View Full Version : Trashing tar balls on the Gulf: Is there a better way than dumping it?

6th August 2010, 11:04 AM
(CNN) -- When Mississippi attorney Tim Holleman was approached by furious community officials in Gulfport to stop BP and its contractor from dumping tar balls and oil-stained byproducts into a local landfill, he sent out an e-mail asking if there were alternatives to deal with the waste.

At least five companies replied, offering possible ways to reuse or recycle the oily waste -- an option that BP has yet to implement in its cleanup efforts of what scientists now say is the largest accidental release of oil into water in history.

Instead, tar balls, oily sand and vegetation, and soiled gloves and suits from the thousands of temporary BP workers who've been working to clean up beaches along the Gulf of Mexico are being dumped in landfills along the Gulf Coast.

BP has collected close to 40,000 tons of "oily solid" waste from the cleanup activities.

more: http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/08/05/oil.recycle/index.html?hpt=T2

As cleanup efforts continue along beaches and marshes, BP says it is testing and evaluating methods to recycle the waste.