mine
29th July 2010, 01:38 PM
The amount of fiber your body needs is rather small: one TBSP of unprocessed bran or three slices of whole grain bread per day. When you get enough fiber your poop will not be impressive, it will merely be normal. You might be impressed because you had never felt normal before.

30th July 2010, 08:49 AM
So-called colon and liver cleansers are quackery.

Modern Medicine, often misnamed "Western Medicine", is a system whereby all our ills are solved either by big pharma or surgical removal. Modern medicine is promoted by the same entity which promotes the Federal Reserve and Middle east wars.

Please keep an open mind about alternatives to modern medicine. I have done liver flushes and they work. If your liver bilary tubes and your gall bladder are full of colesterol stones do you think they're doing you any good?

30th July 2010, 02:12 PM
So-called colon and liver cleansers are quackery.

Modern Medicine, often misnamed "Western Medicine", is a system whereby all our ills are solved either by big pharma or surgical removal. Modern medicine is promoted by the same entity which promotes the Federal Reserve and Middle east wars.

Please keep an open mind about alternatives to modern medicine. I have done liver flushes and they work. If your liver bilary tubes and your gall bladder are full of colesterol stones do you think they're doing you any good?

This is very true; the AMA et. al. are as statist as any other entity. What cleanses &/or routines have worked for you?

30th July 2010, 03:21 PM
This is very true; the AMA et. al. are as statist as any other entity. What cleanses &/or routines have worked for you?
Statist? Rothchildish maybe. ;D I had luck with the Hulda Clark liver flush.


No sense carrying those stones around if you aren't going to use them for something.

30th July 2010, 03:44 PM
This is very true; the AMA et. al. are as statist as any other entity. What cleanses &/or routines have worked for you?
Statist? Rothchildish maybe. ;D I had luck with the Hulda Clark liver flush.


No sense carrying those stones around if you aren't going to use them for something.

Did you do the kidney or other flushes first, and how frequently did you do the liver flush?

30th July 2010, 04:55 PM
I didn't do the other reccommended flushes, just liver. I've done it 6 times in 5 years. 4 times were succussful, twice not. The hardest part is gulping down 4 ounces of olive oil without barfing. You have to follow the directions pretty closely.
Each successful time I got about 1 1/2 ounces of stones ranging in size from BB's to 1/2 long. I cut the large ones in half to confirm a transluscent center.

This is preventive maintenance. Modern medicine does not address preventive maintenence, they would rather have you reach crisis stage and then remove body parts for many thousands of dollars.

The stones can be either in the bilary ducts or the gall bladder so people who have made the mistake of having their gall bladders removed may have success with a liver flush by discharging stones clogging their bilary ducts. Look at the pics of cadaver livers on the link. These stones are clogging people up!

Your body is only designed to last about 40 years. Your gall bladder doesn't vomit stones like it should when you get older or abused by eating processed food. The flush gives it a jump start.

You don't have to be a trained doctor to understand that if you have passageways in your body and they are clogged with toxins that it isn't healthy.

Imagine driving your car for years with a clogged air filter.

30th July 2010, 05:20 PM
This is very true; the AMA et. al. are as statist as any other entity. What cleanses &/or routines have worked for you?
Statist? Rothchildish maybe. ;D I had luck with the Hulda Clark liver flush.


No sense carrying those stones around if you aren't going to use them for something.

I have sectioned hundreds of livers, both from post-mortems, and live surgeries and I have never encountered stones in the hepatic ducts [liver proper]. I have examined thousands of gallbladders, almost all ostensibly excised for stones (i.e. symptomatic cholecystitis/choledocholithiasis). Stones vary greatly in size, shape, color and consistency. They can range from sand grain size to golf ball size, from smooth to faceted to mulberry shaped, from yellow to green to jet black and everything in between. The median number of stones is typically 6 – 12. It can range from one to one or two hundred, the latter being very small 1 mm (1/25 th of an inch) in size. Stones larger than about ¼ inch cannot be passed – the cystic duct cannot expand to accommodate them. This woman’s claim of routinely obtaining thousands of gallstones from people who drink her recipe is medically impossible. It is possible that the ingested magnesium salts, oil and fibers are precipitating in the intestines to from these “thousands “ of “stones.”

30th July 2010, 05:37 PM
Stones larger than about ¼ inch cannot be passed – the cystic duct cannot expand to accommodate them. I have passed stones much longer than that but no larger than about 3/8" in diameter. It's possible that the epsom salts allow the duct to relax enough for them to pass.

It is possible that the ingested magnesium salts, oil and fibers are precipitating in the intestines to from these “thousands “ of “stones.”
I have read about the theory that these stones are formed in the intestine during the course of the liver flush, but I have disected the larger ones and they're stratified kind of like annual rings on a tree. I doubt they would have formed this way in a matter of hours.

Granted the term "stones" is not fitting, they're rather soft and can be crushed in your hands. They were green and look EXACTLY like the stones shown in the pictures of removed gall bladders.

30th July 2010, 05:39 PM
It is possible that the ingested magnesium salts, oil and fibers are precipitating in the intestines to form these “thousands “ of “stones.”



Exactly. Some people claim that the formed "rope" they defecate after ingesting the "magic cleanser" isn't the precipitated "magic cleanser" itself, but evil putrid toxic stuff that was rotting in their bowels for years...lol.


30th July 2010, 05:45 PM
The colon cleanse and the liver flush are two separate topics.

30th July 2010, 05:49 PM
Examples of gallstones:







30th July 2010, 05:53 PM
The ones I passed looked similar to the ones in the second to last picture, only green, some more oblong. None looked like garbanzo beans like in the first pic.

30th July 2010, 05:54 PM
The colon cleanse and the liver flush are two separate topics.

I know buddy. Look at the thread title...lol.


willie pete
30th July 2010, 05:55 PM
I've never heard of "Hepatic stones", not saying they don't exist but it's typically hepatic tumors, and while cholesterol may be a component of "stones", it's more so Ca, and gulping down ounces of olive oil? that's going to go through Fast, can't really see that having any benefit, I'd speculate the best thing for your liver is to treat her nice, little or No ETOH or Acetaminophen, I'm thinking most Hepatic tumors are work/ lifestyle /environment related, ...and that "colon rope" in the photo...lol IF you had that in your colon, you wouldn't be pooping very well at all and you'd know something was wrong, .....then on the other hand you have those who think........

30th July 2010, 06:03 PM
gulping down ounces of olive oil? that's going to go through Fast, can't really see that having any benefit,
Supposedly, a megadose of oil prompts the liver and gall bladder to convulse, thus moving any foreign matter downstream.

30th July 2010, 06:11 PM
gulping down ounces of olive oil? that's going to go through Fast, can't really see that having any benefit,
Supposedly, a megadose of oil prompts the liver and gall bladder to convulse, thus moving any foreign matter downstream.

This has a basis in fact: a sudden fat/oil load introduced into the duodenum will trigger vigorous contractions of the gallbladder and expulsion of bile into the duodenum.

When you ingested epsom salts and olive oil it formed a soapy paste in the duodenum. There it picked up the distinctive green color of bile salts secreted in response to the olive oil. As this cement-like green mixture passed through the jejunum and ileum, it pixed up undigested food matter/fiber which would act as a nidus for crystallization. Upon introduction into the colon, this past-like mixture would undergo progressive dehydration via the water-extracting function of the colon, forming variably-sized and shaped concretions or pseuodostones, forming around undigested food particles.

You are in fact making a cast of your large intestine - fetid intestinal sculpture as it were!

willie pete
30th July 2010, 06:16 PM
gulping down ounces of olive oil? that's going to go through Fast, can't really see that having any benefit,
Supposedly, a megadose of oil prompts the liver and gall bladder to convulse, thus moving any foreign matter downstream.

It could, just never heard of it

30th July 2010, 06:23 PM

What size mailer you prefer for my stool sample Mamboni? Fed-Ex charges the same, so might as well send you the biggest specimen for clinical testing.


30th July 2010, 06:31 PM

What size mailer you prefer for my stool sample Mamboni? Fed-Ex charges the same, so might as well send you the biggest specimen for clinical testing.


I'd say your bowels are in tip top shape judging from the size of those log carriers. I always suspected you to be a 'four-flusher.' ;D

30th July 2010, 07:02 PM

How would you go about flushing this Accutane business from the body? If I recall, it is a form of Vitamin A and is stored in the liver:

The specific drug is here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotretinoin

30th July 2010, 07:07 PM
When you ingested epsom salts and olive oil it formed a soapy paste in the duodenum. There it picked up the distinctive green color of bile salts secreted in response to the olive oil. As this cement-like green mixture passed through the jejunum and ileum, it pixed up undigested food matter/fiber which would act as a nidus for crystallization. Part of the liver flush process is to first rid your digestive system of any solids. I can confirm that this works because everything that left my colon after the flush went through a collander. Never during any of my six flushes did I get any solids other than the described green "stones", except for maybe a 1/4" flake of what looked like lettuce. There is something about posting a detailed account of what was produced by my bowels on the internet that is slightly beyond my comfort zone, but for the sake of science... :D

We could do an experiment....mix epsom salts and olive oil to see if it forms a cement like substance. Any suggestions on how to do such a test, such as other ingredients neccessary to duplicate the internal process?

30th July 2010, 07:09 PM

How would you go about flushing this Accutane business from the body? If I recall, it is a form of Vitamin A and is stored in the liver:

The specific drug is here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotretinoin

I would ingest it's natural chemical analog, retinoic acid, as dietary fish oils and cooked carrots, which will gradually displace Accutane from the liver and fat stores in the body. This should be done over a period of several months - and vitamin A ingestion should not exceed 10,000 IU per day. Vitamin E should also be taken at 200-400 IU per day with a fatty meal - natural tocopherols are preferred.

30th July 2010, 07:15 PM
When you ingested epsom salts and olive oil it formed a soapy paste in the duodenum. There it picked up the distinctive green color of bile salts secreted in response to the olive oil. As this cement-like green mixture passed through the jejunum and ileum, it pixed up undigested food matter/fiber which would act as a nidus for crystallization. Part of the liver flush process is to first rid your digestive system of any solids. I can confirm that this works because everything that left my colon after the flush went through a collander. Never during any of my six flushes did I get any solids other than the described green "stones", except for maybe a 1/4" flake of what looked like lettuce. There is something about posting a detailed account of what was produced by my bowels on the internet that is slightly beyond my comfort zone, but for the sake of science... :D

We could do an experiment....mix epsom salts and olive oil to see if it forms a cement like substance. Any suggestions on how to do such a test, such as other ingredients neccessary to duplicate the internal process?

One could mix Epsom salts, olive oil and sufficient water in a blender to the consistency of watery paste. Then blend in some lettuce fragments to a fine paste. This past could be spread over a thick bed of dry paper towels and allowed to sit in air for several days. The combination of water wicking by the paper and evaporation should result in stoney hard material that fractures in stone-shaped pieces.

willie pete
30th July 2010, 07:22 PM
Wondering how long you took it and in what dosage? it appears to have a relatively short half-life and is excreted both via hepatic and renal pathways, also I'm not sure, it may be beneficial to acidify your urine for faster excretion....a little H&P; is your ETOH intake marginal? how's your nutrition? any Hx or Dx of any bowel abnormalities? any cardiac issues? I think there would be several factors that would determine the rate of elimination

willie pete
30th July 2010, 07:24 PM
When you ingested epsom salts and olive oil it formed a soapy paste in the duodenum. There it picked up the distinctive green color of bile salts secreted in response to the olive oil. As this cement-like green mixture passed through the jejunum and ileum, it pixed up undigested food matter/fiber which would act as a nidus for crystallization. Part of the liver flush process is to first rid your digestive system of any solids. I can confirm that this works because everything that left my colon after the flush went through a collander. Never during any of my six flushes did I get any solids other than the described green "stones", except for maybe a 1/4" flake of what looked like lettuce. There is something about posting a detailed account of what was produced by my bowels on the internet that is slightly beyond my comfort zone, but for the sake of science... :D

We could do an experiment....mix epsom salts and olive oil to see if it forms a cement like substance. Any suggestions on how to do such a test, such as other ingredients neccessary to duplicate the internal process?

One could mix Epsom salts, olive oil and sufficient water in a blender to the consistency of watery paste. Then blend in some lettuce fragments to a fine paste. This past could be spread over a thick bed of dry paper towels and allowed to sit in air for several days. The combination of water wicking by the paper and evaporation should result in stoney hard material that fractures in stone-shaped pieces.

Sheesh Mamboni; that sounds almost like a salad dressing you concocted there... :D Take a short-cut, go out and get a bottle of.....

30th July 2010, 07:33 PM
One could mix Epsom salts, olive oil and sufficient water in a blender to the consistency of watery paste. Then blend in some lettuce fragments to a fine paste. This past could be spread over a thick bed of dry paper towels and allowed to sit in air for several days. The combination of water wicking by the paper and evaporation should result in stoney hard material that fractures in stone-shaped pieces.
OK. I mixed 1 cup well water, 2 ounces olive oil, 2 Tbsp. epsom salts and a small piece of spinach (about 2 square inches) in the blender for 8 minutes. I'll let it sit a few hours in the blender and then before I go to bed I'll pour it on some paper towels.
In doing the liver flush, there is no more than 18 hours between gulping the olive oil and passing the last stones so it shouldn't take any longer than that.

I'll post my results.

30th July 2010, 07:44 PM
The liver flush reminds me of one of those foot baths that are suppose to draw out toxins.

They add some chemical to the water before the test, put your feet in, and the electro current draws out toxins from your feet (something like that).

Water turns black and rusty looking.

I tested it...it turns the same color without your feet in it.

They offer this procedure at many massage parlors around here.

It's for suckers.

30th July 2010, 07:46 PM
The liver flush reminds me of one of those foot baths that are suppose to draw out toxins.

They add some chemical to the water before the test, put your feet in, and the electro current draws out toxins from your feet (something like that).

Water turns black and rusty looking.

I tested it...it turns the same color without your feet in it.

They offer this procedure at many massage parlors around here.

It's for suckers.

That's funny! :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:

30th July 2010, 07:48 PM
When you ingested epsom salts and olive oil it formed a soapy paste in the duodenum. There it picked up the distinctive green color of bile salts secreted in response to the olive oil. As this cement-like green mixture passed through the jejunum and ileum, it pixed up undigested food matter/fiber which would act as a nidus for crystallization. Part of the liver flush process is to first rid your digestive system of any solids. I can confirm that this works because everything that left my colon after the flush went through a collander. Never during any of my six flushes did I get any solids other than the described green "stones", except for maybe a 1/4" flake of what looked like lettuce. There is something about posting a detailed account of what was produced by my bowels on the internet that is slightly beyond my comfort zone, but for the sake of science... :D

We could do an experiment....mix epsom salts and olive oil to see if it forms a cement like substance. Any suggestions on how to do such a test, such as other ingredients neccessary to duplicate the internal process?

One could mix Epsom salts, olive oil and sufficient water in a blender to the consistency of watery paste. Then blend in some lettuce fragments to a fine paste. This past could be spread over a thick bed of dry paper towels and allowed to sit in air for several days. The combination of water wicking by the paper and evaporation should result in stoney hard material that fractures in stone-shaped pieces.

Sheesh Mamboni; that sounds almost like a salad dressing you concocted there... :D Take a short-cut, go out and get a bottle of.....

You guys and gals are the best entertainment! :ROFL: :ROFL:

I really love this forum.

30th July 2010, 07:49 PM

How would you go about flushing this Accutane business from the body? If I recall, it is a form of Vitamin A and is stored in the liver:

The specific drug is here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotretinoin

I would ingest it's natural chemical analog, retinoic acid, as dietary fish oils and cooked carrots, which will gradually displace Accutane from the liver and fat stores in the body. This should be done over a period of several months - and vitamin A ingestion should not exceed 10,000 IU per day. Vitamin E should also be taken at 200-400 IU per day with a fatty meal - natural tocopherols are preferred.

Is an Omega-three supplement sufficient for the retinoic acid? Also, my multivitamin has 5000 IU per tablet of vitamin A as beta-carotene, how many IU does one ingest from food on average?


30th July 2010, 07:52 PM
Omega-three is OK - just check the vitamin A content. Vitamin A content varies greatly with diet. In the US vitamin A is very rare because there is sufficient A in meats and vegetables. Cooked carrots have much higher potency than raw. Go buy a gallon of carrot juice - it's delicious and nutritious - and drink an 8 oz glass each day until consumed. That should do the trick!

I'll be back in 2 hours: it's movie night with my daughter!!!!

31st July 2010, 12:17 PM
My science experiment is done. There was no hardening of the paste at all. It's just oily, light green and a foamy mayonaise like consistency.

I don't see any convincing evidence that these stones were created in my digestive system during the flush. That said, I will continue to do these liver flushes from time to time. They are harmless and cost practically nothing.

Now let's give it the motive test. What possible ulterior motives would people have for suggesting this type of treatment? No profit. No fame. No power. No stratified genocide. No reason to deliberately lie.

What about big pharma and the Jewish medical establishment? Any motives there?

31st July 2010, 04:04 PM
While there may be disagreement on the Pseudoliths, it has provided lots of interesting information thanks all.

Now I'm no Doctor, but I'm sort of like an Engineer, which has me ask if this really did remove gallstones then should in not cause obstructive jaundice in some users?

31st July 2010, 08:44 PM
“Because cilantro mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places.

This process is called re-toxification. It can easily be avoided by simultaneously giving an intestinal toxin-absorbing agent. Our definite choice is the algal organism chlorella. A recent animal study demonstrated rapid removal of aluminum from the skeleton superior to any known other detox agent.

Cilantro causes the gallbladder to dump bile — containing the excreted neurotoxins — into the small intestine. The bile-release occurs naturally as we are eating and is much enhanced by cilantro. If no chlorella is taken, most neurotoxins are reabsorbed on the way down the small intestine by the abundant nerve endings of the enteric nervous system”
- Ibid


31st July 2010, 09:43 PM
Book, from your link
“This kitchen herb is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous system. It is probably the only effective agent in mobilizing mercury stored in the intracellular space (attached to mitochondria, tubulin, liposomes etc) and in the nucleus of the cell (reversing DNA damage of mercury).”
- Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, Chelation: How to remove Mercury, Lead, & other MetalsMercury is one of the leading causes of poor memory. I might have to try this.

31st July 2010, 10:23 PM
Book, from your link
“This kitchen herb is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous system. It is probably the only effective agent in mobilizing mercury stored in the intracellular space (attached to mitochondria, tubulin, liposomes etc) and in the nucleus of the cell (reversing DNA damage of mercury).”
- Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, Chelation: How to remove Mercury, Lead, & other MetalsMercury is one of the leading causes of poor memory. I might have to try this.

Me too, if I can rembember.

Did you want toast with your eggs?? ;)

1st August 2010, 10:03 AM
Warning: Satire with swearing and anal thinking.
