View Full Version : Corexit Nullifies Oil-Eating Microbes

7th August 2010, 03:05 AM

Corexit Nullifies Oil-Eating Microbes
The toxic blend of poisons sprayed in the Gulf not only hides the scope of the disaster perpetrated by BP (destroying the evidence while the U.S. Govt. looks the other way) and taints the air and rain, but it also eliminates the natural means of breaking down the oil (via microbes).

by Ken Rasmussen
for Pure Energy Systems News

The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the New Energy Congress colleagues and advisors.

Sorry to dampen the same enthusiasm I had myself about 4 weeks ago, until I learned Corexit kills the oil eating microbes.

BP has committed a war crime against the US. There are no longer any organic solutions. They have knowingly made a toxic blend of poisons which even ordinary distillation won't cure. And how could anyone even distill the entire Gulf of Mexico? Ordinary rain used to work, but oil and Corexit components are showing up in rain water as far north as South Dakota now.

But since big oil owns congress, the white house, and the court system, it makes FTC attorneys destroy small energy inventors, and NEVER chase the real bad guys. Nobody here wants to face up to the truth.

Changing the viscosity of the water in the entire gulf is already triggering weather problems of enormous magnitude. Look at a map of present brush fires in Russia, NEVER THIS BAD IN THEIR HISTORY. Makes the "great Chicago fire" look like a campfire.

Goldman Sachs and BP are joined at the hip. Together they are destroying life as we knew it. Neither company pays any attention to rules or even common sense. They are too big to spank.

The ONLY solution is FORCE the US Government to seize ALL of both BP's assets and Goldman's assets. Then use those assets to create a massive filtration system to gradually restore the Gulf. Anything else if futile.

See http://www.SeizeBP.org

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Oil Spill Brings 'Death in the Ocean from Top to Bottom'
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Toxic Dispersant Causing Dead Zones in the Gulf of Mexico
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Corexit Dispersant Toxic Poisoning The Most Important Bp Oil Spill Movie On Youtube Intro

Large Sarge
7th August 2010, 09:37 AM
thanks for that one