View Full Version : Mike Ruppert interviews FL evacuee Michael Tillman

5th August 2010, 09:04 AM
8 mins, near the top of http://collapsenet.com/ -


No relation to the Pat Tillman family. Michael Tillman looks 45-ish, he was ahead of the curve by leaving everything in FL behind and moving to LA CA area with his 2 boys, is now seeking a job.

Also thought this was interesting: Feds, BP deceptive about oil cleanup to be protected from people who get “sicker and sicker” (CNN VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/feds-bp-deceptive-about-oil-cleanup-to-be-protected-from-people-who-get-sicker-and-sicker-cnn-video)


Says many/most in the Gulf know they're being lied to, 25% believe they'll need to leave the Gulf when the full effects of the "disaster" become public... they may be waiting a long time for that, and meanwhile the damage is being done to their health.

Another one demonstrating Gulf resident anger, BP ‘Town Hall’: Gulf residents reveal dispersants STILL in use “It’s happening everywhere in the Gulf right now” — WARNING: EXPLICIT (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/bp-town-hall-gulf-residents-reveal-dispersants-still-in-use-warning-explicit)


Also: SHOCK?: 15 percent of Gulf Coast adults report respiratory problems and other physical symptoms from BP ‘oil spill’ (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/shock-15-percent-of-gulf-coast-adults-report-respiratory-problems-and-other-physical-symptoms)

Lastly, back to Ruppert, he was on FSN 7/28, just started listening:


2nd July 2011, 09:40 PM
Mike Ruppert interviews Max Keiser

I normally hear Max talking to Alex who is still in denial about overpopulation and resource limitations to exponential growth so it was a refreshing change to Mike inject this into Max's commentary.

Max was very diplomatic, Peak Oil and the beginning of the financial crash happened on 2008. The two events are "coterminous". He satisfies Ruppert- 'peak oil caused the crash', and the Alex view is not offended at all as he gets to say 'the financial crash is causing us (the world) to use less oil' if Alex wanted to account for this.

Anyway it was refreshing to hear Max's thing with energy issues as part of the conversation.

And Max talks a little more about his personal life, including answering the question of his relationship with Stacy Herbert.

Max is on for the whole show, but if pressed for time, the part after 15 minutes (both sides of the song) was perhaps the best.
The Lifeboat Hour - 06/26/11