View Full Version : Cop Busts Window of Two Elderly Men on Way To Hospital

8th August 2010, 10:15 AM

8th August 2010, 10:37 AM
To protect and serve , right ???

willie pete
8th August 2010, 10:53 AM
The cop must have been an obammy minion, out there in the field calling medical shots.. :D a BP of 74/30 IS something to be VERY concerned about, the cop said "that's not that bad"... :lol Ignorant Bastard, and then he goes on to say "it don't matter if you have a medical emergency" ...lol I'll bet if it was his fat-ass in respiratory distress, he'd be doing 120 mph ENDANGERING everyone on the road to get to the hospital

Respiratory Distress IS one of the most frightening things you can experience, it's one of the reasons water-boarding is so effective,...... try it yourself; next time you're in the shower, put a wet washcloth over your face and then stand under the shower, I GUARANTEE you, you won't be able to stand there for more than a few seconds

8th August 2010, 11:23 AM
That fat POS cop should have been whipped then thrown into prison with some of his buddies.

Self-important pushers who think they have authority to be morons.

8th August 2010, 11:37 AM
All the time he was walking with his hand on the gun.......by the way, they are thinking of federalising the police force, why? I have no idea.........for them to have more power?

Every time that you approach them you will have to kneel down and kiss the ground they walk on, who do they think that they are???????? PONCE? ::)

8th August 2010, 12:56 PM
The fat pig resigned.

8th August 2010, 12:59 PM
The fat pig resigned.

You have a link? :) If so please post it.

willie pete
8th August 2010, 01:02 PM
The fat pig resigned.

You have a link? :) If so please post it.

It's stated at the end of the video; the problem is though, the cop will probably be re-hired somewhere else

Joe King
8th August 2010, 07:31 PM
While the cop went way overboard, the situation could have probably been prevented if they had stopped when the cop first hit his lights and explained the situation and I'd bet they'd have gotten help instead of what they got.

Also, if you're traveling that fast over the limit {it sounded like the cop said they were going 40mph over the limit} you gotta expect the cops to take it seriously.
Especially if there's other traffic on the road. Even the fire department on its way to a fire doesn't go that fast in traffic.

That said, once the cop figured out who he was dealing with, he should have resorted back to "normal human being mode" as opposed to "belligerent cop mode".

Which IMHO is the biggest problem with the police these days. You can't hardly reason with them at all in normal human terms.

Another alternative would have been for them to call 911 and explain the situation so it could then be relayed the officer.
Assuming they had a cell phone, of course.

8th August 2010, 07:38 PM
"Obviously, you ain't died, you ain't gonna have no cardiac arrest yet, you;'re not having that big of a medical issue."

We would prefer you go ahead and die rather than violate our rules. In fact, we insist.

Joe King
8th August 2010, 07:49 PM
"Obviously, you ain't died, you ain't gonna have no cardiac arrest yet, you;'re not having that big of a medical issue."

We would prefer you go ahead and die rather than violate our rules. In fact, we insist.

I don't think he was in that much danger of dying, for if he was, the proper course of action would be to go to the nearest ER as opposed to one many miles away.

I'm not trying to justify the cops actions, but pointing out what would have likely prevented those actions.
Justified or not, if you're gonna drive through town at 40 over, you'd best be prepared to explain yourself to a cop.
....and not after he's had to chase you down the road for awhile.

8th August 2010, 10:30 PM
That fat POS cop should have been whipped then thrown into prison with some of his buddies.

One bullet to the back of the head, just like they do with other fat pigs.

8th August 2010, 10:31 PM
the problem is though, the cop will probably be re-hired somewhere else
