View Full Version : Alex Jones true colors

2nd August 2010, 04:50 PM

Doesn't get much clearer than that.

2nd August 2010, 04:54 PM
Title correction

Alex Jones true Jew colors

2nd August 2010, 04:58 PM

2nd August 2010, 05:13 PM
How the hell did they hide this one for so long!!!! LOL

Look how young he is....Must have been getting groomed way back in high school. Maybe the 'dentist dad' is a cover?


Dont forget: Its the Arabs NOT the Zionist, who own and control Hollywood.

2nd August 2010, 05:58 PM
I now suspect he IS a Jew, not just married to one.

2nd August 2010, 06:47 PM
holy smokes, that is pretty bad.

2nd August 2010, 06:49 PM
I like him better already.

2nd August 2010, 10:28 PM
When you're catching flack you're over the target. I guess he needs more anti-zionist propaganda with UFOs on his website....LOL

Joe King
2nd August 2010, 11:24 PM
I now suspect he IS a Jew, not just married to one.

Wow. After watching this vid of his, I figured AJ was your hero.


You seem to be parroting AJ's opinions in one of your threads. lol

2nd August 2010, 11:42 PM
Wow. After watching this vid of his, I figured AJ was your hero.


You seem to be parroting AJ's opinions in one of your threads. lol

Sukhoi Fan's trademark close! Lower-case "lol."

But to address your post, Sukhoi Fan / I am Me, I am Free, Alex Jones is in business, and views David Icke, correctly, as a competitor.

Joe King
3rd August 2010, 12:42 AM
Wow. After watching this vid of his, I figured AJ was your hero.
You seem to be parroting AJ's opinions in one of your threads. lol

Sukhoi Fan's trademark close! Lower-case "lol."
But to address your post, Sukhoi Fan / I am Me, I am Free, Alex Jones is in business, and views David Icke, correctly, as a competitor.

Now you're saying that because I used universally accepted internet/texting slang, that it somehow constitutes a "fact" as to my identy? lol lol lol
All I have to say is that if poor Mr. Steele had to rely on your power of reasoning he probably would rot in jail.

Do you always grasp at straws? lol <----all that means is that your accusations make me laugh out loud.

Grand Master Melon
3rd August 2010, 03:52 AM
Why do people even care about this guy?

3rd August 2010, 05:10 AM
lol at quantum

Silver Rocket Bitches!
3rd August 2010, 06:29 AM
You mean he wasn't always a fat bastard?

Twisted Titan
3rd August 2010, 09:08 AM

8th February 2011, 08:11 AM


Silver Shield
8th February 2011, 08:27 AM


There is no defense of that action. Great video.

po boy
8th February 2011, 09:14 AM
Alex Jones seems to be in the patriot business to make FRNs not to tell people to learn the law and how they became subject to it or how to free themselves from it. i.e. he goes on about vaccines but I've never heard him talk about exemptions to these laws(religious exemptions).

This video will tell you more about your subjugation than all the time I've heard AJ rambling.


8th February 2011, 11:56 AM
Now Jones has Icke on his "show"

8th February 2011, 12:08 PM
You mean "circus"

Silver Shield
8th February 2011, 12:20 PM
When I was on Jack Blood's show we talked about Alex off air and he definitely has his number.



Twisted Titan
8th February 2011, 12:38 PM
Alex Jones seems to be in the patriot business to make FRNs not to tell people to learn the law and how they became subject to it or how to free themselves from it. i.e. he goes on about vaccines but I've never heard him talk about exemptions to these laws(religious exemptions).

This video will tell you more about your subjugation than all the time I've heard AJ rambling.


Absolutely he his.

Remeber how he was hooping up that "Massive event" on Prison Planet?? Turns out all it was a fictious interview with CokeHead Charlie sheen.

He turned over his whole blog community data base without so much as filing a dam contestment.

Those sheep deserve just what the hell they got coming for getting duped by a pied piper like that

8th February 2011, 12:46 PM
Even worse than that, Twisted: It was a giant movement that AJ tried to get his millions of fans to take part in, which was based on a fraudulent/fictional interview with the POTUS.

It was a lie that AJ was trying to get his followers to photocopy and litter like snowflakes.
That was the day I truely stepped away and never looked back.

Right around that time I started looking into his jewish roots and found that they were there.

I thank SirGonzo and some others for helping me see through the dramatic showboating that AJ used to beguile me into believing that he is a constitutionalist and a defender of freedom.

8th February 2011, 12:51 PM
You mean "circus"


8th February 2011, 12:55 PM
When I was on Jack Blood's show we talked about Alex off air and he definitely has his number.




Are you familiar with Ryan Dawson?

8th February 2011, 12:59 PM
Sorry Serpo, I can;t see what you posted due to filters.

8th February 2011, 01:02 PM
Sorry Serpo, I can;t see what you posted due to filters.

just a clip of a crazy majic show(circus) .....aka AJ show hahaha

8th February 2011, 03:22 PM
Even worse than that, Twisted: It was a giant movement that AJ tried to get his millions of fans to take part in, which was based on a fraudulent/fictional interview with the POTUS.

It was a lie that AJ was trying to get his followers to photocopy and litter like snowflakes.
That was the day I truely stepped away and never looked back.

Right around that time I started looking into his jewish roots and found that they were there.

I thank SirGonzo and some others for helping me see through the dramatic showboating that AJ used to beguile me into believing that he is a constitutionalist and a defender of freedom.

You mean hundreds of 16 year olds hanging Obama Joker posters wont stop the NWO?

8th February 2011, 03:59 PM
Even worse than that, Twisted: It was a giant movement that AJ tried to get his millions of fans to take part in, which was based on a fraudulent/fictional interview with the POTUS.

It was a lie that AJ was trying to get his followers to photocopy and litter like snowflakes.
That was the day I truely stepped away and never looked back.

Right around that time I started looking into his jewish roots and found that they were there.

I thank SirGonzo and some others for helping me see through the dramatic showboating that AJ used to beguile me into believing that he is a constitutionalist and a defender of freedom.

You mean hundreds of 16 year olds hanging Obama Joker posters wont stop the NWO?

NWO...............Nasty World Odour

Silver Shield
8th February 2011, 05:34 PM
When I was on Jack Blood's show we talked about Alex off air and he definitely has his number.




Are you familiar with Ryan Dawson?

Not really? Did he write a USSA book? Why?

8th February 2011, 05:54 PM
Say what you want but it`s better to have people watch AJ rather than read Jew York Times.
I also unapologetically support the existance of Israel and I am not anti-Muslim at all,PBUH.

Of course AJ is a whore but he has a lot less STDs than MSM. If choosing with whom to spend a night with, I`d choose a cleaner whore.

My biggest problem with AJ is that he is a crybaby. Ever seen him weep over how fucked-up NWO is?

All men shed a tear or 2 sometimes, thru clenched teeth, when losing loved ones or from mortal pain.

This dude does this as a pro actor, this proves that he is a sociopath.

8th February 2011, 06:14 PM
Say what you want but it`s better to have people watch AJ rather than read Jew York Times.
I also unapologetically support the existance of Israel and I am not anti-Muslim at all,PBUH.

Of course AJ is a whore but he has a lot less STDs than MSM. If choosing with whom to spend a night with, I`d choose a cleaner whore.

My biggest problem with AJ is that he is a crybaby. Ever seen him weep over how fucked-up NWO is?

All men shed a tear or 2 sometimes, thru clenched teeth, when losing loved ones or from mortal pain.

This dude does this as a pro actor, this proves that he is a sociopath.

Yea...Israel is totally cool! ::)

8th February 2011, 06:38 PM
I also unapologetically support the existence of Israel...

Yea...Israel is totally cool!


Even though "Israel" forbids your own immigration because you are only a half-jew. They unapologetically REFUSE to support your existence...lol.


8th February 2011, 06:44 PM
I also unapologetically support the existence of Israel...

Yea...Israel is totally cool!


Even though "Israel" forbids your own immigration because you are only a half-jew. They unapologetically REFUSE to support your existence...lol.


This is either incorrect or an intentional lie. One needs to have one grandparent who is Jewish in order to immigrate to Israel.
A goy moron can convert to Judaism and also go (he wouldn`t be a moron after all) .

8th February 2011, 06:50 PM
One needs to have one grandparent who is Jewish in order to immigrate to Israel.

So what are you doing in NYC always badmouthing America while worshipping your holy homeland "Israel"? Tel Aviv has plenty of heroin.


8th February 2011, 06:53 PM
One needs to have one grandparent who is Jewish in order to immigrate to Israel.

So what are you doing in NYC always badmouthing America while worshipping your holy homeland "Israel"? Tel Aviv has plenty of heroin.


There is plenty of horse here in NYC too and also about the same number of sheenies as in the entire Israel.
I may go someday though. It all depends on finding employment.

8th February 2011, 06:56 PM
One needs to have one grandparent who is Jewish in order to immigrate to Israel.So what are you doing in NYC always badmouthing America while worshipping your holy homeland "Israel"? Tel Aviv has plenty of heroin.


There is plenty of horse here in NYC too and also about the same number of sheenies as in the entire Israel.
I may go someday though. It all depends on finding employment.
That shouldn't be too hard. I hear employers are alway on the lookout to hire junkies who bring up the fact they shit in their pants every other sentence.

8th February 2011, 06:58 PM
There is plenty of horse here in NYC too and also about the same number of sheenies as in the entire Israel.
I may go someday though. It all depends on finding employment.

Meanwhile, the people of the USA feel your love and loyalty and are blessed by your contributions to our society. Take your sheenie neighbors with you when you leave...


8th February 2011, 07:03 PM
There is plenty of horse here in NYC too and also about the same number of sheenies as in the entire Israel.
I may go someday though. It all depends on finding employment.

Meanwhile, the people of the USA feel your love and loyalty and are blessed by your contributions to our society. Take your sheenie neighbors with you when you leave...


Yes, Library brigade, you are right when using the word "our" instead of "mine or my".

willie pete
8th February 2011, 07:08 PM
I've never liked abraham jonesberg...my first impression was: he's a jerry the jew springer on da radio...trying to separate a fool from his money :D :D

8th February 2011, 07:09 PM
One needs to have one grandparent who is Jewish in order to immigrate to Israel.So what are you doing in NYC always badmouthing America while worshipping your holy homeland "Israel"? Tel Aviv has plenty of heroin.


There is plenty of horse here in NYC too and also about the same number of sheenies as in the entire Israel.
I may go someday though. It all depends on finding employment.
That shouldn't be too hard. I hear employer are alway on the lookout to hire junkies who bring up the fact they shit in their pants every other sentence.

Yes RJB, I can find a decent employment by telling my junkie shit stories to my potential employer. The job is called undercover narcotics detective.
You are a very smart guy RJB, but here Antonio has to teach you some basics ;)

po boy
8th February 2011, 07:13 PM
Alex Jones seems to be in the patriot business to make FRNs not to tell people to learn the law and how they became subject to it or how to free themselves from it. i.e. he goes on about vaccines but I've never heard him talk about exemptions to these laws(religious exemptions).

This video will tell you more about your subjugation than all the time I've heard AJ rambling.


Absolutely he his.
Remeber how he was hooping up that "Massive event" on Prison Planet?? Turns out all it was a fictious interview with CokeHead Charlie sheen.

I almost forgot about that and also the y2k crap.
He turned over his whole blog community data base without so much as filing a dam contestment.

Those sheep deserve just what the hell they got coming for getting duped by a pied piper like that

8th February 2011, 07:14 PM
Yes RJB, I can find a decent employment by telling my junkie shit stories to my potential employer. The job is called undercover narcotics detective.
I was refering to your job as a comedian. I was merely suggesting getting new material (and while you're at it, new underwear).

8th February 2011, 07:17 PM
One needs to have one grandparent who is Jewish in order to immigrate to Israel.So what are you doing in NYC always badmouthing America while worshipping your holy homeland "Israel"? Tel Aviv has plenty of heroin.


There is plenty of horse here in NYC too and also about the same number of sheenies as in the entire Israel.
I may go someday though. It all depends on finding employment.
That shouldn't be too hard. I hear employer are alway on the lookout to hire junkies who bring up the fact they shit in their pants every other sentence.

Yes RJB, I can find a decent employment by telling my junkie shit stories to my potential employer. The job is called undercover narcotics detective.
You are a very smart guy RJB, but here Antonio has to teach you some basics ;)

This thread has turned to :boom

8th February 2011, 07:21 PM
This thread has turned to (shit show pic.)

It's good that you brought us back on topic by mentioning Alex Jones' show.

8th February 2011, 07:23 PM
This thread has turned to (shit show pic.)

It's good that you brought us back on topic by mentioning Alex Jones' show.

Alex Jones and shit do go together don't they! ;D

8th February 2011, 08:15 PM
Jones, had some good points for me. He was instrumental in waking me up, and prisonplanet was a good source of info. This was all in the beginning however, and one does not eat baby food for their entire life. I noticed that his movies were becoming more fear mongering oriented, and always compared the NWO to the Nazi's at every chance. (oohhh da Nazi's gon eat yo baby if u dont be curful!!!) I tie this into all the shit that we "learn" about he Nazi's in zio-school just like how the south was so "horrible." We were brainwashed in to hating these groups. AJ is just playing off of peoples conditioning, yeah there is a group pushing a NWO, and a debt based economy, etc. but hate these Nazi's they started it. It's easy for people to hate them, they have been conditioned to it for years

Then when you find out that he is a sheenie it all makes sense. The zoinists want two things for us, to hate the white race or love multiculturalism, and to work in the shadows. The whole thing is brilliant actually. Let alot of it hang out, but lead the sheep to a conclusion that still benefits "them". One must listen to AJ only if completely ignorant, not as an end all, beat all, kind of thing. He is like wikipedia, to a high-school kid writing a paper. He is to be used as a jumping off point for other research.

9th February 2011, 04:50 AM
So what are you doing in NYC always badmouthing America while worshipping your holy homeland "Israel"? Tel Aviv has plenty of heroin.

I may go someday though. It all depends on finding employment.

I'm pretty sure your employer (http://www.adl.org/) has an office in israel.

Jones, had some good points for me. He was instrumental in waking me up, and prisonplanet was a good source of info. This was all in the beginning however, and one does not eat baby food for their entire life. I noticed that his movies were becoming more fear mongering oriented, and always compared the NWO to the Nazi's at every chance. (oohhh da Nazi's gon eat yo baby if u dont be curful!!!) I tie this into all the shit that we "learn" about he Nazi's in zio-school just like how the south was so "horrible." We were brainwashed in to hating these groups. AJ is just playing off of peoples conditioning, yeah there is a group pushing a NWO, and a debt based economy, etc. but hate these Nazi's they started it. It's easy for people to hate them, they have been conditioned to it for years

Then when you find out that he is a sheenie it all makes sense. The zoinists want two things for us, to hate the white race or love multiculturalism, and to work in the shadows. The whole thing is brilliant actually. Let alot of it hang out, but lead the sheep to a conclusion that still benefits "them". One must listen to AJ only if completely ignorant, not as an end all, beat all, kind of thing. He is like wikipedia, to a high-school kid writing a paper. He is to be used as a jumping off point for other research.

Quoted for truth. Thanks for that post.

9th February 2011, 05:45 AM
Human Resources Manager: Have a seat, Antonio.

Antonio: Good morning, sir. What did you think of my resume?

Human Resources Manager: Well Antonio...you know...your resume is is actually quite impressive, but our firm already has a junkie.

9th February 2011, 10:49 AM
There are a couple of clips out there of him attacking Bill Cooper. Just going after him with both barrels, calling him a drunk after he was killed... real vicious stuff. He sold out a long time ago, and so has just about everybody else. No way a media truth teller emerges organically in this environment.


(edited for spelling error)

9th February 2011, 10:56 AM
Welcome to the forum, Onceseen. Nice couple first posts.

9th February 2011, 11:13 AM

"Konk me on the head when you come to the well to drink, but drink deep my friend."

9th February 2011, 11:14 AM

A subject you know an awful lot about, old friend.


9th February 2011, 11:16 AM

A subject you know an awful lot about, old friend.


Were do we know each other from?

9th February 2011, 11:24 AM

A subject you know an awful lot about, old friend.


Were do we know each other from?

I know you, Keehah. I know exactly who you are.


9th February 2011, 11:25 AM
Oooooooooh! The suspence is building!


9th February 2011, 11:27 AM

(hat tip to osoab for the popcorn gif :D )

9th February 2011, 11:33 AM

A subject you know an awful lot about, old friend.


Were do we know each other from?

I know you, Keehah. I know exactly who you are.



23rd March 2011, 08:36 AM
Agent Jones strikes again. How to profit off KI


23rd March 2011, 12:32 PM
Agent Jones strikes again. How to profit off KI

Alex's show also sells high quality water filters.

telegraph.co.uk Japan nuclear crisis: Tokyo tap water not safe for infants (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/8401179/Japan-nuclear-crisis-Tokyo-tap-water-not-safe-for-infants.html)

Parents in Tokyo have been told that the city's tap water is not safe for babies to drink after radiation from Japan's earthquake-hit nuclear plant affected the capital's water supply.

Some samples contained more than double the legal limit of the hazardous substance radioactive iodine.