View Full Version : Repeal of 1099 for $600 purchases in the works?

30th July 2010, 12:38 PM
There are a number of threads on the boards talking about the 0bama care provision that requires a 1099 tax form for every transaction that exceeds $600 annually -

This would be a significant burden on small businesses, really clobber coin dealers, and irritate persons who hold PMs. (Not me by the way, I've lost everything in a series of tragic, yet unique, boating accidents).

Politico is mentioning that the Dems are racing to beat the Republicans to repeal it.


Democrats race Republican Party to health 'repeal'

30th July 2010, 01:15 PM
That is good news. Looks like one way or another it will be repealed.

1970 silver art
30th July 2010, 04:12 PM
I'll believe it when I see it. I am still skeptical. I want to see it repealed.