View Full Version : How Big Pharma plans to kill off alternative medicine

I am me, I am free
5th August 2010, 02:01 PM
Within two years, nutritional medicine - as a viable alternative therapy to conventional medicine and pharmaceuticals - will be a shadow of its current self in Europe.

By then, four laws will be fully implemented throughout the European Union, and they will effectively remove consumer choice. In 2012, the only show in town - in terms of genuine therapy - will be prescription drugs.

This bleak landscape - and what we all can still do about it before it's too late - is outlined in the very latest report from What Doctors Don't Tell You.

You can download this report right now when you become a WDDTY VIP, our new club that gives you access to high-end health information.

this was in an email from *What Doctors Don't Tell You*

As you must subscribe in order to download the report... I will leave it to you... to follow up on if you wish.

I never became a paying subscriber... nearly all of this stuff is easily available on other sites if you weed through the crap... and, with a little luck and smarts, know how to separate the crap from reality.

Understand something here CLEARLY though - pharmaceutical companies ARE currently manufacturing, and patenting, prescription synthetic, nutritional isolates, BECAUSE NUTRITION WORKS better than any drug EVER did.

However, these synthetic versions of vitamins and minerals come at a HUGE cost to your health... as an example, the cholesterol medication Niaspan which effectively increases liver problems... and eventually failure.

At any rate, by 2012, you had better have at least 50% of your *REAL* food available from your own organic trees, bushes, gardens and livestock, or a bartering network of which you are a part.

Plant edible landscaping ONLY from here on out... PLEASE!

Herbs and such make for great decorative ground cover if you have a thing about *appearances* being more important than your own health, well being, and perhaps, survival.


5th August 2010, 02:03 PM

5th August 2010, 02:06 PM
And your suggestion to stop chemtrail fallout? Acid rain? Poisioned water supplies?

It's getting to be if you're healthy, you're either a: enemy of the state; or b: TPTB.

I worry for my kids the most.

5th August 2010, 02:46 PM
I worry for my kids the most.

Teach them the art of arms.

They will need it.