View Full Version : Nazi congresscritter comes out of the closet: "Kill all whistleblowers!"

I am me, I am free
5th August 2010, 07:51 PM

5th August 2010, 09:43 PM
I support capital punishment for Congresscreatures.

6th August 2010, 07:33 AM
He worked as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its Chicago office,
specializing in organized crime and public corruption cases, 1989–1994


Rogers knows all the tricks on how to screw the people and maybe a few tips on how not to get caught

Michigan is doomed :boom

6th August 2010, 08:03 AM
whats this video of helicopter attack? sorry a bit out of it, been on drilling rig.

Joe King
6th August 2010, 08:50 AM
whats this video of helicopter attack? sorry a bit out of it, been on drilling rig.
Video shows deaths of two Reuters journalists in Iraq in 2007 and was leaked. (http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/04/05/iraq.photographers.killed/index.html?eref=rss_latest&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+Mo st+Recent%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher)

Stuff like this doesn't deserve to be kept "secret", as the only reason to do so is to avoid the embarrassment of the Administration.

6th August 2010, 09:28 AM
To paraphrase: 'You should be killed for information that could potentially harm a US soldier.'

Better keep your cell phone in your pocket around soldiers, lest you be accused of taking a picture and killed by the state.

I wonder if a coin toss could save more people?

Will his psychopathic horror apply to police too? "Honey a policeman is at the door to see you" (wife shot for treason).

But he is pretty.


6th August 2010, 10:19 AM
I guess I didn't get the same thing out of that vid as everyone else. What I got was that Congressman Rogers supports enforcing our laws and takes a dim view of soldiers intentionally leaking classified info, regardless of how much the media relishes having such stories handed to them.

I also felt the headline for this was typical overblown left-wing propagandizing. Where, pray tell, did the "Nazi" connotation come in? It's merely agenda-driven sensationalizing designed to discredit a Republican without adequate cause. And, "kill all whistleblowers" is a clear exaggeration, as well. There is a proper channel for soldiers to report such incidences, to be "whistleblowers" without compromising the security of their comrades in arms.

Perhaps Congressman Rogers should have used the more acceptable "should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law" phrasing, especially when talking to MSNBC, but hey, I'm okay with politicians saying what they actually mean.

I am me, I am free
6th August 2010, 10:23 AM
I guess I didn't get the same thing out of that vid as everyone else. What I got was that Congressman Rogers supports enforcing our laws and takes a dim view of soldiers intentionally leaking classified info, regardless of how much the media relishes having such stories handed to them.

I also felt the headline for this was typical overblown left-wing propagandizing. Where, pray tell, did the "Nazi" connotation come in? It's merely agenda-driven sensationalizing designed to discredit a Republican without adequate cause. And, "kill all whistleblowers" is a clear exaggeration, as well. There is a proper channel for soldiers to report such incidences, to be "whistleblowers" without compromising the security of there comrades in arms.

A neoCON is worse than a Nazi, yet few are able to see that. Nazis were Germany's problem, neoCONs are America's problem. This guy Rogers is a bona fide, dues-paying member of the death cult, I don't think you can dispute that.

6th August 2010, 10:26 AM
I guess I didn't get the same thing out of that vid as everyone else. What I got was that Congressman Rogers supports enforcing our laws and takes a dim view of soldiers intentionally leaking classified info, regardless of how much the media relishes having such stories handed to them.

I also felt the headline for this was typical overblown left-wing propagandizing. Where, pray tell, did the "Nazi" connotation come in? It's merely agenda-driven sensationalizing designed to discredit a Republican without adequate cause. And, "kill all whistleblowers" is a clear exaggeration, as well. There is a proper channel for soldiers to report such incidences, to be "whistleblowers" without compromising the security of there comrades in arms.

A neoCON is worse than a Nazi, yet few are able to see that. Nazis were Germany's problem, neoCONs are America's problem. This guy Rogers is a bona fide, dues-paying member of the death cult, I don't think you can dispute that.

No, I don't get that at all. Demonization of the "neo-con" moniker is liberal-wackado smear job.

I am me, I am free
6th August 2010, 10:29 AM
I guess I didn't get the same thing out of that vid as everyone else. What I got was that Congressman Rogers supports enforcing our laws and takes a dim view of soldiers intentionally leaking classified info, regardless of how much the media relishes having such stories handed to them.

I also felt the headline for this was typical overblown left-wing propagandizing. Where, pray tell, did the "Nazi" connotation come in? It's merely agenda-driven sensationalizing designed to discredit a Republican without adequate cause. And, "kill all whistleblowers" is a clear exaggeration, as well. There is a proper channel for soldiers to report such incidences, to be "whistleblowers" without compromising the security of there comrades in arms.

A neoCON is worse than a Nazi, yet few are able to see that. Nazis were Germany's problem, neoCONs are America's problem. This guy Rogers is a bona fide, dues-paying member of the death cult, I don't think you can dispute that.

No, I don't get that at all. Demonization of the "neo-con" moniker is liberal-wackado smear job.

So you admit to being a neoCON apologist??

Joe King
6th August 2010, 10:44 AM
I guess I didn't get the same thing out of that vid as everyone else. What I got was that Congressman Rogers supports enforcing our laws and takes a dim view of soldiers intentionally leaking classified info, regardless of how much the media relishes having such stories handed to them.

I also felt the headline for this was typical overblown left-wing propagandizing. Where, pray tell, did the "Nazi" connotation come in? It's merely agenda-driven sensationalizing designed to discredit a Republican without adequate cause. And, "kill all whistleblowers" is a clear exaggeration, as well. There is a proper channel for soldiers to report such incidences, to be "whistleblowers" without compromising the security of there comrades in arms.

A neoCON is worse than a Nazi, yet few are able to see that. Nazis were Germany's problem, neoCONs are America's problem. This guy Rogers is a bona fide, dues-paying member of the death cult, I don't think you can dispute that.

No, I don't get that at all. Demonization of the "neo-con" moniker is liberal-wackado smear job.
Ok. How about this?

We, as owners of our gov, need to see stuff like the video I posted if we have any hope of ever knowing what's really being done in our names.

Thank God for people who are willing to do what's right, even in the face of being crushed.

If not for them, it'd have been game-over long ago.

How many here would have the guts {i.e. ballz} to leak something like the Pentagon Papers if you found yourself having access to them?
Given the chance, I'd like nothing more than to be able, at some point, to dump this entire apple cart of a system upside down and knock the wheels off of it.

6th August 2010, 10:55 AM
So you admit to being a neoCON apologist??


6th August 2010, 10:56 AM
A neoCON is worse than a Nazi, yet few are able to see that. Nazis were Germany's problem, neoCONs are America's problem. This guy Rogers is a bona fide, dues-paying member of the death cult, I don't think you can dispute that.

No, I don't get that at all. Demonization of the "neo-con" moniker is liberal-wackado smear job.

"Neo-Con" = Israel-First, perpetual warmonger, phony "conservative."

Nothing "smear job" about it.

I am me, I am free
6th August 2010, 10:59 AM
Demonization of the "neo-con" moniker is liberal-wackado smear job.

NeoCONs are the lowest of scum, right there with the leftist collectivists of the world, and the true domestic enemies of the American people. Anyone who attempts to deny that neoCONs = the death cult is in favor of the death cult's agenda, whether they're willing to admit it or not.

fcuk all neoCONs and the horse they rode in on.

6th August 2010, 11:09 AM
Demonization of the "neo-con" moniker is liberal-wackado smear job.

NeoCONs are the lowest of scum, right there with the leftist collectivists of the world, and the true domestic enemies of the American people. Anyone who attempts to deny that neoCONs = the death cult is in favor of the death cult's agenda, whether they're willing to admit it or not.

fcuk all neoCONs and the horse they rode in on.

Wow! Do you often throw this sort of tantrum when someone disagrees with your interpretation?

I am me, I am free
6th August 2010, 11:13 AM
Demonization of the "neo-con" moniker is liberal-wackado smear job.

NeoCONs are the lowest of scum, right there with the leftist collectivists of the world, and the true domestic enemies of the American people. Anyone who attempts to deny that neoCONs = the death cult is in favor of the death cult's agenda, whether they're willing to admit it or not.

fcuk all neoCONs and the horse they rode in on.

Wow! Do you often throw this sort of tantrum when someone disagrees with your interpretation?

You are apparently out of touch with reality...

6th August 2010, 11:17 AM
You are apparently out of touch with reality...


Did you stick your tongue out at me as you wrote that grade-school playground response?

I am me, I am free
6th August 2010, 11:21 AM
You are apparently out of touch with reality...


Did you stick your tongue out at me as you wrote that grade-school playground response?

You're a neoCON apologist, so what else can we expect from you??

You are also in denial, as you are most likely unfamiliar with the agenda of PNAC and how they are tied into the S-11 shock and awe/'terror' event.

The facts are indisputable and speak for themselves.

Joe King
6th August 2010, 11:22 AM
Demonization of the "neo-con" moniker is liberal-wackado smear job.

NeoCONs are the lowest of scum, right there with the leftist collectivists of the world, and the true domestic enemies of the American people. Anyone who attempts to deny that neoCONs = the death cult is in favor of the death cult's agenda, whether they're willing to admit it or not.

fcuk all neoCONs and the horse they rode in on.

Wow! Do you often throw this sort of tantrum when someone disagrees with your interpretation?

Excuse me, but is the following pretty much what a "neocon" represents?

Neoconservatism is a political philosophy that emerged in the United States of America, and which supports using modern American economic and military power to bring liberalism, democracy, and human rights to other countries.
In economics, unlike paleoconservatives and libertarians, neoconservatives are generally comfortable with a welfare state; and, while rhetorically supportive of free markets, they are willing to interfere for overriding social purposes. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoconservatism)

Sounds like a lot of busy-body type stuff to me.
Is it?

I am me, I am free
6th August 2010, 11:25 AM

6th August 2010, 11:31 AM
Wow! Do you often throw this sort of tantrum when someone disagrees with your interpretation?

I am Me, I am Free & I are often violently at odds on issues, but on this one, he and I are in complete agreement.

He's right to be passionate about this issue; an issue which has brought America, and the world, to the brink of destruction.

Joe King
6th August 2010, 11:54 AM
Wow! Do you often throw this sort of tantrum when someone disagrees with your interpretation?

I am Me, I am Free & I are often violently at odds on issues, but on this one, he and I are in complete agreement.

He's right to be passionate about this issue; an issue which has brought America, and the world, to the brink of destruction.
I agree too. ;D

IMHO, neocons need to practice the Golden Rule.

Upon reading the def I posted, it made me think of the nosey old lady that lives down the street who uses binoculars to watch everything going on, while having Code Enforcement on speed dial.

All she's missing are rocket launchers, tanks and close air support. :D

6th August 2010, 12:49 PM
Wow! Do you often throw this sort of tantrum when someone disagrees with your interpretation?

I am Me, I am Free & I are often violently at odds on issues, but on this one, he and I are in complete agreement.

He's right to be passionate about this issue; an issue which has brought America, and the world, to the brink of destruction.

I am no apologist for what you folks are calling a neo-con, but neither do I buy the definition. It's a term created by liberal socialists to desparage the right-wing. Period.

The video in the OP proved nothing like what the MSNBC crowd want to interpret it as.

I thought most posters here liked to pride themselves on being "awake", but I think you're snoozin' if you let yourselves be led around by liberal propaganda. I don't think that's what most here want, so please take another look and you'll see that the typical MSNBC agenda was in full force and fine form there.

6th August 2010, 12:56 PM
Ok, mister conservative, what have the republicans rolled back since they had the majority for so many years?

*maybe you can show us where obongo's policies are different from bush's policies. We're waiting!

6th August 2010, 01:12 PM
Ok, mister conservative, what have the republicans rolled back since they had the majority for so many years?

*maybe you can show us where obongo's policies are different from bush's policies. We're waiting!

So, back on topic, can you show me how IAM,IAF made the leap of accusing me of being a neo-con apologist for defending the congressman's position that military personnel leaking classified info is treasonous?

You guys may not like it, but Rogers is right. Slinging mud and applying labels does not change that.

Fine. You don't trust the government. Neither do I. That is no excuse. Our military personnel are expected to live by a certain code of conduct.

6th August 2010, 01:17 PM
Hyperbolic thread title aside, I already know that this post will be unpopular, having read through all of the posts in this thread. But yet, here I go . . .

I think there are valid reasons for keeping some military secrets. The attack helicopter video perhaps does not have a valid reason to be kept secret, except to avoid embarrassment. That's not a good enough reason for me. However, leaking classified strategies, plans, after action reports, training, locations, etc. all potentially hinder the outcome of a battle or war occurring now, and perhaps battles and wars yet to come.

Let it be known that I don't think American "defense" is possible in other countries (it's called "offense" there), but that is beside the point of my opinion on leaking classified military information.

Joe King
6th August 2010, 01:47 PM
Ok, mister conservative, what have the republicans rolled back since they had the majority for so many years?

*maybe you can show us where obongo's policies are different from bush's policies. We're waiting!

So, back on topic, can you show me how IAM,IAF made the leap of accusing me of being a neo-con apologist for defending the congressman's position that military personnel leaking classified info is treasonous?

You guys may not like it, but he's right. Slinging mud and applying labels does not change that.

Fine. You don't trust the government. Neither do I. That is no excuse. Our military personnel are expected to live by a certain code of conduct.
IMHO, it's because they have a very bad habit of classifying things based upon how badly it might embarrass the Administration at the time.

Here's a non-war example of how the gov operates in general when it comes to "top secret" classifications.

Happen to remember a guy by the name of John Lennon?
The FBI had files on him they declared to be classified on the grounds that releasing them could cause "military retaliation against the United States."

Despite the fierce battle the government waged to keep the documents secret, the files released Tuesday contain information that is hardly shocking, just new details about Lennon's ties to New Left leaders and antiwar groups in London in the early 1970s, said the historian, Jon Wiener (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06358/748364-84.stm)

Wow! I never knew John Lennon was anti-war, did you guys know that? ::)

My point is, the gov classifies things that shouldn't have been in the first place.
Then spend untold millions fighting to keep secrets as long as possible, or until after those who it might not make look so good are long gone.

That's just not right because theres no other way for us to actually have any kind of idea as to whats really going on.
If they'll go to such lengths to keep mundane secrets about Mr. Lennon, what's being covered up now?
.....but whatever it is, they'll fight tooth and nail to not have to release it and/or take away someones freedom for having done the right thing for them. ::)

6th August 2010, 02:29 PM
IMHO, it's because they have a very bad habit of classifying things based upon how badly it might embarrass the Administration at the time.

That may well be, but here is a case where the Republican Congressman has little interest in protecting Obama's administration from embarrassment. IMO, he took his stand based on the action of the soldier leaking docs.

No matter how much one may think the leak justified based on content, it is not a subjective call. The rules governing conduct of military personnel are B&W. This was a clear and intentional violation.

Based on that alone this is an extremely serious act. Whether content will play into it being treated as a capitol offense or not, I do not know. However, I do believe the Congressman made a valid argument for such. He is not judge and jury in this, but I do respect his hard-line stance when it comes to the security of our armed forces.

6th August 2010, 02:42 PM
I do respect his hard-line stance when it comes to the security of our armed forces.

If this blabbering fu*k had a "hard-line stance" on the "security of our armed forces," he'd be in the front lines demanding the troops be brought home immediately.

His statement was purely self-serving, aiming to win support from other perpetual warmongers.

6th August 2010, 02:46 PM
i was a whistleblower in one job, after witnessing ongoing fraud at an electronics company that did work for the US government.

i was very patient because i didn't want to appear like an "aggrieved employee" or whatever the legal term is.

one of the attorneys i talked to suggested to see the movie "The Insider" (about tobacco industry whisteblower Jeffrey Ligand) to get an idea of the stress that comes with the territory, the heat that comes with the kitchen, however you want to put it.



basically the technique the corporations use to deal with whistleblowers is they try to kill them with stress, using attorneys, other employees, private investigators, etc.

i have experienced that myself and i have 2 friends who have endured a similar barrage because they spoke out about injured patients in the LASIK industry.

the United States really does have a anti-whistleblower culture. whistle-blowers are a threat to the part of corporate America where fraud is rampant. at this point, that seems to be most of corporate America. but i'm biased ;D

Joe King
6th August 2010, 03:07 PM
People who have the ballz to do what is right in the face of extreme adversity are heroic.

The culture thing is rooted in the old, "nobody likes a tattle-tale".
However, some things don't deserve to be kept secret.

I wish these so-called Conservatives types that want to police the World were more like Thomas Jefferson in that they supported being friends with all Nations while having Alliances with none.
As a Nation, we would be so much better off for it.

6th August 2010, 11:53 PM
Ok, mister conservative, what have the republicans rolled back since they had the majority for so many years?

*maybe you can show us where obongo's policies are different from bush's policies. We're waiting!

So, back on topic, can you show me how IAM,IAF made the leap of accusing me of being a neo-con apologist for defending the congressman's position that military personnel leaking classified info is treasonous?

You guys may not like it, but Rogers is right. Slinging mud and applying labels does not change that.

Fine. You don't trust the government. Neither do I. That is no excuse. Our military personnel are expected to live by a certain code of conduct.

No, the point is there aren't 2 sides. There's one side. One team pulling the strings on both sides of the aisle. Only suckers still believe we have any representation in government.

*read the book at mises.org linked in my sig.

8th August 2010, 10:42 AM
I think there are valid reasons for keeping some military secrets. The attack helicopter video perhaps does not have a valid reason to be kept secret, except to avoid embarrassment. That's not a good enough reason for me. However, leaking classified strategies, plans, after action reports, training, locations, etc. all potentially hinder the outcome of a battle or war occurring now, and perhaps battles and wars yet to come.

There is a big difference between leaking future strategic plans VS leaking out and out murder and crime caught on tape.
Just sayin...


Did you stick your tongue out at me as you wrote that grade-school playground response?

Welcome back Percival.

8th August 2010, 10:59 AM
I guess we're not going to get that list of conservative action that shrunk the government carried out by the neo-cohens?