View Full Version : Interview w/FL Pastor planning "Burn a Koran Day" (audio- excellent!)
7th August 2010, 06:42 PM
a Christian Zionist Islamophobe Pastor gets his whole world view deconstructed, ;D Brave of him to come on the show, though. |--0--|
The Ugly Truth Podcast–Special Edition (
Today’s program features an exclusive interview with Dr Terry Jones, pastor of the infamous Dove World Outreach Center in Gainsville, Florida that is planning to have a ‘Burn a Koran Day’ this upcoming September 11th. Listen as we are joined by special guest Nashid Abdul Khaaliq, of, an African American convert to Islam along with regular co-host of the Ugly Truth Mark Dankof of A MUST HEAR PROGRAM.
Addition link of interest here (
Pastor Jones' website: (
Direct MP3 download ( (1 hr 5 mins, 27 MBs)
8th August 2010, 12:41 AM
"Where does he get these wonderful threads?"
8th August 2010, 02:25 PM
a ‘Burn a Koran Day’ this upcoming September 11th
EVERY day is Burn a Koran Day.
I'd burn the Talmud daily, too, but they're too expensive.
Order <a href="">Free Toilet Paper Here</a>.
8th August 2010, 02:39 PM
"Where does he get these wonderful threads?"
What did you think of the interview with Dr/Pastor Terry Jones?
8th August 2010, 04:20 PM
Like most pastor's let alone people who group everyone in a shell are bound to look stupid. The "doctor" looked pretty ignorant though, good thread.
15th August 2010, 03:27 AM
The Ugly Truth Podcast Aug 14, 2010 (
Nasid Abdul Khaaliq of joins the program to discuss the growing anti-Islamic hysteria in America and the reasons for it–Zionism’s goal to see the Muslim and Christian worlds destroyed through years (centuries) of civilization-destroying wars.
Listen Now:
Direct MP3 Download (
19th August 2010, 05:56 PM
Should Christians support Israel? (
[...] Recently, I have been shocked and appalled by the unqualified support by some Christian televangelists for the most anti-Christian religion on the face of the earth, Judaism. They also support the corrupt, Jewish supremacist, anti-Christian Israeli state. I know that some of you reading this may respond by saying that Islam is really the most anti-Christian religion and that Judaism is a friendly faith. Many mistakenly think that Judaism is a sister religion to Christianity. The term “Judeo-Christian†has entered our modern lexicon to the point where no politician, George Bush on down, would dare even invoke the term “Christian heritage†without adding the prefix, “Judeo†to it. The term “Judeo-Christian†didn’t even come into existence until after the Second World War when Jews became supreme in their influence over major media.
The truth is that there is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. That would be like saying Satanic-Christianity. The religion now called Judaism did not even come formally into existence until six hundred years after Jesus Christ. It began with the codification of the Babylonian Talmud. In Judaism, the Talmud is the supreme scripture, not the Old Testament. Only Satanism can rival Judaism’s vicious hatred for Jesus Christ. The Talmud even claims that Jesus Christ is being punished in hell by “being boiled in hot semen!â€1
25th August 2010, 08:01 PM
This really again shows our tolerance of other nation's way of life. It would have never ever would cross the mind of a muslim to do such a herndous act on the bible, etc.
We have a covenant written by the messenger Muhammed pbuh to protect the christians and their scriptures who live among our midst.
Here just in case you think I am sweet talking you. The oldest 1400 years covenant still exist in a christian monistoray:
26th August 2010, 05:18 PM
This really again shows our tolerance of other nation's way of life. It would have never ever would cross the mind of a muslim to do such a herndous act on the bible, etc.
{LIES} - We have a covenant written by the messenger Muhammed pbuh to protect the christians and their scriptures who live among our midst.
The reader may verify the accuracy of these verses from the Quran at the University of Michigan's Quran archive, <a href="">here</a>, or at any online or in any printed Quran.
From the Quran...
[3:56] Then as to those who disbelieve, I will chastise them with severe chastisement in this world and the hereafter, and they shall have no helpers.
[3.85] And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.
[3.151] We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they set up with Allah that for which He has sent down no authority, and their abode is the fire, and evil is the abode of the unjust.
[4.51] Have you not seen those to whom a portion of the Book has been given? They believe in idols and false deities {Jesus Christ -p} and say of those who disbelieve: These are better guided in the path than those who believe.
[4.89] They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.
[5.51] O you who believe! do not take...the Christians for friends...and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
[5.72] Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely Allah, He is the Messiah, son of Marium; and the Messiah said: O Children of Israel! serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Surely whoever associates (others) with Allah, then Allah has forbidden to him the garden, and his abode is the fire; and there shall be no helpers for the unjust.
[5.73] Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely Allah is the third (person) of the three; and there is no god but the one God, and if they desist not from what they say, a painful chastisement shall befall those among them who disbelieve.
[8.12] When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.
[8.39] And fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah
[9.5] So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush
[9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.
[9.30] [T]he Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!
[9.73] O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.
[9.123] O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).
[47.4] So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners
[48:29] Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves
29th August 2010, 10:22 PM
Mark Glenn interviewed on PressTV, they discuss the FL pastor.
31st August 2010, 09:52 PM
Pastor Terry Jones–All Bark and No Bite When It Comes To Speaking The Truth About Islam and Judaism (
By crescentandcross 28 Comments
Like a barking dog emboldened by the fact a metal fence protects him from a real fight with whomever or whatever is on the other side, Pastor Terry Jones of the infamous Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida has officially announced his membership in the Confraternity of Cowards by refusing an open, honest, civil debate on the religion of Islam with Dr. Hesham Tillawi, President of the Islamic Center located in Lafayette, Louisiana.
After hearing the outrageous claims recently made publicly by Jones concerning the religion of Islam, what its adherents believe and the “threat†that Islam’s “Sharia Law†poses to Christian America, Tillawi issued the challenge to Jones that he put his money where his mouth is by debating the issue publicly in Jones’ hometown, any costs to Jones being reimbursed by Tillawi and Tillawi making the several hundred mile distance trip at his own expense and inconvenience.
Seemingly all-too-eager to get his face in front of a camera to discuss his church’s planned wiener roast of Islam’s most holy book, nevertheless when asked to debate the issue in an intelligent, civil manner with Dr. Tillawi, host of the weekly television program Current Issues, Jones suddenly found himself speechless, saying he does not “debateâ€, choosing instead to continue forth with the same tactics made famous by Communist and Fascist regimes of the last century–burning books.
Dr. Jones, author of the book “Islam Is Of The Devilâ€, contends that America is in a period of spiritual crisis, and that what is needed if the land of the free and home of the brave is to return to her Christian roots is a revival of sorts, and burning the Koran publicly is just the way to get the recuperative process going. In naming the plagues threatening the destruction of America’s Christian character, he lists abortion, pornography, gay marriage, and a host of similar moral ills, none of which are related to Islam in any way.
No doubt Jones’ decision to avoid the boxing ring stems from a recent tete-a-tete he had with a Muslim scholar who–after hearing the nonsense spewing forth from the pastor’s mouth–proceeded to take the pastor and his unfounded arguments concerning Islam apart molecule by molecule until there was nothing left except an embarrassing mess on the floor somewhere in Gainesville, Florida.
The interview (, taking place on The Ugly Truth Podcast, hosted by independent journalist Mark Glenn and co-hosted by Nashid Abdul Khaaliq of proved to be an absolute disaster for Jones and his public standing. Beginning in an atmosphere of cordiality, nevertheless from there it took a sharp turn into tough issues Jones did not realize he would be asked to explain or discuss. When pressed to describe the co-relation between Islam and the aforementioned moral ills destroying the “Christian character†of America, Jones admitted flat out that Islam had nothing to do with them and that in all honesty America was in no danger of succumbing to the same “Sharia Law†that he contends will destroy everything if not stopped. Furthermore, when pressed to describe the real groups, persons and agendas behind the de-Christianizing of America and the subversion of her moral, political and cultural moorings, Jones admitted that the extremists directing the controlled demolition of American society were not Islamic in character, but rather Jewish. Furthermore, Jones agreed that on September the 11th, he would be burning copies of the Jewish Talmud along with the Koran.
After the airing of this interview, Jones was contacted by several independent journalists with follow-up questions concerning his double-speak with regards to Islam and whether he planned on burning the Talmud as promised. Jones’ first response was to deny that the interview on the Ugly Truth Podcast took place, saying it was a “hoaxâ€, but then when cornered on that issue, admitted that the interview did indeed take place but that he had not said the aforementioned items. When soundfiles of the actual recording featuring him agreeing to burn the Talmud on September 11th were sent to him, leaving him no room to maneuver, he simply broke off all contact and refused any further correspondence. He ended the discussion by saying he had changed his mind about burning the Talmud (despite its hateful depictions of Jesus as a homosexual sorcerer boiling in hell and His mother as a prostitute) saying “We have many Jewish supporters and are thankful for that.â€
At present Dr. Tillawi plans upon venturing forth to Gainesville for the proposed debate. Jones showing up for the intellectual boxing match is highly doubtful at this point, given the fact that–like that aforementioned dog sitting safely behind that aforedescribed steel fence, he will only bark when there is no chance he will actually be forced to bite.
Developments as they occur…
2010 Mark Glenn
1st September 2010, 05:18 PM
This really again shows our tolerance of other nation's way of life. It would have never ever would cross the mind of a muslim to do such a herndous act on the bible, etc.
We have a covenant written by the messenger Muhammed pbuh to protect the christians and their scriptures who live among our midst.
Here just in case you think I am sweet talking you. The oldest 1400 years covenant still exist in a christian monistoray:
I have to ask this,with no BS. If this covenant protects Christians, Why do Muslims continue to slaughter and persecute Christians in the name of Islam? Do not try and deflect this with a counter question. Its plain and simple, Christians have no "covenant" with Islam so we claim no reciprocity. Do certain imams ignore this or interpret it differently?
1st September 2010, 07:31 PM
Why do Muslims continue to slaughter and persecute Christians in the name of Islam?
Coz it sounds like yet another ad nauseum demonstration of Chutzpah-Maneuver/Projection...
Do not try and deflect this with a counter question.
priceless! :lol
1st September 2010, 07:48 PM
Why do Muslims continue to slaughter and persecute Christians in the name of Islam?
Coz it sounds like yet another ad nauseum demonstration of Chutzpah-Maneuver/Projection...
Do not try and deflect this with a counter question.
priceless! :lol
If you wish to take this to thunderdome, camelboy, ill be more than happy to pick you apart. any fool can read that Muslims murder Christians in the name of their religion very often.
try and research these places and dispute them with a stupid Jew accusation , your so obvious in your agenda its actually funny.
1st September 2010, 08:05 PM
If you wish to take this to thunderdome, camelboy,
Hey now, watch it with that name-calling there bagelboy!
Listen up, I'll pay you a dime for another one of those poppy seed jobees, last one was delicious! :D
your so obvious in your agenda its actually funny.
8th September 2010, 07:32 PM
Press TV Interviews Mark Glenn Regarding “Pastor†Terry Jones and His Idiotic Plans of Burning the Koran (
Press TV Interviews Nashid Abdul Khaaliq on Rising Anti-Islamic Hatred In America (
also see:
A Personal Message from Father Elias Zahlawi, a Syrian Catholic priest to Pastor Terry Jones (
4th April 2011, 07:21 PM
what a pathetic zio-agitprop stooge this guy appears to be-- his combination of ignorance & idiocy were on display in the interview in the OP. Whether he's a true useful-idiot to the zio's, or his "stupidity" is all part of the zio-agitprop act which he knowingly plays his part in, I don't know, and ultimately it doesn't matter- the charade is achieving its intended objective: pitting Christianity & Islam against one another in a contrived "clash of civilizations", all orchestrated by that third of the 3 Abrahamic faiths, the one which "doesn't play well with others", and stoked along by their worldwide MSM of course.
US pastor vows new anti-Islam protest (
Extremist Florida pastor Terry Jones provoked an international outcry last year after he announced plans to burn copies of the holy Quran on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
The extremist American pastor who supervised the burning of a copy of Islams holy book on March 20 has said he will lead an anti-Islam rally outside the biggest mosque in Dearborn, Michigan, on April 22.
Our aim is to make an awareness of the radical element of Islam, Pastor Terry Jones in Florida told Reuters on Saturday.
On March 20, Jones, who had already caused an outrage worldwide by threatening to burn copies of the Quran last September, broke his earlier promise and burned the holy Quran after holding a mock trial at his fringe church in the city of Gainesville.
The Quran-burning has led to two days of deadly protests in Afghanistan and stoked anti-Western sentiments in the Muslim world.
Ten foreign workers for the United Nations were killed after a small number of furious protesters stormed the UN headquarters in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif.
At least ten Afghans were killed and 83 others left wounded in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar on Saturday, on a second day of violent protests over the desecration of the holy Quran.
An attack also hit a NATO military base in the Afghan capital, Kabul, the day after protesters overran the UN mission in Mazar-i-Sharif and killed seven foreign staff.
Unrepentant Jones, a former hotel manager turned pastor who claims the Quran incites violence, defiantly vowed to lead the protest in Michigan on April 22.
We find it very tragic any time that someone is murdered but we do not feel any responsibility for that, he said.
Pakistani people have also taken to the streets in a nationwide move to condemn the desecration of the holy Quran in the United States, calling such an act a threat to religious harmony.
US President Barack Obama has tried to calm tensions by denouncing the sacrilege, calling the Quran-burning a show of extreme intolerance and bigotry.
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