View Full Version : Can someone give me an example of .gov helping whites in the last 60 years

General of Darkness
8th August 2010, 09:56 AM
I've said this many times on my Friday show that I can't find one instance in 60 years that the guberment did something in the interest of white folks and the vast majority of the time they do something against the interests of whites, i.e. affirmative action.

Can anyone give me an example or am I right?

8th August 2010, 10:25 AM
Social Security...based on how much you earned in your job. The higher wage earners get the most benefits, the low wage workers get the least. Biggest beneficiary? Middle class whites.

SS is the biggest non military program the government has.

General of Darkness
8th August 2010, 10:42 AM
Social Security is a bad example since that was started in 1935, and frankly the more you put into it the more you get back. I've put in close to $300K into SS and I have still 20 years until I retire and do you think at $2000 a month I'll ever see that that?

So let's do some math, by the time I retire I'll probably have put in $500K with interest it's an easy $650K.

With a return of $24K per year starting at 65, assuming I'm still alive and Obama Care hasn't killed me, I'd have to live to 92 to get my "investment" back. Well as an American male life expectancy is 79. So based on those numbers I'll loose 13 years of my "contribution" which equals $312K that in essence is STOLEN from me and the .gov knows that.

So from my perspective as a white guy, I loose again.

Who's next?

8th August 2010, 10:54 AM
SS is a good example for the average retiree...most paid in small amounts relative to what they receive in benefits. You are not a good example. In fact, if you are as successful as you are claiming, by the amount of net wages you paid taxes on, you should have 7 figures in savings. Under your circumstances, I can't see how you are being disadvantaged by the system...you seem like one of the people that has prospered under it.

Another big beneficiary of government programs are military officers, who are mostly white.

Corporate welfare also, the beneficiaries are mostly white executives.

8th August 2010, 10:58 AM
I am going to play devil's advocate here for a minute.

Even with all of the entitlements that help women and minorities, white males generally still run the world, hold the highest positions, earn the most money, and have the most power. The government has taken the role of nanny to protect minorities and women from their white male oppressors. ;) They're only trying to help! ::)

The big question is, if white men become the minority, will they then receive special considerations, benefits, or affirmative action? Doubtful.

It seems to me that TPTB only care that we're divided. Whether it's along gender lines, religious lines, racial lines, economic lines, does not matter. They know that if we are busy hating each other, they take the focus off of themselves.

General of Darkness
8th August 2010, 11:07 AM
K-os will you be the mother of my children? ;D

8th August 2010, 12:56 PM
K-os will you be the mother of my children? ;D

Dude, that shit is creepy to me. I'm sure it freaks her out. Either get her number or give it a rest.

8th August 2010, 01:14 PM
K-os will you be the mother of my children? ;D

Dude, that sh*t is creepy to me. I'm sure it freaks her out. Either get her number or give it a rest.

To the Thunderdome, both of you . . . for my honor!

Totally kidding, of course.

The Great Ag
8th August 2010, 01:21 PM
To go along with K-os, the US gov't has imposed certain rules and restrictions allowing large corporations to prosper while others must fail. Those who are at the top of the corps are ALMOST always white males. Maybe they are all white males. Gov't has definitely helped them.

Has gov't helped the white man with a specific program, i.e. entitlements based strictly on skin color. The answer is no.

The Great Ag

8th August 2010, 01:31 PM
In response to the example of almost all top corporate positions being occupied by white males, I'm sure it is ability that puts them there, not gov't assistance.

8th August 2010, 01:34 PM
I suppose one could consider the 2009 SCOTUS case of Ricci v. DeStefano which focused on the dismissed promotions of white & Hispanic firefighters in New Haven, CT because of the racist judgment of certain public officials.

Proposition 209 and Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, which prohibited racial preferences in universities and other public facilities could be considered beneficial, although I see them more as beneficial to individual rights and equal treatment.

General of Darkness
8th August 2010, 01:40 PM
K-os will you be the mother of my children? ;D

Dude, that sh*t is creepy to me. I'm sure it freaks her out. Either get her number or give it a rest.

Oh for fuck sake I'm just screwing around. Stop being so darn jealous. ;)

8th August 2010, 01:42 PM
Why would a white male need help?

We take care of ourselves. We don't need no stinking government tit.

8th August 2010, 01:45 PM
K-os will you be the mother of my children? ;D

Dude, that sh*t is creepy to me. I'm sure it freaks her out. Either get her number or give it a rest.

Oh for f*ck sake I'm just screwing around. Stop being so darn jealous. ;)

I kinda rooting for Liquid in the Battle for K-os

Hehe. :D

Would be kinda cool to see a couple hook up here on GSUS....lol
No pressure.

8th August 2010, 02:22 PM
Define "help" or "helping."

8th August 2010, 02:38 PM
I kinda rooting for Liquid in the Battle for K-os

Hehe. :D

Would be kinda cool to see a couple hook up here on GSUS....lol
No pressure.

Hey..lol. Thanks for embarrassing me Ken! ;D

K-os is indeed a catch. Her views on life and our society are impressive, imo. She's a good gal, for sure.

To answer the General's question, it's a good one...I can't think of one thing the gov does for white folks directly, though agree with others that we don't need it anyway.

8th August 2010, 02:42 PM
I kinda rooting for Liquid in the Battle for K-os

Hehe. :D

Would be kinda cool to see a couple hook up here on GSUS....lol
No pressure.

Hey..lol. Thanks for embarrassing me Ken! ;D

K-os is indeed a catch. Her views on life and our society are impressive, imo. She's a good gal, for sure.

:D Your welcome

I have noticed that your views on life and our society are very similar to K-os's

I know its a long shot...But I like long shots ;D

8th August 2010, 02:48 PM
I am going to play devil's advocate here for a minute.

Even with all of the entitlements that help women and minorities, white males generally still run the world, hold the highest positions, earn the most money, and have the most power. The government has taken the role of nanny to protect minorities and women from their white male oppressors. ;) They're only trying to help! ::)

The big question is, if white men become the minority, will they then receive special considerations, benefits, or affirmative action? Doubtful.

It seems to me that TPTB only care that we're divided. Whether it's along gender lines, religious lines, racial lines, economic lines, does not matter. They know that if we are busy hating each other, they take the focus off of themselves.

Only if you consider "God's chosen people" as white. I don't think that they do.

8th August 2010, 02:50 PM
the US military provides lots of jobs for white folks. & also, secure jobs for those that aren't on the front lines.

that's sort of helping them, all that Pentagon spending is like a big jobs program for engineers and ex-military guys who go to work for defense contractors.

Jersey Thursday
8th August 2010, 04:46 PM
the US military provides lots of jobs for white folks. & also, secure jobs for those that aren't on the front lines.

that's sort of helping them, all that Pentagon spending is like a big jobs program for engineers and ex-military guys who go to work for defense contractors.

Good point. I’m sure most of the heads of Halliburton, Blackwater and other war profiteer contractors are fat and happy white guys. But if I understand the OP’s question correctly, he means some sort of program or legislation that benefits white folks across the board. Nothing comes to mind.

8th August 2010, 06:19 PM
Only if you consider "God's chosen people" as white.

You mean self-appointed Master Race described by Christ as "sons of their father the Devil."

8th August 2010, 07:14 PM
Only if you consider "God's chosen people" as white.

You mean self-appointed Master Race described by Christ as "sons of their father the Devil."

Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and Sadducees there Phoenix

Do you think he felt the same way about his mother and his half brother James?
And what about his Disciples?
and what about Paul? he was a Pharisee and Jesus chose him.

Although....Jesus did call Peter Satan..in Matthew 16:23

So Maybe we are all sons and Daughters of Satan until we are Born again.

I Corinthians 15:50 “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.

We must be born of the spirit

John 3:5 (New International Version)

Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.

gunny highway
9th August 2010, 05:45 AM
this pretty much sums it up for white males. we don't need help.

9th August 2010, 06:37 AM
Why the gov has bestowed upon the White folk the joys of multiculturalism via integration and the immigration law of 1965.

Joe King
9th August 2010, 07:03 AM
Why the gov has bestowed upon the White folk the joys of multiculturalism via integration and the immigration law of 1965.

Hi. As far as that last part goes, that's just one of the things the gov had to do in its quest to try to keep the multi-generational ponzi-scheme known as social {in}security, going.
They're desperate for new contributors because we haven't been reproducing ourselves like we did when it was started.
i.e. combine too many collecting, with not enough paying in on top of people living longer and it ends up on the road to insolvency.

If we would have kept having 4 to 8 kids per family, it might've worked better.
That is assuming of course that they wouldn't have stolen the surplus and spent it on BS anyways.

Can you say, "double taxation"?

9th August 2010, 07:15 AM
Why the gov has bestowed upon the White folk the joys of multiculturalism via integration and the immigration law of 1965.

Hi. As far as that last part goes, that's just one of the things the gov had to do in its quest to try to keep the multi-generational ponzi-scheme known as social {in}security, going.
They're desperate for new contributors because we haven't been reproducing ourselves like we did when it was started.
i.e. combine too many collecting, with not enough paying in on top of people living longer and it ends up on the road to insolvency.

If we would have kept having 4 to 8 kids per family, it might've worked better. That is assuming of course that they wouldn't have stolen the surplus and spent it on BS anyways.

Can you say, "double taxation"?

That reminds me, instead of encouraging the people to have children and proclaiming procreation to be a good thing we have been given family planning and abortion has been legalized. Over populated world you know. Wasn't prayer taken out of the schools about this time too? Let's abort our kids and change the immigration laws.

This was no accident and I don't believe SS was the prime driver of the 65 law. That's just me though.

9th August 2010, 07:25 AM
Hi. As far as that last part goes, that's just one of the things the gov had to do in its quest to try to keep the multi-generational ponzi-scheme known as social {in}security, going.
They're desperate for new contributors because we haven't been reproducing ourselves like we did when it was started.
i.e. combine too many collecting, with not enough paying in on top of people living longer and it ends up on the road to insolvency.

If we would have kept having 4 to 8 kids per family, it might've worked better.
That is assuming of course that they wouldn't have stolen the surplus and spent it on BS anyways.

Can you say, "double taxation"?

Quote fail: I'll try again...

That reminds me, instead of encouraging the people to have children and proclaiming procreation to be a good thing we have been given family planning and abortion has been legalized. Over populated world you know. Wasn't prayer taken out of the schools about this time too? Let's abort our kids and change the immigration laws.

This was no accident and I don't believe SS was the prime driver of the 65 law. That's just me though.