View Full Version : Should the "Karma" feature be sent to Nirvana? (i.e., should it be eliminated)?
4th August 2010, 11:24 PM
Should we petition the GS-US management to eliminate the Karma feature? There is currently a <a href="">campaign</a> to counteract the bizarre phenomenon of StackerKen having a large number of "smites." It appears that there are "karma terrorists" who hide in the shadows, and make a concerted effort to add smites to people, even if not deserved.
What say you?
4th August 2010, 11:36 PM
The fact that "awakened" people around here even give a sh!t about that kind of stuff disapoints me a fair amount.
5th August 2010, 03:26 AM
There has also been a concerted effort to smite Wildcard, which is undeserved.
5th August 2010, 03:33 AM
there are also several stealth smiters. Like I said before, I want to see the applaud/smite ratio of the entire board. I for one don't care about this karma stuff, but the ratio of the entire board would be interesting to see.
1970 silver art
5th August 2010, 03:39 AM
I think that several people (including myself) are just joking around and having fun with karma/smite feature. In the big scheme of things, it does not matter how many "applauds" that a person has and it does not matter how many "smites" a person has. Life is going to go on like it usually does anyway regardless of how many applauds and smites that a poster has.
What you really should do is create a poll and ask if the "Karma" feature should be eliminated. Let the GSUS community vote. If the "Yes" votes outnumber the "No" votes, then you should petition the GSUS management to eliminate the Karma feature and show the GSUS management the poll results to make a case for it to be eliminated.
EDIT: OOPS!!!!!!! I just now noticed the poll on this thread. Sorry for not paying attention when I wrote this post. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
BTW I voted "Maybe" because I am "neutral" on this issue on whether or not the "Karma" feature should be eliminated. I like to give Karma to the good posters but at the same time I do not like seeing good posters accumulate a very high number of smites. There are a several good posters on GSUS that have very high smite counts and that does not make any sense to me at all. Something is very wrong with that.
Grand Master Melon
5th August 2010, 03:59 AM
If we get rid of "karma" then I won't be able to just look for Philo's posts and smite them when I'm bored.
5th August 2010, 04:07 AM
For the record I do not smite, I applaud only, seems like people get beat down enough there is no need for me to part of the smite hit squad, If I don't like what someone says, well I come right out and say it. I don't hide behind an anonymous smite. With that being said, with good, honest posters like Ken and K-os getting the smite count they do, it shows how relative smite counts are.
5th August 2010, 04:08 AM
There has also been a concerted effort to smite Wildcard, which is undeserved.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't smite much, but I would rather give "smites" to people verbally. I know you were not talking directly to me, Wildcard and I have had it out before. We both misunderstand each other :)
1970 silver art
5th August 2010, 04:17 AM
For the record I do not smite, I applaud only, seems like people get beat down enough there is no need for me to part of the smite hit squad, If I don't like what someone says, well I come right out and say it. I don't hide behind an anonymous smite. With that being said, with good, honest posters like Ken and K-os getting the smite count they do, it shows how relative smite counts are.
I do not smite posters either. I have never smited any one. I only give out applauds. Something is very wrong with this picture when you have good posters like K-os and StackerKen having a high number of smites.
However, it seems to me that in order to eliminate the "Karma Terrorists" (a.k.a. The posters who are smiting others), then the Karma feature has to be eliminated.
5th August 2010, 04:27 AM
For the record I do not smite, I applaud only, seems like people get beat down enough there is no need for me to part of the smite hit squad, If I don't like what someone says, well I come right out and say it. I don't hide behind an anonymous smite. With that being said, with good, honest posters like Ken and K-os getting the smite count they do, it shows how relative smite counts are.
I do not smite posters either. I have never smited any one. I only give out applauds. Something is very wrong with this picture when you have good posters like K-os and StackerKen having a high number of smites.
However, it seems to me that in order to eliminate the "Karma Terrorists" (a.k.a. The posters who are smiting others), then the Karma feature has to be eliminated.
Remember Outlaw, they hate us for our freedom.
5th August 2010, 04:34 AM
There has also been a concerted effort to smite Wildcard, which is undeserved.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't smite much, but I would rather give "smites" to people verbally. I know you were not talking directly to me, Wildcard and I have had it out before. We both misunderstand each other :)
No, I wasn't speaking directly about you. His count is so high that it would take a number of members to contantly smite on the hour. Whether or not you have hit him with a smite him would not account for his high smite count.
5th August 2010, 04:48 AM
There has also been a concerted effort to smite Wildcard, which is undeserved.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't smite much, but I would rather give "smites" to people verbally. I know you were not talking directly to me, Wildcard and I have had it out before. We both misunderstand each other :)
No, I wasn't speaking directly about you. His count is so high that it would take a number of members to contantly smite on the hour. Whether or not you have hit him with a smite him would not account for his high smite count.
It happens, I have found posters that have zero posts and have been members for awhile. What are they doing then?? Smiting and applauding only, probably smiting more so. I am sure though thatt here are high count posters that smite constantly however. I would name names, but I have no idea since it is all anonymous.
5th August 2010, 04:59 AM
it is all anonymous.
That is the problem, summed up in 4 words.
Saul Mine
5th August 2010, 06:07 PM
BUt but but ... It keeps so many people entertained so much of the time!
5th August 2010, 06:20 PM
it's entertaining... for us simple minded...
5th August 2010, 06:23 PM
I use it occasionally, expecially for sexist comments, and I don't want to bother with a fight.
5th August 2010, 06:25 PM
Should we petition the GS-US management to eliminate the Karma feature? There is currently a <a href="">campaign</a> to counteract the bizarre phenomenon of StackerKen having a large number of "smites." It appears that there are "karma terrorists" who hide in the shadows, and make a concerted effort to add smites to people, even if not deserved.
What say you?
You should be smitten for starting such a poll.
5th August 2010, 06:27 PM
What is the use?
P.S. passive form of 'smite' is 'smitten'
5th August 2010, 06:42 PM
What is the use?
P.S. passive form of 'smite' is 'smitten'
5th August 2010, 06:42 PM
I thought it was smote.
Smitten is when you're taken/enamored with someone.
ETA: Smote is not a word!!
5th August 2010, 06:54 PM
I thought it was smote.
Smitten is when you're taken/enamored with someone.
ETA: Smote is not a word!!
It is the past active form of 'smite' e.g. 'he smote'. However, the passive form is 'smitten' e.g. 'he is smitten' where 'he' is the subject rather than the object of the verb 'smite'.
English is such a clusterf*ck of a language. Best we revert to Latin.
5th August 2010, 06:58 PM
I don't care either way, its nice to come online and not have to type a story, I try to read and learn and if I agree I will applaud, and smite if not, I do enough thinking and talking during the day.
If I responded to all the posts the spelling (smiter) would get me. ;)
Skirnir, I just applauded you for your spelling lesson! Maybe I should have smited you, is it smited???
5th August 2010, 07:00 PM
I don't care either way, its nice to come online and not have to type a story, I try to read and learn and if I agree I will applaud, and smite if not, I do enough thinking and talking during the day.
If I responded to all the posts the spelling (smiter) would get me. ;)
5th August 2010, 07:55 PM
I don't care either way, its nice to come online and not have to type a story, I try to read and learn and if I agree I will applaud, and smite if not, I do enough thinking and talking during the day.
If I responded to all the posts the spelling (smiter) would get me. ;)
Chinese is much simpler in terms of verbs; it relies upon syntax instead. It is easy to translate, but hard to speak and write.
5th August 2010, 08:12 PM
There has also been a concerted effort to smite Wildcard, which is undeserved.
Don't sell me short! ;D I earned those.
5th August 2010, 08:13 PM
There has also been a concerted effort to smite Wildcard, which is undeserved.
Don't sell me short! ;D I earned those.
That you have.
5th August 2010, 08:16 PM
Glad to piss people off. Shakes them up at least. ;D
My sig is true.
5th August 2010, 08:18 PM
Blame the birdman!
A Few of the Birdman's Many Quotations on Free Speech and Truth
* Free speech is offensive speech.
* Truth hurts -- especially if it's funny.
* The reason men are silenced is not because they speak falsely, but because they speak the truth. This is because if men speak falsehoods, their own words can be used against them; while if they speak truly, there is nothing which can be used against them -- except force.
* A good writer should be both insightful and inciteful.
* The best ideas are those alive with manly vigor, which rape each virgin mind and fill it with the seed of unborn thoughts.
* You will know you have spoken the truth when you are angrily denounced; and you will know you have spoken both truly and well when you are visited by the police.
* Things are interesting to the extent that they arouse controversy; and things which are the most interesting are those which are cursed and consigned to Hell.
* Free speech is an act of desperation. It is a last resort, an onslaught of quiet fury, and -- in most cases -- an insult to, and abandonment of, vital social norms. Men who murder have usually lost their inhibitions only for a moment; but men who speak freely have lost them forever, and are thus as dangerous to a society as a mad dog.
* To be taken seriously, you must first offend. If you do not, people will say, "Oh, he's just like so-and-so, with perhaps a touch of such-and-such", and forget about you entirely; while if you touch a raw nerve, you at least know that you are on the pathway to the brain. The point is, men will rarely think new thoughts without a jolt, and if you expect them to think the ones you have, then you must first crash your way into their consciousness.
* Truth has no manners. It is no respecter of persons. It wounds kings as deeply as commoners. It cuts down the high, and confirms the lowness of the low. It may dress up for formal occasions, but it does so only in order that it may more shockingly expose itself in front of the assembled company. And just as it respects no one, likewise there are few who respect it. But those who do are granted many favors -- power, understanding, dominion, and of course the honor of the unswerving hatred of the ignorant millions.
* What I say may seem outrageous and outre, but my purpose is to push the envelope of discourse to its outer limits on the theory that freedom of speech, like both mind and body, requires vigorous exercise to remain healthy. Beyond this, the act of pushing the free speech envelope will embolden others to speak, and their acts of boldness reinforce the perception that free speech is tolerated, thereby increasing the probability that it will be. But as I embolden others to speak, so I embolden them to act; and in this way I help insure that free speech is more than a sounding gong or a tinkling symbol. Put another way, I hope to make the world safe for bigotry, ie, safe for the opinions to which -- in Ambrose Bierce's words -- others are intractably and vociferously opposed. But if I advocate free speech, I also advocate and impose upon myself the harshest and most demanding discipline on speech: I acknowledge my critics and call attention to their criticism, and I always respond seriously to any serious criticism they may offer. What this means is that I accept and impose the discipline of truth: If someone is right in their criticism, I have an obligation to acknowledge the error -- publicly if possible; and with as stringent a discipline as this, I am forced to be careful in what I say. For all its stringency, however, this discipline offers some very distinct advantages: It ultimately disarms my critics -- not infrequently turning them into friends -- and continually reinforces my reputation among both friends and foes as one who is as intolerant of error in himself as he is intolerant of it in others, and as morally incorruptible as any man who walks the earth. By this means, then, I retain as enemies only the evil and the stupid; and these are those who would be my enemies no matter what. Thus my fights are few, easy and usually small, while my victories are often grand; and in the process I accomplish one of the most desired goals of any man anywhere -- I can sleep at night.
5th August 2010, 08:20 PM
It is good to piss them off :D
5th August 2010, 08:25 PM
Raping virgin minds madam.
Think of it as surprise brain sex. ;D
*It may be false, but I'd say the fights I've had with some of the members caused them to think about things they would have otherwise never considered. Ask Liquid.
5th August 2010, 08:27 PM
Raping virgin minds madam.
Think of it as surprise brain sex. ;D
First time I have laughed all day !!!!
5th August 2010, 08:38 PM
I never even looked there..............Ponce<--------march to the sound of his own drums :oo-->
6th August 2010, 05:56 AM
6th August 2010, 10:33 AM
Speaking as someone who has amassed a large amount of smites - I say keep the karma feature. Anyone who takes it too seriously really shouldn't spend too much time here anyway.
I have no idea why I have so many smites. One Sunday a while back I received 30 smites in one night, while I was sleeping. Clues. Clues.
Another thing I noticed is that I racked up a whole lot of smites during a couple of weeks when I wasn't even posting (and few applauds). To me, that is a signal of an old grudge. And for that, I have to laugh. What kind of a pathetic loser spends his/her time smiting someone? I wish them luck in finding a life worth living.
6th August 2010, 10:42 AM
The poll to eliminate the karma thing is split down the middle; perhaps making one's karma optional would be better?
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