View Full Version : Poll to gauge GS-US members #3

5th August 2010, 11:14 AM
While there may be more than one choice favorable to you or there may not be an exactly matching choice for your feelings, please select the choice closest to your position. Thanks!

5th August 2010, 11:24 AM
Spectism, in all honesty, I'll ask a second time...what is the basis behind these polls?

I question them. No offense, but are you data gathering for some agency?

5th August 2010, 11:35 AM
I don't think there should be an Unemployment fund. I don't think that there should be such a thing as Social Security, food stamps, public housing, etc.

It is my wish that we could all consider, instead, the idea of Personal Responsibility. If I wasn't taxed 40% of my revenue income, I could buy gold, silver, invest, spend, lend to a friend, give to charity, or do whatever I want to do with my hard earned FRNs. In the end (if I was fired, or retired), it's no one's fault but my own if I have spent my money foolishly, and I should bear the consequences of my own actions. Personal Responsibility.

Obviously, there are times when a person needs a helping hand. This is what friends, family, and charity are for. I am a believer in helping out less fortunate people when I am in my times of plenty. I had a great run up to the dot.com bust where I was able to help family members through their tough times. I did not keep a tally, I just hope that if I really needed help (like they did), they would remember.

Generally, the more we rely on government to be our helping hand, the more distant we become from our community and family. We don't need to have multi-generation households anymore, because the government will subsidize our rent, and pay for our food. We don't need to be good neighbors, because we never need to ask for their helping hand. Obviously, this does not apply to everyone, but I think you can see that it applies to many areas of our country where entitlement programs are plentiful.

So I have come to the conclusion that all of these programs which are designed to "help" are additionally for purpose of isolating us from the community. I don't know if this is an unintended consequence, or an intended one, but it's not the right direction.

5th August 2010, 11:37 AM
Spectism, in all honesty, I'll ask a second time...what is the basis behind these polls?

I question them. No offense, but are you data gathering for some agency?

Yes, comrade. With my new employer at the people's republic of Obamaland, I am a super-secret spy collecting data on potential terrorists, tin foil hat forums, city park flower pickers, haters, lovers, sexual perverts and UFO reporters. And I get to work with Scully.


5th August 2010, 11:42 AM
You want the ideal answer, or the answer for our current situation?

5th August 2010, 11:43 AM
I'll pick numbers 2 and 4. There shouldn't be a gov't controlled UE program, but since my employer has been forced to pay into it on my behalf, I'll take the money should the need arise.

5th August 2010, 12:04 PM
There shouldn't be any unemployment insurance at the federal level whatsoever because nothing in the enumerated powers grants Congress the authority to create such a system.

Even though I'd strongly oppose it, I'd rather have the individual states decide on that matter.

Grand Master Melon
5th August 2010, 12:40 PM
You want the ideal answer, or the answer for our current situation?

Have your cake and eat it too?

5th August 2010, 01:02 PM
So I have come to the conclusion that all of these programs which are designed to "help" are additionally for purpose of isolating us from the community. I don't know if this is an unintended consequence, or an intended one, but it's not the right direction.

The isolation from the community came first.

America is a selfish land, where real charity is funded mostly by little people. "What's in it for me?" is that primary attitude of this population.

5th August 2010, 01:16 PM
So I have come to the conclusion that all of these programs which are designed to "help" are additionally for purpose of isolating us from the community. I don't know if this is an unintended consequence, or an intended one, but it's not the right direction.

The isolation from the community came first.

America is a selfish land, where real charity is funded mostly by little people. "What's in it for me?" is that primary attitude of this population.

That is the inherent failing with these collectivist 'movements' I hear so much about. They do not answer 'what's in it for me?' in many cases. They seek to emphasise claims by the group against the individual. Things are not quite proceeding like 'Road to Serfdom', but they are proceeding closely; then again, the end result may come as a result of problem-reaction-solution.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
5th August 2010, 01:22 PM
Government cannot give to one without taking from another.

We should not have these unjust entitlements. 99+ weeks of unemployment pay? MASS MADNESS I SAY.

5th August 2010, 01:55 PM
Government cannot give to one without taking from another.

We should not have these unjust entitlements. 99+ weeks of unemployment pay? MASS MADNESS I SAY.

When the Pentagon is DEFUNDED, I'll be willing to consider your complaint about "unjust entitlements."

Until then, keep the "welfare" flowing for the people fu*ked over by Crapitalism.

5th August 2010, 02:27 PM
I do not agree with any type of Laboring for the Collective, or National Socialism.

That being said, there is a point here that needs to be made. And that is.........Drum roll please.....


Stop thinking that they 'take your money' and give it to another. It is an ILLUSION. All the States that are paying tons of unemployment have been operating in the RED for......EVER. This itself is prima facie evidence that there is no money, and paper is cheap to print.

The make believe debt will ALWAYS rise, and will never be paid. Now ask your self this:

If what the debt represented was REAL MONEY LOANED, why do they keep giving us more? It is obvious we cant pay it back. EVER. They would have cut us off decades ago. It is a ponzi scheme. Yes we are getting screwed, but dont kid yourself into thinking that someone or something is going to come collecting up the debt one day....As long as the good little sheep keep paying income tax, SS, medicare, etc the debt will continue to go higher......Because the $$$ amount is a diversion. It is about CONTROL.

What about State Benefits vs Federal Benefits? I mean, in a Democracy if the majority want it, they get it.

1970 silver art
5th August 2010, 05:38 PM
I voted ".........should get it for a limited time like 6 months". If I got laid off from my job, then I would take the unemployment AND I would also use what paper savings (i.e. cash, 401-K, cash pension, etc.) I would have to also pay for my living expenses until I was able to find another job. When I got laid off in May 2002, I applied for UE and it was approved but I ended up not getting an UE check because I was lucky enough to find another job before the UE kicked in and I did not have to draw on the UE.

To me, the UE just means that you are extending the "life" of your emergency savings. All things remaining equal, if a person is drawing Unemployment, then a person's emergency savings is getting drawn down at a slower rate as opposed to a person that just has an emergency savings and not drawing UE.

5th August 2010, 05:42 PM
Spectism, in all honesty, I'll ask a second time...what is the basis behind these polls?

I question them. No offense, but are you data gathering for some agency?

Yes, comrade. With my new employer at the people's republic of Obamaland, I am a super-secret spy collecting data on potential terrorists, tin foil hat forums, city park flower pickers, haters, lovers, sexual perverts and UFO reporters. And I get to work with Scully.


MMMMM....Scullly (with apologies to Mrs. Old).

Back OT, I am self employed, don't pay into unemployment, so can't collect in this depression. Fine by me.

Saul Mine
5th August 2010, 07:23 PM
Spectism, in all honesty, I'll ask a second time...what is the basis behind these polls?

I question them. No offense, but are you data gathering for some agency?

Everybody would like to post something that draws some measure of interest. A provocative poll might be the only thing some people do well.

5th August 2010, 11:13 PM
google this:

6th August 2010, 12:53 AM
Well speaking from experience I can hardly say I don't believe in Unemployment Insurance.

6 months before I was going to retire, I became a "worst performer" and was laid off from a company were I had worked for 36 years. By laying me off before I could collect my normal retirement package they saved about 50,000 dollars. It has become a normal part of my companies retirement policy to layoff people just before their retirement date in order to save money. I got a nice severance package and unemployment insurance to pay my way up until I started drawing my retirement.

Joe King
6th August 2010, 02:43 AM
If I wasn't taxed 40% of my revenue income, I could buy gold, silver, invest, spend, lend to a friend, give to charity, or do whatever I want to do with my hard earned FRNs.If you {and most other people} weren't taxed at a ~40% rate we'd have experienced hyperinflation decades ago.
One of the main "jobs" of the IRS in our over inflated monetary system is to "mop up", in a manner of speaking, the excess "money" from the economy as a means of inflation control.
The first time around, without the IRS involved in our fiat based system, the FED succeeded in blowing up our economy in approx 16 short years.
They almost deserve a polite golf clap for having kept it together as long as they have this time around.

Obviously, there are times when a person needs a helping hand. This is what friends, family, and charity are for. I am a believer in helping out less fortunate people when I am in my times of plenty. I had a great run up to the dot.com bust where I was able to help family members through their tough times. I did not keep a tally, I just hope that if I really needed help (like they did), they would remember.Two things.
First, allow me to say how nice of you to help out like that.
Secondly, you'll be more at peace with yourself if you don't count on the return part. That way, if you do actually get it, it'll just make you feel even better. :)

As far as unemployment ins goes, the adding insult to injury part is having to give some of it back at the end of the year.
i.e. here's not even enough to barely survive on, but make sure you save some for tax time. ::) Ever wonder why they can't just send a bit less and just call it good?