View Full Version : ABC pushes lesbian second marriages (when straight wives go wild)

6th August 2010, 07:50 PM

More lesbian propaganda being pushed by major media outlets - seeing some of this, I recognize the area of Philadelphia - heavily Jewish, entitled yuppies and useless housewives who don't have to work for a living, etc.

The neurotic dysfunctional woman in this case, Shira Neuberger, who went lesbian after electro-convulsive therapy (shock therapy) failed to cure her depression after being married for 5-6 years.

6th August 2010, 08:18 PM
Blame Walt Disney - or the "Happily ever after syndrome"

Leaving aside my (misogynistic) view of the world, women have become increasingly concerned with finding the "solution" which will bring them eternal contentment - never realizing that acceptance of oneself is the critical first step.

Diverting sexual energy (lesbianism, pluralities, on-ism) are only poor substitutes for the underlying self hatred of most "western" women.

IMHO women are similar to my parrot - as long as there is something else to focus on (e.g., the bell & mirror) they do OK, but withdraw the external focus, they focus on internal destructive behavior (like pulling out all their feathers),

I'd counter most feminists arguments by asking (as a total misogynist)

"So what would it take to make to content" (note - content is not the same as happy)