View Full Version : Who will Tell us the Truth about the Gulf now that Simmons is Dead ?

9th August 2010, 06:36 PM
Well that pretty much says it.

He's gone and he helped investigate behind the PR wall that BP put down.

I feel like the oil spill workers know a lot. But I think they have some kind of contract agreement, the legal equivalent of putting duct tape over their mouths.

Look at that. Someone registered the domain name.

I suppose

tends to follow it the best, with lots of good working geologists. but there's a lot of material to wade through.

the riot act
9th August 2010, 06:48 PM
You are entitled to believe that he was speaking truth. But someone had to be feeding him information.

So if you're thinking what you seem to be thinking, then you must think that there's a NOAA/TJ coverup and the massive lake of oil exists and is growing still by 120k bbl/day even though it would have taken 4,038 years at that rate to fill it to the size he claimed it was, or that he was purposefully fed disinfo for some nefarious but still unknown purpose. The problem I have with the entire notion is that it presupposes that Simmons was idiotic enough to just blindly accept what he was supposedly told, including the amazing 6 or 8 or 10 mile BOP launch up through 4,900' of seawater.

The last line in that paragraph is when I ran away from anything Simmons had to say. Think about that last line. The BOP weighs more than 45 tons, and is 5 stories tall, and just what it would take to accomplish it.

10th August 2010, 12:57 AM
Perhaps his murder will spark outrage among some of the inner circle... I hope...

10th August 2010, 07:10 AM
Perhaps his murder will spark outrage among some of the inner circle... I hope...

i would like to see the family's of rig workers come out and speak more about what they heard from their lost brothers, sons, and fathers before the April 20 explosion.

the father of one worker was quite emphatic, his son said, "i can't believe how reckless they're being", (referring to BP) in his last emails, then died in the rig fire.

that seems like it's worth investigating, but since those 11 rig workers are dead, and Matt Simmons is dead, the world needs insiders to speak out.

it's sort of related, this interview was interesting. a single father of 2 teenage boys, who worked in Florida as a chef, left Florida at about Day 50 because he thought something bad was coming. moved to LA. not the best place to look for work, but he wanted to be near the ocean.


12th October 2010, 10:40 AM
I was just listening to this 6-part Matt Simmons interview on youtube. It was posted there Aug 10, prolly recorded within a week or so before, and given Simmons was murdered 8/8, this would've been perhaps his last interview. All I can say is WOW, no wonder Simmons needed to be silenced! Prophetic stuff!


12th October 2010, 10:59 AM
Tagging for later

23rd October 2010, 07:30 AM
I was just listening to this 6-part Matt Simmons interview on youtube. It was posted there Aug 10, prolly recorded within a week or so before, and given Simmons was murdered 8/8, this would've been perhaps his last interview. All I can say is WOW, no wonder Simmons needed to be silenced! Prophetic stuff!

i'm as conspiracy-fact-minded as anybody (e.g. i think 7-7-5 & Mumbai were both Israeli products).

but, i still don't see Simmons' death in this case as a suicide. he was in his late 60's and he was under a LOT of stress. his diminishing health was pretty obvious in the interviews he did from 2005 to 2010.

plus he was not the type to keep up his nutrition & make regular trips to the gym (or get exercise by natural means, e.g. farming his acres).

although he was very wealthy ($billions), i'm not sure how much of a household staff he kept (which would provide opportunities for, for example, BP to sneak an agent into his household.)

to figure it out, we would need a very thorough list of all the contacts he had in the last 3 days of his life, maybe the last week. restaurant meals, etc. copies of his medical records, interviews with his wife about his behavior, etc.

if it was suicide, it sure was lucky for BP, the Corexit manufacturer, etc.

26th October 2010, 02:18 PM
FWIW, I was skipping around listening to some of the archives of Mike Ruppert's (http://collapsenet.com/) weekly radio show, "The Lifeboat Hour (http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-lifeboat-hour/)".

I lost track of which show it was in now, but MR took a caller who asked if MR agreed with Matt Simmons' statement about multiple underwater oil volcanos, and/or the notion that the sea bed is "cracked" and is continuously spewing oil.

MR said yes absolutely, Simmons was of the highest credibility yada yada, then MR went on to say what Simmons didn't, that he believed the people around the Gulf are being slowly murdered. :-X

27th October 2010, 01:02 PM
MR said yes absolutely, Simmons was of the highest credibility yada yada, then MR went on to say what Simmons didn't, that he believed the people around the Gulf are being slowly murdered. [/size] :-X

it does appear that that is the policy, but i don't understand it yet.

there are a lot of very wealthy & influential people in Florida, e.g. Jeb Bush. There's Jupiter Island, off the East Coast. it's near Jekyll Island, off the Georgia Coast.

do the financial elites have a whisper campaign going on, to "get out of Florida while you can" ?

or does BP just do what they want, even if they screw some of their "own kind" ?