View Full Version : Queer Nation- the fires of Sodom & Gomorrah are not far away

5th August 2010, 05:38 AM
A Californication judge has just rejected a same-sex marriage ban in CA. This will now go to the supreme (not so supreme) court.

Against more than half the people in CA, this openly gay judge is pushing HIS own agenda into the realm of law. The evil-minded of this world will not be happy until they have perverted all vestiges of good & honorable institutions. Violation of principles will prepare this nation for fires of judgment. We have been slipping down a putrid refuse and excrement-laden slope for a long time and now we approach complete perversion. Those who have attempted to be salt & light are being silenced.

Soon, there will be no more warnings. The judgments will be the last chance for people to change their ways. I think the warnings will go mostly unheeded and instead, the many troubles will be an excuse for the people to curse the God they claim does not exist.

5th August 2010, 05:45 AM
Marriage has been perverted since the day the state got involved and mandated that you have to get a "license."

If the state wasn't involved and gays still lived together and called it a marriage would it make a difference? It's gone on for thousands of years even back to the days of the Eygptions.

Not you, and not god is going to change the way someone was born.

5th August 2010, 05:54 AM
Marriage has been perverted since the day the state got involved and mandated that you have to get a "licenses."

If the state wasn't involved and gays still lived together and called it a marriage would it make a difference? It's gone on for thousands of years even back to the days of the Eygptions.

Not you, and not god is going to change the way someone was born.

Now that is hilarious. Your "god" is not my God.

I am nobody and I have no power. But, I do know the One who is the Power and I can assure you that there is change coming. Play any legal excuse you want. Claim any sorry circumstance forces people to violate the Laws of Nature and Nature's God. There will be a reckoning.

5th August 2010, 05:58 AM
So you agree that god created humans in his image?

But would judge someone differently who was born with a sexual preference that was not of your own.

Now THAT is hilarious.

5th August 2010, 06:18 AM
The State shouldn't be involved in ANY marriage.

That being said, I don't understand homosexuals.

If a man wants to have sex with another man, I suppose that's their business... but how can a man not be sexually attracted to women? That puzzles the hell out of me, and to me is indicative of some sort of "disease".

If complete homosexuality is completely natural, how come they can't naturally reproduce?

BTW, lesbians I have no problems with whatsoever. :D

5th August 2010, 06:28 AM
The State shouldn't be involved in ANY marriage.

That being said, I don't understand homosexuals.

If a man wants to have sex with another man, I suppose that's their business... but how can a man not be sexually attracted to women? That puzzles the hell out of me, and to me is indicative of some sort of "disease".

If complete homosexuality is completely natural, how come they can't naturally reproduce?

BTW, lesbians I have no problems with whatsoever. :D

It puzzled the hell out of me for the longest time. I could never understand how a man could not find the hour glass figure of a woman attractive.

But I do have a couple gay friends that I've known for a while and I asked them how could they not love woman. They said they've always known since they were kids that they weren't attracted to woman. They said they tried the "straight route" in high school but just felt uncomfortable and out of character.

They equated it to me trying to go out and have relations with another guy.

Desolation LineTrimmer
5th August 2010, 06:33 AM
So you agree that god created humans in his image?

But would judge someone differently who was born with a sexual preference that was not of your own.

Now THAT is hilarious.

Marriage is a sacrament between a man and woman because new life is generated between them. Homosexuality cannot generate new life, although homosexuals do generate deadly diseases. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Domestic partnership is for homosexuals.

5th August 2010, 06:40 AM
The State shouldn't be involved in ANY marriage.

That being said, I don't understand homosexuals.

If a man wants to have sex with another man, I suppose that's their business... but how can a man not be sexually attracted to women? That puzzles the hell out of me, and to me is indicative of some sort of "disease".

If complete homosexuality is completely natural, how come they can't naturally reproduce?

BTW, lesbians I have no problems with whatsoever. :D

It puzzled the hell out of me for the longest time. I could never understand how a man could not find the hour glass figure of a woman attractive.

But I do have a couple gay friends that I've known for a while and I asked them how could they not love woman. They said they've always known since they were kids that they weren't attracted to woman. They said they tried the "straight route" in high school but just felt uncomfortable and out of character.

They equated it to me trying to go out and have relations with another guy.

Maybe gays are gay from birth, which seems to confirm that there is something wrong with them genetically or something.

I don't hate gays or anything, I just find them to be a biological curiosity.

If the goal of life is to further the species, then gays fail... According to Nature, they are not meant to reproduce.

Men are meant to be with women - as a matter of fact, that's how we all got here (even test-tube babies require male and female components).

5th August 2010, 06:43 AM
I the irony is some here want to dictate to others how to live their lives.

But when the .gov/State tries to dictate to them how to live their lives, it is Tyranny!

(Maybe if you didnt use the .gov/State to interfere in others lives, that same .gov/State wouldnt think its ok to interfere in your life)

Pot, meet Kettle.

5th August 2010, 07:14 AM
So you agree that god created humans in his image?

But would judge someone differently who was born with a sexual preference that was not of your own.

Now THAT is hilarious.

God created mankind in His image.... He created them male & female. It was Adam & Eve, not Harry & Steve. They were created good and had perfection in their beings. When they CHOSE to violate one simple command, they changed all of that. No longer would they have eternal life. No longer did they carry the full image of God. No longer could they have open communication with God. Mankind became an enemy kingdom- perverted from the good that it WAS created. The perversion increases over time with each generation and leads to death.

5th August 2010, 07:16 AM
I the irony is some here want to dictate to others how to live their lives.

But when the .gov/State tries to dictate to them how to live their lives, it is Tyranny!

(Maybe if you didnt use the .gov/State to interfere in others lives, that same .gov/State wouldnt think its ok to interfere in your life)

Pot, meet Kettle.

Bingo. Stay out of my life and I'll stay out of yours.

Personally I think there are 2 kinds of gay people. The ones born that way and the ones that decide to be that way. I've met both.

5th August 2010, 07:17 AM
I the irony is some here want to dictate to others how to live their lives.

But when the .gov/State tries to dictate to them how to live their lives, it is Tyranny!

(Maybe if you didnt use the .gov/State to interfere in others lives, that same .gov/State wouldnt think its ok to interfere in your life)

Pot, meet Kettle.

Nice try at twisting an argument, but I can see right through that nonsense.

We have either anarchy or the rule of law. What is at stake here is the validity and principle of the HUMAN laws enacted. If these human laws do not reflect nature's laws or violate the LAWS of God, then they lead to further destruction and death.

ALL laws dictate something. A law that says I must respect perversion is dictating that I violate my conscience and the LAWS of God.

5th August 2010, 07:34 AM
I the irony is some here want to dictate to others how to live their lives.

But when the .gov/State tries to dictate to them how to live their lives, it is Tyranny!

(Maybe if you didnt use the .gov/State to interfere in others lives, that same .gov/State wouldnt think its ok to interfere in your life)

Pot, meet Kettle.

Nice try at twisting an argument, but I can see right through that nonsense.

We have either anarchy or the rule of law. What is at stake here is the validity and principle of the HUMAN laws enacted. If these human laws do not reflect nature's laws or violate the LAWS of God, then they lead to further destruction and death.

ALL laws dictate something. A law that says I must respect perversion is dictating that I violate my conscience and the LAWS of God.

Are YOU going to Judge them, or God? Leaving them alone, and respecting what they do, are 2 different things.

The Rule of Law, is that the STATE has NO SAY in anyone's personal lives. Period.

5th August 2010, 07:39 AM
I the irony is some here want to dictate to others how to live their lives.

But when the .gov/State tries to dictate to them how to live their lives, it is Tyranny!

(Maybe if you didnt use the .gov/State to interfere in others lives, that same .gov/State wouldnt think its ok to interfere in your life)

Pot, meet Kettle.

Nice try at twisting an argument, but I can see right through that nonsense.

We have either anarchy or the rule of law. What is at stake here is the validity and principle of the HUMAN laws enacted. If these human laws do not reflect nature's laws or violate the LAWS of God, then they lead to further destruction and death.

ALL laws dictate something. A law that says I must respect perversion is dictating that I violate my conscience and the LAWS of God.

Are YOU going to Judge them, or God? Leaving them alone, and respecting what they do, are 2 different things.

The Rule of Law, is that the STATE has NO SAY in anyone's personal lives. Period.

Wake up! You muddle along blindly with a sleepy non-sensical argument. Nobody is judging gays any more than anyone is judging pedophiles. The behavior, however, IS being judged. It is perversion.

Your statement about "the rule of law" makes NO sense whatsoever. We are not talking about personal lives. We are talking about PUBLIC lives. We are talking about the requirement for all to RESPECT queer marriage. In this, gay couples are to ba afforded PUBLICALLY all honor and financial equality with what is not perverse.

5th August 2010, 07:42 AM
Every single one of us has certain weaknesses. Certain sins that we are more tempted by and more prone to commit. With the vast majority of men, one of those weaknesses is sex. For most of us it is the desire to have sex with women we are not married to. For a few it is a desire to have sex with men they are not and can not be married to. Both are sins and are equally deserving of God's wrath. It is only by the grace of God that any of us can be saved. I certainly do not envy those born with an innate weakness for homosexuality.

That said, the institution of marriage is well defined and has been for millenia. It means a lifelong union between 1 man and 1 woman. The government can pass a law to redefine it, but they might as well pass a law declaring that the sky is yellow. Passing a law doesn't change the facts.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
5th August 2010, 07:43 AM
You zealots are playing right into the homosexual agenda. New tactics are needed.

Key points of the homosexual agenda:
1. "Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible."
2. "Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers."
3. "Give homosexual protectors a just cause."
4. "Make gays look good."
5. "Make the victimizers look bad."
6. "Get funds from corporate America."

5th August 2010, 08:00 AM
You zealots are playing right into the homosexual agenda. New tactics are needed.

Key points of the homosexual agenda:
1. "Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible."
2. "Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers."
3. "Give homosexual protectors a just cause."
4. "Make gays look good."
5. "Make the victimizers look bad."
6. "Get funds from corporate America."

LOL... zealots. Someone who expresses a christian belief and one that has been part of the founding and greatness of America is not tolerated in this brave new world of toleration. Ridicule the principled ones with slurs like "zealots", "fundamentalists", "radicals". "haters", "Mean-spirited", "intolerant", etc.

I happen to think the stench of this world has gotten to great. The world is dead meat, rotting horribly. There is no longer the ability or desire to preserve the meat from further decay. The smell is attracting vultures. The plague of flies is upon us. Those who shake off the rotten flesh can escape the worst of what is to come. Those who hold to the dead things will be treated dead and go with the dead.

5th August 2010, 08:04 AM
The State shouldn't be involved in ANY marriage.

That being said, I don't understand homosexuals.

If a man wants to have sex with another man, I suppose that's their business... but how can a man not be sexually attracted to women? That puzzles the hell out of me, and to me is indicative of some sort of "disease".

If complete homosexuality is completely natural, how come they can't naturally reproduce?

BTW, lesbians I have no problems with whatsoever. :D

You know that natural, undeniable attraction to women that you have? Well, for some reason (I see it as sort of a bug in the design), a small number of folks are born with that same attraction, only pointed at members of their own sex. I figure God considered it an acceptable range of error from spec, maybe even built it in for the purposes of population control, who knows?

While I believe that homosexuality (the biological type, not the social type) is technically a natural occurrence, it may or may not be ideal to the design. Of course, it's not my design, it's God's, and I'm sure if He feels it's necessary to make some tweaks to correct a flaw in the design, He will.

God's plan for me is to make beer, not eradicate homosexuality.

5th August 2010, 08:10 AM
The State shouldn't be involved in ANY marriage.

That being said, I don't understand homosexuals.

If a man wants to have sex with another man, I suppose that's their business... but how can a man not be sexually attracted to women? That puzzles the hell out of me, and to me is indicative of some sort of "disease".

If complete homosexuality is completely natural, how come they can't naturally reproduce?

BTW, lesbians I have no problems with whatsoever. :D

You know that natural, undeniable attraction to women that you have? Well, for some reason (I see it as sort of a bug in the design), a small number of folks are born with that same attraction, only pointed at members of their own sex. I figure God considered it an acceptable range of error from spec, maybe even built it in for the purposes of population control, who knows?

While I believe that homosexuality (the biological type, not the social type) is technically a natural occurrence, it may or may not be ideal to the design. Of course, it's not my design, it's God's, and I'm sure if He feels it's necessary to make some tweaks to correct a flaw in the design, He will.

God's plan for me is to make beer, not eradicate homosexuality.

We are in agreement. Homosexuality is a "natural occurrence" (but so is being blind from birth for some people), but also a "bug in the design", because homosexuality doesn't permit reproduction. I've also thought about the possible "population-control" angle.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure we are on the same page, except I make mead instead of beer.


5th August 2010, 08:47 AM
I the irony is some here want to dictate to others how to live their lives.

But when the .gov/State tries to dictate to them how to live their lives, it is Tyranny!

(Maybe if you didnt use the .gov/State to interfere in others lives, that same .gov/State wouldnt think its ok to interfere in your life)

Pot, meet Kettle.

Bingo. Stay out of my life and I'll stay out of yours.

Personally I think there are 2 kinds of gay people. The ones born that way and the ones that decide to be that way. I've met both.

I couldn't agree more with both statements.

5th August 2010, 08:58 AM
I the irony is some here want to dictate to others how to live their lives.

But when the .gov/State tries to dictate to them how to live their lives, it is Tyranny!

(Maybe if you didnt use the .gov/State to interfere in others lives, that same .gov/State wouldnt think its ok to interfere in your life)

Pot, meet Kettle.

Bingo. Stay out of my life and I'll stay out of yours.

Personally I think there are 2 kinds of gay people. The ones born that way and the ones that decide to be that way. I've met both.

I couldn't agree more with both statements.

When you pay taxes into a socialist system, you are not staying out of my life. The socialist system intrudes on nearly everything.

Schools- we have grade schoolers learning that Johnny has two dads.

Church- pastors and followers are hoodwinked into thinking they must be registered as 501c3 and may not talk about politics. Pastors will be required to marry gays or face fines/prison. Churches will be required to hire (and not fire) openly gays as it becomes an acceptable lifestyle- by law.

Health- "required" vaccinations for students and some occupations. As the system becomes more governmental, gays will drain the bank further. How? Aids and the new plagues that are about to break loose.

Here is a principle that you had best learn. Partner with someone who is going to face destruction and you too will face destruction. Protect one destined for destruction and you too will receive the penalty aimed at that person. This also applies to nations.

I am me, I am free
5th August 2010, 09:25 AM
IMO, fag-gotism is a disease which breeds disease. Inserting a vulnerable part of one's body (where the skin is the thinnest) into the waste port of another is NOT natural, I don't care HOW ya frame it.

5th August 2010, 10:19 AM
I happen to think the stench of this world has gotten to great. The world is dead meat, rotting horribly. There is no longer the ability or desire to preserve the meat from further decay. The smell is attracting vultures. The plague of flies is upon us. Those who shake off the rotten flesh can escape the worst of what is to come. Those who hold to the dead things will be treated dead and go with the dead.

Your post brought to mind a phrase by Nietzsche:

The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.

5th August 2010, 10:24 AM
I happen to think the stench of this world has gotten to great. The world is dead meat, rotting horribly. There is no longer the ability or desire to preserve the meat from further decay. The smell is attracting vultures. The plague of flies is upon us. Those who shake off the rotten flesh can escape the worst of what is to come. Those who hold to the dead things will be treated dead and go with the dead.

Your post brought to mind a phrase by Nietzsche:

The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.

Interesting argument. I agree that what you seek, you will find. But did the christians really go SEEKING to see the world as ugly & bad or were they simply seeing what is already there and acknowledging the truth? I would hold that the argument is made of straw- presuming that there is no ugly or bad in the world until the "powerful" belief system of the christians caused it. Think about it. That really is a silly argument, isn't it?

5th August 2010, 01:13 PM
A <s>Californication</s> judge has just rejected a same-sex marriage ban in CA.

FEDERAL "judge."

Violation of principles will prepare this nation for fires of judgment.


Burn this ENTIRE FU*KER TO THE GROUND! The whole country needs to go. Jeremiah Wright was right: "God bless America? No, Go.d DAMN America!"

We have been slipping down a putrid refuse and excrement-laden slope for a long time and now we approach complete perversion.

The final stage is the "legalization" of child molestation ("man-boy 'love'") and f@ggot/boy "marriage." The very same arguments that have been used to justify, first, interracial "marriage" and lately, f@ggot "marriage," will be used to "justify" pederasty. "Freedom, freedom," the perverts and their fellow-travelers will cry, "who are you to tell this boy what his sexuality should be, who are you to tell him who he may 'love'?"

Those who have attempted to be salt & light are being silenced.

They'll have to KILL me to silence me on social decay.

Soon, there will be no more warnings. The judgments will be the last chance for people to change their ways. I think the warnings will go mostly unheeded and instead, the many troubles will be an excuse for the people to curse the God they claim does not exist.

BRING IT ON! God, please have mercy on the truly innocent in this God-hating land.

Grand Master Melon
5th August 2010, 01:14 PM
Is hell not enough for the homo haters?

5th August 2010, 01:15 PM
Not you, and not god is going to change the way someone was born.

Homosexuals are not "born that way" any more than alcoholics are "born that way." There is a tendency, yes, but one they choose to succumb to.

F@ggots cannot be eliminated, it is true, but back in the closet they must go, if society wants to continue.

5th August 2010, 01:17 PM
If a man wants to have sex with another man, I suppose that's their business... but how can a man not be sexually attracted to women? That puzzles the hell out of me, and to me is indicative of some sort of "disease".

My daughter's "gay" friend was yapping just last night in front of me, about Prop. 8 and "gay" issues. I asked him this. "How can you see all these beautiful girls, and still want to fu*k a man in the ass?!" He had no answer.

Homosexuality = dangerous mental illness.

5th August 2010, 01:20 PM
The Rule of Law, is that the STATE has NO SAY in anyone's personal lives. Period.

I want to genetically engineer a deadly pathogen, and then start spreading it all over society. It's my "personal life" and you have no right to judge me!


5th August 2010, 01:22 PM
Every single one of us has certain weaknesses. Certain sins that we are more tempted by and more prone to commit. With the vast majority of men, one of those weaknesses is sex. For most of us it is the desire to have sex with women we are not married to. For a few it is a desire to have sex with men they are not and can not be married to. Both are sins and are equally deserving of God's wrath. It is only by the grace of God that any of us can be saved. I certainly do not envy those born with an innate weakness for homosexuality.

That said, the institution of marriage is well defined and has been for millenia. It means a lifelong union between 1 man and 1 woman. The government can pass a law to redefine it, but they might as well pass a law declaring that the sky is yellow. Passing a law doesn't change the facts.

This "court decision" is a blatant statement that God does not matter. In fact, the "court" is "god."

5th August 2010, 01:23 PM
Key points of the homosexual agenda:...6. "Get funds from corporate America."

THE key point of the homosexual agenda.

And THAT should tell you everything. The f@g agenda is fully-funded by corporatists.

5th August 2010, 01:24 PM

5th August 2010, 01:24 PM
Is hell not enough for the homo haters?

No homo-haters here. What I abhore is the attempt by homo's and homo-philes to jam their low standards down my chimney. Hell is a horrible place designed for fallen angels.... not men. It is, however, a place that many men are choosing to call their "forever home".

When people love their "lifestyle" above and against the One who gave them life in the beginning, they reject life and they choose their own torment.

Some would believe that homosexuality is born into people. This is not so. There may be tendencies induced by chemical or hormonal imbalances. Not the brain is rewired by behaviour. All of us are subject to some weakness. Think about your own. If you indulge in that weakness, it becomes a habit- then an addiction if there is a reward/ pay-off for that behavior. This habit causes the brain to change like a muscle adapting to the strains it feels by external stresses hitting it repeatedly.

The habit becomes a monkey on your back and OWNS you. Want to be owned by a monkey? Keep playing its game. Want to shoot the monkey off your back? Choose life.

5th August 2010, 01:27 PM
The Rule of Law, is that the STATE has NO SAY in anyone's personal lives. Period.

I want to genetically engineer a deadly pathogen, and then start spreading it all over society. It's my "personal life" and you have no right to judge me!


That is not YOUR personal life. SMART ASS.

If YOU want to make a deadly pathogen and drink it up by yourself, THEN DO IT.

Nice try though.......YOU know exactly what i meant.

5th August 2010, 01:30 PM
Homosexuals are AT WAR with normal/Godly people. If schizophrenics demanded "equal rights" and insisted you accept their belief that the sky is green and grass is blue, you'd call them mental cases, and ignore them. But when it involves SEXUAL mental disorders, people jump aboard the "gay" pride express. I have my suspicions on why this happens.

WE ARE AT WAR. They are winning, because we won't even acknowledge it's a war. And "they" are not just the f@ggots and dykes themselves, but their corporatist bankrollers and Jewsmedia cheerleaders who enable them.

5th August 2010, 01:30 PM
The Rule of Law, is that the STATE has NO SAY in anyone's personal lives. Period.

I want to genetically engineer a deadly pathogen, and then start spreading it all over society. It's my "personal life" and you have no right to judge me!


That is not YOUR personal life. SMART ASS.

If YOU want to make a deadly pathogen and drink it up by yourself, THEN DO IT.

Nice try though.......YOU know exactly what i meant.

Last I checked, that is murder, and an initiation of force.

5th August 2010, 01:34 PM
The Rule of Law, is that the STATE has NO SAY in anyone's personal lives. Period.

I want to genetically engineer a deadly pathogen, and then start spreading it all over society. It's my "personal life" and you have no right to judge me!


That is not YOUR personal life. SMART ASS.



"Bug Chasers: the men who long to be HIV+" - published in Rolling Stone, but pulled, so it is sourced from Solar General.

F@ggots engage in behaviors that "genetically engineer" deadly pathogens, and then "inject" these pathogens into the general community, without regard for what it causes. HIV/AIDS is due to F@GGOT behavior primarily.

F@ggotism is a public health menace.

5th August 2010, 01:34 PM
The Rule of Law, is that the STATE has NO SAY in anyone's personal lives. Period.

I want to genetically engineer a deadly pathogen, and then start spreading it all over society. It's my "personal life" and you have no right to judge me!


That is not YOUR personal life. SMART ASS.

If YOU want to make a deadly pathogen and drink it up by yourself, THEN DO IT.

Nice try though.......YOU know exactly what i meant.

Last I checked, that is murder, and an initiation of force.

Homo sex is a "lethal injection" of pathogens.

5th August 2010, 01:36 PM
The Rule of Law, is that the STATE has NO SAY in anyone's personal lives. Period.

I want to genetically engineer a deadly pathogen, and then start spreading it all over society. It's my "personal life" and you have no right to judge me!


That is not YOUR personal life. SMART ASS.

If YOU want to make a deadly pathogen and drink it up by yourself, THEN DO IT.

Nice try though.......YOU know exactly what i meant.

Last I checked, that is murder, and an initiation of force.

Homo sex is a "lethal injection" of pathogens.

Provided it is consensual, to borrow a maxim from Roman law, to the willing there is no injury.

5th August 2010, 01:38 PM
Lets rephrase this question:

What if the Judge had ruled AGAINST same sex marriage and banned it state wide, then quoted the Bible and drank some wine....

Would this thread be a happy fest?

Because i would be saying the same stuff if the Judge would have banned it. THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY.

5th August 2010, 01:39 PM
AIDS was likely engineered in a lab.

5th August 2010, 01:46 PM
Lets rephrase this question:

What if the Judge had ruled AGAINST same sex marriage and banned it state wide, then quoted the Bible and drank some wine....

Would this thread be a happy fest?

Because i would be saying the same stuff if the Judge would have banned it. THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY.

Not so. Where do you think authority comes from? This is the key question. If you do not know the chain of authority. you can never find truth in such matters.

If the judge ruled that there was no legal right to homo marriage, he would merely be complying with his authority and re-speaking what already is LAW.

I am me, I am free
5th August 2010, 01:51 PM
The state has no business sanctioning unnatural (not to mention unhealthy) behavior.

But hey, that's what we've got now - natural and healthy shunned, unnatural and unhealthy highly desired.

5th August 2010, 01:51 PM
The State shouldn't be involved in ANY marriage.

That being said, I don't understand homosexuals.

Agreed, and I don't understand them either. Many times homosexuals are just exchanging parts (that are not designed to fit together, by the way). For example, a woman is a lesbian, but is partnered up with a woman who sounds like a man, walks like a man, dresses like a man. Then there's a man who so detests women, that he partners up with a man who sounds like a woman, has interests similar to that of women's, etc.

Weird. But even amongst my confusion, I don't care what they're doing as long as it's between consenting adults.

5th August 2010, 01:57 PM
Lets rephrase this question:

What if the Judge had ruled AGAINST same sex marriage and banned it state wide, then quoted the Bible and drank some wine....

Would this thread be a happy fest?

Because i would be saying the same stuff if the Judge would have banned it. THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY.

Not so. Where do you think authority comes from? This is the key question. If you do not know the chain of authority. you can never find truth in such matters.

If the judge ruled that there was no legal right to homo marriage, he would merely be complying with his authority and re-speaking what already is LAW.

There is no such thing as a Legal Right. Government does not create rights, they take them in exchange for privileges and benefits.

The authority comes from the individual who gives it up through consent to the STATE. The STATE then dictates to everyone else what they can do. How did the Judge even get to hear this case? Because somebody brought the case to trial. So 1 idiot brings this crap to trial, and now the rest of the people have to abide by it. Thank you Democracy.

1 of those requires consent, the other does not.

Do i need to get a license NOT to kill anybody?

If you are required to sign your name IT IS NOT THE LAW.

5th August 2010, 01:57 PM
AIDS was likely engineered in a lab.

Likely true, but they found willing vectors to spread it everywhere in buttfu*king homos.

5th August 2010, 01:59 PM
The authority comes from the individual who gives it up through consent to the STATE.

The State ASSUMES "authority" by force of arms.

5th August 2010, 02:00 PM
The authority comes from the individual who gives it up through consent to the STATE.

The State ASSUMES "authority" by force of arms.

Funny, i havent been 'forced by arms' to the court house to marry another guy?

Whats funny is i agree with you guys, In that i do not agree with what they choose to do with their lives.

I just realize the big picture, the Government has no say either way. End of story.

5th August 2010, 02:15 PM
Funny, i havent been 'forced by arms' to the court house to marry another guy?

Why don't you try to refuse to hire or rent to a f@ggot?

5th August 2010, 02:24 PM
Lets rephrase this question:

What if the Judge had ruled AGAINST same sex marriage and banned it state wide, then quoted the Bible and drank some wine....

Would this thread be a happy fest?

Because i would be saying the same stuff if the Judge would have banned it. THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY.

Not so. Where do you think authority comes from? This is the key question. If you do not know the chain of authority. you can never find truth in such matters.

If the judge ruled that there was no legal right to homo marriage, he would merely be complying with his authority and re-speaking what already is LAW.

There is no such thing as a Legal Right. Government does not create rights, they take them in exchange for privileges and benefits.

The authority comes from the individual who gives it up through consent to the STATE. The STATE then dictates to everyone else what they can do. How did the Judge even get to hear this case? Because somebody brought the case to trial. So 1 idiot brings this crap to trial, and now the rest of the people have to abide by it. Thank you Democracy.

1 of those requires consent, the other does not.

Do i need to get a license NOT to kill anybody?

If you are required to sign your name IT IS NOT THE LAW.

This is getting a little tedious, but I will push on. Legal= the establishment of rules or codes by man. Lawful = in accordance with the edicts of God. Man's laws are not always in accordance with God's laws so legal does not mean lawful.

Rights are extended from the Creator to the created.

The US Constitution is created by men under the category of "we the people" on behalf of all who consent to be thereunder governed. There are rights and responsibilities enumerated in the constitution in an attempt to keep the lower chains (like our president and congress and the courts) in accordance with the ultimate authority- above the men who consented to be governed. The contract requires that the government comply with the authority who granted the rights to the people, who sublet the rights to the government. Any time that government steps outside of the authority of God, they violate their contract to righteously govern.

5th August 2010, 05:06 PM
If I ever see the creator, I'll punch him in the damn nose; I've just about had it with his/her/its/Idon'tgiveacrap nonsense.

5th August 2010, 05:25 PM
If I ever see the creator, I'll punch him in the damn nose; I've just about had it with his/her/its/Idon'tgiveacrap nonsense.

You Will see him someday Skirnir. And, I dunno...maybe he will let you have first swing

5th August 2010, 05:41 PM
While I believe that homosexuality (the biological type, not the social type) is technically a natural occurrence, it may or may not be ideal to the design. Of course, it's not my design, it's God's, and I'm sure if He feels it's necessary to make some tweaks to correct a flaw in the design, He will.

This world is currently Not the way God wants it to be. This world is corrupted and Cursed.
But It will be restored. I don't know why God let it happen...maybe its a test for each of us.
But it is only for a relatively short time really.

Maybe some people are born Gay...

There are some kids that are born selfish ...They have to be Taught to share.

Some kids are born violent they Have to be taught that hitting is wrong

Same with Lying..stealing...cheating....some kids do these things...Maybe they are born that way?..

Yeah maybe

It doesn't make it Right.

I think we all know what is right....some of us need to be told its not ok to do those things though. and some will do it anyway.

The Bible says Homosex is wrong. I don't think it says that a man loving another man is wrong.
Just the sex part is wrong
Its not right...just like lots of other things people do that are not right.

Now Don't get me wrong... if gays wanna have sex...I am not gonna try to stop them.

But I'm never gonna say it is "right" Cause its Not. It is Obviously not right. Everyone knows that.

5th August 2010, 06:01 PM
If I ever see the creator, I'll punch him in the damn nose; I've just about had it with his/her/its/Idon'tgiveacrap nonsense.

A little suggestion..... you would do much better to get that out of your system here and now. Later will be too late and such sentiments would be like a mosquito spitting at a nuclear blast.

5th August 2010, 06:04 PM
If I ever see the creator, I'll punch him in the damn nose; I've just about had it with his/her/its/Idon'tgiveacrap nonsense.

A little suggestion..... you would do much better to get that out of your system here and now. Later will be too late and such sentiments would be like a mosquito spitting at a nuclear blast.

Very funny. Such a foul being deserves nothing less than scorn.

5th August 2010, 06:12 PM
If I ever see the creator, I'll punch him in the damn nose; I've just about had it with his/her/its/Idon'tgiveacrap nonsense.

A little suggestion..... you would do much better to get that out of your system here and now. Later will be too late and such sentiments would be like a mosquito spitting at a nuclear blast.

Very funny. Such a foul being deserves nothing less than scorn.

You have no idea how messed up your vision is. If you had any clue that you hate the only one who wants to help you- out of this entire world, you would not say such things. One day you will regret the wrong ideas you stubbornly held.

I am me, I am free
5th August 2010, 06:15 PM
If I ever see the creator, I'll punch him in the damn nose; I've just about had it with his/her/its/Idon'tgiveacrap nonsense.

A little suggestion..... you would do much better to get that out of your system here and now. Later will be too late and such sentiments would be like a mosquito spitting at a nuclear blast.

Very funny. Such a foul being deserves nothing less than scorn.

You aren't going to like this, but this state of affairs of yours is entirely a result of your own thinking and your own deeds, indeed, your mindset. YOU have created this situation, and YOU are ultimately responsible for it.

If you think your world sucks, then your world does indeed suck.

Be the change you want to see in the world. --Gandhi

I am me, I am free
5th August 2010, 06:19 PM
If I ever see the creator, I'll punch him in the damn nose; I've just about had it with his/her/its/Idon'tgiveacrap nonsense.

A little suggestion..... you would do much better to get that out of your system here and now. Later will be too late and such sentiments would be like a mosquito spitting at a nuclear blast.

Very funny. Such a foul being deserves nothing less than scorn.

You have no idea how messed up your vision is. If you had any clue that you hate the only one who wants to help you- out of this entire world, you would not say such things. One day you will regret the wrong ideas you stubbornly held.

Spec, I disagree - some just never make it. That's why I call all this 'the contest'.

5th August 2010, 06:21 PM
You aren't going to like this, but this state of affairs of yours is entirely a result of your own thinking and your own deeds, indeed, your mindset. YOU have created this situation, and YOU are ultimately responsible for it.

If you think your world sucks, then your world does indeed suck.

Be the change you want to see in the world. --Gandhi

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe -- Einstein

Try reversing the infinite and then we can talk. Hint: try 'being the change'.

5th August 2010, 07:21 PM
A Californication judge has just rejected a same-sex marriage ban in CA. This will now go to the supreme (not so supreme) court.

If this goes to SCOTUS, it will pass. I just read the Senate approved the Khazar lesbo.

My own personal opinon... I think the "gay gene" is BS. If there was a "gay gene", it would have been bred out long ago. Forty years of social engineering has produced most of the homosexuals out there.

5th August 2010, 08:45 PM
A Californication judge has just rejected a same-sex marriage ban in CA. This will now go to the supreme (not so supreme) court.

If this goes to SCOTUS, it will pass. I just read the Senate approved the Khazar lesbo.

My own personal opinon... I think the "gay gene" is BS. If there was a "gay gene", it would have been bred out long ago. Forty years of social engineering has produced most of the homosexuals out there.

Forty years huh? Homosexuality has only been around for forty years?

Hmmm... :conf:

5th August 2010, 09:37 PM
Forty years huh? Homosexuality has only been around for forty years?

Uh, no. That's not what he meant, and you know it.

F@ggots throughout history have been a tiny minority. The "immune" systems of healthy societies suppress disease, so homos have been forced to remain in the closet.

Now, in degenerate America, the campaign of "gay is great" has artificially increased the number of homos, along with the gender-bending chemicals which have caused boys to have a tendency toward effeminate behavior.

Saul Mine
6th August 2010, 04:09 AM
Well, I can see that nobody here understand why a man and woman decide to be married, or why it is good for a society to encourage that, or why it's a mistake to allow any government to have any say at all re marriage. I don't care enough to spend the electrons explaining the spiritual or social aspects of same sex marriage, but it is fairly easy to explain the legal aspects.


Permutations, or This Gay New World

by Paul C. Robbins, Ph.D.
June 12, 2003

Let's be clear on the issue: it's same-sex marriage, not "gay marriage." Once the prohibition against a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman is removed, as the courts seem close to doing, any man can marry any man and any woman can marry any woman (with perhaps a couple of exceptions). Since procreation is no longer a legal purpose of marriage, the requirement that a marriage be consummated would also be eliminated -- I doubt any court wishes to define exactly which homosexual sex act comprises consummation.

Would all this change the nature of marriage? Yes. It might not change the extra-legal aspects of most marriages -- the emotional and spiritual union between two people -- but it would have profound effects on the legal nature of marriage and parenthood.

To understand these, one must first recognize that if a same-sex marriage is the same as an opposite-sex marriage, then an opposite-sex marriage is the same as a same-sex marriage. In other words, if a equals b, then b equals a. The same rules would apply to a marriage between a woman and a woman, a man and a man, and a man and a woman. (If not, then the law would still be discriminatory.)

The traditional marriage between a man and a woman has a long history and brings with it both customs and expectations. It has also accrued a number of legal precedents that affect men and women differently. For example, if a husband has an affair that results in a child, his wife has no legal responsibility for the child. But if the wife has the affair that results in a child, then her husband does have legal responsibility for the child under the legal doctrine of "presumption of paternity." So, how will this doctrine apply to two married women or two married men? Will we invent the doctrine of "presumption of maternity"? Doing so is logical, but it would have a profound effect on both the natural rights of parents and the reproductive rights of women.

The theory of natural rights -- that the natural, or biological, parents traditionally have rights to the child superior to anyone else -- is the basis of most parental laws. It basically holds that if you're the biological mother or father of the child, then you're the legal mother or father of the child. Those rights can be lost, given up, or limited, but nature is still our primary guide to determining who is a parent. A gay marriage, however, can result in a child having "two mommies" or "two daddies," meaning nature would no longer be our guide in deciding who is a parent. So how will we know who is and who is not a parent? The courts will tell us.

One other tradition to be considered is common-law marriage, in which a man and a woman cohabit and present themselves as husband and wife. As a result of this, they may be married in the eyes of the law, even if no ceremony is performed.

To understand how same-sex marriage might affect these traditions, let's begin by considering a marriage between two women, Woman A and Woman B. Let's say they both agree to have a child, so Woman A visits the local sperm bank, is impregnated, and a child is born. So whose child is it? Hers or theirs? The law must decide and would appear to have two choices: either Woman B must adopt the child (as sometimes happens with stepparents) or Woman B is automatically the mother as well (turning "presumption of paternity" into "presumption of maternity"). Either choice results in legal conundrums.

Let's consider the first option: Woman B is not the child's parent unless she adopts the child. This option would appear to recognize the importance of natural rights, but it actually works against them. Once adopted, the child would have "two mommies" or "two daddies" on the birth certificate, elevating the adoptive parent to the status of the natural parent. Suppose this hypothetical couple divorces, and ends up in a custody fight. The bio parent will be very tempted to play the bio card. If the judge accepts the superiority of the bio parent's claim, the legal doctrine of "two mommies" is a sham. If the judge rejects the bio parent's claim, the doctrine of the primacy of natural rights is all but abolished.

Abolishing the primacy of natural rights means that we will need a new way to decide who is a parent. We already have that way: "the best interests of the child," a legal doctrine that would be expanded to give judges absolute power to decide who is and who is not a parent. Under this new system, natural parents might, in effect, have to adopt their own children, for no parent would be a parent until the court said so. For if same-sex couples have to adopt their own children, opposite-sex couples would have to as well. After all, if a equals b, then b equals a.

Requiring the unrelated partner to adopt would have one other effect: ending the presumption of paternity. Woman B and the husband whose wife had a child by another man are in the same situation, so the only way to hold the man responsible for the child is for him to adopt the child, as Woman B would do. Frankly, ending presumption of paternity laws is a good idea. I just doubt it was one of the goals of gay activists.

Now let's suppose the law decides Woman B is automatically the parent of Woman A's child, based on a "presumption of maternity." Now let's further suppose that Woman B decides to have her own child, against the wishes of her spouse. Very interesting consequence: the doctrine of "presumption of maternity" means a woman can be forced into parenthood without having sex, bearing the child, or adopting the child. It means that the state now has an interest in forcing married women, at least, into parenthood. Such a legal conclusion would contradict a basic principle behind one of the most famous decisions of all time -- Roe v Wade.

Some of the consequences:

* Married women would give up their reproductive rights -- if the State can force a woman married to a woman to become a parent, it can force a woman married to a man to become a parent.
* The theory of natural rights as a basis for determining parenthood would be undermined or abolished, as the child would have "two mommies" or "two daddies".
* A married woman would be responsible for any children her husband has by another woman.
* Anyone who marries someone with children automatically becomes their parent as well.

These are far-reaching consequences, not minor adjustments to the law. That's why the issue of same-sex marriage needs to be decided through legislation, not by judicial fiat.

Now let's consider another possibility: same-sex marriages between a straight couple. We all make the assumption, of course, that only gay men would want to marry gay men, or that only lesbian women would want to marry lesbian women. But keep in mind that the sexual requirements of marriage have been eliminated -- our intimate lives (or lack thereof) are protected by our right to privacy, recently affirmed in Lawrence vs. Texas. So that opens the door for any two men or two women to marry.

But why would they want to? It could be a way to merge two businesses, minimize tax liabilities, or get a green card. Kings and queens once married for political rather than romantic reasons. With liberal divorce laws, the two simply stay married long enough to achieve their aims, then amicably divorce -- all in accordance with the prenuptial agreement. The two need not even meet. The lawyers could handle it all -- more easily than a hostile takeover or a proxy fight.

Finally, there's another possibility to consider: common-law marriage between roommates. Again, sex is not required for a marriage to be consummated (and marital rape laws mean sex is not even a right of marriage), so two men or two women who share a dwelling long enough might be considered spouses, especially with the thinning line between marriage and non-marriage. As a spouse, of course, you may be entitled to the other's assets -- and the other may be entitled to yours. And to the other's children -- and vice versa -- including children that person has by another party. A child could end up with three legal parents, with an unrelated party having as much right to the child as its biological mother and father.

These arguments all assume that the law follows the logic of its ways. None of these results would happen immediately, and perhaps none will happen exactly as described here. The law does not always follow logic -- nor even justice.

But make no mistake -- if a man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman, it will be a gay new world indeed, with wonders before unseen.

HISTORICAL NOTE: Through most of history presumption of paternity was unheard of. No man was responsible for his wife's child until he picked it up. That is the origin of the expression "raising" children. Husbands who went off to war for a while usually had to kick out a few bastards when they got back. If they didn't it was because those children would support him when he grew old. Presumption of paternity came into being during the feudal era when inheritances were defined by law. Chastity belts were invented about the same time.

Joe King
6th August 2010, 06:16 AM
BTW, lesbians I have no problems with whatsoever. :D

It puzzled the hell out of me for the longest time. I could never understand how a man could not find the hour glass figure of a woman attractive.

Me neither. Thank you God for Women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I get a hallelujah! brothers? {you can thank who/whatever you may consider your God to be}

In fact, I've always been amazed that more women aren't lesbians.
I mean, have ya ever taken a good look at the average guy? I have no clue as to what it is they see.

On an aside, almost every post in this thread made me lol. So either there's humor here, or I've been up waaaay too long. Possibly both.
But either way, for giving me humor, 1 +karma for everyone in it.

6th August 2010, 06:20 AM
BTW, lesbians I have no problems with whatsoever. :D

It puzzled the hell out of me for the longest time. I could never understand how a man could not find the hour glass figure of a woman attractive.

Me neither. Thank you God for Women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I get a hallelujah! brothers? {you can thank who/whatever you may consider your God to be}

In fact, I've always been amazed that more women aren't lesbians.
I mean, have ya ever taken a good look at the average guy? I have no clue as to what it is they see.

On an aside, almost every post in this thread made me lol. So either there's humor here, or I've been up waaaay too long. Possibly both.
But either way, for giving me humor, 1 +karma for everyone in it.


This is pretty much exactly how I feel.

6th August 2010, 07:25 AM
This life, is a sort of test.We have Gods laws and if we don't obey we are condemned. This is the
result of Adam and Eves original sin which is passed to us and only removed by Baptism.It really
bothers me anymore, that at the majority of funerals that one may attend, the Pastors are always
saying that the deceased is in a better place now. How do they know that. Wouldn't that be considered
judging, we can say that they went to Heaven, but can't say theyr'e in hell. My Bible, in the book of
Maccabee's says that, " It is a wholesome and healthy thought, to pray for the dead, that they may
be loosed from their sins, there for establishing Purgatory. We all have our weaknesses and trials in this life we must live with. I was taught to offer in reparation for past sins, hardships, sickness, misfortunes etc.

People are born queer, but they cannot act on the sinful urge they desire, just as an unmarried man
and woman cannot act on their urges. Our lord said that marriage is between a man and a women and
that they are to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. people that choose to be fags are in it for one
reason only, the act.

I like to tell people that skid marks belong in the back of your shorts, not the front.

6th August 2010, 12:32 PM
They don't have Gays in Iran (if they did they would kill them)


Desolation LineTrimmer
6th August 2010, 06:16 PM
The same arguments in favor of gay marriage can also be used for polygamy.

6th August 2010, 06:17 PM
The same arguments in favor of gay marriage can also be used for polygamy.

That they can. So what?

6th August 2010, 06:46 PM
If I ever see the creator, I'll punch him in the damn nose; I've just about had it with his/her/its/Idon'tgiveacrap nonsense.

Good luck with that....... :oo-->

6th August 2010, 06:53 PM
The State shouldn't be involved in ANY marriage.

That being said, I don't understand homosexuals.

Agreed, and I don't understand them either. Many times homosexuals are just exchanging parts (that are not designed to fit together, by the way). For example, a woman is a lesbian, but is partnered up with a woman who sounds like a man, walks like a man, dresses like a man. Then there's a man who so detests women, that he partners up with a man who sounds like a woman, has interests similar to that of women's, etc.

Weird. But even amongst my confusion, I don't care what they're doing as long as it's between consenting adults.

Thats one of the problems,the term,"Consenting adults". This is BS ,they are actively recruiting the young,with these "two mommy" families. The schools teaching it as an alternative,etc. Im going with Phoenix on this one, back to the closet with them.With F@ggotry comes Pedophilia. Homosexual MEN generally want sex with the little ones too. Lesbians ,I believe are a different mental illness. same with Trannys. they actually wish/believe to be the opposite sex. that is not normal. I simply wont acknowledge their behavior, as it is unnatural and a non species perpetuating existence.

Desolation LineTrimmer
6th August 2010, 06:56 PM
The same arguments in favor of gay marriage can also be used for polygamy.

That they can. So what?

Just highlighting the extremity of the pro-gay marriage position.

6th August 2010, 06:57 PM
You aren't going to like this, but this state of affairs of yours is entirely a result of your own thinking and your own deeds, indeed, your mindset. YOU have created this situation, and YOU are ultimately responsible for it.

If you think your world sucks, then your world does indeed suck.

Be the change you want to see in the world. --Gandhi

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe -- Einstein

Try reversing the infinite and then we can talk. Hint: try 'being the change'.

Einstein wasnt really that brilliant outside of Physics.His opinion on humanity is no more relevant than anyones.

Desolation LineTrimmer
6th August 2010, 07:13 PM
You aren't going to like this, but this state of affairs of yours is entirely a result of your own thinking and your own deeds, indeed, your mindset. YOU have created this situation, and YOU are ultimately responsible for it.

If you think your world sucks, then your world does indeed suck.

Be the change you want to see in the world. --Gandhi

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe -- Einstein

Try reversing the infinite and then we can talk. Hint: try 'being the change'.

Einstein wasnt really that brilliant outside of Physics.His opinion on humanity is no more relevant than anyones.

Many years ago there was a book published concerning Einstein's opinions concerning politics and social issues and they indeed, as you point out, were not particularly insightful. I think he wrote the book, but am not sure on that. He was a garden variety liberal.

6th August 2010, 09:32 PM
Einstein wasnt really that brilliant outside of Physics.

There is good reason to believe Einstein wasn't actually "brilliant" in physics, either. He's like Bill Gates; building upon someone else's work, and then claiming the credit.

7th August 2010, 02:09 AM
Einstein wasnt really that brilliant outside of Physics.

There is good reason to believe Einstein wasn't actually "brilliant" in physics, either. He's like Bill Gates; building upon someone else's work, and then claiming the credit.

Well I dont know the facts behind that, But lets suffice to say its the same as a valuing a sports figure's opinion on politics. People use his celebrity to lend credibility to a non related issue.

7th August 2010, 09:40 AM
There is one thing the homos do not understand or will not come to terms with.

This life is their last chance to escape the pit of hell.

These soles followed satin in the first earth age. Some were guilty in the days of sodom and gamopra.

Temptation is one thing, but sucombing to, and taking pleasure in it, all the while trying to justify it as moral and not a sin against God is insulting. Every one has temptations. Sexaual or otherwise. But some of us turn to God in repentance and ask for strength, and receive the forgiveness and the strenght.

Failure to refrane from this sin and not repent, and turn to God for help will result in everlasting death.

This life is not yours, it is Gods. And it is very short. The pridefull and arrogant will not feel shame for their perversive acts of homo. They will try and convince others it is ok and they were born that way. Complete bullshit.

I for one do not want liberall queers in my afterlife.

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 09:44 AM
I don't particularly care for homosexuality, but somehow I doubt anyone will be burning in eternal fire for sucking weenies.

7th August 2010, 10:07 AM
I don't understand gay folks either, but I believe it's something they are born with. Perhaps a cross, that they must carry...

I will say this, if I was gay, I'd be loading my guns right now after reading this thread.

Gay folks have rights, just as you and I, if you try to take them away, or persecute them in any way, they have a right...to fire upon you.

To protect freedom we must protect it for all folks.

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 10:37 AM
Yes, if I were gay I too would own guns, but then the same is true for Christians (to protect from militant gays), Whites (to protect from the Blacks and Brown), Blacks and Browns (to protect from Blacks and Browns), Jews (to protect from Muslims and Whites), Muslims (to protect from Jews and Whites), Chinese in China (to protect from the Chinese government) Chinese in overseas Asian countries (to protect from the local overseas Asian countries), the rich (to protect from the poor), the poor (to protect from the other poor), etc.

Joe King
7th August 2010, 10:39 AM
The same arguments in favor of gay marriage can also be used for polygamy.
I'm ok with that too. But I think only a fool would actually try to keep 2 or more women satisfied. lol
That is of course if they actually want a woman as an equal partner in the deal, as opposed to some degree of subjugation as seems typical from what I've seen of it.

BTW, I accidentally clicked the thanks button on your post instead of the quote button. http://serve.mysmiley.net/confused/confused0091.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-laughing-smileys.php) <---- me, apparently. http://serve.mysmiley.net/animated/anim_59.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-laughing-smileys.php)

7th August 2010, 10:40 AM
Yes, if I were gay I too would own guns, but then the same is true for Christians (to protect from militant gays), Whites (to protect from the Blacks and Brown), Blacks and Browns (to protect from Blacks and Browns), Jews (to protect from Muslims and Whites), Muslims (to protect from Jews and Whites), Chinese in China (to protect from the Chinese government) Chinese in overseas Asian countries (to protect from the local overseas Asian countries), the rich (to protect from the poor), the poor (to protect from the other poor), etc.

So, you understand then? That's great. We should all own guns. :)

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 10:52 AM
Yes, if I were gay I too would own guns, but then the same is true for Christians (to protect from militant gays), Whites (to protect from the Blacks and Brown), Blacks and Browns (to protect from Blacks and Browns), Jews (to protect from Muslims and Whites), Muslims (to protect from Jews and Whites), Chinese in China (to protect from the Chinese government) Chinese in overseas Asian countries (to protect from the local overseas Asian countries), the rich (to protect from the poor), the poor (to protect from the other poor), etc.

So, you understand then? That's great. We should all own guns. :)

So many of us should own guns it is easier to number the few who don't need them, being basically someone rich enough to hire someone else to carry it for them.

7th August 2010, 10:57 AM
So many of us should own guns it is easier to number the few who don't need them, being basically someone rich enough to hire someone else to carry it for them.

The great thing about guns, is that if you carry it, you own it. I believe it's your lawfully duty as an american citizen to be a gun owner.

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 10:59 AM
The same arguments in favor of gay marriage can also be used for polygamy.
I'm ok with that too. But I think only a fool would actually try to keep 2 or more women satisfied. lol
That is of course if they actually want a woman as an equal partner in the deal, as opposed to some degree of subjugation as seems typical from what I've seen of it.

Right, modern marriage law pretty much precludes polygamy if the man wants to keep what little wealth he has, and not just become a worker drone for a coterie of ex's. As it is a man isn't particularly smart to marry even one woman.

Joe King
7th August 2010, 11:00 AM
Yes, if I were gay I too would own guns, but then the same is true for Christians (to protect from militant gays), Whites (to protect from the Blacks and Brown), Blacks and Browns (to protect from Blacks and Browns), Jews (to protect from Muslims and Whites), Muslims (to protect from Jews and Whites), Chinese in China (to protect from the Chinese government) Chinese in overseas Asian countries (to protect from the local overseas Asian countries), the rich (to protect from the poor), the poor (to protect from the other poor), etc.

So, you understand then? That's great. We should all own guns. :)

So many of us should own guns it is easier to number the few who don't need them, being basically someone rich enough to hire someone else to carry it for them.

That's all fine and dandy unless they decide to give themselves a raise by robbing you at gun point. :D

Joe King
7th August 2010, 11:07 AM
So many of us should own guns it is easier to number the few who don't need them, being basically someone rich enough to hire someone else to carry it for them.

The great thing about guns, is that if you carry it, you own it. I believe it's your lawfully duty as an american citizen to be a gun owner.

Yea, unless you happen to run out of bulletts before the other guy does. :D

http://serve.mysmiley.net/fighting/fighting0017.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net) http://forum.thescubasite.com/fighting/fighting0018.gif (http://www.thescubasite.com)

7th August 2010, 11:09 AM
Yea, unless you happen to run out of bulletts before the other guy does. :D

Hey, your prep mistakes don't reflect mine. ;D I hope to have plenty of bullets. ;)

Joe King
7th August 2010, 11:17 AM
Yea, unless you happen to run out of bulletts before the other guy does. :D

Hey, your prep mistakes don't reflect mine. ;D I hope to have plenty of bullets. ;)
It's impossible to have enough of those or anything else, for that matter.
i.e. once relying on a stockpile, it's inevitable that it will eventually run out.
....but the bad guys will still keep coming.

7th August 2010, 11:23 AM
....but the bad guys will still keep coming.

I may be optimistic, but the bad guys still fall to a bullet, like we all do.

I still think, we should arm ourselves and gather ammo. Who knows, what the future holds, who needs defending....at least with our guns and ammo we can decide, at that time, what is best.

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 11:27 AM
Yea, unless you happen to run out of bulletts before the other guy does. :D

Hey, your prep mistakes don't reflect mine. ;D I hope to have plenty of bullets. ;)
It's impossible to have enough of those or anything else, for that matter.
i.e. once relying on a stockpile, it's inevitable that it will eventually run out.
....but the bad guys will still keep coming.

What makes you say "the bad guys will keep coming." ? We read everyday about people defending themselves successfully in their homes against single and multiple intruders.

Joe King
7th August 2010, 12:28 PM
Yea, unless you happen to run out of bulletts before the other guy does. :D

Hey, your prep mistakes don't reflect mine. ;D I hope to have plenty of bullets. ;)
It's impossible to have enough of those or anything else, for that matter.
i.e. once relying on a stockpile, it's inevitable that it will eventually run out.
....but the bad guys will still keep coming.

What makes you say "the bad guys will keep coming." ? We read everyday about people defending themselves successfully in their homes against single and multiple intruders.
I'm referring to the SHTF scenario so many speak of where throngs of zombies are looking for free lunch.
....and they think you have that lunch.

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 01:03 PM
Yea, unless you happen to run out of bulletts before the other guy does. :D

Hey, your prep mistakes don't reflect mine. ;D I hope to have plenty of bullets. ;)
It's impossible to have enough of those or anything else, for that matter.
i.e. once relying on a stockpile, it's inevitable that it will eventually run out.
....but the bad guys will still keep coming.

What makes you say "the bad guys will keep coming." ? We read everyday about people defending themselves successfully in their homes against single and multiple intruders.
I'm referring to the SHTF scenario so many speak of where throngs of zombies are looking for free lunch.
....and they think you have that lunch.

Even if the zombies keep coming and one eventually runs out of ammo, it is still worthwhile taking some of them down with you.

Joe King
7th August 2010, 01:41 PM
Yea, unless you happen to run out of bulletts before the other guy does. :D

Hey, your prep mistakes don't reflect mine. ;D I hope to have plenty of bullets. ;)
It's impossible to have enough of those or anything else, for that matter.
i.e. once relying on a stockpile, it's inevitable that it will eventually run out.
....but the bad guys will still keep coming.

What makes you say "the bad guys will keep coming." ? We read everyday about people defending themselves successfully in their homes against single and multiple intruders.
I'm referring to the SHTF scenario so many speak of where throngs of zombies are looking for free lunch.
....and they think you have that lunch.

Even if the zombies keep coming and one eventually runs out of ammo, it is still worthwhile taking some of them down with you.
No doubt. http://serve.mysmiley.net/fighting/fighting0023.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-innocent-smileys.php)

7th August 2010, 01:58 PM
I don't particularly care for homosexuality, but somehow I doubt anyone will be burning in eternal fire for sucking weenies.

People get destroyed in Hell for hating God.

7th August 2010, 02:03 PM
I don't understand gay folks either, but I believe it's something they are born with. Perhaps a cross, that they must carry...

I will say this, if I was gay, I'd be loading my guns right now after reading this thread.

Gay folks have rights, just as you and I, if you try to take them away, or persecute them in any way, they have a right...to fire upon you.

Load 'em up! Guess who'd win? The f@gs are AT WAR with us; we didn't choose it. They already perpetrate death on the greater population by deliberating spreading HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, and other diseases. Prius-driving, gun-control-supporting, in-general-pansy-ass queers keep poking a giant bear.

To protect freedom we must protect it for all folks.

This is just liberal pap. We protect God-given rights, not government-created "rights" like the "right" to anal sex or abortion as birth control.

Without the f@g-loving government & cops to protect them, we'd have already solved the problem.

7th August 2010, 02:05 PM
Yes, if I were gay I too would own guns, but then the same is true for Christians (to protect from militant gays), Whites (to protect from the Blacks and Brown), Blacks and Browns (to protect from Blacks and Browns), Jews (to protect from Muslims and Whites), Muslims (to protect from Jews and Whites), Chinese in China (to protect from the Chinese government) Chinese in overseas Asian countries (to protect from the local overseas Asian countries), the rich (to protect from the poor), the poor (to protect from the other poor), etc.

Two groups are experts in the martial arts: healthy Whites, and healthy Northeast Asians. The mentally- and morally-defective homosexuals embrace liberal "ideals" which put them at a terrible disadvantage if the homosexual war on normal society ever goes "hot."

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 03:31 PM
I don't particularly care for homosexuality, but somehow I doubt anyone will be burning in eternal fire for sucking weenies.

People get destroyed in Hell for hating God.

That is only your opinion.

Joe King
7th August 2010, 04:25 PM
Without the f@g-loving government & cops to protect them, we'd have already solved the problem.

Ok. I'm listening.

What is your plan to get rid of them?

The government and cops part, I mean. :conf:

7th August 2010, 04:46 PM
I don't particularly care for homosexuality, but somehow I doubt anyone will be burning in eternal fire for sucking weenies.

People get destroyed in Hell for hating God.

That is only your opinion.

What is your opinion line trimmer?

Do you think God would force someone to be with him for eternity that didn't want to be with him in this life?

I don't think you have to hate God to go to hell
I think just being lukewarm towards him will get you there(hell)

7th August 2010, 04:50 PM
Homosexuals are just as savable as the rest of us.

We are all saved the same way.

For details click the link in my sig line :)

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 04:53 PM
I don't particularly care for homosexuality, but somehow I doubt anyone will be burning in eternal fire for sucking weenies.

People get destroyed in Hell for hating God.

That is only your opinion.

What is your opinion line trimmer?

Do you think God would force someone to be with him for eternity that didn't want to be with him in this life?

I don't think you have to hate God to go to hell
I think just being lukewarm towards him will get you there(hell)

I'll tell you what I think, Stacker. God is a force binding everything together. God is nature. God does not violate the laws of nature, because the laws of nature are God. God is not going to look at some poor sap, who was born attracted to his own sex, and cast him into the Christian lake of everlasting fire. It just doesn't add up. And, even within the context of your own religion, there are plenty of good homosexuals, and any God who casts good people into eternal torment is not good himself, and isn't God suppose to be good by the lights of your own religious doctrine?

7th August 2010, 05:06 PM
I'll tell you what I think, Stacker. God is a force binding everything together. God is nature. God does not violate the laws of nature, because the laws of nature are God. God is not going to look at some poor sap, who was born attracted to his own sex, and cast him into the everlasting Christian lake of fire. It just doesn't add up. And, even within the context of your own religion, there are plenty of good homosexuals, and any God who casts good people into eternal torment is not good himself.

I don't think you understand Trimmer.

We are All sinners.
No one is worthy

But God doesn't send Anyone to hell.

We choose.

God has provided a way for all of us to escape Hell.

He sent his only son to pay the price for us.

But we must accept his gift. He won't force it on us.

We all must come to God in humilty and confess that we sin and asks to be forgiven and then turn from sin.

God Is not a Force Trimmer. (thats star wars)

God is the Intelligent designer.

And someday we will know why it all had to be like this.

Until then we just need to trust him and his Word

His Word says it wrong for men to have sex with each other.

Joe King
7th August 2010, 05:18 PM
God Is not a Force Trimmer. (thats star wars)

And someday we will know why it all had to be like this.
I'm not wanting to seem presumptious here, but I'm pretty sure I know the "why".

7th August 2010, 05:20 PM
God Is not a Force Trimmer. (thats star wars)

And someday we will know why it all had to be like this.
I'm not wanting to seem presumptious here, but I'm pretty sure I know the "why".

Well Joe, Please do tell. :)

Is this life a test?

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 05:33 PM
I'll tell you what I think, Stacker. God is a force binding everything together. God is nature. God does not violate the laws of nature, because the laws of nature are God. God is not going to look at some poor sap, who was born attracted to his own sex, and cast him into the everlasting Christian lake of fire. It just doesn't add up. And, even within the context of your own religion, there are plenty of good homosexuals, and any God who casts good people into eternal torment is not good himself.

I don't think you understand Trimmer.

We are All sinners.
No one is worthy

But God doesn't send Anyone to hell.

We choose.

God has provided a way for all of us to escape Hell.

He sent his only son to pay the price for us.

But we must accept his gift. He won't force it on us.

We all must come to God in humilty and confess that we sin and asks to be forgiven and then turn from sin.

God Is not a Force Trimmer. (thats star wars)

God is the Intelligent designer.

And someday we will know why it all had to be like this.

Until then we just need to trust him and his Word

His Word says it wrong for men to have sex with each other.

I don't share your mysticism, Stacker. Sorry.

7th August 2010, 05:40 PM
I don't share your mysticism, Stacker. Sorry.

Me too trimmer.


I hope you change your mind someday.

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 05:55 PM
I don't share your mysticism, Stacker. Sorry.

Me too trimmer.


I hope you change your mind someday.

I'll stick with reason, but thanks anyway. And if your loving God has created beings only to torture them for eternity, I'll go with the oppressed, until Lucifer liberates us.

7th August 2010, 05:57 PM
Stacker, the way I look at it, is why did God create gay folks?

Take a bear for example, if I'm out hiking, and a bear charges me and mauls me. Is the bear wrong? The bear was just a bear, as God created him to be.

Same with gay people. I believe they are that way because of design, as God created them to be.

I don't see how condemning them will lead to salvation. You are right, we are all sinners in some way. Judging other folks without the proper understanding is just another sin.

7th August 2010, 05:58 PM
Thats your Decision to make Trimmer

My Loving God gave you that choice.

7th August 2010, 06:02 PM
Liquid; I don't know why God allowed man to fall and the world to be cursed. (broken)

I really don't know.

I do know, he made a Way for us to be saved though. :)

7th August 2010, 06:07 PM
Liquid; I don't know why God allowed man to fall and the world to be cursed. (broken)

I really don't know.

I do know, he made a Way for us to be saved though. :)

I believe I know why God allowed man to fall. Because without choice, love is not possible. It was this that my neighbor explained to me which was the "aha" moment for me to begin reading the bible again. It makes so much sense to me.

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 06:08 PM
My Loving God gave you that choice.

This is how Christians troll. ;D

7th August 2010, 06:12 PM
Liquid; I don't know why God allowed man to fall and the world to be cursed. (broken)

I really don't know.

I do know, he made a Way for us to be saved though. :)

I believe I know why God allowed man to fall. Because without choice, love is not possible. It was this that my neighbor explained to me which was the "aha" moment for me to begin reading the bible again. It makes so much sense to me.

Thanks K-os

That makes sense to me too. :)

God wants us all to choose for ourselves where to spend eternity

7th August 2010, 06:19 PM
Thanks K-os

That makes sense to me too. :)

God wants us all to choose for ourselves where to spend eternity

Yup, makes sense to me too. K-os is a sharp gal, for sure.

I personally think, that our lives are purgatory. We get tested all the time, as individuals. The tests God gives me, are different then yours, or anyone elses.

So, when the gay guy gets judged by God....I think God will look at that man's whole life, how he lived it, based up on choices, that he made...

Basically, I think God sees homosexuality as not a choice, or a test, a man must pass. But the way he created that man, and based upon that creation...that man may have tougher, or at least different, tests, then some of us.

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 06:25 PM
Liquid; I don't know why God allowed man to fall and the world to be cursed. (broken)

I really don't know.

I do know, he made a Way for us to be saved though. :)

I believe I know why God allowed man to fall. Because without choice, love is not possible. It was this that my neighbor explained to me which was the "aha" moment for me to begin reading the bible again. It makes so much sense to me.

Without the lake of eternal fire God's "love" cannot be expressed.

Joe King
7th August 2010, 06:30 PM
God Is not a Force Trimmer. (thats star wars)

And someday we will know why it all had to be like this.
I'm not wanting to seem presumptious here, but I'm pretty sure I know the "why".

Well Joe, Please do tell. :)

Is this life a test?
I would say so. I don't think a day goes by that seems "test free".

But anyway, here in a nutshell, is how I see it.

God is lonely.
Imagine, for the sake of arguement only, being omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
You know everything and everyone that is, was or will be....inside and out.
You could make anyone or anything in anyway you want.

Now, how do you make beings, humans for example, that aren't incapable of doing anything other than what's truly good, simply because that's how you made them?
i.e. like a robot, of sorts.

What we have here is a plan that gives virtually everyone the ability to ultimately choose of their own free will where they would like to be.
i.e. an automatic wheat filter.

It would beat the crap out of being surrounded by a bunch of what would amount to be automatons for all eternity if you were just "made" to be and do the way God wants and was incapable of doing anything else.
i.e. you gotta at least have the ability to be able to go either way.

7th August 2010, 06:32 PM
Thanks Joe

I think your right.

God doesn't want robots that love him...what good would that be?

7th August 2010, 06:36 PM
That's a deep post Joe, thanks!

It still comes down to one thing though...God judges us based upon how we judge each other. That's the biggest test we must pass.

7th August 2010, 06:39 PM
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (New King James Version)

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

Maybe Homo's should not be singled out.
But I think one reason they are is because they want what they do to be accepted by everyone.

I just can't accept it.

I know lots of them are probably nice folks...I just think they should try to keep their sins to themselves and not try to get others to accept it as OK.

Its not

7th August 2010, 06:44 PM
It still comes down to one thing though...God judges us based upon how we judge each other. That's the biggest test we must pass.

Excellent Point my Friend!

Desolation LineTrimmer
7th August 2010, 06:44 PM
God doesn't want robots that love him...what good would that be?

Which is the beauty of eternal torment. It keeps God's creation authentic.

Joe King
7th August 2010, 06:47 PM
Thanks Joe

I think your right.

God doesn't want robots that love him...what good would that be?

Personally, it would drive me nuts. After the first billion years or so, I'd want to blow it all up and start all over too. :boom
i.e. probably what happened to the dinosaurs......got tired of playing with 'em, wiped 'em out and started fresh.
Which is why we find fossils. i.e everything gets re-used and what we see as "evolution" over millions and millions of years is a "day" for him.

It's the only way I can come up with that lets everything we do know, "fit".

I think about stuff like this quite a lot, but I admit that I could easily be wrong, too. Only time will tell I suppose.

7th August 2010, 06:57 PM
It still comes down to one thing though...God judges us based upon how we judge each other. That's the biggest test we must pass.

Excellent Point my Friend!

I wanted to add,

I try my best not to judge anyone (not easy)

But not judging doesn't mean I have to accept what they do as OK

Joe King
7th August 2010, 07:02 PM
God doesn't want robots that love him...what good would that be?

Which is the beauty of eternal torment. It keeps God's creation authentic.

IMHO, that's something that doesn't make sense, as it serves no purpose.
Why torture people eternally as punishment for what would be such a relatively short time period of their crime?

Seems cruel and unusual. Kinda like locking someone up for life because they didn't return a Library book or something.
Besides, Biblical "eternal" doesn't necessarily mean our version of "forever".....as in "to infinity".
It can be fairly quick, or have a set period of time.

Rather than burning to infinity, it'd be better to just "blink" 'em out of existence, or else have "the rest of the plan" ultimately include everyone.
i.e. some will simply take a little punishment detour for a bit to learn the whys and howfors.

Or as I said, I could be totally wrong on all of it.

7th August 2010, 07:03 PM
I wanted to add,

I try my best not to judge anyone (not easy)

But not judging doesn't mean I have to accept what they do as OK

I understand this Ken. I judge others all the time, based upon what they do. Ex...evil banksters, etc.

I just don't judge gay folks for two reasons. One, they aren't hurting anyone. Second, I just don't understand it, and probably never will.

The greedy folks that take from others, I understand that at least, and I'll judge them by their actions. However, gay people, eh..let them have their freedom. That's my two bits.

Joe King
7th August 2010, 07:17 PM
I wanted to add,

I try my best not to judge anyone (not easy)

But not judging doesn't mean I have to accept what they do as OK

I understand this Ken. I judge others all the time, based upon what they do. Ex...evil banksters, etc.

I just don't judge gay folks for two reasons. One, they aren't hurting anyone. Second, I just don't understand it, and probably never will.

The greedy folks that take from others, I understand that at least, and I'll judge them by their actions. However, gay people, eh..let them have their freedom. That's my two bits.

How do you know what is in anothers Heart when they did what you'd like to Judge them for?

I contend that if you don't know, {and you can't truly know} but you still insist upon Judging anyways, what you are doing is imposing the reason why you would have done that thing and then take it upon yourself to declare that that is their reason too.

Maybe it is, maybe it's not.
i.e. not for you to decide.

Also, how often do you Judge in the positive direction and think, "wow, he/she must have had a really good reason to do that. ?
Or is it usually a negative Judging you're doing?

Just live your life, make decisions you can live with and try your best. That's all you can do.

7th August 2010, 07:32 PM
How do you know what is in anothers Heart when they did what you'd like to Judge them for?

Also, how often do you Judge in the positive direction and think, "wow, he/she must have had a really good reason to do that. ?
Or is it usually a negative Judging you're doing?

I don't know what's in another's heart, but I can judge them when they take action...hurt innocent folks.

I judge actions, more than folks, as individuals. I try not to judge period, but like Stackerken said...it's tough.

I always do my best to notice the positive things people do. That, is important. Often overlooked, I'd say.

BTW, you are judging me in a negative way with this post! ;D

7th August 2010, 07:47 PM
I don't particularly care for homosexuality, but somehow I doubt anyone will be burning in eternal fire for sucking weenies.

People get destroyed in Hell for hating God.

That is only your opinion.


7th August 2010, 07:49 PM
God is nature. God does not violate the laws of nature, because the laws of nature are God.

Oh, yes, it's so much more "logical" to believe that this vast universe created ITSELF, than to simply believe in a Creative Being who designed it.


7th August 2010, 07:51 PM

You can't prove that though Phoenix. How is it fact? Heaven and hell, I believe in them, but ask me to prove them as fact? I could not. Neither can you.

7th August 2010, 07:51 PM
I'll stick with reason

If reason governed your beliefs, you'd believe in God. It is illogical to believe that immense order, as seen in the universe, arises from chance.

7th August 2010, 07:53 PM
Stacker, the way I look at it, is why did God create gay folks?


God did not "create 'gay' folks."

God created humans, and humans choose to engage in a perverted deathstyle.

Same with gay people. I believe they are that way because of design, as God created them to be.

Your belief, and God's knowledge and design, are in conflict.

7th August 2010, 07:55 PM
Maybe Homo's should not be singled out.

The acceptance of homosexuality in a society is the canary in the coal mine of social collapse.

7th August 2010, 07:57 PM
It still comes down to one thing though...God judges us based upon how we judge each other. That's the biggest test we must pass.

I would never condemn a homosexual to Hell for having a mental disorder. But the idea that we can be the Salt of the Earth without judging others' behavior is silly.

7th August 2010, 07:58 PM

You can't prove that though Phoenix. How is it fact? Heaven and hell, I believe in them, but ask me to prove them as fact? I could not. Neither can you.

We'll know in no more than a few decades. I lose nothing if I'm wrong.

7th August 2010, 08:02 PM
God did not "create 'gay' folks."

God created humans, and humans choose to engage in a perverted deathstyle.

God did create gay folks, it's by design...perhaps not to test them, but to test you?

Science to the rescue...gay people are 'wired' different than us.


Joe King
7th August 2010, 08:03 PM
It still comes down to one thing though...God judges us based upon how we judge each other. That's the biggest test we must pass.

I would never condemn a homosexual to Hell for having a mental disorder. But the idea that we can be the Salt of the Earth without judging others' behavior is silly.

Throwing your salt in peoples faces?

How about live by example and share with your fellow Man? That's salt too. :)

7th August 2010, 08:14 PM
I'll stick with reason

If reason governed your beliefs, you'd believe in God. It is illogical to believe that immense order, as seen in the universe, arises from chance.

Why do you believe in God? Because someone told you it's true and the bible is fact and God/ Jesus had men write those words? What is your reason, I have been over this before .... Who wrote the bible , and why do so many think it is the only truth? I believe in God, but still wonder.

7th August 2010, 08:16 PM
How about live by example and share with your fellow Man?

Salt is a preservative. Being "the Salt of the Earth" means Christians stand up for what's right, preserving Godly society. Telling people that "this is wrong" is part of our duty.

Homos and fellow travelers love to scream "Judge not!, Judge not!," but always fail to remember "Go, and sin no more."

7th August 2010, 08:20 PM
Why do you believe in God?

God is self-evident.

God is denied by those who wish He didn't exist.

Order does not come from chaos. Order has a Designer. And Yahweh has proven He is that Designer (see below).

Because someone told you it's true and the bible is fact and God/ Jesus had men write those words?

God has proven Himself through His work across history, most notably in the prophecy and fulfillment of Jesus Christ.

What is your reason, I have been over this before .... Who wrote the bible , and why do so many think it is the only truth? I believe in God, but still wonder.

Humans wrote the Bible, with the Divine Guidance of God's Spirit.

7th August 2010, 08:22 PM
God did not "create 'gay' folks."

God created humans, and humans choose to engage in a perverted deathstyle.

God did create gay folks, it's by design...perhaps not to test them, but to test you?

Science to the rescue...gay people are 'wired' different than us.


Looky, I can cite Wikipedia, too!


7th August 2010, 08:30 PM
Quote from: zap on Today at 08:14:58 PM
What is your reason, I have been over this before .... Who wrote the bible , and why do so many think it is the only truth? I believe in God, but still wonder.

Humans wrote the Bible, with the Divine Guidance of God's Spirit.

See this is where is gets all screwed up for me, Divine Guidance of God's Spirit. In the King James Version the king told them what to write to make the people follow his way, change this or that, add this delete that, there were so many scribes who knows what in the bible is true?

Nobody can know, then you have the lost books that were deemed insignificant and didn't need to be put into the bible.

7th August 2010, 08:59 PM
See this is where is gets all screwed up for me, Divine Guidance of God's Spirit. In the King James Version the king told them what to write to make the people follow his way, change this or that, add this delete that, there were so many scribes who knows what in the bible is true?

Nobody can know, then you have the lost books that were deemed insignificant and didn't need to be put into the bible.

No human king told the translators what to write in the King James bible they were just translating ancient manuscripts into English.

There were English versions before and since from newer and older Manuscripts.

I think they all say pretty much the same thing.

7th August 2010, 10:04 PM
Most of the bible is translated from ancient Sumerian text, the book of Moses, Genesis, etc.

So who wrote the ancient Sumerian tablets, and where did they get the story from? All "king" James did was translate the tablets and put them into a book.

Saul Mine
8th August 2010, 01:24 AM
Someone please explain how sexual orientation is genetic but gender roles are optional.

Joe King
8th August 2010, 04:50 AM
How about live by example and share with your fellow Man?

Salt is a preservative. Being "the Salt of the Earth" means Christians stand up for what's right, preserving Godly society. Telling people that "this is wrong" is part of our duty.
It's ok to let ohers know how you feel.
I just don't see how you or anyone else should be able to use gov force to impose upon others that which you feel is "Right", as it negates the free-will of those others.
You have every Right to share your beliefs, you just can't push them onto people. At that point, it's no better than someone else imposing sharia law on you, simply because that's what they believe, and by gosh, so will you. Or at the least, act in public as though you do.

As long as people want to live in peace with their fellow Man, I'm ok with them.

Homos and fellow travelers love to scream "Judge not!, Judge not!," but always fail to remember "Go, and sin no more."
As I said before, the "go and sin no more" applies after asking for forgiveness. And if another hasn't yet gotten to that point, who are you to force it on them?
Remember, everyone is at a different point along their journey called life. Why not allow them the same Right you enjoyed?
That Right being their Right to self determination.

Joe King
8th August 2010, 05:00 AM
Maybe Homo's should not be singled out.

The acceptance of homosexuality in a society is the canary in the coal mine of social collapse.

What if all of that has to happen in order to have the plan fulfilled?
By fighting it, you're apparently attempting to create your vision of what God wants, now.
Thereby thwarting the plan. Because if you can succeed in doing so, why do we need Gods plan at all?

Remember, all things fit somewhere into the plan. Like a giant sized jigsaw puzzle, of sorts.
The actual significance of each of those piece is the part we don't know yet.

8th August 2010, 06:41 AM
The fact is, homo is wrong and a sin against God the Creator.

This thread was about the judgment coming to the US as result of liberal acceptance of wrong behavior. Very few stand up for what is right. Many want to play God and make the rules to justify their lifestyle.

The OP is correct.

The question should be why was a nation and it's people destroyed? Perversion. Perhaps we as a nation should not allow the same mistake?

But most are week and lazy. They make excuses, look the other way, and blame God :oo-->

8th August 2010, 06:47 AM
i live in Sonoma County. the gay people here - some of them - compared the passage of Prop 8 to the Holocaust ( which is itself a fictional exaggeration of a historical event, but, side-stepping that issue for a second.)

i think what makes me gag more than the "we're victims because we can't legally marry/ we're SAVED because a gay judge over-ruled the people's vote" progress of Prop 8, is the general PC-ness of the local population.

PC-ness is like a straitjacket. no pun intended. ;D

8th August 2010, 08:12 AM
It still comes down to one thing though...God judges us based upon how we judge each other. That's the biggest test we must pass.

Excellent Point my Friend!

I wanted to add,

I try my best not to judge anyone (not easy)

But not judging doesn't mean I have to accept what they do as OK

Your not Judging anyone,You claim to be a Christian.The Bible clearly states that Homos are an abomination in God's eyes. You should not be silent about your opinion.

8th August 2010, 09:27 AM
See this is where is gets all screwed up for me, Divine Guidance of God's Spirit. In the King James Version the king told them what to write to make the people follow his way, change this or that, add this delete that, there were so many scribes who knows what in the bible is true?

Nobody can know, then you have the lost books that were deemed insignificant and didn't need to be put into the bible.

No human king told the translators what to write in the King James bible they were just translating ancient manuscripts into English.

There were English versions before and since from newer and older Manuscripts.

I think they all say pretty much the same thing.

Ken I know you believe, so I will not try to sway you at all, But there was so much corruption in the church and the Monarchy I don't believe it all as truth.

King James gave the translators instructions intended to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its beliefs about an ordained clergy.[9] The translation was by 47 scholars, all of whom were members of the Church of England.[10] In common with most other translations of the period, the New Testament was translated from the Textus Receptus (Received Text) series of the Greek texts. The Old Testament was translated from the Masoretic Hebrew text, while the Apocrypha were translated from the Greek Septuagint (LXX), except for 2 Esdras, which was translated from the Latin Vulgate.

And where are the lost books?

Still Barbaro
8th August 2010, 09:52 AM
Soon, there will be no more warnings. The judgments will be the last chance for people to change their ways. I think the warnings will go mostly unheeded and instead, the many troubles will be an excuse for the people to curse the God they claim does not exist.

I'm chiming in late on this thread.

I'm straight but I notice to religious tone in the above post.

Christians have been thinking the end of times is around the corner for 2,000 years and they've been wrong everytime.

The above post reminds of the awful Christian puppeteer Jerry Falwell who said the US deserved 9/11 because the US was full of sodomites.

The big apocalypse is a fairy tale.

Still Barbaro
8th August 2010, 09:55 AM
See this is where is gets all screwed up for me, Divine Guidance of God's Spirit. In the King James Version the king told them what to write to make the people follow his way, change this or that, add this delete that, there were so many scribes who knows what in the bible is true?

Nobody can know, then you have the lost books that were deemed insignificant and didn't need to be put into the bible.

No human king told the translators what to write in the King James bible they were just translating ancient manuscripts into English.

There were English versions before and since from newer and older Manuscripts.

I think they all say pretty much the same thing.

Ken I know you believe, so I will not try to sway you at all, But there was so much corruption in the church and the Monarchy I don't believe it all as truth.

King James gave the translators instructions intended to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its beliefs about an ordained clergy.[9] The translation was by 47 scholars, all of whom were members of the Church of England.[10] In common with most other translations of the period, the New Testament was translated from the Textus Receptus (Received Text) series of the Greek texts. The Old Testament was translated from the Masoretic Hebrew text, while the Apocrypha were translated from the Greek Septuagint (LXX), except for 2 Esdras, which was translated from the Latin Vulgate.

And where are the lost books?

The Christians stole most of the major themse of Christianity. The immaculate conception, the great flood, Dec 25, and on and on. All lifted from previous religions.

As for the Old and New Testaments, it was written by humans and edited for hundreds of years after Jesus died. The scribes used to argue over what to leave in, change, or edit out.

8th August 2010, 11:35 AM
Soon, there will be no more warnings. The judgments will be the last chance for people to change their ways. I think the warnings will go mostly unheeded and instead, the many troubles will be an excuse for the people to curse the God they claim does not exist.

I'm chiming in late on this thread.

I'm straight but I notice to religious tone in the above post.

Christians have been thinking the end of times is around the corner for 2,000 years and they've been wrong everytime.

The above post reminds of the awful Christian puppeteer Jerry Falwell who said the US deserved 9/11 because the US was full of sodomites.

The big apocalypse is a fairy tale.

Now that is a hoot. Anyone... even the simplest among us, can look around and see that things are not right. Things are so screwed up that up is down and down is sideways. How is it that you cannot see the disasters right before you? How is it that you claim to be a student of history and church knowledge, yet display such ignorance of the world?

This "fairy tale" is just about to bite you in the ass.

8th August 2010, 11:44 AM
The Christians stole most of the major themse of Christianity. The immaculate conception, the great flood, Dec 25, and on and on. All lifted from previous religions.

As for the Old and New Testaments, it was written by humans and edited for hundreds of years after Jesus died. The scribes used to argue over what to leave in, change, or edit out.

Man cannot thwart the plans of the Almighty

Don't you think that The Creator of the universe is powerful enough to preserve his word to make sure the people today have the info that they need to be saved?

ETA; God gave man free will but God uses everything man (and satan) does and works it into His own plan.

God has the advantage of knowing way in advance what man and satan will do and therefore can use it all to his advantage...Nothing can change the outcome.

8th August 2010, 11:55 AM
Men transcribed the text, men/women are corruptible, greedy, self serving, lots were just out to make the masses follow them, and their rules, they wanted the power, is that so hard to believe, the scribes were just men (human).

Don't tell me how faithful they were to God either, the Spanish Inquisition was very faithful too.

It doesn't matter to me I will drop it, because nobody is going to change my mind and I am not going to change yours.

Have a great day! :D

Still Barbaro
8th August 2010, 01:29 PM
Soon, there will be no more warnings. The judgments will be the last chance for people to change their ways. I think the warnings will go mostly unheeded and instead, the many troubles will be an excuse for the people to curse the God they claim does not exist.

I'm chiming in late on this thread.

I'm straight but I notice to religious tone in the above post.

Christians have been thinking the end of times is around the corner for 2,000 years and they've been wrong everytime.

The above post reminds of the awful Christian puppeteer Jerry Falwell who said the US deserved 9/11 because the US was full of sodomites.

The big apocalypse is a fairy tale.

Now that is a hoot. Anyone... even the simplest among us, can look around and see that things are not right. Things are so screwed up that up is down and down is sideways. How is it that you cannot see the disasters right before you? How is it that you claim to be a student of history and church knowledge, yet display such ignorance of the world?

This "fairy tale" is just about to bite you in the ass.


I never claimed to be a "student" of history and church knowledge, although I do enjoy reading about history and the different religions. I have copies of the Bible and Quran, and have read some of the Talmud and other works.

Yes, times are uncertain economically - just as they have been before in the many econonomic rough times of the past.

As for war, there always has been war in our world. Are things worse off now than before? Hard to say if one looks at the last couple of thousands of years.

Again, the apoclypse has always been around the corner be it "Millerites" 7th Day Adventists, Jehova's, Islam and other sects of Christianity.

Perhaps some have been reading and interpretating a little too much of Revelation written by an imaginitive John.

Still Barbaro
8th August 2010, 01:33 PM
Man cannot thwart the plans of the Almighty

Don't you think that The Creator of the universe is powerful enough to preserve his word to make sure the people today have the info that they need to be saved?

Where did god preserve his word:

Old & New Testaments, Talmud (Midrash & Mishna), Quran, or all of the above? Other works, or other religions such at the Egyptian sun gods Isis, Rah and Osiris, The Roman, Greek, Azetcan god or Zoroastianism.

The Hebrew word for god is "Yahweh" and the Arabic word for god is "Allah."

Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same god, but cannot agree on which text should be followed.

There is a reason my Muslims call Christians "el al-kitab," which transliterates to "people of the book."

8th August 2010, 01:55 PM
Man cannot thwart the plans of the Almighty

Don't you think that The Creator of the universe is powerful enough to preserve his word to make sure the people today have the info that they need to be saved?

Where did god preserve his word:

Old & New Testaments, Talmud (Midrash & Mishna), Quran, or all of the above? Other works, or other religions such at the Egyptian sun gods Isis, Rah and Osiris, The Roman, Greek, Azetcan god or Zoroastianism.

The Hebrew word for god is "Yahweh" and the Arabic word for god is "Allah."

Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same god, but cannot agree on which text should be followed.

There is a reason my Muslims call Christians "el al-kitab," which transliterates to "people of the book."

Well Barbaro; I believe that God's word is written on my heart.
And the Books that line up the best with what is written on my heart, are the books in the Bible.
So I gotta go with those.

Of course it's not the Books that save a man.

Even with no books. Man can be saved by what is written on his heart and humbling himself before God.

8th August 2010, 02:30 PM
Men transcribed the text, men/women are corruptible, greedy, self serving, lots were just out to make the masses follow them, and their rules, they wanted the power, is that so hard to believe, the scribes were just men (human).

Don't tell me how faithful they were to God either, the Spanish Inquisition was very faithful too.

It doesn't matter to me I will drop it, because nobody is going to change my mind and I am not going to change yours.

Have a great day! :D

Let's say that your grandfather was a goldsmith perfectionist. He refined his own gold and made rings, bracelets, and various other specialty items. Even before he retired and eventually died, there were counterfeiters trying to imitate his style and even used pieces of his work embellished with their own sloppy additions. Your family could tell instantly which pieces were original because of your regular handling of his works. You could see parts that had been tampered with and the outright fakes.

The fakes and crooks tried to steal from his reputation. But their efforts did not destroy the reality of the master's work. You know the quality of what he did. And then, another stranger visits your home telling you that your grandfather never existed as evidenced by all the fakes. They insist that none of his true works exist or would have any value. Even after you take out some originals that have never left the family, the strangers shake their heads in disbelief.

Here is what we have in the bible.

1Jn 1:1 That which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, that which we did behold, and our hands did handle, concerning the Word of the Life--
1Jn 1:2 and the Life was manifested, and we have seen, and do testify, and declare to you the Life, the age-during, which was with the Father, and was manifested to us--
1Jn 1:3 that which we have seen and heard declare we to you, that ye also may have fellowship with us, and our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ;

2Pe 1:19 And we have more firm the prophetic word, to which we do well giving heed, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, till day may dawn, and a morning star may arise--in your hearts;
2Pe 1:20 this first knowing, that no prophecy of the Writing doth come of private exposition,
2Pe 1:21 for not by will of man did ever prophecy come, but by the Holy Spirit borne on holy men of God spake.

2Pe 2:1 And there did come also false prophets among the people, as also among you there shall be false teachers, who shall bring in besides destructive sects, and the Master who bought them denying, bringing to themselves quick destruction,
2Pe 2:2 and many shall follow out their destructive ways, because of whom the way of the truth shall be evil spoken of,
2Pe 2:3 and in covetousness, with moulded words, of you they shall make merchandise, whose judgment of old is not idle, and their destruction doth not slumber.

1Pe 2:1 Having put aside, then, all evil, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envyings, and all evil speakings,
1Pe 2:2 as new-born babes the word's pure milk desire ye, that in it ye may grow,
1Pe 2:3 if so be ye did taste that the Lord is gracious,

1Pe 2:4 to whom coming--a living stone--by men, indeed, having been disapproved of, but with God choice, precious,
1Pe 2:5 and ye yourselves, as living stones, are built up, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Psa 12:6 Sayings of Jehovah are pure sayings; Silver tried in a furnace of earth refined sevenfold.
Psa 12:7 Thou, O Jehovah, dost preserve them, Thou keepest us from this generation to the age.

Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

8th August 2010, 08:19 PM
A Californication judge has just rejected a same-sex marriage ban in CA. This will now go to the supreme (not so supreme) court.

If this goes to SCOTUS, it will pass. I just read the Senate approved the Khazar lesbo.

My own personal opinon... I think the "gay gene" is BS. If there was a "gay gene", it would have been bred out long ago. Forty years of social engineering has produced most of the homosexuals out there.

Forty years huh? Homosexuality has only been around for forty years?

Hmmm... :conf:

I didn't say that. I said that. Prior to 40 years ago, there were other factors. Now, it's cool to be gay. How many times do you see a homosexual look bad on TV or the movies? Two examples that I know of are The Silence of the Lambs and Braveheart.

Remember the Duke U. rape case? Did you hear about the other one? I'm sure you didn't.... http://newsbusters.org/blogs/zoe-ortiz/2009/06/29/gay-duke-u-official-attempts-sell-black-5-year-old-son-sex-msm-out-lunch

I post this again and again, if you want to know what's going on... look at the 45 stated goals of Communists from the 60's. Scroll down to #26


8th August 2010, 08:37 PM
Maybe Homo's should not be singled out.

The acceptance of homosexuality in a society is the canary in the coal mine of social collapse.

I agree with you, but can you give some reference for further reading?

Still Barbaro
8th August 2010, 08:44 PM
^^ Again, I'm straight hetero.

I believe being homosexual is based on genetics. They're born that way.

Homosexuality has been in existence since the dawn of humankind, and yes, it's mentioned in the Bible.

Socially engineered? Where? I disagree.

Cool to be gay as noted above? I think it is "cool" somehow to the open about being gay, instead of being in the closet. Look at Ellen Degneras, Ricky Martin, Rock Hudon etc., etc.

I have no opinion on it. I don't care what other people do. I don't understand homosexuality but I don't need to.

My point is that no, the world is not going to end because of gays. No, the USA won't end according to Jerry Falwell, and this OP.

Who gives a sh*t?

8th August 2010, 09:10 PM
^^ Again, I'm straight hetero.

I believe being homosexual is based on genetics. They're born that way.

Homosexuality has been in existence since the dawn of humankind, and yes, it's mentioned in the Bible.

Socially engineered? Where? I disagree.

Cool to be gay as noted above? I think it is "cool" somehow to the open about being gay, instead of being in the closet. Look at Ellen Degneras, Ricky Martin, Rock Hudon etc., etc.

I have no opinion on it. I don't care what other people do. I don't understand homosexuality but I don't need to.

My point is that no, the world is not going to end because of gays. No, the USA won't end according to Jerry Falwell, and this OP.

Who gives a sh*t?

If it's a gene, why hasn't the trait been bred out?

Where? it's everywhere. I told you in my earlier post... you never see a bad side of homosexuals. It goes along the same lines as white people who don't live near blacks. If they watch TV/MSM they'd think they're always studying, never commit crimes, always helpful. I know many people like that...

Why give a shit?

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

In a nut-shell... If you destroy the family unit, the government becomes the "family"

8th August 2010, 09:17 PM
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

In a nut-shell... If you destroy the family unit, the government becomes the "family"

Seems to going according to plan and working quite well too.

9th August 2010, 12:33 AM
I believe that homosexuality is some type of sickness or unnatural disorder. However, I do believe that transgendered individuals are real and not taken into account enough.

Homosexuality is basically one man sexually loving another man. Being transgendered is a woman in a man's body (or visa versa). I believe this is is related to genetics, whereas homosexuality probably isn't. For example, if a child is born with both male and female organs, many times the less pronounced (as subjectively determined by the doctor) organ is removed and they are raised as whatever sex was chosen.

Gender and sexuality are different. You could have a transgendered male by birth attracted to females....in that case, someone who appeared to be heterosexual would actually be a lesbian. Gender may get mixed up genetically, but sexuality should always be attracted to its opposite imo.

Most homosexuals don't fall in this category however. For one thing, being a woman in a man's body wouldn't be conducive to large amounts of promiscuous sex.

9th August 2010, 07:30 AM
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

In a nut-shell... If you destroy the family unit, the government becomes the "family"

Seems to going according to plan and working quite well too.

Read the whole list. Some things are irrelevant now, but much isn't. Note: editing was my own. esp. on #30 (and when saying "done")

The Communist Takeover Of
America - 45 Declared Goals
From Greg Swank
You are about to read a list of 45 goals that found their way down the halls of our great Capitol back in 1963. As you read this, 39 years later, you should be shocked by the events that have played themselves out. I first ran across this list 3 years ago but was unable to attain a copy and it has bothered me ever since. Recently, Jeff Rense posted it on his site and I would like to thank him for doing so. http://www.rense.com

Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963


Mr. HERLONG. Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.

At Mrs. Nordman's request, I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following "Current Communist Goals," which she identifies as an excerpt from "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen:

[From "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen]

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war. [b][done]

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination. [done]

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.) [done]

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. [done]

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths. [done]

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. [done]

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. [done]

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. [done]

18. Gain control of all student newspapers. [done]

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions. [done]

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. [done]

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms." [done]

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art." [done]

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.[done]

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. [done]

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." [done]

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch." [done]

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." [done]

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. [done]

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats Racists who had no concern for the "common man." [done]

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over. [done]

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. [done]

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. [done]

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI. [done]

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. [done]

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. [done]

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. [done]

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. [done]

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. [done]

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.

Note by Webmaster: The Congressional Record back this far has not be digitized and posted on the Internet.

It will probably be available at your nearest library that is a federal repository. Call them and ask them. Your college library is probably a repository. This is an excellent source of government records. Another source are your Congress Critters. They should be more than happy to help you in this matter. You will find the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto interesting at this point.

Webmaster Forest Glen Durland found the document in the library.

Sources are listed below.

Microfilm: California State University at San Jose Clark Library, Government Floor Phone (408)924-2770 Microfilm Call Number: J 11.R5

Congressional Record, Vol. 109 88th Congress, 1st Session Appendix Pages A1-A2842 Jan. 9-May 7, 1963 Reel 12
