View Full Version : Uncivil Liberties DVD & series

7th August 2010, 09:57 PM

Dr. Katherine Albrecht
Radio Host, RFID Researcher and Bestselling Author

Uncivil Liberties is quite possibly the best low-budget film I have ever seen. It addresses some of the most pressing political and social issues of our time in a way that is both thought-provoking and entertaining.

If you're looking for Hollywood production values, high-tech special effects, or an easy black and white morality tale, this is not the film for you. But if you want a movie that will get you thinking and talking about important themes, I can highly recommend Uncivil Liberties.

Filmmaker Tom Mercer, along with his dedicated cast and crew, have tackled a tough subject with compassion and intelligence. I thank them for this important contribution to the national dialog on surveillance and freedom.