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30th July 2010, 12:07 PM

Watch it before it gets the This video has been removed due to terms of use violation

30th July 2010, 12:40 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

30th July 2010, 12:52 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

There wouldn't be any Aryans today without the self-sacrifices of the German people and allied peoples, including Hitler himself.

Too bad the Americans fu*ked up the chance at Life they gave us.

30th July 2010, 12:56 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

There wouldn't be any Aryans today without the self-sacrifices of the German people and allied peoples, including Hitler himself.

Too bad the Americans fu*ked up the chance at Life they gave us.

Hitler should have been on the deck with the people, not at the helm. Demagogues make horrible tacticians, as evidenced by the fate of his Empire.

30th July 2010, 01:14 PM
Hitler should have been on the deck with the people, not at the helm. Demagogues make horrible tacticians, as evidenced by the fate of his Empire.

No simple man on Earth in all history could have done a better job than he did.

Germany under Hitler's leadership went from destitution to a world power in four years.

Germany under Hitler's leadership came so very close to leading Europe indefinitely.

Germany under Hitler's leadership held off powers with ten times the manpower and a hundred times the resources, for years.

No King, no President, no Prime Minister has ever done so much given the odds his people faced.

If Rosenfeld or Churchill had swapped places with Hitler, they'd have capitulated in 1941, and fled to an isolated villa somewhere. Hitler stayed at his post until the end.

30th July 2010, 01:20 PM
Hitler should have been on the deck with the people, not at the helm. Demagogues make horrible tacticians, as evidenced by the fate of his Empire.

No simple man on Earth in all history could have done a better job than he did.

Germany under Hitler's leadership went from destitution to a world power in four years.

Germany under Hitler's leadership came so very close to leading Europe indefinitely.

Germany under Hitler's leadership held off powers with ten times the manpower and a hundred times the resources, for years.

No King, no President, no Prime Minister has ever done so much given the odds his people faced.

If Rosenfeld or Churchill had swapped places with Hitler, they'd have capitulated in 1941, and fled to an isolated villa somewhere. Hitler stayed at his post until the end.

Bumped for truth!

30th July 2010, 01:33 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

There wouldn't be any Aryans today without the self-sacrifices of the German people and allied peoples, including Hitler himself.

Too bad the Americans fu*ked up the chance at Life they gave us.

How in the WORLD do you think that?

Really? There wouldn't be ANY Aryans today if not for Hitler?

Are you gonna stick with that assessment?

30th July 2010, 01:35 PM
Hitler should have been on the deck with the people, not at the helm. Demagogues make horrible tacticians, as evidenced by the fate of his Empire.

No simple man on Earth in all history could have done a better job than he did.

Germany under Hitler's leadership went from destitution to a world power in four years.

Germany under Hitler's leadership came so very close to leading Europe indefinitely.

Germany under Hitler's leadership held off powers with ten times the manpower and a hundred times the resources, for years.

No King, no President, no Prime Minister has ever done so much given the odds his people faced.

If Rosenfeld or Churchill had swapped places with Hitler, they'd have capitulated in 1941, and fled to an isolated villa somewhere. Hitler stayed at his post until the end.

Some might even say he was the greatest man since Jesus Christ!


7th trump
30th July 2010, 01:45 PM
Hitler should have been on the deck with the people, not at the helm. Demagogues make horrible tacticians, as evidenced by the fate of his Empire.

No simple man on Earth in all history could have done a better job than he did.

Germany under Hitler's leadership went from destitution to a world power in four years.

Germany under Hitler's leadership came so very close to leading Europe indefinitely.

Germany under Hitler's leadership held off powers with ten times the manpower and a hundred times the resources, for years.

No King, no President, no Prime Minister has ever done so much given the odds his people faced.

If Rosenfeld or Churchill had swapped places with Hitler, they'd have capitulated in 1941, and fled to an isolated villa somewhere. Hitler stayed at his post until the end.

Some might even say he was the greatest man since Jesus Christ!


Hahahaha........................good one!
Yeah just think, Phoenix is over on another thread talking shyt about this forum having too many "mental cases".....

7th trump
30th July 2010, 01:46 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

There wouldn't be any Aryans today without the self-sacrifices of the German people and allied peoples, including Hitler himself.

Too bad the Americans fu*ked up the chance at Life they gave us.

How in the WORLD do you think that?

Really? There wouldn't be ANY Aryans today if not for Hitler?

Are you gonna stick with that assessment?

Because phoenix can............hes a hippicrit case

I am me, I am free
30th July 2010, 01:50 PM
Hitler should have been on the deck with the people, not at the helm. Demagogues make horrible tacticians, as evidenced by the fate of his Empire.

No simple man on Earth in all history could have done a better job than he did.

Germany under Hitler's leadership went from destitution to a world power in four years.

Germany under Hitler's leadership came so very close to leading Europe indefinitely.

Germany under Hitler's leadership held off powers with ten times the manpower and a hundred times the resources, for years.

No King, no President, no Prime Minister has ever done so much given the odds his people faced.

If Rosenfeld or Churchill had swapped places with Hitler, they'd have capitulated in 1941, and fled to an isolated villa somewhere. Hitler stayed at his post until the end.

Some might even say he was the greatest man since Jesus Christ!


Interestingly, Quantum held the exact same view as Phoenix does, although Phoenix SWEARS he's not Quantum resurrected as Phoenix. They must have been separated at birth. lol

30th July 2010, 02:03 PM
Totalitarian govts are rarley (as in never) good in or for the long haul, regardless of any good intentions there may have been initialy.

National Socialism is totalitarianism.

30th July 2010, 02:48 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

There wouldn't be any Aryans today without the self-sacrifices of the German people and allied peoples, including Hitler himself.

Too bad the Americans fu*ked up the chance at Life they gave us.

How in the WORLD do you think that?

Really? There wouldn't be ANY Aryans today if not for Hitler?

Are you gonna stick with that assessment?

Because phoenix can............hes a hippicrit case

Careful, 7th... that's VERY close to a personal attack - just a few misspelled letters away, actually! 8)

30th July 2010, 02:59 PM
Hitler should have been on the deck with the people, not at the helm. Demagogues make horrible tacticians, as evidenced by the fate of his Empire.

No simple man on Earth in all history could have done a better job than he did.

Germany under Hitler's leadership went from destitution to a world power in four years.

Germany under Hitler's leadership came so very close to leading Europe indefinitely.

Germany under Hitler's leadership held off powers with ten times the manpower and a hundred times the resources, for years.

Replace 'under' with 'in spite of' and you'd be right. Hitler was simply a rabble-rouser with the benefit of legions of brilliant advisers and a semi-sane ideology. These same advisers pleaded with him not to attack Russia and yet, being the inept demagogic upstart that he was, did not heed them and threw away his empire. The blind cannot lead the blind, and upstarts from among the crowd will only lead the crowd to ruin.

30th July 2010, 03:06 PM
Totalitarian govts are rarley (as in never) good in or for the long haul, regardless of any good intentions there may have been initialy.

National Socialism is totalitarianism.

Hitler had to fight fire with fire in dealing with the Bolshevik bastards [Jews] that stabbed Germany and the German people in the back and were determined to crucify the German people in the days leading up to WWII. We'll never know what kind of government Germany would have had if Hitler and the Nazi's had been successful in vanquishing the Bolshevik Communist Jews and their puppets, England, the United States and Stalin's Soviet Union. It's probably safe to say that post-victory Germany would probably not liberalize into an American-style free republic - that would be too much to ask for. Anyway, Bolshevism-Socialism-Zionism is like venereal herpes: you'll always be fighting it and it's almost impossible to eradicate completely.

30th July 2010, 03:17 PM
Totalitarian govts are rarley (as in never) good in or for the long haul, regardless of any good intentions there may have been initialy.

National Socialism is totalitarianism.

Hitler had to fight fire with fire in dealing with the Bolshevik bastards [Jews] that stabbed Germany and the German people in the back and were determined to crucify the German people in the days leading up to WWII. We'll never know what kind of government Germany would have had if Hitler and the Nazi's had been successful in vanquishing the Bolshevik Communist Jews and their puppets, England, the United States and Stalin's Soviet Union. It's probably safe to say that post-victory Germany would probably not liberalize into an American-style free republic - that would be too much to ask for. Anyway, Bolshevism-Socialism-Zionism is like venereal herpes: you'll always be fighting it and it's almost impossible to eradicate completely.

I dont disagree with you, my good doctor. And I certainly dont fall in line with every thing main stream history throws at us about the evil nazi's. I was a history and religious studies major (though I dont throw it around alot on the board, I try more to shut up and learn in my youthful inexperiences! :P ) and I have seen what mainstream history teaches and what they refuse to teach us. I've seen teachers get tossed from academia for daring to question, whether its Lincoln, Hitler, or Stalin.

But I dont feel that National Socialism and that almost mandatory totalitarianism that it exists within are compatible with a free and sovereign people. I do undertsand what lead to its rise in pre war Germany, I just do not think it is the right...or more correctly the prefered...method in which to govern and organize a society.

30th July 2010, 03:23 PM
...a free and sovereign people...

Sorry for the intercept, but maybe in a new thread you can identify who these "free and sovereign people" might be and where they actually exist in 2010.


30th July 2010, 03:35 PM
Totalitarian govts are rarley (as in never) good in or for the long haul, regardless of any good intentions there may have been initialy.

National Socialism is totalitarianism.

Hitler had to fight fire with fire in dealing with the Bolshevik bastards [Jews] that stabbed Germany and the German people in the back and were determined to crucify the German people in the days leading up to WWII. We'll never know what kind of government Germany would have had if Hitler and the Nazi's had been successful in vanquishing the Bolshevik Communist Jews and their puppets, England, the United States and Stalin's Soviet Union. It's probably safe to say that post-victory Germany would probably not liberalize into an American-style free republic - that would be too much to ask for. Anyway, Bolshevism-Socialism-Zionism is like venereal herpes: you'll always be fighting it and it's almost impossible to eradicate completely.

I dont disagree with you, my good doctor. And I certainly dont fall in line with every thing main stream history throws at us about the evil nazi's. I was a history and religious studies major (though I dont throw it around alot on the board, I try more to shut up and learn in my youthful inexperiences! :P ) and I have seen what mainstream history teaches and what they refuse to teach us. I've seen teachers get tossed from academia for daring to question, whether its Lincoln, Hitler, or Stalin.

But I dont feel that National Socialism and that almost mandatory totalitarianism that it exists within are compatible with a free and sovereign people. I do undertsand what lead to its rise in pre war Germany, I just do not think it is the right...or more correctly the prefered...method in which to govern and organize a society.

You need to understand that the common man has no use for freedom, in fact the responsibility that freedom entails positively frightens him. As it should, since an apish society is all that he is capable of creating. Given freedom, he will only relinquish it to tyrants worse than the worst possible Monarchs or Princes. Those laudable 'rugged individualists' of the 18th and 19th century were simply the residuum of Monarchical Subjects from times past who had civilization and culture forcibly imparted onto them by Aristocracies.
Behold! what remains after the residue of Civilization wears away. Nothing but brute instinct and decadence. True 'human nature'.

30th July 2010, 03:38 PM
Perhaps we could have a sub section in the religion/philosophy forum for the Adoration of St. Adolphus?

What does one do to worship him? Is there some sort of communion involved? :)

30th July 2010, 03:50 PM
TPTB? what do you want them to do? hide it?.........right here is just fine and I LIKE IT.

30th July 2010, 04:40 PM
Germany under Hitler's leadership held off powers with ten times the manpower and a hundred times the resources, for years.

A little over 2 years at most. Not a feat that impresses me.
The resource issue was known going in. A great leader would pick his battles wisely under such conditions. Not fight everybody under the sun.
His declaration of war against the U.S. was plain stupid.

The Battle of Stalingrad.
Hitler's leadership pissed away the 6th army.
Hitler's leadership pissed away a lot of the air force at Stalingrad by listening to the drug addict Goering.
Why would a great leader even allow a POS like Goering to lead his air force ?

30th July 2010, 05:03 PM
His mistake was to open to many fronts at the same time..........Heyyyyy that's what the US is doing, no choice but to bring back the draft.

Had Herr Hitler won the war we would by now have bases on the Moon and Mars and exploring the rest of our corner of the universe.

30th July 2010, 05:32 PM
His mistake was to open to many fronts at the same time..........Heyyyyy that's what the US is doing, no choice but to bring back the draft.

Had Herr Hitler won the war we would by now have bases on the Moon and Mars and exploring the rest of our corner of the universe.

I don't doubt the Germans could have done these things; they are supreme engineers. But what makes you think Herr Hitler would have contributed when he wasn't even smart enough to avoid making the same disastrous mistake Napoléon made?

30th July 2010, 05:34 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

There wouldn't be any Aryans today without the self-sacrifices of the German people and allied peoples, including Hitler himself.

Too bad the Americans fu*ked up the chance at Life they gave us.

How in the WORLD do you think that?

Really? There wouldn't be ANY Aryans today if not for Hitler?

Are you gonna stick with that assessment?

Absolutely, I'm going to stick with that assessment. Hitler delayed their Jew World Order plan by 50 years. Stalin was intended to have taken over Europe by 1942. The 50 million people slaughtered by Stalin would have been doubled, at least, and with the consequent extinguishing of subsequent generations. Rosenfeld would have implemented Soviet tactics en masse in America.

SG, you can see how our world has become much more non-White in just 30 years, even without mass exterminations of our kind. Extrapolate it in your head with those exterminations, and add another 20 years.

30th July 2010, 05:36 PM
hes a hippicrit

What's a hippicrit? Is that someone who smokes ganja and wears tie dye, and critiques movies?

30th July 2010, 05:41 PM
Hitler should have been on the deck with the people, not at the helm. Demagogues make horrible tacticians, as evidenced by the fate of his Empire.

No simple man on Earth in all history could have done a better job than he did.

Germany under Hitler's leadership went from destitution to a world power in four years.

Germany under Hitler's leadership came so very close to leading Europe indefinitely.

Germany under Hitler's leadership held off powers with ten times the manpower and a hundred times the resources, for years.

No King, no President, no Prime Minister has ever done so much given the odds his people faced.

If Rosenfeld or Churchill had swapped places with Hitler, they'd have capitulated in 1941, and fled to an isolated villa somewhere. Hitler stayed at his post until the end.

Some might even say he was the greatest man since Jesus Christ!


Interestingly, Quantum held the exact same view as Phoenix does, although Phoenix SWEARS he's not Quantum resurrected as Phoenix. They must have been separated at birth. lol



Let's say, for the sake of argument only, that I am/was this "Quantum." What of it? Did Quantum post garbage incessantly about "I drive around all over without license plates or a driver's license"? Did he lie about "I don't have to pay taxes because I have a homemade 'exemption'"?

I see that three of you are in lock-step about this "Quantum" shit: you, cedarchopper (GIM original name now ascertained), and SG. Should I take it that one or more of you actually was running this "Quantum" account in my absence, to pretend to be me? That actually happened when I was a VNN Forum member; some a-hole signed up an account, and posted very similar opinions as I, and many were rightly confused about whether I had a sock. It's a great tactic to damage the credibility of someone.

30th July 2010, 05:43 PM
National Socialism is totalitarianism.

A government that not only allowed, but encouraged, citizens to purchase firearms is never rationally called "totalitarian."

Only one form of government has effectively, though temporarily, neutralized the International Jewish Banksters in the last century: National Socialism.

30th July 2010, 05:47 PM
These same advisers pleaded with him not to attack Russia and yet, being the inept demagogic upstart that he was, did not heed them and threw away his empire.

Had Hitler listened to these "advisers," the Red Army would have been in Berlin two weeks later.


The Wehrmacht found Soviet forward positions stacked with offensive equipment, designed for the good roads of Western Europe, when they crossed into the USSR.

30th July 2010, 05:49 PM
compatible with a free and sovereign people

Define "free" and define "sovereign."

Some would argue that Hitler was the most popular leader of modern times, and reflected the will of his people with more clarity than any so-called "democratic" leader.

30th July 2010, 05:51 PM
What's a hippicrit? Is that someone who smokes ganja and wears tie dye, and critiques movies?

A hippicrit? is one who worships a dictator of the past (hitler), yet bashes a dictator of the present (Obama).

Look in the mirror.

30th July 2010, 05:52 PM
Perhaps we could have a sub section in the religion/philosophy forum for the Adoration of St. Adolphus?

What does one do to worship him? Is there some sort of communion involved? :)

The only group I know that "worships" Hitler (St. Adolphus, LOL) is the New Order, run by Matt Koehl (who is a suspect "Aryan"):


I think Hitler would find "worship" to be offensive, since there is no question, based on the genuine historical record, that he himself ascribed ultimate greatness only to God.

30th July 2010, 05:55 PM
The resource issue was known going in. A great leader would pick his battles wisely under such conditions. Not fight everybody under the sun.
His declaration of war against the U.S. was plain stupid.

It's 2010. Absolute Leader Down1 has taken office in the White House, and his first decree is to abolish fractional reserve, usury banking.

Which battles do you "choose wisely" as the Rothschilds and allied Jews direct nearly the ENTIRE PLANET against your country to destroy you?

The United States had waged war against German shipping for months, and Hitler's Declaration was not only overdue, but the honor of a commitment despite the risks...something "free" governments don't honor.

30th July 2010, 05:58 PM
I don't doubt the Germans could have done these things; they are supreme engineers. But what makes you think Herr Hitler would have contributed when he wasn't even smart enough to avoid making the same disastrous mistake Napoléon made?

If the Bolsheviks were readying to invade your country, and you were at the helm in the Reichskanzlei, what would YOU have done? Surrendered, because "Napoleon couldn't win, neither can I"?

He did what he had to do.

30th July 2010, 06:01 PM
What's a hippicrit? Is that someone who smokes ganja and wears tie dye, and critiques movies?

A hippicrit? is one who worships a dictator of the past (hitler), yet bashes a dictator of the present (Obama).

Look in the mirror.

Define "dictator."

Define "worship."

You won't find me worshiping Hitler, regardless of how much I admire him.

30th July 2010, 06:01 PM
I don't doubt the Germans could have done these things; they are supreme engineers. But what makes you think Herr Hitler would have contributed when he wasn't even smart enough to avoid making the same disastrous mistake Napoléon made?

If the Bolsheviks were readying to invade your country, and you were at the helm in the Reichskanzlei, what would YOU have done? Surrendered, because "Napoleon couldn't win, neither can I"?

He did what he had to do.

Fighting in Poland is nicer than fighting in the cold steppes. But I understand that the German army was designed for offense, not defence. So that was a problem as well. Still, invading Russia was an impossible situation from the beginning.

30th July 2010, 06:06 PM
I don't doubt the Germans could have done these things; they are supreme engineers. But what makes you think Herr Hitler would have contributed when he wasn't even smart enough to avoid making the same disastrous mistake Napoléon made?

If the Bolsheviks were readying to invade your country, and you were at the helm in the Reichskanzlei, what would YOU have done? Surrendered, because "Napoleon couldn't win, neither can I"?

He did what he had to do.

Fighting in Poland is nicer than fighting in the cold steppes.


Poland is the smoking gun which demonstrates "the West" (i.e., Britain, France, and the USA) didn't give a crap about "freedom." Poland was provoking shit with Germany for years, ever since the "Allies" forced Germany to hand over parts of Germany to Poland per the Versailles extortion. The Pollack government published maps showing Berlin and Dresden inside Poland. Hitler decided to put an end to the BS. Ironically, or not so ironically, actually, both Germany and the USSR invaded Poland, while "the West" declared war only on Germany. Why?

That "why" was because the same people who gave orders to London, Paris, and Washington in 1939...gave orders to Moscow in 1939.

One of Hitler's only true mistakes was underestimating the magnitude of pure evil stacked against his Volk.

30th July 2010, 06:08 PM
I don't doubt the Germans could have done these things; they are supreme engineers. But what makes you think Herr Hitler would have contributed when he wasn't even smart enough to avoid making the same disastrous mistake Napoléon made?

If the Bolsheviks were readying to invade your country, and you were at the helm in the Reichskanzlei, what would YOU have done? Surrendered, because "Napoleon couldn't win, neither can I"?

He did what he had to do.

Fighting in Poland is nicer than fighting in the cold steppes.


Poland is the smoking gun which demonstrates "the West" (i.e., Britain, France, and the USA) didn't give a crap about "freedom." Poland was provoking sh*t with Germany for years, ever since the "Allies" forced Germany to hand over parts of Germany to Poland per the Versailles extortion. The Pollack government published maps showing Berlin and Dresden inside Poland. Hitler decided to put an end to the BS. Ironically, or not so ironically, actually, both Germany and the USSR invaded Poland, while "the West" declared war only on Germany. Why?

That "why" was because the same people who gave orders to London, Paris, and Washington in 1939...gave orders to Moscow in 1939.

One of Hitler's only true mistakes was underestimating the magnitude of pure evil stacked against his Volk.

My point was fighting a defensive war in Poland against Russia would have been more advantageous than invading Russia, even considering the German army was designed for offense.

30th July 2010, 06:10 PM
You won't find me worshiping Hitler, regardless of how much I admire him.

Admire him? Do you understand what he did? He killed millions of innocent folks. Of course, for us white folks that's easy to accept..

Part of being a man is to live by a creed, and to know right from wrong and fight for that. I apologize for sayihg this...I don't view you as a man.

30th July 2010, 06:25 PM
My point was fighting a defensive war in Poland against Russia would have been more advantageous than invading Russia, even considering the German army was designed for offense.


Let the Red Army move forward on Germany?

30th July 2010, 06:28 PM
Admire him?

Yes, admire him...and make no apologies for it.

Hitler was the last governmental leader to have the interests of my kind at heart. Since then, neither my family nor I have had a government.

Do you understand what he did?

Better question, do you?

He killed millions of innocent folks.

Do you have a list of names of his victims?

Or is this something you learned in "skool" or from the Talmudvision?

Part of being a man is to live by a creed, and to know right from wrong and fight for that. I apologize for sayihg this...I don't view you as a man.

Didn't you say you are an ex-cop?

You "apologize for saying this" and then say it anyways. ::)

30th July 2010, 06:32 PM
My point was fighting a defensive war in Poland against Russia would have been more advantageous than invading Russia, even considering the German army was designed for offense.


Let the Red Army move forward on Germany?

Yes, the Red Army was a bunch of ill-prepared untrained peasants whose only advantage was the vastness and coldness of their home country. Take them out of their home country and they're ripe for slaughter.

30th July 2010, 06:33 PM
Do you understand what he did?


We firebombed Dresden and nuked two cities in Japan.


30th July 2010, 06:37 PM
Yes, the Red Army was a bunch of ill-prepared untrained peasants whose only advantage was the vastness and coldness of their home country. Take them out of their home country and they're ripe for slaughter.

Not the crack troops that were lined up for the June 1941 offensive against Germany. Most of the Red Army's early best were captured because they were camping on the front lines.

30th July 2010, 06:39 PM
I never said 'WE' were any better..

The problem, is all these damn hypocrites. You 'heil' hitler, oh excuse me..."admire" him, because he fits your agenda. An agenda, that fits your personal needs/goals/aspirations, but denies other folks their basic god given rights...and then you complain about our current gov?

Do you not see this hypocrisy, or are you blinded by greed, self fulfillment, hate.

I'm not buying this bullshit at all. You lose respect with double standards, and that's no way to live life.

Either you are against all forms of dictating power, or you are for it. Your choice is apparent.

30th July 2010, 06:43 PM
Yes, the Red Army was a bunch of ill-prepared untrained peasants whose only advantage was the vastness and coldness of their home country. Take them out of their home country and they're ripe for slaughter.

Not the crack troops that were lined up for the June 1941 offensive against Germany. Most of the Red Army's early best were captured because they were camping on the front lines.

They don't sound too intimidating if most of them can be captured without fighting to the death as the Germans would have. If he had simply foiled their invasion attempt, destroyed their 'Best' and gone no further, history would be different.

But understand: when you invade Russia, you're not fighting the Russians, you're fighting Nature in the form of the environment. And that is always a losing battle.

30th July 2010, 06:55 PM
Any one of these Generals would have been far better as Fuhrer of the German People and, eventually, the World. Take notice at how many opposed Hitler's idiotic invasion of Russia.


German Generals In World War 2 - Strategy And Tactics

The Generals were Masters of Blitzkrieg Warfare Using Tanks And Mobility

German generals in World War 2 were responsible for many victories and their share of defeats. Germany was fortunate in World War II to have a number of such competent generals who understood fast-moving Blitzkrieg warfare strategy and tactics Germany was equally unfortunate that Hitler, after the initial successes in France and Poland, etc., chose to do much of military planning and often would not pay attention to his generals. Still, both Hitler and the generals are considered about equally responsible for both the victories and defeats.
Hitler and His Generals

At some point in time, Hitler had a falling out with virtually all his top generals over strategy and tactics. Occasionally, he would retire them or move them to the sidelines. However, usually the discarded generals were allowed to return to action although often in a lesser role. Hitler didn't hold the grudge forever in these instances particularly if the officer was a loyal Nazi.

Some of the generals opposed Hitler to the point of forming a conspiracy against Hitler to remove him from office or to assassinate him. When the conspiracies failed as they all did, Hitler was merciless in his revenge. The guilty generals went before the firing squad, were hanged, or were forced to commit suicide. Some were tortured.

Many of the better know generals - Rommel, Guderian, Von Manstein - were brilliant military leaders who had earned their positions. Others such as Keitel, Jodl, and Dietrich owed their lofty positions to their close association with and allegiance to Hitler.

Leading German generals in World War 2 were:
Wilhelm Keitel, the Number 1 German General

General Field Marshal. Hitler's chief military advisor throughout World War Two and a man who was completely loyal to Hitler. He had been wounded in World War I as had been many other Nazi leaders. He moved into a high position in the army in 1938 when scandals forced two top generals from their posts. In his one known instance of rebelling against Hitler, he threatened to resign if Russia were invaded. Hitler ignored him as he usually did in important matters. After the war, he was tried and convicted at Nuremberg. He was hanged on October 16, 1946.
Alfred Jodl, the Number 2 General

Colonel General and Chief of the Operations Staff during the war. Hitler's first adviser on strategic and operations matters. Hitler was his hero and Jodl never opposed him. Jodl helped plan the invasion of Russia. He also represented Admiral Doenitz at the unconditional surrender ceremony at the end of the war. Convicted at Nuremberg, Jodl was hanged.
Heinz Guderian, the Brilliant & Egotistic General

Colonel General. Regarded as one of the leading pioneers of modern mechanized warfare. Guderian's panzer divisions played a major role in the Blitzkrieg victories over Poland and France. He was very audacious in battle, always operating at the very limit of his authority and eventually, in Russia, operating almost independently. He had studied Liddell Hart's 'indirect' strategic concept and was a master of it. He never assaulted his opponent head-on but always at a soft spot or along the flanks. They never knew what hit them even though he had previously written books describing his strategy and tactics.

Guderian opposed the attack on Russia but played a major role in the early attack in 1941. One of the great tactical generals of all time, Guderian never lost a battle anywhere but may have cost the Germans the war on the Eastern Front, when, as preparations for the attack on Moscow were beginning, he, operating virtually independently with blessings from an admiring Hitler, took his army far from Moscow to destroy multiple Russian armies to the south while his immediate superior, General Halder, fumed. Guderian had accomplished an impressive feat, but he was more needed before Moscow to prepare for probably the decisive battle of the war. After the attack on Moscow stalled, Hitler had had it with his favorite general and demoted Guderian into near-oblivion. The conspirators in the plot to kill Hitler tried to enlist Guderian to their side but were unable to and, after the plot failed, Guderian (probably unwillingly) played a role in the harsh justice meted out to the conspirators.
Erich von Manstein, Mastermind of the Blitzkrieg

General Field Marshal. Along with General Guderian (above), one of the two top military minds of World War 2. The mastermind of the Blitzkrieg against France and the low land countries in 1940 (although Hitler tried to take credit). He then was a major player in the assault on Russia. He joined the conspiracy against Hitler in 1942 but withdrew after Stalingrad. He was tried before a British court in Germany after the war and sentenced to 17 years for war crimes. After his sentence was reduced and he was released in 1953, he became a consultant to the West Germany government.

See German Battles Of World War 2 for more details.

Franz Halder, the General who Opposed Hitler

Chief of the General Staff until 1942. Halder served in World War I and stayed in the army after the war. In the Russian campaign of 1941, his subordinate, General Guderian, the colorful panzer master, almost drove Halder into a nervous breakdown with his insubordination which was allowed because of Hitler's strong support for his favorite general, Guderian. Halder was generally opposed to the war and his continuous opposition to Hitler's strategy got him fired in 1942. He worked with the conspirators against Hitler for some time but was not an active participant in the assassination attempt. Nevertheless, he was arrested and placed in a concentration camp where he stayed for the rest of the war. He was a fortunate conspirator to have survived the war.
Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox

General Field Marshal. Served in World War I and stayed in the army after the war. During World War II, he was probably Germany's most famous general (although Guderian, Rommel's soul brother, was probably the most accomplished General). He became commander of the Afrika Korps in 1941 and there followed a series of battles across what is now Libya with the British in which one side and then the other would have the advantage. Rommel's forces had the early advantage and by the end of 1942, had pushed the British back to El Alamein in Egypt. While Rommel was in Germany for medical treatment, the Germans lost the battle of El Alamein and began a long retreat to Tunisia just as Rommel returned. He was then recalled from Africa and sent to Italy where he commanded an army group in the northern part of the country. Shortly after, he was transferred to northern France to command an army group there.

Rommel and General Von Rundstedt met with Hitler several times and tried to persuade Hitler to stop the war. Hitler became livid with rage over this. Later, Rommel was badly wounded during a strafing by a British plane in July 1944 and was sent home to heal. Rommel, by this time had become disillusioned by the Hitler regime. He opposed assassination but thought Hitler should be put on trial and began to express himself on the subject. He never took an active part in the July 1944 plot against Hitler but when, under torture, one of the active plot members implicated him, Rommel was given the choice of suicide or trial. He chose suicide by poison and was given a hero's funeral.

Some military experts have stated that Rommel was a military genius in the Blitzkrieg attack on France where he commanded relatively small forces and in the early victories in North Africa, but that he became less effective as he was given more and more responsibility and commanded larger forces. His efficiency was also allegedly affected as he became disillusioned with Hitler and German war prospects.
Gerd von Rundstedt, the General Twice Sacked by Hitler

General Field Marshal. One of the natural leaders of the German generals. Purged from the army in 1938 when General Von Fritsch who opposed Hitler was fired, he was recalled in 1939 as war broke out. In 1940, he was commander in chief of German forces attacking France. When the attack on Russia started in 1941, Von Rundstedt led the attack on southern Russia but came under attack from Hitler and was relieved.

In 1942, Von Rundstedt was appointed commander in chief of German forces on the western front but was again relieved when he failed to stop the allied invasion force in France. After the failure of General Field Marshals Von Kluge and Walther Model (see Kluge and Model, below) in this position, he was reinstated and remained there.

Von Rundstedt and Rommel made several attempts to get Hitler to end World War 2 in Europe with no success. Von Rundstedt knew of the plot against Hitler but played no role in it other than to encourage Rommel to participate. Later, when the assassination plot failed, Von Rundstedt presided over the military court of honor that sent the rebellious generals to the people's court and almost certain death. Could he have performed this last terrible duty because of fear generated by his advice to Rommel?
Other Leading German Generals

Model, Walther. General Field Marshal. An enthusiastic Nazi who was rewarded by Hitler with rapid promotions. After the Falaise gap retreat, Model took over for Von Kluge. Soon his forces were surrounded and forced to surrender. Model shot himself so that he would not be captured.

Milch, Erhard. General Field Marshal of the Luftwaffe. Goering's deputy and a loyal Nazi. Served as an airman in World War I. Milch suffered through the 30's with the knowledge that his apparent legal father was Jewish, however, Goering got him cleared for high office making the statement that "I will determine who is Jewish and who is not." It was finally disclosed to Milch about this time that his mother was in a sexual relationship with her uncle and that the uncle, a non-Jew was his real father. (Or did Goering fabricate this tale to remove the Jewish shadow from Milch's name? Goering, who wrote the letter, at Hitler's order, that initiated the "final solution," nevertheless, was never too concerned about the Jewish "problem").

After World War I, Milch had created the Lufthansa (German civil air transportation company). Within this company, Milch built up a small military air force in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Goering then had him appointed State Secretary in the Air Ministry. From there Milch and Goering created the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) Although a very disagreeable and ruthless individual, Milch was an efficient manager and worked closely with Albert Speer in Speer's later successful efforts to increase air plane production. Earlier, he tried to alert Goering to the dangers posed by the massive U.S. production of aircraft so that counter action could be taken but was unsuccessful.

After the war, Milch served seven years in prison for war crimes.

Kesselring, Albert. General Field Marshal of the Luftwaffe. Served in the army in World War I. During the early years of World War 2, Kesselring had major roles in the Luftwaffe in Poland, France, and the Battle of Britain. In late 1941, he was made Commander-in-Chief of the German forces in North Africa and Italy. In the last few months of the war, he became Commander -in-Chief of German forces on the collapsing western Germany front. After the war, he was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to death. This was commuted to life imprisonment. In 1952, he was pardoned.

Paulus, Friedrich. General Field Marshal. General Paulus led the German Sixth Army in its assault on Stalingrad in 1942. Trapped by a powerful Russian maneuver, Paulus asked Hitler for permission to retreat. Hitler refused. Later, attempts to rescue the trapped army failed. Goering had promised that his Luftwaffe could keep the Sixth Army supplied. It could not and the trapped army began to run out of supplies. As the end approached, Hitler promoted Paulus hoping to keep the General from surrendering. Eventually, Paulus had no choice but to surrender the straggling remains of his army. Hitler fumed. Paulus remained in a Russian prison until 1953. He returned to Germany where he died in 1957.

Dietrich, Josef "Sepp." One of the most colorful, aggressive, and rowdy of German generals. A Nazi bully boy. After serving in World War I, Dietrich worked as a farm laborer, policeman, gas station attendant, and other lowly jobs. He joined the Nazi party in the twenties and somehow Hitler heard of him and promoted him to commander of Hitler's body guard. During the night of the long knives of July 30, 1934, Hitler ordered Dietrich to select a firing squad and execute the list of condemned men. Dietrich did this although he knew many of the men well. One spoke out to him for mercy: "Sepp, old friend, what is happening? We are completely innocent." But "old friend" Sepp carried out his orders even though he later said he had to leave the scene before all victims had been shot. He couldn't take seeing more of his friends die.

Dietrich commanded a tank corps in the Battle of France and later commanded an SS Army in Russia. Hitler trusted him so, in 1944, he was brought back to the western front and led the Sixth Panzer army in the Battle of the Bulge.

In 1945, Dietrich returned to Russia and was involved in an incident that became well know as he finally turned on Hitler. His army was involved in a losing battle and an infuriated Hitler ordered the men stripped of their armbands. Dietrich retaliated by gathering the armbands of many of the men along with their medals, placed them in a chamber pot and tied it with a ribbon which signifies in German culture that "You can kiss my backside" and sent the chamber pot to Hitler.

No, Sepp Dietrich did not have an aristocratic bearing, nor was he anywhere near the greatest German general, but he did have a good street fighter mentality.

After World War 2 ended, Dietrich was convicted of the murder of American prisoners of war and spent 10 years in jail for the crime. He also spent a year and a half in jail for his role as executioner during the "night of the long knives".

Beck, Ludwig. General Beck was Chief of Staff of the German armed forces in the mid-thirties. As the crisis with Czechoslovakia began, Beck protested claiming that the armed forces were not ready, and, further, it was immoral to engage in such a war. He was unable to mount an effective resistance to Hitler who had made up his mind to go to war in Czechoslovakia if necessary. General Beck then resigned his post as Chief of Staff.

Beck began to take an active role in the plot to assassinate Hitler. When the July 1944 plot failed, Beck was told to commit suicide and when his two efforts failed, a German soldier finished him off.

30th July 2010, 06:56 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

There wouldn't be any Aryans today without the self-sacrifices of the German people and allied peoples, including Hitler himself.

Too bad the Americans fu*ked up the chance at Life they gave us.

How in the WORLD do you think that?

Really? There wouldn't be ANY Aryans today if not for Hitler?

Are you gonna stick with that assessment?

Absolutely, I'm going to stick with that assessment. Hitler delayed their Jew World Order plan by 50 years. Stalin was intended to have taken over Europe by 1942. The 50 million people slaughtered by Stalin would have been doubled, at least, and with the consequent extinguishing of subsequent generations. Rosenfeld would have implemented Soviet tactics en masse in America.

SG, you can see how our world has become much more non-White in just 30 years, even without mass exterminations of our kind. Extrapolate it in your head with those exterminations, and add another 20 years.

I understand your point, I just found it hyperbolic - you said there wouldn't be ANY, and I have a hard time believing that MY own existence is due to Hitler.

As far as the decline of white/white society, I unfortunately agree with you there.

We are being outbred amongst other deficiencies.

Yay diversity. (heavy, heavy sarcasm)

30th July 2010, 07:05 PM
... but denies other folks their basic god given rights...and then you complain about our current gov?

Only jews whine about Hitler in 2010. Everybody else is witnessing this Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) today.


30th July 2010, 07:24 PM
Don't equate Hitler with National Socialism. Hitler is to National Socialism what British Petroleum is to the Gulf of Mexico. Nazism did much good, in spite of Hitler not because of him.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 07:24 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

There wouldn't be any Aryans today without the self-sacrifices of the German people and allied peoples, including Hitler himself.

Too bad the Americans fu*ked up the chance at Life they gave us.

How in the WORLD do you think that?

Really? There wouldn't be ANY Aryans today if not for Hitler?

Are you gonna stick with that assessment?

Because phoenix can............hes a hippicrit case

Careful, 7th... that's VERY close to a personal attack - just a few misspelled letters away, actually! 8)

Close to personal attacks and phoenix's personal attacks dont count?
Who you kidding G?
I may just go back to GIM2 with your insulting post.

30th July 2010, 07:25 PM
Only jews whine about Hitler in 2010. Everybody else is witnessing this Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) today.


You raise a good point there Book, but two wrongs don't make a right, do they? What's going on today, doesn't 'justify' hitler's actions, does it?

Two different things.

I'll stand on my own, and say that this website has a lot of hypocrites. Folks, that back the wrong things...just to justify their own beliefs.

I judge each man by his own actions, not his heritage, or color of skin. You might call that a weakness, but at least I have the opportuinity to look my enemies in the eye, which is more that what a lot of folks here can claim.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 07:32 PM
Only jews whine about Hitler in 2010. Everybody else is witnessing this Holocaust (http://gazaholocaust.com/) today.


You raise a good point there Book, but two wrongs don't make a right, do they? What's going on today, doesn't 'justify' hitler's actions, does it?

Two different things.

I'll stand on my own, and say that this website has a lot of hypocrites. Folks, that back the wrong things...just to justify their own beliefs.

I judge each man by his own actions, not his heritage, or color of skin. You might call that a weakness, but at least I have the opportuinity to look my enemies in the eye, which is more that what a lot of folks here can claim.

OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hey Galio are you gonna warn Liquid here for using the hippicrit word?
Or can I assume you want me gone for making fun of your buddy phoenix?

30th July 2010, 07:34 PM
Do you understand what he did?


We firebombed Dresden and nuked two cities in Japan.


Good thing Hitler sent his armies to freeze to death in Russia so that they could defend Dresden. :oo-->

30th July 2010, 07:41 PM
OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hey Galio are you gonna warn Liquid here for using the hippicrit word?

Hey I've been warned before, and for good reason. ;) Thing is, I just stated there's a whole bunch of hypocrites on here.....you, however, targeted one hypocrite by name. That's the difference. You can't call out just one hypocrite, you've got to call them all out. ;D

I hope I don't get banned. ;D

7th trump
30th July 2010, 07:51 PM
OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hey Galio are you gonna warn Liquid here for using the hippicrit word?

Hey I've been warned before, and for good reason. ;) Thing is, I just stated there's a whole bunch of hypocrites on here.....you, however, targeted one hypocrite by name. That's the difference. You can't call out just one hypocrite, you've got to call them all out. ;D

I hope I don't get banned. ;D

Last i seen it doesnt matter if it was focused on one or many.
We'll see if galio has it out for me because as much as phoenix is attacking everyone he doesnt like and not getting warnings................I really dont care as there are other sites far better than this one. This one is getting too much too fast like Gim1.
This one is getting to many egotistical people that think they know everything about anything and judge everyone according.
If I get banned so be it ...............it was fun for the short time.

30th July 2010, 08:05 PM
This one is getting to many egotistical people that think they know everything about anything and judge everyone according.
If I get banned so be it ...............it was fun for the short time.

Indeed. Well, how about a cheers to our future bannings. ;D With the ex-cop posts thrown at me, I doubt I'd be missed much here anyway. ;)

In defense of the moderators, I understand it's a tough challenge to determine personal attacks, and juggle free speech at the same time. I'll give them that, not something I'd want to shoulder, for sure.

7th trump
30th July 2010, 08:18 PM
This one is getting to many egotistical people that think they know everything about anything and judge everyone according.
If I get banned so be it ...............it was fun for the short time.

Indeed. Well, how about a cheers to our future bannings. ;D With the ex-cop posts thrown at me, I doubt I'd be missed much here anyway. ;)

In defense of the moderators, I understand it's a tough challenge to determine personal attacks, and juggle free speech at the same time. I'll give them that, not something I'd want to shoulder, for sure.

It be an honor to get banned from this place.

30th July 2010, 08:24 PM
Hitler was too arrogant and hasty. He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world. In the end, the Aryans suffered because of his hubris.

There wouldn't be any Aryans today without the self-sacrifices of the German people and allied peoples, including Hitler himself.

Too bad the Americans fu*ked up the chance at Life they gave us.

How in the WORLD do you think that?

Really? There wouldn't be ANY Aryans today if not for Hitler?

Are you gonna stick with that assessment?

Because phoenix can............hes a hippicrit case

Careful, 7th... that's VERY close to a personal attack - just a few misspelled letters away, actually! 8)

Close to personal attacks and phoenix's personal attacks dont count?
Who you kidding G?
I may just go back to GIM2 with your insulting post.

Why don't you just whine on over there and tell them about the "insult" then. I was kidding, making fun of your spelling... do you have a sense of humor?

30th July 2010, 09:36 PM
You guys are fun to read but sometimes you get to involved in what is only letters on a monitor......this is not real life but only a reflection of your life........me?, this is my life........ ............. a blank spot hahahahahahahah.

silver solution
30th July 2010, 09:45 PM
Any one of these Generals would have been far better as Fuhrer of the German People and, eventually, the World. Take notice at how many opposed Hitler's idiotic invasion of Russia.


German Generals In World War 2 - Strategy And Tactics

The Generals were Masters of Blitzkrieg Warfare Using Tanks And Mobility

German generals in World War 2 were responsible for many victories and their share of defeats. Germany was fortunate in World War II to have a number of such competent generals who understood fast-moving Blitzkrieg warfare strategy and tactics Germany was equally unfortunate that Hitler, after the initial successes in France and Poland, etc., chose to do much of military planning and often would not pay attention to his generals. Still, both Hitler and the generals are considered about equally responsible for both the victories and defeats.
Hitler and His Generals

At some point in time, Hitler had a falling out with virtually all his top generals over strategy and tactics. Occasionally, he would retire them or move them to the sidelines. However, usually the discarded generals were allowed to return to action although often in a lesser role. Hitler didn't hold the grudge forever in these instances particularly if the officer was a loyal Nazi.

Some of the generals opposed Hitler to the point of forming a conspiracy against Hitler to remove him from office or to assassinate him. When the conspiracies failed as they all did, Hitler was merciless in his revenge. The guilty generals went before the firing squad, were hanged, or were forced to commit suicide. Some were tortured.

Many of the better know generals - Rommel, Guderian, Von Manstein - were brilliant military leaders who had earned their positions. Others such as Keitel, Jodl, and Dietrich owed their lofty positions to their close association with and allegiance to Hitler.

Leading German generals in World War 2 were:
Wilhelm Keitel, the Number 1 German General

General Field Marshal. Hitler's chief military advisor throughout World War Two and a man who was completely loyal to Hitler. He had been wounded in World War I as had been many other Nazi leaders. He moved into a high position in the army in 1938 when scandals forced two top generals from their posts. In his one known instance of rebelling against Hitler, he threatened to resign if Russia were invaded. Hitler ignored him as he usually did in important matters. After the war, he was tried and convicted at Nuremberg. He was hanged on October 16, 1946.
Alfred Jodl, the Number 2 General

Colonel General and Chief of the Operations Staff during the war. Hitler's first adviser on strategic and operations matters. Hitler was his hero and Jodl never opposed him. Jodl helped plan the invasion of Russia. He also represented Admiral Doenitz at the unconditional surrender ceremony at the end of the war. Convicted at Nuremberg, Jodl was hanged.
Heinz Guderian, the Brilliant & Egotistic General

Colonel General. Regarded as one of the leading pioneers of modern mechanized warfare. Guderian's panzer divisions played a major role in the Blitzkrieg victories over Poland and France. He was very audacious in battle, always operating at the very limit of his authority and eventually, in Russia, operating almost independently. He had studied Liddell Hart's 'indirect' strategic concept and was a master of it. He never assaulted his opponent head-on but always at a soft spot or along the flanks. They never knew what hit them even though he had previously written books describing his strategy and tactics.

Guderian opposed the attack on Russia but played a major role in the early attack in 1941. One of the great tactical generals of all time, Guderian never lost a battle anywhere but may have cost the Germans the war on the Eastern Front, when, as preparations for the attack on Moscow were beginning, he, operating virtually independently with blessings from an admiring Hitler, took his army far from Moscow to destroy multiple Russian armies to the south while his immediate superior, General Halder, fumed. Guderian had accomplished an impressive feat, but he was more needed before Moscow to prepare for probably the decisive battle of the war. After the attack on Moscow stalled, Hitler had had it with his favorite general and demoted Guderian into near-oblivion. The conspirators in the plot to kill Hitler tried to enlist Guderian to their side but were unable to and, after the plot failed, Guderian (probably unwillingly) played a role in the harsh justice meted out to the conspirators.
Erich von Manstein, Mastermind of the Blitzkrieg

General Field Marshal. Along with General Guderian (above), one of the two top military minds of World War 2. The mastermind of the Blitzkrieg against France and the low land countries in 1940 (although Hitler tried to take credit). He then was a major player in the assault on Russia. He joined the conspiracy against Hitler in 1942 but withdrew after Stalingrad. He was tried before a British court in Germany after the war and sentenced to 17 years for war crimes. After his sentence was reduced and he was released in 1953, he became a consultant to the West Germany government.

See German Battles Of World War 2 for more details.

Franz Halder, the General who Opposed Hitler

Chief of the General Staff until 1942. Halder served in World War I and stayed in the army after the war. In the Russian campaign of 1941, his subordinate, General Guderian, the colorful panzer master, almost drove Halder into a nervous breakdown with his insubordination which was allowed because of Hitler's strong support for his favorite general, Guderian. Halder was generally opposed to the war and his continuous opposition to Hitler's strategy got him fired in 1942. He worked with the conspirators against Hitler for some time but was not an active participant in the assassination attempt. Nevertheless, he was arrested and placed in a concentration camp where he stayed for the rest of the war. He was a fortunate conspirator to have survived the war.
Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox

General Field Marshal. Served in World War I and stayed in the army after the war. During World War II, he was probably Germany's most famous general (although Guderian, Rommel's soul brother, was probably the most accomplished General). He became commander of the Afrika Korps in 1941 and there followed a series of battles across what is now Libya with the British in which one side and then the other would have the advantage. Rommel's forces had the early advantage and by the end of 1942, had pushed the British back to El Alamein in Egypt. While Rommel was in Germany for medical treatment, the Germans lost the battle of El Alamein and began a long retreat to Tunisia just as Rommel returned. He was then recalled from Africa and sent to Italy where he commanded an army group in the northern part of the country. Shortly after, he was transferred to northern France to command an army group there.

Rommel and General Von Rundstedt met with Hitler several times and tried to persuade Hitler to stop the war. Hitler became livid with rage over this. Later, Rommel was badly wounded during a strafing by a British plane in July 1944 and was sent home to heal. Rommel, by this time had become disillusioned by the Hitler regime. He opposed assassination but thought Hitler should be put on trial and began to express himself on the subject. He never took an active part in the July 1944 plot against Hitler but when, under torture, one of the active plot members implicated him, Rommel was given the choice of suicide or trial. He chose suicide by poison and was given a hero's funeral.

Some military experts have stated that Rommel was a military genius in the Blitzkrieg attack on France where he commanded relatively small forces and in the early victories in North Africa, but that he became less effective as he was given more and more responsibility and commanded larger forces. His efficiency was also allegedly affected as he became disillusioned with Hitler and German war prospects.
Gerd von Rundstedt, the General Twice Sacked by Hitler

General Field Marshal. One of the natural leaders of the German generals. Purged from the army in 1938 when General Von Fritsch who opposed Hitler was fired, he was recalled in 1939 as war broke out. In 1940, he was commander in chief of German forces attacking France. When the attack on Russia started in 1941, Von Rundstedt led the attack on southern Russia but came under attack from Hitler and was relieved.

In 1942, Von Rundstedt was appointed commander in chief of German forces on the western front but was again relieved when he failed to stop the allied invasion force in France. After the failure of General Field Marshals Von Kluge and Walther Model (see Kluge and Model, below) in this position, he was reinstated and remained there.

Von Rundstedt and Rommel made several attempts to get Hitler to end World War 2 in Europe with no success. Von Rundstedt knew of the plot against Hitler but played no role in it other than to encourage Rommel to participate. Later, when the assassination plot failed, Von Rundstedt presided over the military court of honor that sent the rebellious generals to the people's court and almost certain death. Could he have performed this last terrible duty because of fear generated by his advice to Rommel?
Other Leading German Generals

Model, Walther. General Field Marshal. An enthusiastic Nazi who was rewarded by Hitler with rapid promotions. After the Falaise gap retreat, Model took over for Von Kluge. Soon his forces were surrounded and forced to surrender. Model shot himself so that he would not be captured.

Milch, Erhard. General Field Marshal of the Luftwaffe. Goering's deputy and a loyal Nazi. Served as an airman in World War I. Milch suffered through the 30's with the knowledge that his apparent legal father was Jewish, however, Goering got him cleared for high office making the statement that "I will determine who is Jewish and who is not." It was finally disclosed to Milch about this time that his mother was in a sexual relationship with her uncle and that the uncle, a non-Jew was his real father. (Or did Goering fabricate this tale to remove the Jewish shadow from Milch's name? Goering, who wrote the letter, at Hitler's order, that initiated the "final solution," nevertheless, was never too concerned about the Jewish "problem").

After World War I, Milch had created the Lufthansa (German civil air transportation company). Within this company, Milch built up a small military air force in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Goering then had him appointed State Secretary in the Air Ministry. From there Milch and Goering created the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) Although a very disagreeable and ruthless individual, Milch was an efficient manager and worked closely with Albert Speer in Speer's later successful efforts to increase air plane production. Earlier, he tried to alert Goering to the dangers posed by the massive U.S. production of aircraft so that counter action could be taken but was unsuccessful.

After the war, Milch served seven years in prison for war crimes.

Kesselring, Albert. General Field Marshal of the Luftwaffe. Served in the army in World War I. During the early years of World War 2, Kesselring had major roles in the Luftwaffe in Poland, France, and the Battle of Britain. In late 1941, he was made Commander-in-Chief of the German forces in North Africa and Italy. In the last few months of the war, he became Commander -in-Chief of German forces on the collapsing western Germany front. After the war, he was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to death. This was commuted to life imprisonment. In 1952, he was pardoned.

Paulus, Friedrich. General Field Marshal. General Paulus led the German Sixth Army in its assault on Stalingrad in 1942. Trapped by a powerful Russian maneuver, Paulus asked Hitler for permission to retreat. Hitler refused. Later, attempts to rescue the trapped army failed. Goering had promised that his Luftwaffe could keep the Sixth Army supplied. It could not and the trapped army began to run out of supplies. As the end approached, Hitler promoted Paulus hoping to keep the General from surrendering. Eventually, Paulus had no choice but to surrender the straggling remains of his army. Hitler fumed. Paulus remained in a Russian prison until 1953. He returned to Germany where he died in 1957.

Dietrich, Josef "Sepp." One of the most colorful, aggressive, and rowdy of German generals. A Nazi bully boy. After serving in World War I, Dietrich worked as a farm laborer, policeman, gas station attendant, and other lowly jobs. He joined the Nazi party in the twenties and somehow Hitler heard of him and promoted him to commander of Hitler's body guard. During the night of the long knives of July 30, 1934, Hitler ordered Dietrich to select a firing squad and execute the list of condemned men. Dietrich did this although he knew many of the men well. One spoke out to him for mercy: "Sepp, old friend, what is happening? We are completely innocent." But "old friend" Sepp carried out his orders even though he later said he had to leave the scene before all victims had been shot. He couldn't take seeing more of his friends die.

Dietrich commanded a tank corps in the Battle of France and later commanded an SS Army in Russia. Hitler trusted him so, in 1944, he was brought back to the western front and led the Sixth Panzer army in the Battle of the Bulge.

In 1945, Dietrich returned to Russia and was involved in an incident that became well know as he finally turned on Hitler. His army was involved in a losing battle and an infuriated Hitler ordered the men stripped of their armbands. Dietrich retaliated by gathering the armbands of many of the men along with their medals, placed them in a chamber pot and tied it with a ribbon which signifies in German culture that "You can kiss my backside" and sent the chamber pot to Hitler.

No, Sepp Dietrich did not have an aristocratic bearing, nor was he anywhere near the greatest German general, but he did have a good street fighter mentality.

After World War 2 ended, Dietrich was convicted of the murder of American prisoners of war and spent 10 years in jail for the crime. He also spent a year and a half in jail for his role as executioner during the "night of the long knives".

Beck, Ludwig. General Beck was Chief of Staff of the German armed forces in the mid-thirties. As the crisis with Czechoslovakia began, Beck protested claiming that the armed forces were not ready, and, further, it was immoral to engage in such a war. He was unable to mount an effective resistance to Hitler who had made up his mind to go to war in Czechoslovakia if necessary. General Beck then resigned his post as Chief of Staff.

Beck began to take an active role in the plot to assassinate Hitler. When the July 1944 plot failed, Beck was told to commit suicide and when his two efforts failed, a German soldier finished him off.

Killing communism was a great idea. I think he just jumped the gun?

He needed more time till all the weapons were in place.

If he waited 4 or 5 years he would have taken Russia easy. imho

30th July 2010, 10:09 PM
I may just go back to GIM2 with your insulting post.



30th July 2010, 10:17 PM
Some would say Khomeini has one up on Hitler..........

The government he basically implemented is still standing after 30 years of sanctions.......and seems to be getting even stronger


30th July 2010, 10:20 PM
Killing communism was a great idea. I think he just jumped the gun?

He needed more time till all the weapons were in place.

If he waited 4 or 5 years he would have taken Russia easy. imho

'Jumping the gun' is putting it lightly. 'Leading your people to ruin' is better.

Communists are good at killing themselves, why intervene?

30th July 2010, 10:24 PM
The problem, is all these damn hypocrites. You 'heil' hitler, oh excuse me..."admire" him, because he fits your agenda. An agenda, that fits your personal needs/goals/aspirations, but denies other folks their basic god given rights...and then you complain about our current gov?

What rights were denied in the Third Reich?

What is my "agenda"?

Do you not see this hypocrisy, or are you blinded by greed, self fulfillment, hate.

Here come the ADL talking points!

I'm not buying this bullsh*t at all. You lose respect with double standards, and that's no way to live life.

You didn't respect me prior to this, nor is it of any consequence that you do not respect me.

Either you are against all forms of dictating power, or you are for it. Your choice is apparent.

I am for Life - the Life of my Nation (a biocultural entity, not some arbitrary lines on a map), the Life of my Family, and especially, the Life of future generations. Neither Jewish Capitalism nor Jewish Communism support those - in fact, they are terribly caustic to them.

Hitler was no "dictator." He enjoyed the support of the majority of the German people up until the end, and enjoyed support and admiration from many around the world, most of whom were not "Nazis." His style of government was no more harsh than many historical kings whom enjoy vast support today. You refuse to acknowledge the deadly emergency forced upon his Nation by Jewish Communism, and pretend that that emergency could be defeated by committee.

30th July 2010, 10:28 PM
Any one of these Generals would have been far better as Fuhrer of the German People and, eventually, the World. Take notice at how many opposed Hitler's idiotic invasion of Russia.

Guderian, possibly, von Mannstein (an ethnic Jew), maybe.

Keitel? LOL Milch? BWA HA HA HA HA!!

Rommel...he was "great" only because he opposed Hitler.

The other traitors...fu*k 'em.

It's not merely enough to be a military leader to be a good all-around leader. It must be recognized that only Hitler had the social skills to energize the German people...not a bunch of riff-raff like modern Americans, easily molded by Talmudvision, but a hard-working, honest, smart, conservative-minded people. That Germans voted for Hitler and the NSDAP is not a fault, but an endorsement of great magnitude.

30th July 2010, 10:31 PM
I understand your point, I just found it hyperbolic - you said there wouldn't be ANY, and I have a hard time believing that MY own existence is due to Hitler.

Your existence is due to God, not Hitler. But if you've been born since World War II, and had Stalin been able to Bolshevize Earth by brute force, you would likely not have been born. God used Hitler as the instrument to stop that Bolshevism for decades. A completely new, more covert plan was implemented.

30th July 2010, 10:32 PM
Don't equate Hitler with National Socialism. Hitler is to National Socialism what British Petroleum is to the Gulf of Mexico. Nazism did much good, in spite of Hitler not because of him.

Claiming Hitler did not create National Socialism is like claiming Jefferson didn't create the Declaration of Independence.

30th July 2010, 10:34 PM
OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hey Galio are you gonna warn Liquid here for using the hippicrit word?
Or can I assume you want me gone for making fun of your buddy phoenix?

I don't want you - or Liquid - gone. You're just too much fun, 7th Trump!


(Gaillo has a job to do - but it's not I complaining about the blanks you're firing at me)

30th July 2010, 10:36 PM
OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hey Galio are you gonna warn Liquid here for using the hippicrit word?

Hey I've been warned before, and for good reason. ;) Thing is, I just stated there's a whole bunch of hypocrites on here.....you, however, targeted one hypocrite by name. That's the difference. You can't call out just one hypocrite, you've got to call them all out. ;D

I hope I don't get banned. ;D

What I find most humorous is that a "former" (?) cop is railing against "totalitarianism."

I don't want you banned or even censured. But I will not get in the way of the capable and decent management doing what they feel is right.

30th July 2010, 10:37 PM
Any one of these Generals would have been far better as Fuhrer of the German People and, eventually, the World. Take notice at how many opposed Hitler's idiotic invasion of Russia.

Guderian, possibly, von Mannstein (an ethnic Jews), maybe.

Keitel? LOL Milch? BWA HA HA HA HA!!

Rommel...he was "great" only because he opposed Hitler.

The other traitors...fu*k 'em.

It's not merely enough to be a military leader to be a good all-around leader. It must be recognized that only Hitler had the social skills to energize the German people...not a bunch of riff-raff like modern Americans, easily molded by Talmudvision, but a hard-working, honest, smart, conservative-minded people. That Germans voted for Hitler and the NSDAP is not a fault, but an endorsement of great magnitude.

That's great. There are plenty of uses for rabble-rousers, military matters aren't one of them. If Hitler had listened to his Generals he wouldn't have destroyed his Empire and his People. German Military Leaders were absolutely contemptuous of Hitler towards the end of the war, because they not only realized he was moronic on military matters, but stubbornly moronic.

30th July 2010, 10:38 PM
We'll see if galio has it out for me because as much as phoenix is attacking everyone he doesnt like and not getting warnings

If you can show me even one "attack" against you, i.e., one statement from me not based upon fact, I will voluntarily "ban" myself for 72 hours.

30th July 2010, 10:39 PM
With the ex-cop posts thrown at me

Are they true?

Is it also true you are considering being a cop again?

And if so, how is your alleged position against "totalitarianism" compatible with being a servant of a known tyrannical system?

30th July 2010, 10:43 PM
Don't equate Hitler with National Socialism. Hitler is to National Socialism what British Petroleum is to the Gulf of Mexico. Nazism did much good, in spite of Hitler not because of him.

Claiming Hitler did not create National Socialism is like claiming Jefferson didn't create the Declaration of Independence.

Which tenet of National Socialism did Hitler invent?

30th July 2010, 10:47 PM
German Military Leaders were absolutely contemptuous of Hitler towards the end of the war, because they not only realized he was moronic on military matters, but stubbornly moronic.

You're obviously not as well-versed in German military history as you pretend to be, as evidenced by this statement.

Keitel, in your list of "better leaders" than Hitler, was a fanatic Hitlerite until he was hanged at Purim 1946.

You are correct, however, that some of Germany's military "leaders" hated Hitler, not because of military tactics, but because of their idiotic aristocratic romanticism. That's why Hitler appointed Großadmiral Karl Dönitz as the new Reichspräsident, instead of a Heer Feldmarschall.

30th July 2010, 10:47 PM
Which tenet of National Socialism did Hitler invent?

Read for yourself:


30th July 2010, 10:54 PM
German Military Leaders were absolutely contemptuous of Hitler towards the end of the war, because they not only realized he was moronic on military matters, but stubbornly moronic.

You're obviously not as well-versed in German military history as you pretend to be, as evidenced by this statement.

Keitel, in your list of "better leaders" than Hitler, was a fanatic Hitlerite until he was hanged at Purim 1946.

You are correct, however, that some of Germany's military "leaders" hated Hitler, not because of military tactics, but because of their idiotic aristocratic romanticism. That's why Hitler appointed Großadmiral Karl Dönitz as the new Reichspräsident, instead of a Heer Feldmarschall.

I should have qualified that statement. But you have to admit, for a State that strictly enforced loyalty as much as the Nazi German State, it's quite remarkable how many commanders of Hitler's fell out with him. Obviously they thought he was leading them down the wrong path and, IMO, the German defeat proved them right.

30th July 2010, 11:06 PM
Out of pure curiosity, I have a question for those who are more well-versed on National Socialism than I. If Hitler had won the war and lived to a ripe old age and died, who would have succeeded him? Would there be some sort of election or something?

30th July 2010, 11:08 PM
I should have qualified that statement. But you have to admit, for a State that strictly enforced loyalty as much as the Nazi German State, it's quite remarkable how many commanders of Hitler's fell out with him. Obviously they thought he was leading them down the wrong path and, IMO, the German defeat proved them right.

Obviously, differences of opinion were tolerated quite well in "totalitarian dictatorship" Germany. Had it been the USSR, they would have been liquidated en masse.

Hitler was too nice, not too brutal.

30th July 2010, 11:10 PM
Out of pure curiosity, I have a question for those who are more well-versed on National Socialism than I. If Hitler had won the war and lived to a ripe old age and died, who would have succeeded him? Would there be some sort of election or something?

I'm guessing Himmler would have done him in in some kind of clandestine military coup... if Hitler didn't do Himmler in first! ;D

30th July 2010, 11:12 PM
Out of pure curiosity, I have a question for those who are more well-versed on National Socialism than I. If Hitler had won the war and lived to a ripe old age and died, who would have succeeded him? Would there be some sort of election or something?

Yes. The new Führer would have in all probability been one of a group of boys groomed from early childhood, sent to an Adolf Hitler Schule, matured in the NSDAP itself, and then nominated by the Reichstag with a referendum of the German people.

Alternatively, the Office of Führer may have been retired, with the Office of Reichspräsident taking over (retaking) the Head of State role.

30th July 2010, 11:15 PM
Out of pure curiosity, I have a question for those who are more well-versed on National Socialism than I. If Hitler had won the war and lived to a ripe old age and died, who would have succeeded him? Would there be some sort of election or something?

I'm guessing Himmler would have done him in in some kind of clandestine military coup... if Hitler didn't do Himmler in first! ;D

There are some "alternative history" fiction pieces where Himmler "displaced" Hitler. In all probability, the latter would have probably occurred first. Hitler deliberately played off the SS against the Wehrmacht, and no one branch could act alone against him. The Kriegsmarine was regarded as second most loyal to the SS, the Heer (Army) the least loyal.

Himmler was only 11 years younger than Hitler, BTW.

30th July 2010, 11:19 PM
I should have qualified that statement. But you have to admit, for a State that strictly enforced loyalty as much as the Nazi German State, it's quite remarkable how many commanders of Hitler's fell out with him. Obviously they thought he was leading them down the wrong path and, IMO, the German defeat proved them right.

Obviously, differences of opinion were tolerated quite well in "totalitarian dictatorship" Germany. Had it been the USSR, they would have been liquidated en masse.

Hitler was too nice, not too brutal.

It would have benefited him to listen when his Military geniuses told him the fact, not opinion, that invading Russia is stupid.

30th July 2010, 11:23 PM
Out of pure curiosity, I have a question for those who are more well-versed on National Socialism than I. If Hitler had won the war and lived to a ripe old age and died, who would have succeeded him? Would there be some sort of election or something?

Yes. The new Führer would have in all probability been one of a group of boys groomed from early childhood, sent to an Adolf Hitler Schule, matured in the NSDAP itself, and then nominated by the Reichstag with a referendum of the German people.

Alternatively, the Office of Führer may have been retired, with the Office of Reichspräsident taking over (retaking) the Head of State role.

Sounds good. They should have done this in the very beginning.

The protocols make it VERY clear that only those reared from childhood to rule are capable of ruling effectively.

30th July 2010, 11:37 PM
Out of pure curiosity, I have a question for those who are more well-versed on National Socialism than I. If Hitler had won the war and lived to a ripe old age and died, who would have succeeded him? Would there be some sort of election or something?

I'm guessing Himmler would have done him in in some kind of clandestine military coup... if Hitler didn't do Himmler in first! ;D

This is what worries me most about non-monarchical despotisms, the insecurity of leadership.

With Monarchy there is absolutely no question who inherits the reigns, the eldest son or eldest brother, anyone who usurps the crown is a traitor. It's very clear-cut.

With any other sort of despotism it's quite foggy, what if the leader dies before a successor is chosen? It would simply be a mad-dash for the reigns and quite likely a break-up of the country. This system is quite susceptible to be taken advantage of by the power-hungry as well. As anyone could theoretically inherit the reigns, all the power-grabbers of the nation would be trying to woo the leader.
Not to mention blatant coups.. since there is no 'Royal Bloodline enstated by God almighty' anyone is as good as anyone to be leader from a strictly 'moral'(superstitious) point of view.

It is for this reason I think Monarchy is best.

I am me, I am free
30th July 2010, 11:48 PM
We'll see if galio has it out for me because as much as phoenix is attacking everyone he doesnt like and not getting warnings

If you can show me even one "attack" against you, i.e., one statement from me not based upon fact, I will voluntarily "ban" myself for 72 hours.

Why don't you just delete your account and start over, as is your track record with all your sock puppets. lol

30th July 2010, 11:59 PM
We'll see if galio has it out for me because as much as phoenix is attacking everyone he doesnt like and not getting warnings

If you can show me even one "attack" against you, i.e., one statement from me not based upon fact, I will voluntarily "ban" myself for 72 hours.

Why don't you just delete your account and start over, as is your track record with all your sock puppets. lol



Still pretending you're driving around without a license or license plates? Still pretending to not pay taxes?

Care to tell me which accounts I have deleted at GIM or here? PDT is still here, BTW - go look it up.

I am me, I am free
31st July 2010, 12:27 AM
No proof?

Hmmm....let's see:

The forum's most prolific poster....check
Makes veiled personal attacks towards anyone who doesn't adhere to his version of reality...check
Hitler/Nazi apologist...check
Dominates many discussions with utter nonsense...check
All over the map (philosophically)...check
Possibly anti-social...check
Gets emotionally overwrought at the drop of a hat...check
Appears emotionally unstable/unbalanced/not well-adjusted...check
Gets into discussions about the law when it is blatantly obvious he has NO basis in comprehending the law (except what BAR card licensed liars, cheats, and thieves say *what* the 'law' is)...check
Mounts an extremely aggressive and relentless campaign of sheepherding folks into unwavering/unquestioning absolute obedience to the corporate state...check

I could go on, but I've made my point. lol

31st July 2010, 01:02 AM
No proof?

Hmmm....let's see:

The forum's most prolific poster....check
Makes veiled personal attacks towards anyone who doesn't adhere to his version of reality...check
Hitler/Nazi apologist...check
Dominates many discussions with utter nonsense...check
All over the map (philosophically)...check
Possibly anti-social...check
Gets emotionally overwrought at the drop of a hat...check
Appears emotionally unstable/unbalanced/not well-adjusted...check
Gets into discussions about the law when it is blatantly obvious he has NO basis in comprehending the law (except what BAR card licensed liars, cheats, and thieves say *what* the 'law' is)...check
Mounts an extremely aggressive and relentless campaign of sheepherding folks into unwavering/unquestioning absolute obedience to the corporate state...check

I could go on, but I've made my point. lol

That's your best?

Did you and Atahualpa have fun playing me as "Quantum"? Did you think the real me was never going to return?

Are you EVER going to provide even a SHRED of proof of your claims you drive all over without a license or license plates with no consequences, or that you pay no taxes without consequences?

Do you believe Kris Kristofferson is a Reptile, like your hero Icky does? Any normal person understands that's the definition of INSANE.

I am me, I am free
31st July 2010, 01:29 AM
Kris Kristofferson is a Rhodes Scholar, just like B.J. Clintoon is.

Do you know what Cecil Rhodes' intent of his Rhodes Scholar program is?? Do you have any idea how evil and wicked a human Cecil Rhodes was??

31st July 2010, 01:41 AM
Kris Kristofferson is a Rhodes Scholar

Answer the question:

Do you believe Kris Kristofferson is a Reptile, like your hero Icky does?

31st July 2010, 07:18 AM
Phoenix, Hilter used the same playbook as Mussolini and Stalin did. You should be happy with our government then, because we are using the same playbook right now. It's how a democracy becomes a dictatorship.

You support our government and the taking of our rights away, whether you see it or not...you do.

You should watch this video. Keep in mind, this is a a few years old. This is before, the gov's plan to take away home ownership in America by the well designed 'collapse' of the housing market.

I hope you wake up to reality sometime.


31st July 2010, 09:54 AM
It's how a democracy becomes a dictatorship.

Please define "democracy" and "dictatorship."

You support our government and the taking of our rights away, whether you see it or not...you do.

This...coming from an "ex" cop...and one who ponders whether he wants to be a cop again? ::)

31st July 2010, 10:04 AM
This...coming from an "ex" cop...and one who ponders whether he wants to be a cop again? ::)

Your underhanded cop cheat shots still do not address my thoughts on your hypocrisy.

But then again, those tactics are the same ones facists use, so I'm not surprised in the least.

31st July 2010, 10:24 AM
This...coming from an "ex" cop...and one who ponders whether he wants to be a cop again? ::)

Your underhanded cop cheat shots still do not address my thoughts on your hypocrisy.

NOT a cheap shot, but a very relevant observation. You (rightly) condemn the current regime, but ponder whether you want to SERVE it in a higher capacity than "citizen." Yet have the nerve to call ME the hypocrite?

31st July 2010, 10:47 AM
NOT a cheap shot, but a very relevant observation. You (rightly) condemn the current regime, but ponder whether you want to SERVE it in a higher capacity than "citizen." Yet have the nerve to call ME the hypocrite?

You have it backwards, and officer's oath is to serve you, your neighbors, every citizen of our nation regardless of race, religion, or creed. The oath is to uphold the constitution, and serve the public in an ethical manner.

It's not an oath to serve the government. At least at the local municipal level. My oath at that time was something I took very seriously. To protect our constitution. The problem seems to be that law enforcement keeps getting worse and worse. The 'gray' areas of the law get abused.

Can that change? We need more good men to take that oath. It's the only way. Good men that would not get corrupted. That is why I was 'pondering' stepping back up to the plate.

Fact is, I know more about law enforcement than you, and most folks on this board. You want to attack that, fine. But it's not hypocrisy in any way shape or form.

I hope you try and answer my questions as straightforward as I have yours.

I am me, I am free
31st July 2010, 10:54 AM
NOT a cheap shot, but a very relevant observation. You (rightly) condemn the current regime, but ponder whether you want to SERVE it in a higher capacity than "citizen." Yet have the nerve to call ME the hypocrite?

You have it backwards, and officer's oath is to serve you, your neighbors, every citizen of our nation regardless of race, religion, or creed. The oath is to uphold the constitution, and serve the public in an ethical manner.

It's not an oath to serve the government. At least at the local municipal level. My oath at that time was something I took very seriously. To protect our constitution. The problem seems to be that law enforcement keeps getting worse and worse. The 'gray' areas of the law get abused.

Can that change? We need more good men to take that oath. It's the only way. Good men that would not get corrupted. That is why I was 'pondering' stepping back up to the plate.

Fact is, I know more about law enforcement than you, and most folks on this board. You want to attack that, fine. But it's not hypocrisy in any way shape or form.

I hope you try and answer my questions as straightforward as I have yours.

You and 7th trump are dreamin' if you think you're going to get a response to your questions from Phoenix/Quantum/Quatloos. lol

IMO, he's a THIEF - a time thief, as he posts utter nonsense and gets us to respond to his nonsense, and when we press him for answers he posts more utter nonsense - deliberately being as unresponsive as possible while hurling one veiled personal attack after another.

31st July 2010, 11:02 AM
You and 7th trump are dreamin' if you think you're going to get a response to your questions from Phoenix/Quantum/Quatloos. lol

IMO, he's a THIEF - a time thief, as he posts utter nonsense and gets us to respond to his nonsense, and when we press him for answers he posts more utter nonsense - deliberately being as unresponsive as possible while hurling one veiled personal attack after another.

I see your point, it does feel like I've been banging my head against a brick wall in this thread. If I read another "define this" or "define that" response I am going to need an aspirin. ;D

31st July 2010, 12:51 PM
NOT a cheap shot, but a very relevant observation. You (rightly) condemn the current regime, but ponder whether you want to SERVE it in a higher capacity than "citizen." Yet have the nerve to call ME the hypocrite?

You have it backwards, and officer's oath is to serve you, your neighbors, every citizen of our nation regardless of race, religion, or creed. The oath is to uphold the constitution, and serve the public in an ethical manner.


Can that change? We need more good men to take that oath. It's the only way. Good men that would not get corrupted. That is why I was 'pondering' stepping back up to the plate.

Da, Komrade! Join the KGB, and serve the Motherland!

Fact is, I know more about law enforcement than you, and most folks on this board. You want to attack that, fine. But it's not hypocrisy in any way shape or form.

LOL - what is it you do know?

31st July 2010, 12:55 PM
You and 7th trump are dreamin' if you think you're going to get a response to your questions from Phoenix/Quantum/Quatloos.


Did I get to you with the David Icke thread? Now you're calling me yet ANOTHER name, "Quatloos"!!

IMO, he's a THIEF - a time thief


as he posts utter nonsense and gets us to respond to his nonsense

WOW, I guess I must be a literal Ãœbermensch - superman! By sheer power of my will I can MAKE you not only read but respond to my posts! HA HA HA HA

hurling one veiled personal attack after another

What "personal attacks" are you referring to? Truth?

31st July 2010, 12:56 PM
If I read another "define this" or "define that" response I am going to need an aspirin. ;D

If you would simply ANSWER the questions, you wouldn't have a headache from thinking up ways of evasion.

Define "democracy" and "dictatorship."

31st July 2010, 04:46 PM
It's 2010. Absolute Leader Down1 has taken office in the White House, and his first decree is to abolish fractional reserve, usury banking.

Which battles do you "choose wisely" as the Rothschilds and allied Jews direct nearly the ENTIRE PLANET against your country to destroy you?

The United States had waged war against German shipping for months, and Hitler's Declaration was not only overdue, but the honor of a commitment despite the risks...something "free" governments don't honor.

I have no interest in being an absolute leader.
As for choosing battles wisely, I would let a country that barely beat Finland come to me.
I would recognize that to try and and attack such a vast country when most of my supplies to the troops would have to be brought in on horse drawn transport would be very dumb.
Letting the scum commies attack me allows me to play the victim card as FDR & Stalin did quite nicely.
Letting the scum commies attack me means I have short secure supply lines and a highly motivated populous defending their fatherland.
Hitler ceded these advantages to FDR & Stalin.
As for the declaration of war that was overdue as you put it.
It might have been, but that is no excuse to issue it. Hitler had zero plans for invading the U.S., he should have built up his navy instead to defend his supply convoys.
FDR was taunting and baiting him just like FDR was taunting and baiting the Japanese.
Great leaders are aware of such tactics.
Great leaders don't pull hissy fits and declare war because of these tactics.
Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes !

PS the thanks I gave you for the post quoted above was a mistake. pressed the wrong one.

31st July 2010, 04:53 PM
I'm surprised nobody has brought up the oil aspect to this yet. There is a lot of historical evidence that Hitler was FORCED to invade Russia due to the petroleum supply of the Caspian sea area... Germany was running out of energy and needed it badly. Coal gassification was not producing enough to meet the needs of the German army and civilian infrastructure, or so the story goes.

Anyone have information that confirms/contradicts this?

31st July 2010, 05:06 PM
The resource issue was known going in. A great leader would pick his battles wisely under such conditions. Not fight everybody under the sun.
His declaration of war against the U.S. was plain stupid.

It's 2010. Absolute Leader Down1 has taken office in the White House, and his first decree is to abolish fractional reserve, usury banking.

Which battles do you "choose wisely" as the Rothschilds and allied Jews direct nearly the ENTIRE PLANET against your country to destroy you?

The United States had waged war against German shipping for months, and Hitler's Declaration was not only overdue, but the honor of a commitment despite the risks...something "free" governments don't honor.

So, you dont subscribe to the theory that International Banking Jews may have funded both sides of the war, including Nazis?

31st July 2010, 05:12 PM
I'm surprised nobody has brought up the oil aspect to this yet. There is a lot of historical evidence that Hitler was FORCED to invade Russia due to the petroleum supply of the Caspian sea area... Germany was running out of energy and needed it badly. Coal gassification was not producing enough to meet the needs of the German army and civilian infrastructure, or so the story goes.

Anyone have information that confirms/contradicts this?

Yeah, the bad call was focusing on taking down Stalingrad instead of driving southeast to the oil fields.

31st July 2010, 05:31 PM
He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world.

I agree, he should have waited 20 years, or at least long enough for world opinion to go his way. His worst enemy was joo-ish control over the minds of the west by control of the media. btw, he wasn't planning on conquering the world.

31st July 2010, 05:32 PM
I'm surprised nobody has brought up the oil aspect to this yet. There is a lot of historical evidence that Hitler was FORCED to invade Russia due to the petroleum supply of the Caspian sea area... Germany was running out of energy and needed it badly. Coal gassification was not producing enough to meet the needs of the German army and civilian infrastructure, or so the story goes.

Anyone have information that confirms/contradicts this?

Most of Germany's oil was from Romania, and Hitler did realize that a swift assault on Romania from Ukraine could put those fields out of action. The Caspian oil was included as a main objective in Barbarossa.

31st July 2010, 05:36 PM
His worst enemy was joo-ish control over the minds of the west by control of the media.

Still is our worst enemy.


31st July 2010, 05:36 PM
So, you dont subscribe to the theory that International Banking Jews may have funded both sides of the war, including Nazis?

Absolutely not. This is a libel against Hitler peddled by "conservative" authors who can't stand the anti-capitalism of National Socialism. Most of the NSDAP's funds were from the ordinary German supporter.

The very idea, let alone implementation, of the Hitler/Schacht/Funk economic policies would never have been allowed if the NSDAP was an instrument of the Jewish banksters. The Third Reich put forth the method and means of utterly destroying the International Jewish Banking system, in plain view for all the world to see, giving everyone a model to copy if they wanted to be free.

31st July 2010, 05:39 PM
Yeah, the bad call was focusing on taking down Stalingrad instead of driving southeast to the oil fields.

Stalingrad was considered essential in order to actually hold the Baku oil fields.

Germany simply did not have enough manpower and equipment to do what had to be done.

Stalingrad, now again Volgograd, is the dominant city in the region just north of what was most needed:

<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?um=1&hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS330US330&biw=1440&bih=706&q=volgograd&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=il">Volgograd Region</a>

31st July 2010, 05:42 PM
He should have spent 20 more years building up Germany before trying to conquer the world.

I agree, he should have waited 20 years, or at least long enough for world opinion to go his way. His worst enemy was joo-ish control over the minds of the west by control of the media. btw, he wasn't planning on conquering the world.

Waiting two WEEKS more = Portuguese Soviet Socialist Republic.

31st July 2010, 05:49 PM
Waiting two WEEKS more = Portuguese Soviet Socialist Republic.

Not sure what you're referring to, please clarify.

31st July 2010, 06:11 PM
Germany under Hitler's leadership held off powers with ten times the manpower and a hundred times the resources, for years.

A little over 2 years at most. Not a feat that impresses me.
The resource issue was known going in. A great leader would pick his battles wisely under such conditions. Not fight everybody under the sun.
His declaration of war against the U.S. was plain stupid.

The Battle of Stalingrad.
Hitler's leadership pissed away the 6th army.
Hitler's leadership pissed away a lot of the air force at Stalingrad by listening to the drug addict Goering.
Why would a great leader even allow a POS like Goering to lead his air force ?

Don't expect our resident scrub tech and his white power friends to understand what you just posted, but anyone with a triple digit IQ does. You are correct. Hitler was a horses' ass - and why does it not surprise me that some here think that Hitler built up Germany's army, Navy and Air force in four years.

31st July 2010, 06:30 PM
Waiting two WEEKS more = Portuguese Soviet Socialist Republic.

Not sure what you're referring to, please clarify.

The Soviet banner flying over Lisbon...and all the rest of the European capitals, without Hitler and Germany's sacrifices.

31st July 2010, 07:30 PM
This...coming from an "ex" cop...and one who ponders whether he wants to be a cop again? ::)

Your underhanded cop cheat shots still do not address my thoughts on your hypocrisy.

NOT a cheap shot, but a very relevant observation. You (rightly) condemn the current regime, but ponder whether you want to SERVE it in a higher capacity than "citizen." Yet have the nerve to call ME the hypocrite?

Saint Adolphus of Braunau huh?

31st July 2010, 07:43 PM
Wasn't Hitler a Socialist?


31st July 2010, 07:44 PM
Wasn't Hitler a Socialist?


Jesus Christ was a socialist, too! Send them all to Hell! ::)

31st July 2010, 07:46 PM
Wasn't Hitler a Socialist?


Jesus Christ was a socialist, too! Send them all to Hell! ::)

I don't think so.

What makes you say that?

Jesus wanted people to take care of each other...sure...though cheerful giving....not by being forced to by the goverment

I am me, I am free
31st July 2010, 07:50 PM
Wasn't Hitler a Socialist?


Jesus Christ was a socialist, too! Send them all to Hell! ::)

Only in your twisted way of thinking. lol

31st July 2010, 08:11 PM
I have also heard that Hitler told German parents that their children belonged to the state.

what a guy

31st July 2010, 08:26 PM
Wasn't Hitler a Socialist?


Jesus Christ was a socialist, too! Send them all to Hell! ::)

10th Commandment actually protects private property by commanding people not to covet their neighbor's house or belongings. That commands applies to the average citizen as well as the elected official, the judge and all other government officials.

31st July 2010, 08:40 PM
Only in your twisted way of thinking. lol

How are those fake license plates working?

31st July 2010, 08:41 PM
I have also heard that Hitler told German parents that their children belonged to the state.

what a guy

I have also "heard" that Hitler gassed six million Jews (and four million others). ::)

Ken, FACTS, not fictions, please!

31st July 2010, 08:41 PM
10th Commandment actually protects private property by commanding people not to covet their neighbor's house or belongings. That commands applies to the average citizen as well as the elected official, the judge and all other government officials.

So you are saying all taxes are always sinful?

31st July 2010, 08:50 PM
10th Commandment actually protects private property by commanding people not to covet their neighbor's house or belongings. That commands applies to the average citizen as well as the elected official, the judge and all other government officials.

So you are saying all taxes are always sinful?

Jesus Paid taxes....so No I don't think paying taxes is sinful

And I don't think he condemned Caesar for collecting them

I think Taxing folks for roads and fire protection and courts and police..etc.is necessary

Taking money from people(against their will) to give to other people is wrong.

We all know that Government Socialism creates lazy people.

and we know what God thinks of Lazy people

God loves a Cheerful giver....But he also want folks to provide for them selfs and their own family's...

31st July 2010, 08:53 PM
I think Taxing folks for roads and fire protection and courts and police...is necessary...Taking money from people(against their will) to give to other people is wrong.

Those are not consistent with each other. It has to be either/or.

We all know that Government Socialism creates lazy people.

Jewish, anti-God, Marxist Socialism does indeed.

God-honoring National Socialism was embraced by one of the hardest working peoples on planet Earth, and helped them be almost miraculous in productivity.

God loves a Cheerful giver....But he also want folks to provide for them selfs and their own family's...

National Socialism is not in any way inconsistent with the Christian tradition of establishing relief institutions (e.g., hospitals) for the community.

1970 silver art
31st July 2010, 09:17 PM
10th Commandment actually protects private property by commanding people not to covet their neighbor's house or belongings. That commands applies to the average citizen as well as the elected official, the judge and all other government officials.

So you are saying all taxes are always sinful?

Jesus Paid taxes....so No I don't think paying taxes is sinful

And I don't think he condemned Caesar for collecting them

I think Taxing folks for roads and fire protection and courts and police..etc.is necessary

Taking money from people(against their will) to give to other people is wrong.

We all know that Government Socialism creates lazy people.

and we know what God thinks of Lazy people

God loves a Cheerful giver....But he also want folks to provide for them selfs and their own family's...

If you have a gov't (such as the one that we have now) that tries to take care of people from cradle to grave, then that IMO will end up eventually being an epic fail because it cannot sustain that kind of spending forever (i.e. deficit spending). There would be consequences for this type of government. The type of government that tries to take care of people from cradle to grave will end up hurting producers (i.e small business) that are responsible for creating jobs. This type of gov't will also end up eventually collapsing and the dollar would also collapse because the gov't would need to print more of them to sustain the spending that is needed to maintain the gov't programs that attempt to try to take care of everybody. In the end this type of gov't that we currently have will not work.

There are people that need help and we should help them but is gov't the solution? I do not know. Programs such as Medicare and Social Security are helping a lot of people and without those programs, then you will have a lot of senior citizens without much of anything BUT those programs are getting too big and out of control and continuing to tax the producers (i.e.: small business) is not sustainable and those gov't programs will eventually become bankrupt and everybody will be hurt as a result of that.

There are private charities that can be set up to help people in need and if people can keep more of the money that they earn (i.e less taxation), then they will IMO be better able to give to those charities and can help people better. Gov't to me just represents red tape. The bigger the gov't, the more red tape you will have.

31st July 2010, 09:30 PM
Good point Art

31st July 2010, 09:32 PM

I cannot Judge Hitler (not my job) Thats up to God.

And I realize I can not Judge Hitlers Motives and Actions. Because I don't know enough about it.

So you win this one. :)

31st July 2010, 09:53 PM

I cannot Judge Hitler (not my job) Thats up to God.

And I realize I can not Judge Hitlers Motives and Actions. Because I don't know enough about it.

Phoenix doesn't win this one. he's too busy trying to remove that mitt he shoved up his ass.

Hitler was a facist, he wanted to take over the world. His blitzkreig tactics prove this, his tyrannical destruction of innocent lives..proves this.

Some idiots here worship that. Our government is using the same playbook right here in our country, to take our rights away. Phoenix is a smokescreen for this, trying to cloud things with his BS "define this" evasive tactics.

Wrong is wrong. God wouldn't support his views, neither should we.

1970 silver art
31st July 2010, 10:00 PM

I cannot Judge Hitler (not my job) Thats up to God.

And I realize I can not Judge Hitlers Motives and Actions. Because I don't know enough about it.

Phoenix doesn't win this one. he's too busy trying to remove that mitt he shoved up his ass.

Hitler was a facist, he wanted to take over the world. His blitzkreig tactics prove this, his tyrannical destruction of innocent lives..proves this.

Some idiots here worship that. Our government is using the same playbook right here in our country, to take our rights away. Phoenix is a smokescreen for this, trying to cloud things with his BS "define this" evasive tactics.

Wrong is wrong. God wouldn't support his views, neither should we.

I do not see how anybody can defend Hitler. I just do no see that at all.

31st July 2010, 10:00 PM
God wouldn't support his views, neither should we.


You speak for God and "we" too?


31st July 2010, 10:06 PM
You speak for God and "we" too?


"arbeit macht frei" work sets you free Book. Remember that, when you are sent to a fema camp against your will. Those you support, are your worst enemy.

In fact, YOU may be your worst enemy.

31st July 2010, 10:12 PM
10th Commandment actually protects private property by commanding people not to covet their neighbor's house or belongings. That commands applies to the average citizen as well as the elected official, the judge and all other government officials.

So you are saying all taxes are always sinful?

Jesus Paid taxes....so No I don't think paying taxes is sinful

And I don't think he condemned Caesar for collecting them

I think Taxing folks for roads and fire protection and courts and police..etc.is necessary

Taking money from people(against their will) to give to other people is wrong.

We all know that Government Socialism creates lazy people.

and we know what God thinks of Lazy people

God loves a Cheerful giver....But he also want folks to provide for them selfs and their own family's...

I am a well known Atheist on this forum... but I cannot find a single thing wrong with your post. (in general principle, at least! ;))
Thank you.

31st July 2010, 10:16 PM

I cannot Judge Hitler (not my job) Thats up to God.

And I realize I can not Judge Hitlers Motives and Actions. Because I don't know enough about it.

So you win this one. :)

I'm not aiming to "win" anything, actually. I only defend Truth.

31st July 2010, 10:18 PM
I'm not aiming to "win" anything, actually. I only defend Truth.

Define "truth". Your truth seems a bit shakey to say the least, perhaps misguided, misinformed or just generally wrong.

Define Truth.

31st July 2010, 10:20 PM
Phoenix doesn't win this one. he's too busy trying to remove that mitt he shoved up his ass.

Your comment here speaks for itself.

Hitler was a facist, he wanted to take over the world.


His blitzkreig tactics prove this

Really? Ever been married to reality? Because it looks like your divorce from it is quite final.

his tyrannical destruction of innocent lives..proves this.

"Tyrannical destruction of innocent lives"? I heard that when I lived in LA...at the Simon Wiesenthal Center!

Some idiots here worship that. Our government is using the same playbook right here in our country, to take our rights away. Phoenix is a smokescreen for this, trying to cloud things with his BS "define this" evasive tactics.

You vomit out terms like "democracy" and "dictator" but either cannot or will not define them. Terms that are purposefully designed to invoke emotions, NOT reason.

Wrong is wrong.

The defeated are always "wrong."

31st July 2010, 10:21 PM
I do not see how anybody can defend Hitler. I just do no see that at all.

You have the right to your opinion.

I would contend you don't know enough about him. Even as a Black man, it is not irrational to defend, even admire, Adolf Hitler.

31st July 2010, 10:41 PM
All posts from this point on (except for the two that occured during the move, which have been deleted...) have been moved to the Thunderdome.
Folks... let's try and move this forum "up a notch" - and make it a place worth coming to, not a place for laughing at on that "other" forum.

I am me, I am free
31st July 2010, 10:42 PM
Remember that, when you are sent to a fema camp against your will.

I'm certain that neither Book nor I will be going to any FEMA camp. However, I won't be surprised to see you dressed in blue, aiming a gun at our home, "trying to make a difference" as a cop.

First of all, I did not intend to 'thank you for that post' I mistakenly clicked on that.

Phoenix/Quantum, you take every opportunity to bust Liquid's balls for having been a cop. We NEED our neighbors who are cops on OUR side. We need to cultivate them and convert the fencesitters to our side (as Sun Tsu taught). I've a neighbor who's Highway Patrol, and we're neighborly. I stop and talk to him every chance I get. When he sees me cruising down the street in my unregistered automobile he waves, just like any good neighbor would. He's a good guy, and our belief systems are very compatible.

Painting all cops with a broad brush is at the very least dumb, however the consequences of writing them all off is not in line with keeping the peace, the consequences could cost lives. Only the adversary is interested in costing lives and not saving them.

1st August 2010, 12:14 AM
Why did Hitler attack Russia? And why did he attack at the time he did? Here some reasoning by Adolf Hitler.

Excerpt from "The political testament of Adolf Hitler" part of "Die Bormann Vermerke".


The gravest decision of the war - Peace with
Britain not possible till the Red Army had
been annihilated - Time works against us -
Stalin's blackmail - Settlement with Russia
as soon as the weather became fine

15th February 1945

No decision which I have had to make during the course of
this war was graver than that to attack Russia. I had always
maintained that we ought at all costs to avoid waging war
on two fronts, and you may rest assured that I pondered
long and anxiously over Napoleon and his experiences in
Russia. Why, then, you may ask, this war against Russia,
and why at the time that I selected?

We had already given up hope of ending the war by means
of a successful invasion of Britain. Furthermore that
country, under the guidance of its stupid chiefs, would have
refused to recognize the hegemony we had set up in Europe
as long as there remained on the Continent a Great Power
which was fundamentally hostile to the Third Reich. The
war, then, would have gone on and on, a war in which,
behind the British, the Americans would have played an
increasingly active role. The importance of the war
potential of the United States, the progress made in
armaments - both in our own camp and in that of our
enemies, the proximity of the English coast - all these
things combined to make it highly inadvisable for us to
become bogged down in a war of long duration. For Time -
and it's always Time, you notice - would have been
increasingly against us. In order to persuade Britain to pack
up, to compel her to make peace, it was essential to rob her
of her hope of being able still to confront us, on the
Continent itself, with an adversary of a stature equal to our
own. We had no choice, we had at all costs to strike the
Russian element out of the European balance sheet. We had
another reason, equally valid, for our action - the mortal
threat that a Russia in being constituted to our existence.
For it was absolutely certain that one day or other she
would attack us.

Our one and only chance of vanquishing Russia was to take
the initiative, for to fight a defensive war against her was
not practical. We dared not allow the Red Army the
advantage of the terrain, place our Autobahns at the
disposal of its swiftly on-rushing armour, and our railways
at the disposal of its troops and its supplies. But if we took
the offensive, we could, indeed, defeat the Red Army on its
own ground, in the swamps and in the vast and muddy
expanses; but in a civilized country we could not have done
so. We should simply have been providing it with a spring-
board with which to leap upon the whole of Europe and
destroy it.

Why 1941? Because, in view of the steadily increasing
power of our western enemies, if we were to act at all, we
had to do so with the least possible delay. Nor, mind you,
was Stalin doing nothing. On two fronts, time was against
us. The real question was not, therefore: `Why 22 June
1941 already' but rather: `Why not earlier still?' But for the
difficulties created for us by the Italians and their idiotic
campaign in Greece, I should have attacked Russia a few
weeks earlier. For us, the main problem was to keep the
Russians from moving for as long as possible, and my own
personal nightmare was the fear that Stalin might take the
initiative before me.

Another reason was that the raw materials which the
Russians were withholding were essential to us. In spite of
their obligations their rate of delivery decreased steadily,
and there was a real danger that they might suddenly cease
altogether. If they were not prepared to give us of their own
free will the things we had to have, then we had no
alternative but to go and take them, in situ and by force. I
came to my decision immediately after Molotov's visit to
Berlin in November, for it then became clear to me that
sooner or later Stalin would abandon us and go over to the
enemy. Ought I to have played for time in order that our
preparations could have become more complete? No - for
by so doing I should have sacrificed the initiative; and
again no, because the brief and precarious respite which we
might have gained would have cost us very dear. We
should have had to submit to the Soviet blackmail with
regard to Finland, to Rumania, to Bulgaria and to Turkey.
That, of course was out of the question. The Third Reich,
defender and protector of Europe, could not have sacrificed
these friendly countries on the altar of Communism. Such
behaviour would have been dishonourable, and we should
have been punished for it. From the moral as well as from
the strategic point of view it would have been a miserable
gambit. War with Russia had become inevitable, whatever
we did; and to postpone it only meant that we should later
have to fight under conditions far less favourable.

I therefore decided, as soon as Molotov departed, that I
would settle accounts with Russia as soon as fair weather

1st August 2010, 12:40 AM
I've a neighbor who's Highway Patrol, and we're neighborly. I stop and talk to him every chance I get. When he sees me cruising down the street in my unregistered automobile he waves, just like any good neighbor would. He's a good guy, and our belief systems are very compatible.

There are only two possibilities here:

1) you are lying about having an "unregistered automobile."

2) you are part of the "brotherhood," and have "cover" for activities that would get ordinary peons stopped, Tased, and locked up.

1st August 2010, 02:17 AM
10th Commandment actually protects private property by commanding people not to covet their neighbor's house or belongings. That commands applies to the average citizen as well as the elected official, the judge and all other government officials.

So you are saying all taxes are always sinful?

Jesus Paid taxes....so No I don't think paying taxes is sinful

And I don't think he condemned Caesar for collecting them

I think Taxing folks for roads and fire protection and courts and police..etc.is necessary

Taking money from people(against their will) to give to other people is wrong.

We all know that Government Socialism creates lazy people.

and we know what God thinks of Lazy people

God loves a Cheerful giver....But he also want folks to provide for them selfs and their own family's...

I dont think Jesus did, I think Peter ran around admitting with his own mouth that Jesus would pay a tax, and Jesus told him to get a piece of gold out of a fish mouth. Why wouldnt he have just given him some money he had in his pocket? because he didnt deal in caesars money and therefore didnt have to pay the tax. The whole reason he got executed is because he didnt pay taxes, and called tax collectors prostitutes. One of the disciples was a tax collector and Jesus made him abandon his post. I think its safe to say Jesus didnt pay taxes.

1st August 2010, 02:39 AM
Hitler was a facist, he wanted to take over the world. His blitzkreig tactics prove this, his tyrannical destruction of innocent lives..proves this.

No he didn't. He was militarily incapable to do this. He didn't have a big enough Navy and didn't have some important boats...like amphibious assault water-craft. At the beginning of the war, he was incapable to attack the UK. He didn't have the long-range bombers or fighters required "to take over the world". Everything he wanted to do was laid out in Mein Kamph. He wanted re-unification of the German peoples and to colonise Russia.

He used blitzkrieg tactics because they worked, and civilians were not targeted (except the Battle of Britain, but that was a response to the British bombing of Berlin). You want to talk about "tyrannical destruction of innocent lives", look up the bombing of Dresden which had zero military value.

1st August 2010, 04:13 AM
All it takes to bring Quantum out the the woodwork is a Hitler thread. I can't believe that the Mods/Owner let this go on. Complete Bullsh*t.

1st August 2010, 05:30 AM
It was Hitler that let the British fight another day by allowing the British army escape at Dunkirk. The War could have been over, before it started.

But no the Jewish Herr Hitler was working for the Rothschilds to destroy Germany and give Eastern Europe to the communists.

Why did Hitler attack Russia? And why did he attack at the time he did? Here some reasoning by Adolf Hitler.

Excerpt from "The political testament of Adolf Hitler" part of "Die Bormann Vermerke".


The gravest decision of the war - Peace with
Britain not possible till the Red Army had
been annihilated - Time works against us -
Stalin's blackmail - Settlement with Russia
as soon as the weather became fine

15th February 1945

No decision which I have had to make during the course of
this war was graver than that to attack Russia. I had always
maintained that we ought at all costs to avoid waging war
on two fronts, and you may rest assured that I pondered
long and anxiously over Napoleon and his experiences in
Russia. Why, then, you may ask, this war against Russia,
and why at the time that I selected?

We had already given up hope of ending the war by means
of a successful invasion of Britain. Furthermore that
country, under the guidance of its stupid chiefs, would have
refused to recognize the hegemony we had set up in Europe
as long as there remained on the Continent a Great Power
which was fundamentally hostile to the Third Reich. The
war, then, would have gone on and on, a war in which,
behind the British, the Americans would have played an
increasingly active role. The importance of the war
potential of the United States, the progress made in
armaments - both in our own camp and in that of our
enemies, the proximity of the English coast - all these
things combined to make it highly inadvisable for us to
become bogged down in a war of long duration. For Time -
and it's always Time, you notice - would have been
increasingly against us. In order to persuade Britain to pack
up, to compel her to make peace, it was essential to rob her
of her hope of being able still to confront us, on the
Continent itself, with an adversary of a stature equal to our
own. We had no choice, we had at all costs to strike the
Russian element out of the European balance sheet. We had
another reason, equally valid, for our action - the mortal
threat that a Russia in being constituted to our existence.
For it was absolutely certain that one day or other she
would attack us.

Our one and only chance of vanquishing Russia was to take
the initiative, for to fight a defensive war against her was
not practical. We dared not allow the Red Army the
advantage of the terrain, place our Autobahns at the
disposal of its swiftly on-rushing armour, and our railways
at the disposal of its troops and its supplies. But if we took
the offensive, we could, indeed, defeat the Red Army on its
own ground, in the swamps and in the vast and muddy
expanses; but in a civilized country we could not have done
so. We should simply have been providing it with a spring-
board with which to leap upon the whole of Europe and
destroy it.

Why 1941? Because, in view of the steadily increasing
power of our western enemies, if we were to act at all, we
had to do so with the least possible delay. Nor, mind you,
was Stalin doing nothing. On two fronts, time was against
us. The real question was not, therefore: `Why 22 June
1941 already' but rather: `Why not earlier still?' But for the
difficulties created for us by the Italians and their idiotic
campaign in Greece, I should have attacked Russia a few
weeks earlier. For us, the main problem was to keep the
Russians from moving for as long as possible, and my own
personal nightmare was the fear that Stalin might take the
initiative before me.

Another reason was that the raw materials which the
Russians were withholding were essential to us. In spite of
their obligations their rate of delivery decreased steadily,
and there was a real danger that they might suddenly cease
altogether. If they were not prepared to give us of their own
free will the things we had to have, then we had no
alternative but to go and take them, in situ and by force. I
came to my decision immediately after Molotov's visit to
Berlin in November, for it then became clear to me that
sooner or later Stalin would abandon us and go over to the
enemy. Ought I to have played for time in order that our
preparations could have become more complete? No - for
by so doing I should have sacrificed the initiative; and
again no, because the brief and precarious respite which we
might have gained would have cost us very dear. We
should have had to submit to the Soviet blackmail with
regard to Finland, to Rumania, to Bulgaria and to Turkey.
That, of course was out of the question. The Third Reich,
defender and protector of Europe, could not have sacrificed
these friendly countries on the altar of Communism. Such
behaviour would have been dishonourable, and we should
have been punished for it. From the moral as well as from
the strategic point of view it would have been a miserable
gambit. War with Russia had become inevitable, whatever
we did; and to postpone it only meant that we should later
have to fight under conditions far less favourable.

I therefore decided, as soon as Molotov departed, that I
would settle accounts with Russia as soon as fair weather

1st August 2010, 07:27 AM
I don't think Hitler was a jew. At the battle of Dunkirk Hitler already knew the German naval forces were too weak to invade Britain. So he spared 250.000 (?) British soldiers' lives and hoped for a white peace with the UK. The British however (alone in the war at this point) declined and waited for Russia to enter the war. Hitler knew a Russian first strike might be lethal and decided to strike first. Killing those British soldiers at Dunkirk would not have changed anything in the course of war imho.

It was Hitler that let the British fight another day by allowing the British army escape at Dunkirk. The War could have been over, before it started.

But no the Jewish Herr Hitler was working for the Rothschilds to destroy Germany and give Eastern Europe to the communists.

Why did Hitler attack Russia? And why did he attack at the time he did? Here some reasoning by Adolf Hitler.

Excerpt from "The political testament of Adolf Hitler" part of "Die Bormann Vermerke".



7th trump
1st August 2010, 08:08 AM
All it takes to bring Quantum out the the woodwork is a Hitler thread. I can't believe that the Mods/Owner let this go on. Complete Bullsh*t.

I've been asking this same question myself for two days now.
Yes complete bullshyt and a reflection on the mods capacity when I've seen people get banned for less.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
1st August 2010, 08:51 AM
The biggest problem in dealing analytically with Hitler is the aversion to
him deliberately created by years of intense wartime propaganda and emotive
post-war historiography. I came to the subject with almost neutral feelings.
My own impression of the war was limited to snapshot memories –
summer picnics around the wreckage of a Heinkel bomber in the local
Bluebell Woods; the infernal organ note of the V flying bombs passing
overhead; convoys of drab army trucks rumbling past our country gate;
counting the gaps in the American bomber squadrons straggling back each
day from Germany; waving to the troopships sailing in June from
Southsea beach to Normandy; and of course, VE day itself, with the bonfires
and beating of the family gong. Our knowledge of the Germans ‘responsible’
for all this was not profound. In Everybody’s magazine, long defunct, I recall
‘Ferrier’s World Searchlight’ with its weekly caricatures of a clubfooted
dwarf called Goebbels and the other comic Nazi heroes.

The caricatures have bedevilled the writing of modern history ever since.
Confronted by the phenomenon of Hitler himself, historians cannot grasp
that he was a walking, talking human weighing some pounds with greying
hair, largely false teeth, and chronic digestive ailments. He is to them the
Devil incarnate: he has to be, because of the sacrifices that we made in
destroying him.
The caricaturing process became respectable at the Nuremberg war
crimes trials. History has been plagued since then by the prosecution teams’
methods of selecting exhibits and by the subsequent publication of them in
neatly printed and indexed volumes and the incineration of any document
that might have hindered the prosecution effort. At Nuremberg the blame
for what happened was shifted from general to minister, from minister to
Party official, and from all of them invariably to Hitler. Under the system of
‘licensed’ publishers and newspapers established by the victors in post-war
Germany the legends prospered. No story was too absurd to gain credence
in the history books and memoirs.

Hitler's War by David Irving is a good place to read an unbiased account of Hitler.


1st August 2010, 08:59 AM
All it takes to bring Quantum out the the woodwork is a Hitler thread. I can't believe that the Mods/Owner let this go on. Complete Bullsh*t.

Yes complete bullshyt and a reflection on the mods capacity when I've seen people get banned for less.


Brings out ADL members too...lol.


1st August 2010, 08:59 AM
All it takes to bring Quantum out the the woodwork is a Hitler thread. I can't believe that the Mods/Owner let this go on. Complete Bullsh*t.

The door is that way. Let it hit you in the ass. :D

1st August 2010, 09:04 AM
The funny thing is, you got jew loving commies in a thread about fascism bitching...calling for fascist censorship. :ROFL: You commies got a little nazi in you!

1st August 2010, 09:06 AM
Heres my two cents , First,hello first to those I havent greeted. Secondly, Hitler was no mastermind in military tactics IMO. The attack on the USSR may or may have been not necessary, although as another noted,Hitler did mention it in his plans as "Lebensraum" for the Germans.
Hitler's "Do or Die" tactics, such as in Stalingrad ,cost the lives of far too many German troops.Stalingrad could have been bypassed and dealt with later.The brutality the Germans showed against Western Europe caused very little sympathy for his cause. It is well known he hoped to make peace with Britain, but his inaction at Dunkirk shows again, his lack of tactical ability.The allied troops could have been easily captured,It is doubtful they would have made it the "Alamo" of France.
I hope I didn't step on any toes here, but if you look at his biggest mistakes, you'll see his achievements much clearer.

1st August 2010, 09:07 AM
MODS, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let there be a Great Purge of the communist forces. HAHA. Let them start a containment forum. Full circle.

1st August 2010, 09:07 AM
Buddha? the kids are only having fun........better than to let them out on the street and being run over by a car hahahahahahaahahhhahaaha.

First post of the day..........................good morning to one and all.

1st August 2010, 09:15 AM
The door is that way. Let it hit you in the ass. :D

He'd have to turn his back on you, and Phoenix, and others...not a wise thing lest he finds a knife in his back as he walks out that door.

Thing I find interesting, is say everyone simply followed the 10 commandments, there would be no need for any governments. A world full of stackerken's, and others, folks would treat each other as they would like to be treated.

Governments are needed when you take 10 million like-mind phoenix's together, who are only out for their own best interests, not others. Governments need to control them, and governments are created to protect other folks from them. Taker's not givers.

Add a hitler leader, nazi party is born again.

1st August 2010, 09:16 AM
A knife in his back? Boy aren't we melodramatic. Are you going to run to your room and cry again? Stormtrooper.


Just here to protect your freedoms ma'am. :oo-->

1st August 2010, 09:18 AM
A knife in his back? Boy aren't we melodramatic. Are you going to run to your room and cry again? Stormtrooper.

I am not going to fall prey to your taunting tactics there wildcard. I'm in no mood for a thunderdome. Just pointing out that there's folks you don't want to turn your back on. Simple advise.

1st August 2010, 09:19 AM
Yeah, like "authority" figures with batons.

*hardly the person to be knocking national socialism, since you were a member of the American SS already.

1st August 2010, 09:22 AM
Yeah, like "authority" figures with batons.

*hardly the person to be knocking national socialism, since you were a member of the American SS already.

I say this once more, not again. My oath, as I had sworn it, was to protect our constitution and every citizen's rights therein.

I am getting very tired of the cop attacks. Very tired of them. Why do you think I would not turn my back on folks like you?

1st August 2010, 09:24 AM
Because you're a coward? And you'd treat me like a criminal? And you'd call about 10 of your buddies over to bust me up for sassing you?

*now that you're former pork, do you still get "professional courtesy"? A free pass to break the laws that only apply to little people.

1st August 2010, 09:28 AM
Because you're a coward? And you'd treat me like a criminal? And you'd call about 10 of your buddies over to bust me up for sassing you?

You actually have the nerve to call me a coward!? Just be cause your pitiful self has so much fear for the man in blue?

I face bastards like you head on, you know that.

1st August 2010, 09:29 AM
I'm in no mood for a thunderdome.

Then stop with the personal attacks.


1st August 2010, 09:30 AM
You know, forget it. I'm done posting on this board.

All it causes is for threads to get derail and tossed into the thunderdome, like this one's going to be.

Sorry to folks sitting on the sidelines.

Attack away Wildcard, the stage is yours.

1st August 2010, 09:31 AM
He can't stop himself, he can't stand for a "citizen" to talk to him as an equal. I am sure he's got his baton in his hand gripping it with white knuckles.

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcREFqODJhzpvynAGF9YXyYF0RAJ8EHMo NN3xZFWP8Q2jI6dsng&t=1&usg=__SGrS317103dCzggg4q9pvWqu2bI=

1st August 2010, 09:34 AM
You know, forget it. I'm done posting on this board.

All it causes is for threads to get derail and tossed into the thunderdome, like this one's going to be.

Sorry to folks sitting on the sidelines.

Attack away Wildcard, the stage is yours.

Yeah, where have we heard that before? No integrity. We'll see you next week under a new ID. Try to come up with something catchy like, McRib or Not Kosher.

*my only fear is that some young child or an old woman will be the target of his frustrations:

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT581Qjx6iLULvBBHTMzuLSQm4PbsHMV gRbqG1HN2G_8WG9R3w&t=1&usg=__MIKwQKZHMb-afG_g2Cc20YG8EAc=

1st August 2010, 09:44 AM
Why don't you Hitler lovers go join a Hitler lover forum?

Or is this the Hitler lover forum?

And im the one that needs to leave?

1st August 2010, 09:47 AM
You know, forget it. I'm done posting on this board.

All it causes is for threads to get derail and tossed into the thunderdome, like this one's going to be.

Sorry to folks sitting on the sidelines.

Attack away Wildcard, the stage is yours.

Liquid, you take this stuff too serious. This is a tiny forum with just a few of us brawlers...it is what it is. Take it for what it is and do in Paris as the French do ;]

1st August 2010, 09:55 AM
Why don't you Hitler lovers go join a Hitler lover forum?

Or is this the Hitler lover forum?

And im the one that needs to leave?

Your Sig line link advertises "Jesus Is Savior" and you now whine in this thread entitled In defense of Adolf Hitler that discussing Hitler in this Hitler thread should be forbidden?

Why don't you Jesus lovers go join a Jesus lover forum?


1st August 2010, 09:55 AM
Why don't you Hitler lovers go join a Hitler lover forum?

Or is this the Hitler lover forum?

And im the one that needs to leave?

You don't need to leave unless you take all this yacking too seriously. For instance, Quantum does nothing in his life but post on this forum endlessly...why would you be threatened by someone like that? Just come in and play for awhile and then get back to your productive life...this is for chilling, for down time.

1st August 2010, 10:03 AM
Why don't you Hitler lovers go join a Hitler lover forum?

Or is this the Hitler lover forum?

And im the one that needs to leave?

Your Sig line link advertises "Jesus Is Savior" and you now whine in this thread entitled In defense of Adolf Hitler that discussing Hitler in this Hitler thread should be forbidden?

Why don't you Jesus lovers go join a Jesus lover forum?


I already have joined a Jesus lover forum. Thanks

And Book I wasn't whining I was just asking a simple question. Just like you just did.

Or where you whining when you asked me?

1st August 2010, 10:07 AM
Why don't you Hitler lovers go join a Hitler lover forum?

Or is this the Hitler lover forum?

And im the one that needs to leave?

You don't need to leave unless you take all this yacking too seriously. For instance, Quantum does nothing in his life but post on this forum endlessly...why would you be threatened by someone like that? Just come in and play for awhile and then get back to your productive life...this is for chilling, for down time.

The reason I find myself wanting to leave is that I tend to want to sink down to the level of some of the Rude folks on this board.

and I don't wanna sink that low.

I think it is human nature to become like the people around you.

So one has to be careful.

1st August 2010, 10:14 AM
The reason I find myself wanting to leave is...

You don't want to leave. You only threaten to leave in an attempt to censor certain topics...like Hitler.


1st August 2010, 10:14 AM
I think it is human nature to become like the people around you.

So one has to be careful.

Then shouldn't you be getting smarter? :P You must be very careful because over the past 2 or 3 years you have yet to understand the jew conspiracy. All by being careful not to read or see any evidence! Very wily ken, very wily indeed. ;D

1st August 2010, 10:22 AM
The reason I find myself wanting to leave is...

You don't want to leave. You only threaten to leave in an attempt to censor certain topics...like Hitler.


Your Right Book I don't want to leave. No I was not trying to censor this topic

I Didn't like they way people were being Treated here...
Thats why I was thinking of leaving....Not because of the topic

I don't like to see people being Rude to each other...I can't help it..I just don't like it. It bothers me.

1st August 2010, 10:22 AM
Liquid, you take this stuff too serious. This is a tiny forum with just a few of us brawlers...it is what it is. Take it for what it is and do in Paris as the French do ;]

I suppose you are right cedar. I guess I find it more irritating than anything, the lack of knowledge some folks have about cops. Since I've been on the 'other side' you could say, I feel as though I actually know the truth about law enforcement. Some of the posts are outright funny though, and I do understand why some folks have a high amount of frustration towards law enforcement. So much, the need to vent their frustations on me over the internet.

I'll try not to take it seriously. ;)

1st August 2010, 10:23 AM
All it takes to bring Quantum out the the woodwork is a Hitler thread. I can't believe that the Mods/Owner let this go on. Complete Bullsh*t.

Why do you use the username "Buddha" when you act like Genghis Khan?

No Nirvana for you!

1st August 2010, 10:25 AM
I think it is human nature to become like the people around you.

So one has to be careful.

Then shouldn't you be getting smarter? :P You must be very careful because over the past 2 or 3 years you have yet to understand the jew conspiracy. All by being careful not to read or see any evidence! Very wily ken, very wily indeed. ;D



I realize that there might be a so called "jew conspiracy" but I don't think there is much I can do about it.

And I don't feel right Judging people by their DNA....So Maybe I live with blinders on...I dunno.

1st August 2010, 10:25 AM
The door is that way. Let it hit you in the ass. :D

He'd have to turn his back on you, and Phoenix, and others...not a wise thing lest he finds a knife in his back as he walks out that door.

Unprovoked and uncalled for attack on me.

1st August 2010, 10:27 AM
I am getting very tired of the cop attacks. Very tired of them.

That's nice. If they weren't true, they wouldn't bother you.

Why do you think I would not turn my back on folks like you?

We'll take this to mean that being a cop means one has clinical paranoia.

1st August 2010, 10:29 AM
so much fear for the man in blue?

Only a fool has no fear of a bully with a gun.

1st August 2010, 10:30 AM
I think it is human nature to become like the people around you.

So one has to be careful.

Then shouldn't you be getting smarter? :P You must be very careful because over the past 2 or 3 years you have yet to understand the jew conspiracy. All by being careful not to read or see any evidence! Very wily ken, very wily indeed. ;D



I realize that there might be a so called "jew conspiracy" but I don't think there is much I can do about it.

And I don't feel right Judging people by their DNA....So Maybe I live with blinders on...I dunno.

It's ok Ken. You won't burst into flames or anything for having a look. :sun:


1st August 2010, 10:31 AM
That's nice. If they weren't true, they wouldn't bother you.

Bad logic, they aren't true...that's why it was frustrating for me.

1st August 2010, 10:31 AM
Why don't you Hitler lovers go join a Hitler lover forum?

Or is this the Hitler lover forum?

And im the one that needs to leave?

This is the Freedom of Speech forum. No one is making you read a particular thread.

Don't get caught up in things that bring down your best qualities, Ken.

1st August 2010, 10:31 AM
wut happen i though this was in thunderdome? more post deleted??

1st August 2010, 10:35 AM
wut happen i though this was in thunderdome? more post deleted??

Only a group of posts from this thread were moved to Thunderdome.

1st August 2010, 10:35 AM
so much fear for the man in blue?

Only a fool has no fear of a bully with a gun.


I can't answer for you, but I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

1st August 2010, 10:37 AM
Why don't you Hitler lovers go join a Hitler lover forum?

Or is this the Hitler lover forum?

And im the one that needs to leave?

This is the Freedom of Speech forum. No one is making you read a particular thread.

Don't get caught up in things that bring down your best qualities, Ken.

Your Right Phoenix

This is the Freedom of Speech forum

Flame on folks..

I will try not to let it bother me ;D

1st August 2010, 10:40 AM
wut happen i though this was in thunderdome? more post deleted??

Only a group of posts from this thread were moved to Thunderdome.

thunderdome is great. we should always post in there. ;)

1st August 2010, 10:41 AM
wut happen i though this was in thunderdome? more post deleted??

Only a group of posts from this thread were moved to Thunderdome.

thunderdome is great. we should always post in there. ;)

I agree, you should always post there.


1st August 2010, 10:42 AM
This thread needs a little Philo Beddoe. Is he out on parole? ;D

1st August 2010, 10:46 AM



1970 silver art
1st August 2010, 10:49 AM
Why don't you Hitler lovers go join a Hitler lover forum?

Or is this the Hitler lover forum?

And im the one that needs to leave?

This is the Freedom of Speech forum. No one is making you read a particular thread.

Don't get caught up in things that bring down your best qualities, Ken.

Your Right Phoenix

This is the Freedom of Speech forum

Flame on folks..

I will try not to let it bother me ;D

Stacker, do not let it bother you. Life is too short to get emotionally bogged down by what posters say on this forum and other forums. Do not let people change you. Just be yourself and that will create less stress for you. People will either like you or not like you. That is just the way it is.

1st August 2010, 10:51 AM
Says the man that deleted his account because of "haters". :oo--> ;D

1970 silver art
1st August 2010, 10:51 AM
This thread needs a little Philo Beddoe. Is he out on parole? ;D

I think that he is currently serving a 30-day ban for personal attacks against another poster.

1st August 2010, 10:52 AM
This thread needs a little Philo Beddoe. Is he out on parole? ;D

I think that he is currently serving a 30-day ban for personal attacks against another poster.

He is also posting under the name "UFM".

1970 silver art
1st August 2010, 10:53 AM
Says the man that deleted his account because of "haters". :oo--> ;D

......and that came back to GSUS to post.

1st August 2010, 10:53 AM

Nice post Book ;D

I have read that Hitler was a Christian. I hope he was.

Christians are suppose to build each other up. Not tear each other down.

So encourage each other and build each other up,


1st August 2010, 10:54 AM
Be careful, unless you want a tune up from Liquid.


1st August 2010, 10:57 AM
Thanks Art :)

I haven't always been a "nice" guy....I used to be a Jerk

And sometimes that Jerk wants to come back...I have to fight it sometimes.

Im ok now though...lol :)

1st August 2010, 11:03 AM
Be careful, unless you want a tune up from Liquid.





1st August 2010, 11:06 AM
May as well throw the other commies in there too. Now compare the number of their OWN people that they killed vs how many Hitler killed (of his own people, purposely).


*imagine that, when you do a search for fascist genocide you come up with israel/palestine. :o

1st August 2010, 11:07 AM
Be careful, unless you want a tune up from Liquid.

LOL, thanks for the laugh. In reality, this is what I had to deal with on a daily basis in the sh!thole city I naively chose to serve....


1970 silver art
1st August 2010, 11:10 AM
Thanks Art :)

I haven't always been a "nice" guy....I used to be a Jerk

And sometimes that Jerk wants to come back...I have to fight it sometimes.

Im ok now though...lol :)

Do not let people get you riled up Stacker. Getting mad and and lowering yourself to their level of insults never works out in the long run. I know from experience. When I realized that I let 2 or 3 "haters" get under my skin and as a result caused me to over-react and delete my account initially, then that meant that I allowed the "haters" to win over me. Once I took the time to realize that a majority of posters on GSUS are good people and the fact that I missed posting on GSUS, then that influenced me to come back to GSUS to post.

1st August 2010, 11:10 AM
Be careful, unless you want a tune up from Liquid.

LOL, thanks for the laugh. In reality, this is what I had to deal with on a daily basis in the sh!thole city I naively chose to serve....


What that's just racist! I'm shocked. ;D

1st August 2010, 11:14 AM
What that's just racist! I'm shocked. ;D

You know what's funny, I should be racist. I really should...but I am not. There's still a lot of good folks, even in the ghetto. The police however, just don't see them much unfortunately.

1st August 2010, 11:16 AM
What that's just racist! I'm shocked. ;D

You know what's funny, I should be racist. I really should...but I am not. There's still a lot of good folks, even in the ghetto. The police however, just don't see them much unfortunately.

ROFL. So you're saying that your true life experience is overridden by jew brainwashing.

1st August 2010, 11:19 AM
ROFL. So you're saying that your true life experience is overridden by jew brainwashing.

Not following you at all on this one Wildcard. ???

1st August 2010, 11:21 AM
ROFL. So you're saying that your true life experience is overridden by jew brainwashing.

Not following you at all on this one Wildcard. ???

I'm not surprised.

1st August 2010, 11:28 AM
I'm not surprised.

Not surprised why? Because life has taught me not to blame others for the challenges I face in life. Coming from a former marine, I expected a bit more from you.

1st August 2010, 11:40 AM
we all know I'm not very smart. But I like to think I do have some reasoning skills

Lets get back on topic here.

History has been distorted. Right?

So You guys that think Hitler was a Good man,

How do you know the History that you are buying into is correct?

You don't...you have know way of knowing.

Unless you have a time machine....you never will.

Neither will I.

1st August 2010, 12:03 PM
I can't answer for you, but I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

Agreed wholeheartedly. But still, one does not laugh at thugs with badges, and guns.

1st August 2010, 12:04 PM
I agree, you should always post there.


Why? UFM has a lot of insights, and despite his "unusual" style, he nails things based on FACTS.

1st August 2010, 12:05 PM
This thread needs a little Philo Beddoe. Is he out on parole? ;D

I think that he is currently serving a 30-day ban for personal attacks against another poster.

He is also posting under the name "UFM".

Any proof of that? Oh, wait, UFM is "Quantum"!


1st August 2010, 12:06 PM

Gee, which one doesn't fit?


1st August 2010, 12:10 PM
I agree, you should always post there.


Why? UFM has a lot of insights, and despite his "unusual" style, he nails things based on FACTS.

jesus was king of the jews


1st August 2010, 12:10 PM

My thoughts on your good questions is this. I am willing to admit there's a big chance the number of jew's murdered could be way off...and I'll even be open to the thought that the holocaust, gas chambers, etc, could be a conspiracy.

However, the concentration camps are not. Even if they are 'work' camps. Innocent folks had their rights taken from them unjustly.

Now, what I'd like to know from the hitler supporters, is how they can support innocent people getting their rights taken away. How, is that any different, than if FEMA declares martial law and starts stuffing American's into FEMA camps? How is that different?

Hitler supporters support our government. That's my conclusion.

1st August 2010, 12:11 PM
we all know I'm not very smart. But I like to think I do have some reasoning skills

Lets get back on topic here.

History has been distorted. Right?

So You guys that think Hitler was a Good man,

How do you know the History that you are buying into is correct?

Place yourself IN the Third Reich, based on first-hand accounts, evidence which has no bias or whose bias can be neutralized, and then determine what appears to be correct. It's an Occam's Razor thing.

Adolf Hitler was, like all of us, a fallen man. Yet, a man who aimed for greater things, greater ideals, than the base men of the vaulted "West." He always attributed his successes to the Almighty. And indeed, "by fighting the Jews, [he] was doing the Lord's work."

You don't...you have know way of knowing.

You sure you're not a Buddhist?

There IS one Truth, and it is "out there." Unlike the Buddhist theology, which tells us everything we see and "think" we know is an "illusion." We CAN find the Truth.

1st August 2010, 12:16 PM
However, the concentration camps are not. Even if they are 'work' camps. Innocent folks had their rights taken from them unjustly.

Common criminals, Communists, Capitalist profiteers, Homosexuals, anti-German aliens, and similar types were in the concentration camps. "Innocent folks" were not among them.

We should deport all foreigners in America, and if we cannot, we should put them in camps.

how they can support innocent people getting their rights taken away.


No "innocent people" were in there.

How, is that any different, than if FEMA declares martial law and starts stuffing American's into FEMA camps? How is that different?

Third Reich concentration camps = collection centers for elements that were indisputably dangerous to the common German family.

FEMA camps = collection centers for elements that are indisputably dangerous TO THE US GOVERNMENT.

Hitler supporters support our government. That's my conclusion.

Supporter of tyranny is as supporter of tyranny does. Which one of us, you or I, have been a cop, and wants to be one again?

1st August 2010, 12:18 PM
No Phoenix I am Not A Buddhist.

I love and Try my best to serve Christ :)

The Spirit that lives in me tells me Hitler was not a good man.
But . No man is good...Right?

Like Liquid pointed out, He Locked up many people in camps...I don't care what their DNA was...

they were Humans...and Hitler violated their Human rights

1st August 2010, 12:21 PM
Phoenix; You are claiming that no children were taken and locked up in those camps?

1st August 2010, 12:25 PM
Phoenix; You are claiming that no children were taken and locked up in those camps?

Do you like orphaned children?

1st August 2010, 12:26 PM
A lot of children were sent to German families to be raised as Germans.

1st August 2010, 12:26 PM
Phoenix; You are claiming that no children were taken and locked up in those camps?

Also, phoenix, are you claiming the Nazi's didn't invade Poland and take polish citizens away? Poland was a peaceful country, invaded. It's citizens stuffed into concentration camps.

Are you saying some guy who owns a shop in the kazimierez district of krakow, just wanting to feed his family in peace, was trying to take from the Germans?

Do you think we should invade Mexico, stuff mexicans, out of mexico, into our fema camps to combat the illigal immigrant problem?

1st August 2010, 12:27 PM
they were Humans...and Hitler violated their Human rights

Do you oppose confinement of all humans?

1st August 2010, 12:30 PM
Also, phoenix, are you claiming the Nazi's didn't invade Poland and take polish citizens away? Poland was a peaceful country, invaded. It's citizens stuffed into concentration camps.

Where do you get this manure? 95% of Poles remained in their homes & jobs.

"Peaceful country," like Israel. The Germans pleaded with the Poles, even prior to Hitler becoming Chancellor, to work a just solution to the Polish Corridor problem, but the bellicose Pollacks just kept up their rhetoric. And the Pollack government even published maps showing Berlin and Dresden within "Poland."

Do you think we should invade Mexico, stuff mexicans, out of mexico, into our fema camps to combat the illigal immigrant problem?

I think we should overthrow the regime in Mexico City.

1st August 2010, 12:32 PM
they were Humans...and Hitler violated their Human rights

Do you oppose confinement of all humans?

No. Im just not buying the fact that all the people that Hitler put in those camps were criminals

I don't think you believe that either.

He put them there because they were Jews...

He wanted to be rid of the Jews...Didn't he?

1st August 2010, 12:49 PM




Germany sure had a lot of Criminals

Did they get a trial?

1st August 2010, 12:56 PM



Jews carpet bombed apartment buildings in Lebanon looking for criminals not too long ago.


1st August 2010, 12:59 PM
they were Humans...and Hitler violated their Human rights

Do you oppose confinement of all humans?

No. Im just not buying the fact that all the people that Hitler put in those camps were criminals

I don't think you believe that either.

He put them there because they were Jews...

He wanted to be rid of the Jews...Didn't he?

Don't be dishonest, quote my entire statement:

"Common criminals, Communists, Capitalist profiteers, Homosexuals, anti-German aliens, and similar types were in the concentration camps."

1st August 2010, 01:00 PM

anti-German aliens

1st August 2010, 01:37 PM

anti-German aliens

And that may be exactly the tactic that Obama and the US government will use on us by labeling us as terrorists.

1st August 2010, 01:39 PM

anti-German aliens

And that may be exactly the tactic that Obama and the US will use on Us by labeling us as terrorists.

Probably true. But the difference? The Jews WERE anti-German. We are NOT anti-American. Obama is the anti-American.

Hitler = German, God-fearing government. Obama = Jewish, God-hating government. THAT makes all the difference.

1st August 2010, 01:41 PM



Jews carpet bombed apartment buildings in Lebanon looking for criminals not too long ago.



Rotterdam 1940, after hundreds of Hitler's bombs

1st August 2010, 01:48 PM
The Rotterdam photo was the type of event I was referring to in my post, concerning the lack of support by Western Europe. similar to the Belfast Blitz, which although was justifiably enemy territory, hardened Irish support against the Germans.

7th trump
1st August 2010, 01:51 PM

anti-German aliens

And that may be exactly the tactic that Obama and the US will use on Us by labeling us as terrorists.

Probably true. But the difference? The Jews WERE anti-German. We are NOT anti-American. Obama is the anti-American.

Hitler = German, God-fearing government. Obama = Jewish, God-hating government. THAT makes all the difference.

Hitler =a God fearing government?
Hitler was a murderer and nobody has any right to murder.
Now I suppose you will say there is no proof that Hitler murdered millions but then again you dont have any evidence to the contrary either.
Look phoenix my last name is Hippler and I know an awful lot about my heritage gene stock coming from Germany. I'm very proud of my germanic background but Hitler didnt have any right to shoot one person in the eyes of God, not one.

1st August 2010, 01:54 PM
The Rotterdam photo was the type of event I was referring to in my post, concerning the lack of support by Western Europe. similar to the Belfast Blitz, which although was justifiably enemy territory, hardened Irish support against the Germans.

There was no "Irish support against the Germans." If anything, the Irish supported the enemies of Ireland's enemies.

In fact, de Valera was the only European leader to send his condolences to the German people after the death of their head of state.

1st August 2010, 01:56 PM

Rotterdam 1940, after hundreds of Hitler's bombs

Here's the work of your "heroes":


"God bless America"? :puke

1st August 2010, 02:00 PM

Rotterdam 1940, after hundreds of Hitler's bombs

Here's the work of your "heroes":


"God bless America"? :puke

My heroes?

I have no Heroes except Jesus Christ

1st August 2010, 02:15 PM
And your photo is different from this one how? Bottom line is, the guy and his armies caused too much death and damage to ever gain much credibility or sympathy, that is his greatest failure.Perhaps addressing this a German audience would give you better reception, most Americans and Western Europeans have zero sympathy or admiration for him or his minions.

1st August 2010, 02:16 PM
My heroes?

I have no Heroes except Jesus Christ

Didn't you say your dad was a World War II veteran and retired cop?

1st August 2010, 02:32 PM
...most Americans and Western Europeans have zero sympathy or admiration for him or his minions.



After watching jew-teevee for the past 60 years most Americans and Western Europeans are now kosherized idiots.


1st August 2010, 02:36 PM
...most Americans and Western Europeans have zero sympathy or admiration for him or his minions.



After watching jew-teevee for the past 60 years most Americans and Western Europeans are now kosherized idiots.


Ill agree with that +100.But the fact remains.

1st August 2010, 02:39 PM
Ill agree with that +100.But the fact remains.

The fact remains that Boobus Americanus is too stupid to steer their own destiny.

The fact remains Boobus Americanus is unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

The fact remains the Jewsmedia has painted Hitler to be simultaneously a buffoon and a madman, while ignoring the Jewish monsters Vladimir Ulyanov, Josef Stalin, Lazar Kaganovich, and Lavrenti Beria, who admittedly killed ten times as many people as Hitler allegedly killed.

1st August 2010, 02:43 PM
The fact remains the Jewsmedia has painted Hitler to be simultaneously a buffoon and a madman, while ignoring the Jewish monsters Vladimir Ulyanov, Josef Stalin, Lazar Kaganovich, and Lavrenti Beria, who admittedly killed ten times as many people as Hitler allegedly killed.

The damage is apparent in this thread...lol.


1st August 2010, 02:46 PM
Perhaps instead of admiring Hitler, and damning the Zionists and their helpers. we should step back, and realize there is a better way than either? I personally could never live under a National Socialist or any other totalitarian govt.(and this one is getting there FAST!) I wish better for my country.

1st August 2010, 02:52 PM
I personally could never live under a National Socialist or any other totalitarian govt.


Yeah...let's leave the jews in control. Much better than goyim control...lol.


1st August 2010, 02:54 PM
The fact remains the Jewsmedia has painted Hitler to be simultaneously a buffoon and a madman, while ignoring the Jewish monsters Vladimir Ulyanov, Josef Stalin, Lazar Kaganovich, and Lavrenti Beria, who admittedly killed ten times as many people as Hitler allegedly killed.

I am willing to admit that the media is biased, for sure. All those dictators are monsters though, you can't defend any of them, imo. You can't just pick one evil over another because it supports your agenda.

1st August 2010, 03:03 PM
My heroes?

I have no Heroes except Jesus Christ

Didn't you say your dad was a World War II veteran and retired cop?

You know, I almost said My dad was my hero.

Yes. My dad was a Cop (fought in the watts riots) and a Homicide detective in east Los Angeles.
He also Fought in the Korean war as a Marine Gunny Sargent .

But he doesn't compare with Christ...so I left him off my list of Heroes.

I am very Proud of my Dad though :)

1st August 2010, 03:07 PM
I personally could never live under a National Socialist or any other totalitarian govt.


Yeah...let's leave the jews in control. Much better than goyim control...lol.


Perhaps you should show the WHoLE quote,you missed the (we are getting there fast!) or perhaps you just forgot? Your not one of those 'chery picker" quoters are you?

1st August 2010, 03:11 PM
Perhaps instead of admiring Hitler, and damning the Zionists and their helpers. we should step back, and realize there is a better way than either? I personally could never live under a National Socialist or any other totalitarian govt.(and this one is getting there FAST!) I wish better for my country.

No rational person believes that GERMAN National Socialism of the 1930s and 1940s can be uprooted from the past, and transplanted to the United States of America of 2010.

However, most of what made German National Socialism unique can be applied in this country, with no loss of the Second Amendment, and no valuable loss of the First or other other Amendments. "Freedom of Speech" for those who are hell-bent on wrecking the country (e.g., Obama, Rahm Emanuel, and the like) is of no concern of mine.