View Full Version : Put up or shut up, it's time for us to start running for office
General of Darkness
28th July 2010, 06:55 PM
I just got a call from a buddy of mine and he said, "You're not going to believe this, I'm running for office on the Huntington Beach school board". I was like, "What?". He said he's sick of the crap, he called the registrars voting office, gave them his address, asked for what positions were open etc, and he's going to be on the November ballot. Then he said, "Now it's your turn". I'm calling tomorrow morning and going to find out where and what's open, and what makes sense for me.
So again, ALL of us need to get our butts in gear to take this country back, and the only way to do that is to be in office. This is how the other idiots got where they're at. FYI - He didn't have to spend a DIME to do it.
Here's a link to start for the California folks. But there has to be something similar in EVERY single county in the Republic.
28th July 2010, 08:15 PM
Good for you! I hope you and your friend win!
I know a bimbette-type waitress that put herself of the ballot last year. She did pretty good for her first try. I heard about it later over eggs and toast. :) I told her to keep trying til she got onto City Council . . .
Me? No tanks!! I got a few skeletons in a few closets. ;D
28th July 2010, 09:15 PM
Best of luck General! keep us informed on what you finally decided to run for.
28th July 2010, 09:23 PM
So again, ALL of us need to get our butts in gear to take this country back, and the only way to do that is to be in office.
If fantasies make you feel empowered, be my guest.
General of Darkness
28th July 2010, 09:26 PM
So again, ALL of us need to get our butts in gear to take this country back, and the only way to do that is to be in office.
If fantasies make you feel empowered, be my guest.
Fred, I guess it's just me. Unlike you I'm not done giving up and will fight to the bitter end.
28th July 2010, 09:31 PM
So again, ALL of us need to get our butts in gear to take this country back, and the only way to do that is to be in office.
If fantasies make you feel empowered, be my guest.
Fred, I guess it's just me. Unlike you I'm not done giving up and will fight to the bitter end.
I will never give up. But I recognize that I can't achieve anything playing by their rules on their turf.
Prove me wrong, please! I mean that sincerely.
the biss
28th July 2010, 09:32 PM
I think that everyone should run for a local office at least once. I ran for mayor last election. It was a lot of fun and I met a bunch of great people.
28th July 2010, 09:38 PM
I think that everyone should run for a local office at least once. I ran for mayor last election. It was a lot of fun and I met a bunch of great people.
I ran for office in student government several times, and won, every time. It was in student government that I recognized modern "representative democracy" is a sick farce. I saw in "grown-up government" no redeeming qualities. Both take orders from "other entities."
General of Darkness
28th July 2010, 09:44 PM
So again, ALL of us need to get our butts in gear to take this country back, and the only way to do that is to be in office.
If fantasies make you feel empowered, be my guest.
Fred, I guess it's just me. Unlike you I'm not done giving up and will fight to the bitter end.
I will never give up. But I recognize that I can't achieve anything playing by their rules on their turf.
Prove me wrong, please! I mean that sincerely.
Fair enough. Maybe I'm just being naive, but the only alternative is something that I don't care to discuss.
28th July 2010, 09:55 PM
Fair enough. Maybe I'm just being naive, but the only alternative is something that I don't care to discuss.
For we Christians, the alternative is to dig in, and try to hold out until the Man in the White Hat shows up.
28th July 2010, 10:03 PM
Reforming the ol' whorehouse, eh?
28th July 2010, 10:32 PM
Can't hurt to try to change things
Good luck General....I would vote for ya.
A friend of mine I grew up with in Garden Grove Ca. moved to Lake Havasu and is Now a senator for AZ.
Real Good guy too.
28th July 2010, 10:36 PM
Fair enough. Maybe I'm just being naive, but the only alternative is something that I don't care to discuss.
For we Christians, the alternative is to dig in, and try to hold out until the Man in the White Hat shows up.
I think as Christians we are suppose to occupy till he comes
28th July 2010, 11:43 PM
Fair enough. Maybe I'm just being naive, but the only alternative is something that I don't care to discuss.
For we Christians, the alternative is to dig in, and try to hold out until the Man in the White Hat shows up.
I think as Christians we are suppose to occupy till he comes
Exactly my point. I just put it in different terms.
General of Darkness
29th July 2010, 12:01 AM
Fred you're kidding right? Christianity says X or Y, that shit is all zionist cock holding.
Religion is complete b.s., it's a construct that controls people, and the WILL of the humans that interpret writings written by other humans is suppose to be interpreted as the word of GOD.
FRED you're full of it aren't ya? Hopefully Galilea (whatever) doesn't ban me again for calling a spade a spade.
29th July 2010, 12:11 AM
Fred you're kidding right? Christianity says X or Y, that sh*t is all zionist cock holding.
Religion is complete b.s., it's a construct that controls people, and the WILL of the humans that interpret writings written by other humans is suppose to be interpreted as the word of GOD.
FRED you're full of it aren't ya? Hopefully Galilea (whatever) doesn't ban me again for calling a spade a spade.
Why would I (Gaillo, BTW... but you knew that!) ban you? All you've done is express your opinion so far... nothing I can't read in a dozen other threads on this forum with five minutes looking. Start in with the "Cocksucker" bit again, though... and it might end up being a different story.
29th July 2010, 12:15 AM
Fred you're kidding right? Christianity says X or Y, that sh*t is all zionist cock holding.
Religion is complete b.s., it's a construct that controls people, and the WILL of the humans that interpret writings written by other humans is suppose to be interpreted as the word of GOD.
FRED you're full of it aren't ya? Hopefully Galilea (whatever) doesn't ban me again for calling a spade a spade.
Wow, that elicited a whole boatload of anger. ::)
Have you been drinking? You don't know who Gaillo is?
29th July 2010, 12:18 AM
Fred you're kidding right? Christianity says X or Y, that sh*t is all zionist cock holding.
Religion is complete b.s., it's a construct that controls people, and the WILL of the humans that interpret writings written by other humans is suppose to be interpreted as the word of GOD.
FRED you're full of it aren't ya? Hopefully Galilea (whatever) doesn't ban me again for calling a spade a spade.
Dearly Beloved Brethren!!!
Gawd answers all who kneel and pray, is a Trewth accepted day by
day. Behold! their bright and joyful lot, who’ve faith in what Christ Jesus
If you’ve empty pockets and tables bare, demand ye not your natural
share; that would be wrong; but, creep and sigh and ‘you’ll go to heaven
when you die.’
For the meek and humble who obey, there’s a happy and far, far
away; but a fearsome, fiery brimstone pit, shall melt their marrow, who
won’t — submit.
If foemen smite you on one cheek, turn round the other, tearful,
meek; if perjured knaves your votes betray: come ‘wicked sinners,’ kneel
and — pray.
If Hebrews fleece and flay your hide, heaven’s gates for you, shall
open wide; Christ your Shepherd, won’t lead astray, 0! Lambs of God!
come bleat and pray.
If bruised and beaten, shorn and sold, you’re sure of stalls in your
Father’s fold; but — robbers rob, or rulers slay! Hell roast your souls for
ever and aye.
If elected persons invade your wealth, with bribes and lies or deadly
stealth, and threat your bones with a bannered host: Christ is your refuge
and the Holy Ghost.
You’ll triumph thus ‘in the dawning years’ hope on! Toil on! In this
vale of tears sing, “Rock of Ages cleft for me, O! let me hide myself in
General of Darkness
29th July 2010, 12:23 AM
Fred you're kidding right? Christianity says X or Y, that sh*t is all zionist cock holding.
Religion is complete b.s., it's a construct that controls people, and the WILL of the humans that interpret writings written by other humans is suppose to be interpreted as the word of GOD.
FRED you're full of it aren't ya? Hopefully Galilea (whatever) doesn't ban me again for calling a spade a spade.
Why would I (Gaillo, BTW... but you knew that!) ban you? All you've done is express your opinion so far... nothing I can't read in a dozen other threads on this forum with five minutes looking. Start in with the "Cocksucker" bit again, though... and it might end up being a different story.
I venture to guess that my story will end up different because there's a lot a holsters around here, that love to be filed with cock. Just saying. FYI, I'm honest, I might be a jerk, but I'm honest, and some of these holsters need to have their pole smokers sent to the scrap yard.
29th July 2010, 12:27 AM
Fred you're kidding right? Christianity says X or Y, that sh*t is all zionist cock holding.
Religion is complete b.s., it's a construct that controls people, and the WILL of the humans that interpret writings written by other humans is suppose to be interpreted as the word of GOD.
FRED you're full of it aren't ya? Hopefully Galilea (whatever) doesn't ban me again for calling a spade a spade.
Why would I (Gaillo, BTW... but you knew that!) ban you? All you've done is express your opinion so far... nothing I can't read in a dozen other threads on this forum with five minutes looking. Start in with the "Cocksucker" bit again, though... and it might end up being a different story.
I venture to guess that my story will end up different because there's a lot a holsters around here, that love to be filed with cock. Just saying. FYI, I'm honest, I might be a jerk, but I'm honest, and some of these holsters need to have their pole smokers sent to the scrap yard.
Your story?
G.O.D. - get some sleep, my friend. There's no need to self-destruct here tonight...
Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th July 2010, 05:18 AM
Fred you're kidding right? Christianity says X or Y, that sh*t is all zionist cock holding.
Religion is complete b.s., it's a construct that controls people, and the WILL of the humans that interpret writings written by other humans is suppose to be interpreted as the word of GOD.
FRED you're full of it aren't ya? Hopefully Galilea (whatever) doesn't ban me again for calling a spade a spade.
Not that I'm Christian, but as an observation, you should probably leave your views of religion off your election bio...
29th July 2010, 06:35 AM
Running for office? Naw, better to spend 7 hours a day bitching on forums to and pretend like that will make a difference.
I've run. Quite the experience. If you overstep your bounds a little then someone will let you know... windshields broken and so on. So be prepared for that.
I did it twice. Probably won't do it again. Part of the trouble is people don't listen to logic they just want to hear "1 million dollars for socialist program A" and crap like that. People in general are really really stupid. I think at some point everyone who has tried and realizes that just says "eff it" and starts living for themselves. You can't do a whole lot when people don't have any math skills, logic skills, or basic literacy... you may as well be trying a convince a dog to listen to you when another guy is holding a bag of beef jerky. I mean most people don't even know what a billion or a trillion are... you can't have a meaningful dialogue when someone thinks "two-hundred and fourteen point eight million" is way bigger than "one billion" simply because it takes longer to say.
Then people that might actually agree with you on things get all smug and pretend like they're making a grand statement by not voting, 'cause the gov is real scared of people that will protest by doing absolutely nothing. "Oh please don't sit on your ass while we raise taxes and start new wars, whatever will we do?"
29th July 2010, 07:21 AM
you may as well be trying a convince a dog to listen to you when another guy is holding a bag of beef jerky.
Great anaology, but I still encourage General to run.
I know I plan too one day, but right now my white trash lifestyle and trucker mouth would not hold up to public scrutiny.
29th July 2010, 07:34 AM
You should look into the Family Coalition Party. I don't know their platform now, I hear they had a leadership change recently, but a few years ago they may as well have been called "catholic libertarians".
29th July 2010, 07:42 AM
I would be more interested in the Canadian Action Party.
They are not faith based, but there is a strong Christian sentiment throughout the party, and they are very anti-NAU/NWO.
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