View Full Version : University banished graduate student for not affirming homosexual behavior
5th August 2010, 03:21 PM
ADF to appeal ruling that allows Eastern Michigan U. to expel Christian students for holding to beliefs
University banished graduate counseling student for not affirming homosexual behavior
Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 12:00 AM (MST) |
ADF Media Relations | 480-444-0020
DETROIT — Alliance Defense Fund attorneys will appeal a problematic federal court decision issued Monday in a lawsuit filed on behalf of student Julea Ward against Eastern Michigan University after it kicked out the Christian student for holding to her beliefs. EMU dismissed Ward from its graduate counseling program in March 2009 for not affirming homosexual behavior as morally acceptable. Ward would not agree to change her religious beliefs about homosexual behavior or express a message contrary to them during counseling sessions as a condition to receiving a degree.
“Christian students shouldn’t be expelled for holding to and abiding by their beliefs,†said ADF Senior Counsel David French, who argued before the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan last month. “To reach its decision, the court had to do something that’s never been done in federal court: uphold an extremely broad and vague university speech code.â€
EMU initiated its disciplinary process against Ward shortly after she enrolled in a counseling practicum course in January 2009, when she was assigned a potential client seeking assistance regarding a homosexual relationship. Recognizing the potential conscience issue with the client, and knowing she could not affirm the client’s homosexual relationship without violating her religious beliefs, Ward asked her supervisor how to handle the matter. Ward was advised to reassign the potential client to a different counselor. EMU then informed Ward that she could only stay in the counseling program if she agreed to undergo a “remediation†program. Its purpose was to help her “see the error of her ways†and change her “belief system†as it relates to counseling about homosexual relationships.
At a subsequent formal review meeting, EMU faculty denigrated Ward’s Christian views and asked several inappropriate and intrusive questions about her religious beliefs. A faculty committee then dismissed her from the counseling program. Ward appealed, but the dean of EMU College of Education upheld the dismissal.
“Julea merely followed her supervising professor’s advice by referring a potential client to a counselor who had no conscience issue with the particular matter to be discussed,†said French. “She would have gladly counseled the client herself had the topic focused on any other matter. We trust the 6th Circuit will understand the constitutional issues involved in this case.â€
The EMU speech codes enabling the university’s actions were challenged as part of the ADF lawsuit, Ward v. Wilbanks. One policy prohibiting “discrimination based on…sexual orientation†adds that counselors cannot “condone†what the university defines as discrimination. Another problematic policy states that EMU’s counseling department may discipline a student who shows a “failure to tolerate different points of view.â€
Steven M. Jentzen, one of nearly 1,800 attorneys in the ADF alliance, is local counsel in the case. ADF is currently litigating a similar case involving a counseling student at Augusta State University in Georgia.
5th August 2010, 03:32 PM
But...but...but...the f@ggots only want "equal rights!"
5th August 2010, 03:45 PM
But...but...but...the f@ggots only want "equal rights!"
And losing to people like this at that!
Joe King
5th August 2010, 03:46 PM
She should be permitted to have her own beliefs and not have to "submit" to "re-programing".
However, if she can't do the job and apply an idea of equal Rights for all while doing so, she should perhaps find another job.
This is no different than the Muslims working as clerks you sometimes hear about refusing to sell certain items that violate their own personal faith-held beliefs.
i.e. if you can't provide the service your prospective employer requires of its employees, you shouldn't waste your time applying in the first place.
5th August 2010, 03:47 PM
cutting off the balls of society, one child at a time...
5th August 2010, 03:56 PM
And society is just ever-so-close to punishing thought crimes.
5th August 2010, 04:13 PM
But...but...but...the f@ggots only want "equal rights!"
And losing to people like this at that!
And this:
Pretty pathetic, huh?
"Land of the free, home of the brave"? LOL
If the typical American male wasn't such a metrosexual, these freaks would be forcibly slammed back into the closet, and so many other things would be set right.
5th August 2010, 04:15 PM
And society is just ever-so-close to punishing thought crimes.
I'd say this student was punished for her crimethink...having her college career sunk after putting plenty of time and money into it.
"Tolerance" and "understanding" is unacceptable to the f@ggots. ACCEPTANCE - EMBRACE - is the only thing they'll settle for.
5th August 2010, 04:16 PM
She should be permitted to have her own beliefs and not have to "submit" to "re-programing".
However, if she can't do the job and apply an idea of equal Rights for all while doing so, she should perhaps find another job.
Recognizing & treating their mental illness is what they are entitled to.
Joe King
5th August 2010, 04:21 PM
She should be permitted to have her own beliefs and not have to "submit" to "re-programing".
However, if she can't do the job and apply an idea of equal Rights for all while doing so, she should perhaps find another job.
Recognizing & treating their mental illness is what they are entitled to.
Why insist on trying to change Gods plan?
Like you can make it better? ::)
Remember, all you can see hear touch taste smell or discern in any possible way is all brought to by your God for your education.
5th August 2010, 04:21 PM
Joe she is a student...not a teacher
5th August 2010, 04:23 PM
Joe she is a student...not a teacher
He was implying that someone who believes in the Bible cannot be a good counselor since they cannot embrace f@ggotry as normal.
5th August 2010, 04:24 PM
Why insist on trying to change Gods plan?
Anal sex, fisting, and golden showers are not part of "God's plan."
Joe King
5th August 2010, 04:25 PM
Joe she is a student...not a teacher
She can be a student, just {apparently} not a counsler.
A position she presumably applied for, correct?
Or is being a counsler a requirement of her studies? {I'm asking, as I not sure if it is}
5th August 2010, 04:29 PM
Joe she is a student...not a teacher
She can be a student, just {apparently} not a counsler.
A position she presumably applied for, correct?
Or is being a counselor a requirement of her studies? {I'm asking, as I not sure if it is}
Oh..I don't know about any of that...Maybe.
But apparently she never refused to counsel anyone.
She only stated her beliefs in a class room where beliefs were being discussed
and No apparently she can no longer be a student there
And are Judges now going to start telling counselors what they can and can't believe?
These damn liberal judges are out of control
Joe King
5th August 2010, 04:30 PM
Joe she is a student...not a teacher
He was implying that someone who believes in the Bible cannot be a good counselor since they cannot embrace f@ggotry as normal.
No, that is not what I was saying.
She may be a good counsler.
She just doesn't fit within the description of counsler as defined by EMU.
Again, is it a requirement of her classes? Can she still attend without being a counsler?
5th August 2010, 04:34 PM
What and who is Next?
Doctors being told by Obama care that they Must preform abortions?
Pastors of Christian churches being told they Must preform gay marriages?
Joe King
5th August 2010, 04:35 PM
Joe she is a student...not a teacher
She can be a student, just {apparently} not a counsel.
A position she presumably applied for, correct?
Or is being a counselor a requirement of her studies? {I'm asking, as I not sure if it is}
Oh..I don't know about any of that...Maybe.
But apparently she never refused to counsel anyone.
She only stated her beliefs in a class room where beliefs were being discussed
and No apparently she can no longer be a student there
And are Judges now going to start telling counselors what they can and can't believe?
These damn liberal judges are out of control
Well, that parts doesn't seem right.
She should be able to do her studies without having to be in a position to council other students.
i.e. why are students counseling students anyway?
Joe King
5th August 2010, 04:42 PM
What and who is Next?
Doctors being told by Obama care that they Must preform abortions?
Pastors of Christian churches being told they Must preform gay marriages?
None of that should be next.
If the .gov wasn't in the marriage biz, a gay persons wanting to be "married" would need to find a gay church with a gay pastor to marry them before their gay God.
The .govs job in such a case is to merely recognize that their 1st Amendment Rights of religious freedom are upheld equally along with all others.
Also, all JP "marriages should be termed a "civil union" as opposed marriage. {be they homosexual or heterosexual}
See? That way marriage becomes a wholly religious thing again.
i.e. it's a win/win
General of Darkness
5th August 2010, 04:48 PM
This is just PURE evil. They want to control you and that also means your opinions. We are living 1984 and the Animal Farm all at once. :soap
5th August 2010, 04:49 PM
What and who is Next?
Doctors being told by Obama care that they Must preform abortions?
Pastors of Christian churches being told they Must preform gay marriages?
None of that should be next.
If the .gov wasn't in the marriage biz, a gay persons wanting to be "married" would need to find a gay church with a gay pastor to marry them before their gay God.
The .govs job in such a case is to merely recognize that their 1st Amendment Rights of religious freedom are upheld equally along with all others.
Also, all JP "marriages should be termed a "civil union" as opposed marriage. {be they homosexual or heterosexual}
See? That way marriage becomes a wholly religious thing again.
i.e. it's a win/win
I agree...But thats not gonna happen.
Im pretty sure if this country continues on the path that it is on, those things I mentioned Will be next.
And more
There will be thought police soon and we will be told what we can think.
Only "Political correctness" will be tolerated
Joe King
5th August 2010, 04:53 PM
What and who is Next?
Doctors being told by Obama care that they Must preform abortions?
Pastors of Christian churches being told they Must preform gay marriages?
None of that should be next.
If the .gov wasn't in the marriage biz, a gay persons wanting to be "married" would need to find a gay church with a gay pastor to marry them before their gay God.
The .govs job in such a case is to merely recognize that their 1st Amendment Rights of religious freedom are upheld equally along with all others.
Also, all JP "marriages should be termed a "civil union" as opposed marriage. {be they homosexual or heterosexual}
See? That way marriage becomes a wholly religious thing again.
i.e. it's a win/win
I agree...But thats not gonna happen.
Im pretty sure if this country continues on the path that it is on, those things I mentioned Will be next.
And more
There will be thought police soon and we will be told what we can think.
Only "Political correctness" will be tolerated
Well, if that's all part of the plan, then I suppose.
Gotta get to end-game somehow.
5th August 2010, 05:00 PM
The end will come on its own Joe...we don't have to try to hurry it. :)
We are to be salt and light on this earth until our master returns.
I don't think that means keeping to ourselves and letting the world go to hell
The least we can do is try to stand up for what we think is Right... and try to stand against what we know is wrong.
Silver Rocket Bitches!
5th August 2010, 05:13 PM
Prohibition of the free exercise of religion. This is another kick of sand in the face of the constitution.
Since when does freedom of sexual preference trump the freedom of religion?!
This is my Alma mater and I could not be more ashamed :'(
Joe King
5th August 2010, 05:29 PM
The end will come on its own Joe...we don't have to try to hurry it. :) It couldn't be hastened or slowed even if we tried.
We are to be salt and light on this earth until our master returns. If by aspiring to live in a way to set a good example, yep
I don't think that means keeping to ourselves and letting the world go to hell Isn't that where this World is destined for no matter what anyone does and or doesn't do?
The least we can do is try to stand up for what we think is Right... and try to stand against what we know is wrong.
Nothing wrong with saying what one believes Ken.
I just don't believe in using .gov to promote one persons belief over that of another.
5th August 2010, 07:30 PM
What and who is Next?
Doctors being told by Obama care that they Must preform abortions?
Pastors of Christian churches being told they Must preform gay marriages?
That is absolutely correct, Ken - it's coming.
Joe King
5th August 2010, 10:32 PM
What and who is Next?
Doctors being told by Obama care that they Must preform abortions?
Pastors of Christian churches being told they Must preform gay marriages?
That is absolutely correct, Ken - it's coming.
If that ever happens, it'll only be because of the fact that almost all "Churches" go to the gov to seek permission to officially be a Church.
By doing so, they have to follow certain rules as Legislated.
Once you compromise your principles to go along to get along, you have to play by the rules you agreed to.
I mean, how many Churches would be able to be a Church as you have come to recognize them without 501c3 status?
Which is granted by gov to those institutions {in this case Churches} who meet certin criteria as defined by .gov regulations.
Without .govs blessing, most couldn't afford to stay in the Church "buisness".
Which God is it that's supposed to come first, again? ???
5th August 2010, 10:58 PM
If that ever happens, it'll only be because of the fact that almost all "Churches" go to the gov to seek permission to officially be a Church.
By doing so, they have to follow certain rules as Legislated.
Once you compromise your principles to go along to get along, you have to play by the rules you agreed to.
I mean, how many Churches would be able to be a Church as you have come to recognize them without 501c3 status?
Which is granted by gov to those institutions {in this case Churches} who meet certin criteria as defined by .gov regulations.
Without .govs blessing, most couldn't afford to stay in the Church "buisness".
Which God is it that's supposed to come first, again? ???
You are essentially correct. Which is why I do not belong to an earthly "church."
This is what happens to an earthly church that refuses to place the US Government in the position of God:
Joe King
5th August 2010, 11:28 PM
If that ever happens, it'll only be because of the fact that almost all "Churches" go to the gov to seek permission to officially be a Church.
By doing so, they have to follow certain rules as Legislated.
Once you compromise your principles to go along to get along, you have to play by the rules you agreed to.
I mean, how many Churches would be able to be a Church as you have come to recognize them without 501c3 status?
Which is granted by gov to those institutions {in this case Churches} who meet certin criteria as defined by .gov regulations.
Without .govs blessing, most couldn't afford to stay in the Church "buisness".
Which God is it that's supposed to come first, again? ???
You are essentially correct. Which is why I do not belong to an earthly "church."
This is what happens to an earthly church that refuses to place the US Government in the position of God:
C'mon. You don't think the "little girl" thing played a big role in drawing tptb attention to him?
I mean, I'm willing to allow a very broad interpration of the first Amendment, but as soon as someone says, "God told me to have sex with little girls", they don't get any protection under the principle of "Religous freedom".
"God" can tell you all day long what to do as long as whatever it is he's telling you only affects you.
That said, I do not agree with the way that went down. Not one bit.
If it was Koresh they wanted, they could have nabbed him on many different occasions in town and left the others alone.
5th August 2010, 11:56 PM
C'mon. You don't think the "little girl" thing played a big role in drawing tptb attention to him?
I mean, I'm willing to allow a very broad interpration of the first Amendment, but as soon as someone says, "God told me to have sex with little girls", they don't get any protection under the principle of "Religous freedom".
I see you swallow Jewsmedia bullshit without question.
6th August 2010, 12:17 AM
But...but...but...the f@ggots only want "equal rights!"
they already have equal rights. nobody say a f@ggot cant marry a woman.
Joe King
6th August 2010, 12:45 AM
C'mon. You don't think the "little girl" thing played a big role in drawing tptb attention to him?
I mean, I'm willing to allow a very broad interpration of the first Amendment, but as soon as someone says, "God told me to have sex with little girls", they don't get any protection under the principle of "Religous freedom".
I see you swallow Jewsmedia bullsh*t without question.
I seem to recall hearing about Kiri Jewell testifying before Congress about being molested at age 10.
Also, is this true?
Koresh acknowledged on a videotape sent out of the compound during the standoff that he had fathered more than 12 children by several "wives," some of whom were as young as 12 or 13 when they became pregnant.
Age of parental consent in Texas was 14 at the time.
Sorry, but he was what's known as a false prophet.
6th August 2010, 02:34 AM
C'mon. You don't think the "little girl" thing played a big role in drawing tptb attention to him?
I mean, I'm willing to allow a very broad interpration of the first Amendment, but as soon as someone says, "God told me to have sex with little girls", they don't get any protection under the principle of "Religous freedom".
I see you swallow Jewsmedia bullsh*t without question.
I seem to recall hearing about Kiri Jewell testifying before Congress about being molested at age 10.
Also, is this true?
Koresh acknowledged on a videotape sent out of the compound during the standoff that he had fathered more than 12 children by several "wives," some of whom were as young as 12 or 13 when they became pregnant.
Age of parental consent in Texas was 14 at the time.
Sorry, but he was what's known as a false prophet.
Maybe so ,but the Govt. had no right to go in like the Red Army into Berlin either. Its ONE guy they were after. but they slaughtered the little ones too. Are you too young to remember the event?
Joe King
6th August 2010, 02:49 AM
C'mon. You don't think the "little girl" thing played a big role in drawing tptb attention to him?
I mean, I'm willing to allow a very broad interpration of the first Amendment, but as soon as someone says, "God told me to have sex with little girls", they don't get any protection under the principle of "Religous freedom".
I see you swallow Jewsmedia bullsh*t without question.
I seem to recall hearing about Kiri Jewell testifying before Congress about being molested at age 10.
Also, is this true?
Koresh acknowledged on a videotape sent out of the compound during the standoff that he had fathered more than 12 children by several "wives," some of whom were as young as 12 or 13 when they became pregnant.
Age of parental consent in Texas was 14 at the time.
Sorry, but he was what's known as a false prophet.
Maybe so ,but the Govt. had no right to go in like the Red Army into Berlin either. Its ONE guy they were after. but they slaughtered the little ones too. Are you too young to remember the event?
No I was not.
If you noticed, I already said that it was handled in the worst possible way, as they could have nabbed Koresh any number of times while leaving the others alone.
They {ATF} wanted to make a show out of the deal and play Rambo. Buncha idiots they were/are.
Saul Mine
6th August 2010, 03:13 AM
This sounds like one of those cases where EVERYBODY has their head on backwards.
There is no reason why a Christian has to expect anybody else to live according to the Christian doctrines. The bible plainly says everybody gets a choice. God wants people to choose life, but everybody gets to make their own choice.
Neither is there any requirement for a counselor to change her beliefs just because somebody else doesn't share them. Her teachers ought to know that, since that is exactly what they claim to teach. The first principle of the counseling business is "Don't take sides!"
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