View Full Version : Negotiated Infidelity - brought to you by corrupt Jews?

3rd August 2010, 06:18 PM

Promoted in the USA by major Tribe-owned enterprises?

Note that

1. Holly Hill is a pseudonym, not her real name

2. Profession was psychoanalyst like the fraud Freud, and emphasis of book is on degrading marriage as an institution

3. She doesn't look like the typical "sheila" to me - and the arguments certainly sound talmudic - am I nuts or is this woman not from Anglo-Saxon criminal stock?

New York (CNN) -- Could letting your man sleep with another woman help your relationship?

Author and former mistress Holly Hill thinks so.

"One of the main things that I have learned is that a woman that negotiates infidelity with her partner is far more powerful than a woman who is sitting home wondering why he's late from the office Christmas party," she says.

"It's better to walk the dog on a leash than let it escape through an unseen hole in the back fence."

Hill's memoir, "Sugarbabe" details her yearlong adventure with a series of so-called "sugar daddies." The book sold 24,000 copies in her native Australia, according to her publisher, and has just been released in the United States. Holly Hill is a pen name.

"I thought it was men that would like the book," she says, "But in fact it's women, because what it says to women is that if your man cheats on you, he still loves you, and he's probably running about average."

Allowing their men to stray is a concept that's difficult for most women to contemplate.

But Hill says that if a woman takes the time to truly examine her relationship and considers Mother Nature's unerring spell on men's libidos, she might realize that letting her boyfriend or spouse know she's OK with him having sex elsewhere is a logical way to prevent him from doing it in secret.

"I think that cheating men are normal," says Hill. "Monogamous men are heroes. Monogamy does have a place in relationships, but not on the long-term. Men are hard-wired to betray women on the long-term."

But psychology professor Lawrence Josephs believes it is more personality type than gender that indicates whether a person might cheat.

"People who are higher in narcissim -- whether they are male or female -- are more likely to cheat. People who feel entitled to it, people who have what's called avoidant attachment style where they tend to have more impersonal sex," are more prone to straying, he said.

The professor also said people who experience lower levels of empathy or guilt tend to engage in more infidelity.

Hill says, that of course it's every woman's right to refuse to have sex when she's not in the mood or has a headache. However, expecting men to cope on their own with no outlet whatsoever is shortsighted and cruel, says Hill.

The author, who holds a psychology degree from the University of Southern Queensland, says her experience as a "sugarbabe" taught her some valuable lessons about what drives men to seek sex outside marriage.

Finding herself in financial dire straits after her married boyfriend unexpectedly dumped her four years ago (he had persuaded her to quit her job and enjoy his financial support as part of "the mistress plan"), she decided to get creative about her employment options.

Hill, who was 39 at the time, posted an ad online announcing her search for a sugar daddy, someone who would pay her $1,000 a week in exchange for her company, cooking, conversation, massages and, when they desired it, sex. She says the ad attracted 11,000 responses.

At the time, Hill says she saw a distinct difference between what she was doing and prostitution.

"I thought that because I was a 24/7 exclusive mistress that I wasn't part of the world's oldest profession, but with hindsight I was, because what I was doing ... I was charging men for services, part of which included sex," says Hill.

However, she adds, any married woman who no longer loves her husband but continues to have sex with him to retain the comforts of being married could also be considered part of that oldest profession.

Most of Hill's "daddies" were wealthy married men who surprisingly often opted for conversation, she says. While entertaining with red wine and exotic food platters she'd prepare in her Sydney apartment, Hill learned that most of these men sought her attention because they simply weren't getting enough sex from their wives.

"Men need to get their rocks off," says Hill. "If a woman crosses her legs for any length of time and doesn't arrange some sort of alternative for her man, he is going to cheat on her."

By alternatives, Hill is referring to her idea of "negotiated infidelity." That shouldn't be confused with an open relationship, which to Hill "has no rules." Nor does it imply that it's necessary that a wife allow her husband to hop into bed with whomever he chooses -- unless of course she's OK with that. Hill says negotiated infidelity could mean hubby makes a trip to the local strip club for the occasional lap dance or updates his porn collection.

And in no way does it have to be a one-way street.

"Ideally the woman will want to stray as well," says Hill. "Some won't want to because they're at home taking care of toddlers. But the woman definitely needs to negotiate infidelity as well, especially because that will generate her man's competitive nature. The more lovers the woman has, the more attraction the man will have for his partner."

But how do women -- and men for that matter -- get past those ingrained feelings of possessiveness and jealousy?

"Women need to remember the difference between why women and men have sex," she says. "Women tend to value intimacy. For men it's often the thrill of the chase, or the quick sex with a stranger. Men don't even have to know their lovers' names! It's often just a cheap thrill and has nothing to do with us as a loving girlfriend or wife. Once we understand that, it's much easier to let him go off."

But Josephs doesn't think understanding will overcome jealousy.

"I think what's universal is that no one likes sharing partners -- whether you're male or female. I think jealousy is a kind of universal emotion," the professor said.

Her sugarbabe days now over, Hill lets her boyfriend of two years, Phil Dean "go off" on occasion. Hill says she believes negotiating their infidelity has been instrumental in keeping their relationship strong and committed, not to mention electric.

"[Dean] can have sex with the Australian women's basketball team for all I care, but he can't spoon any of them," says Hill. "For me, spooning is cheating."

Dean, 45, who works for an insurance company in Sydney, jokes that he hasn't slept with any members of the Australian basketball team. But he is a big supporter of negotiated infidelity.

"I was actually very relieved when Holly and I started to speak about it [at the beginning of the relationship]," he says. "She asked me if I'd be happy in a monogamous long-term relationship and I had to say 'no'."

And while Dean says he doesn't get jealous when Holly spends time with another lover, some of his male friends are certainly jealous of his relationship's flexibility.

"Some think it couldn't get any better than what I have," says Dean. "Some, however, don't want to embrace the concept. They feel protective of their partner and don't want to share."

Central to the idea of negotiated infidelity, Hill says, is each couple figuring out what their boundaries are. While she admits she shed a few tears at the start of her relationship as she and Dean tested their comfort levels with different arrangements (Dean also says it has definitely been a learning process), they're now very clear about what they will and won't allow.

While Dean has the green light to have sex with other women, he's not permitted to stay overnight. He also can't take his lovers away for romantic weekends. And Hill says she'll have an all-out hissy fit if he spoons another woman.

Hill, on the other hand, is allowed to spoon her lovers because Dean has no problem with that and recognizes that intimacy is an important part of sex for women. Hill isn't, however, allowed to wear any of the outfits Dean has bought for her when she meets up with a lover.

But how can Hill be sure Dean isn't spooning if she isn't there?

"If you're talking about sexual needs honestly with your partner, you get better at communicating with each other, you get better with honesty," says Hill. "Everything is out in the open and you have an honest relationship according to your man's biology, not according to some outdated social norms." (Hill is working on another book that will address why women also like to venture outside their marriages for sex.)

Those rules sound artificial to Marcella Weiner, adjunct professor of Marymount Manhattan College and author of "Repairing Your Marriage After His Affair: A Woman's Guide to Hope and Healing."

"Unless you're totally dead inside of you and have no heart or no brains or no anything -- when you're with another person, you're with another person," said Weiner. "It's not just here's my penis, here's your vagina that's it. It is for some people -- but that's a mechanical kind of thing."

While it may not be for everyone, Hill is optimistic that if more people embraced the idea of negotiated infidelity, cheating could become a thing of the past, leading to fewer divorces and truly happy lifelong relationships.

"We just have to be honest about the way nature created us, and we have to work with nature instead of working against her. This isn't rocket science. This is what every man already knows and I think what every woman deep down already knows."

3rd August 2010, 06:33 PM
Nauseating. Just another cheap whore who's trying to kid herself into thinking she's "enlightened" so she doesn't have to face her own self-disgust, and persuade beautiful girls to do that which will ugly them up like her, so she won't be the only one.

The way to keep your man from straying is

A) Choose carefully in the first place

B) See to it he gets plenty of "steak" at home so he's not like a starving man whose hunger drives him to thinking "going out for a burger" sounds good.

C) Let him know IF he ever "swings through the drive-through" despite the steak, you'll do a Lorena Bobbit on him while he sleeps.

1970 silver art
3rd August 2010, 06:38 PM
There is absolutely no point in ANYONE getting married if they are going to cheat on their spouse. Cheating is cheating is cheating. If they want to call it "Negotiated Infidelity", then fine but it is still cheating. IMO all they are doing is justifying cheating. This "Negotiated Infidelity" sounds like a load of BS but it does not matter to me because I am single and I do not plan to get married.

3rd August 2010, 06:47 PM
I am poly-amorous myself; I do not see what the big thing is if it is agreed by both partners in the marriage and the objects of the infidelities. To the willing there is no injury.

5th August 2010, 12:21 PM
I am poly-amorous myself; I do not see what the big thing is if it is agreed by both partners in the marriage and the objects of the infidelities. To the willing there is no injury.

Horse puckies. It hurts the kids. Sex=pregnancy. There is no perfect birth control but "no." When men aren't sure if the kids are theirs, they don't put full fathering into it. (Obviously there are exceptions. Don't nitpick. It's true enough, often enough.) It also leaves the kids confused.

(Or, if, by luck, the bc doesn't fail and no kids, well, maybe THAT's a good thing, since your pathology is not being reproduced.)

It spreads disease which the rest of us end up paying for. AIDS spread like wildfire among gays due to the promiscuous behavior (what you so euphemistically call polyamory) of multiple partners in bathhouses. But did they pay for their hundreds of thousand of dollars of treatment? Nooooooo

Promiscuity leads to Hep B, AIDS, Staph B, and other sexually transmitted diseases in women which infect the child, often leading to lifeling devastating results.

5th August 2010, 01:05 PM
Destroy marriage
Promote free sexual exchange
Start building human hatcheries.

It's a brave new world.

5th August 2010, 01:11 PM
I am with Skirnir on this. Again, I will say that whatever consenting adults decide to do in private is their business. Whatever their marriage vows mean to them is personal to them.

Sure, "Negotiated Infidelity" is unorthodox, but so what? I am guessing many things people do within the privacy of their own homes are unorthodox.

I had friends who considered this idea in their marriage. The man was insatiable, and the woman could not keep up. They were perfect partners in every other way. It became a daily argument, and they considered outsourcing. I think it is a testament to to the health of their relationship and ability to communicate to open this option for discussion. I advised them against it, but only because of the individuals that they are. I believe it could work with the right people. They chose not to go forward with the outsourcing, but instead found another solution. (Or maybe they just lied to me.) They are currently living happily ever after.

Promiscuity leads to STDs, yes. But allowing promiscuity does not further increase the risk of disease.

5th August 2010, 01:13 PM
I am poly-amorous myself; I do not see what the big thing is if it is agreed by both partners in the marriage and the objects of the infidelities. To the willing there is no injury.

Horse puckies. It hurts the kids. Sex=pregnancy. There is no perfect birth control but "no." When men aren't sure if the kids are theirs, they don't put full fathering into it. (Obviously there are exceptions. Don't nitpick. It's true enough, often enough.) It also leaves the kids confused.

(Or, if, by luck, the bc doesn't fail and no kids, well, maybe THAT's a good thing, since your pathology is not being reproduced.)

It spreads disease which the rest of us end up paying for. AIDS spread like wildfire among gays due to the promiscuous behavior (what you so euphemistically call polyamory) of multiple partners in bathhouses. But did they pay for their hundreds of thousand of dollars of treatment? Nooooooo

Promiscuity leads to Hep B, AIDS, Staph B, and other sexually transmitted diseases in women which infect the child, often leading to lifeling devastating results.

There are thirteen forms of birth control, and failing that, I recall that abortion is legal. Therefore, the issue of the kids is irrelevant.

That said, I am not going to leave my reproduction beholden unto gynaecological issues; I'll be getting cloned. ;D

5th August 2010, 03:23 PM
"13 forms"

As I said, IF the b/c works and you fail to reproduce, mayhap that's for the best for the gene pool.

Here's your Darwin Award.

Cloning? You are still going to need a uterus for gestation since artificial wombs are a looooooonnnnng way off. And if that uterus is infected because she participated in "polyamory" or was monogamous with a partner who did, your Little Me is going to be ill.
STDs by proxy.
Straighten up, wash your wand, get tested, cure whatever ails you (if possible), find a nice girl and settle down so you can enjoy this:

Hilarious Example of What it Means to Be a 'Good Dad'

5th August 2010, 03:54 PM
"13 forms"

As I said, IF the b/c works and you fail to reproduce, mayhap that's for the best for the gene pool.

Here's your Darwin Award.

Cloning? You are still going to need a uterus for gestation since artificial wombs are a looooooonnnnng way off. And if that uterus is infected because she participated in "polyamory" or was monogamous with a partner who did, your Little Me is going to be ill.
STDs by proxy.
Straighten up, wash your wand, get tested, cure whatever ails you (if possible), find a nice girl and settle down so you can enjoy this:

Hilarious Example of What it Means to Be a 'Good Dad'

As said before, if the birth control fails (there is about a 1% probability, thus why many advise using multiple methods e.g. condom + 'the pill'), there is abortion.

As for the cloning process, that is true; a womb would be needed unless an artificial womb is invented. It would not imagine it to be a large obstacle; maybe suspension inside an aqueous solution with the umbilical cord attached to a feeding device would work, but then again, I'm not a biomedical engineer. It would be interesting to see an optimised reproduction process; right now it is so messy and prone to error. As said before, I am not going to let my reproduction be beholden unto gynaecological issues; if nothing else because transmission of 100% of my DNA is better than 50%.

That said, to paraphrase Tom Leykis, generally speaking, women are dream killers; this is corroborated by my observations. They frequently stand in the way of one achieving one's goals: first comes 'settling down' (as opposed to 'settling up'), and the expenses involved there...between the McMansion, and the rest of the silly crap they like to buy; it adds up. Then comes reproduction, frequently earlier than one expects, and is often a tactical manoeuvre by the female to 'cement' the relationship, and there is always the chance that the cohabitant is not the biological father. On top of all this, if she has a mid-life crisis and decides to run off with the pool boy, she gets favoured in divorce court on account of 'common law marriage'.

Not for me, I have better things to do than play house, better to play mad scientist :D

1970 silver art
5th August 2010, 05:11 PM
"13 forms"

As I said, IF the b/c works and you fail to reproduce, mayhap that's for the best for the gene pool.

Here's your Darwin Award.

Cloning? You are still going to need a uterus for gestation since artificial wombs are a looooooonnnnng way off. And if that uterus is infected because she participated in "polyamory" or was monogamous with a partner who did, your Little Me is going to be ill.
STDs by proxy.
Straighten up, wash your wand, get tested, cure whatever ails you (if possible), find a nice girl and settle down so you can enjoy this:

Hilarious Example of What it Means to Be a 'Good Dad'

As said before, if the birth control fails (there is about a 1% probability, thus why many advise using multiple methods e.g. condom + 'the pill'), there is abortion.

As for the cloning process, that is true; a womb would be needed unless an artificial womb is invented. It would not imagine it to be a large obstacle; maybe suspension inside an aqueous solution with the umbilical cord attached to a feeding device would work, but then again, I'm not a biomedical engineer. It would be interesting to see an optimised reproduction process; right now it is so messy and prone to error. As said before, I am not going to let my reproduction be beholden unto gynaecological issues; if nothing else because transmission of 100% of my DNA is better than 50%.

That said, to paraphrase Tom Leykis, generally speaking, women are dream killers; this is corroborated by my observations. They frequently stand in the way of one achieving one's goals: first comes 'settling down' (as opposed to 'settling up'), and the expenses involved there...between the McMansion, and the rest of the silly crap they like to buy; it adds up. Then comes reproduction, frequently earlier than one expects, and is often a tactical manoeuvre by the female to 'cement' the relationship, and there is always the chance that the cohabitant is not the biological father. On top of all this, if she has a mid-life crisis and decides to run off with the pool boy, she gets favoured in divorce court on account of 'common law marriage'.

Not for me, I have better things to do than play house, better to play mad scientist :D

I used to listen to the Tom Leykis show on a podcast and I agree with a lot of what he said when it came to women. I have always said since I have been on GIM1 was to stay away from fathering children and just say no to marriage. Then again I am a selfish person and I do not like children and I like staying single. Too bad that Tom Leykis is not on the radio anymore. Bummer........

5th August 2010, 05:28 PM
As said before, if the birth control fails (there is about a 1% probability, thus why many advise using multiple methods e.g. condom + 'the pill'), there is abortion.

As for the cloning process, that is true; a womb would be needed unless an artificial womb is invented. It would not imagine it to be a large obstacle; maybe suspension inside an aqueous solution with the umbilical cord attached to a feeding device would work, but then again, I'm not a biomedical engineer. It would be interesting to see an optimised reproduction process; right now it is so messy and prone to error. As said before, I am not going to let my reproduction be beholden unto gynaecological issues; if nothing else because transmission of 100% of my DNA is better than 50%.

That said, to paraphrase Tom Leykis, generally speaking, women are dream killers; this is corroborated by my observations. They frequently stand in the way of one achieving one's goals: first comes 'settling down' (as opposed to 'settling up'), and the expenses involved there...between the McMansion, and the rest of the silly crap they like to buy; it adds up. Then comes reproduction, frequently earlier than one expects, and is often a tactical manoeuvre by the female to 'cement' the relationship, and there is always the chance that the cohabitant is not the biological father. On top of all this, if she has a mid-life crisis and decides to run off with the pool boy, she gets favoured in divorce court on account of 'common law marriage'.

Not for me, I have better things to do than play house, better to play mad scientist :D

I used to listen to the Tom Leykis show on a podcast and I agree with a lot of what he said when it came to women. I have always said since I have been on GIM1 was to stay away from fathering children and just say no to marriage. Then again I am a selfish person and I do not like children and I like staying single. Too bad that Tom Leykis is not on the radio anymore. Bummer........

Science will enable us to father children with gynaecological interference very soon. If this involves changing my major bioengineering, so be it. Think of it this way: straight vodka is much more potent than vodka mixed with something else.