View Full Version : Oil expert, whistleblower Matt Simmons found dead of drowning

9th August 2010, 10:39 PM

"apparent heart attack"

9th August 2010, 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Juristic Person
He was 67 years old. He had a heart attack and drowned in his hot tub. It happens. May he rest in peace.

When events such as this happen, the death of the whistleblower who has been making BP and its us agents look like the incompetent liars they are all summer and who's last unaffirmed release is the seeps on the ocean floor that right now BP wants us to forget about yet this guy says BP in all rights should be bankrupt.

And that this guy is about the best in the oil industry world with a proven track record of whistleblowing and caring about the common man, yet is also a card carrying insider.

If not this he just had the grand opening of his alternative energy institute.

Or as Bloomberg (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-08-09/matthew-simmons-investment-banker-peak-oil-theory-advocate-dies-at-67.html) quotes: “He built his own energy firm and, having done that successfully, used his knowledge of the industry to challenge one of its biggest accepted truths -- that there are nearly unlimited quantities of oil in the world,”

There will be no escaping the trolls on this issue!



9th August 2010, 10:54 PM
Any idea where that took place?

Thought most those dudes would have expatriated by now...

9th August 2010, 10:55 PM
Any idea where that took place?

Thought most those dudes would have expatriated by now...

Neverminded, I clicked yo linkage.

Energy expert Simmons dies in North Haven

Matthew Simmons, an international oil expert who most recently focused on developing renewable energy from the waters off Maine, died Sunday night of an apparent heart attack, his office is reporting. He was 67.

Simmons founded the Ocean Energy Institute in 2007, hosting a grand opening of its new office last month in Rockland. The goal of the think tank and venture capital fund was to attract investment in research to make Maine a global leader in offshore wind and other ocean energy sources.

According to police reports, Simmons suffered a heart attack while in a hot tub at his home on North Haven. An autopsy is planned for today in Augusta, according to the Knox County Sheriff's Office.

Simmons was a leading energy investment banker, a former energy adviser to President George W. Bush, and author. He wrote the 2005 book “Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy,” which laid out an argument that the world was approaching peak oil production.

10th August 2010, 07:13 AM
Any idea where that took place?

Thought most those dudes would have expatriated by now...

actually, Matt was quite busy building a humongous wind-farm off the Maine coast.

17th August 2010, 09:27 PM
BP and its government agents tried to kill the oil spill disaster at the same time Matt died.
However the oil story may not be dead an buried, too big a mess for the MSM to ignore.


18th August 2010, 12:41 PM
May want to think twice before eating that imitation crab salad??

Federal officials lift fishing ban on Florida Panhandle

NOAA stated in the statement that the decision was taken after carefully testing seafood for any detectable odor or flavor of oil. Also, the scientists have not detected any signs of oil in those waters since July 3.


18th August 2010, 07:27 PM
May want to think twice before eating that imitation crab salad??

Federal officials lift fishing ban on Florida Panhandle

NOAA stated in the statement that the decision was taken after carefully testing seafood for any detectable odor or flavor of oil. Also, the scientists have not detected any signs of oil in those waters since July 3.


Who cares about the odor or flavor of oil? That's nothing. I am more concerned about the effects of a million gallons of corexit. How are they going to test that? I'll tell you how . . . in a few years when cancer clusters "unexpectedly" appear.

18th August 2010, 11:59 PM
May want to think twice before eating that imitation crab salad??

Federal officials lift fishing ban on Florida Panhandle

NOAA stated in the statement that the decision was taken after carefully testing seafood for any detectable odor or flavor of oil. Also, the scientists have not detected any signs of oil in those waters since July 3.


Who cares about the odor or flavor of oil? That's nothing. I am more concerned about the effects of a million gallons of corexit. How are they going to test that? I'll tell you how . . . in a few years when cancer clusters "unexpectedly" appear.

I don't even rust my own nose, let alone a group of other peoples.

19th August 2010, 12:36 AM
"apparent heart attack"

You'd probably have a heart attack too if someone was holding your head underwater.

19th August 2010, 12:27 PM
Sorry for multiple "Matt Simmons Dead" threads BTW; this was not the first & I was careless in checking for others first when deciding to post this. I tried to delete it by deleting the OP, but it protested saying I couldn't do that. So I guess we can't delete our own threads here? The first/longest Simmons' thread appears to be: Matt Simmons- DEAD (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/matt-simmons-dead/)

Anywho, I just noticed Ruppert put up this Simmons tribute on 8/10,


I've got mixed feelings about Ruppert BTW, I've gone "agnostic" on Peak Oil Theory... at a minimum Ruppert needs to disassociate himself with the atrocious zio-shill 911 Limited Hangout LIHOP "fiction" book, "Shell Game". I used to subscribe to FromTheWilderness, but don't subscribe to his current Collapsenet endeavor. Collapse is imminent regardless of whether Peak Oil is the root cause, or it's a diversion/disinfo. Most of Ruppert's practical advice re what to DO about imminent collapse, rings true.

Here's some Ruppert articles in the couple months since the 4/20 BP disaster,

IT’S TIME TO PRAY (http://mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2010/05/its-time-to-pray.html)

"...I predict that US Continuity of Government provisions will be activated and that FEMA will, before end of summer, be placed in complete control of the Southeast United States… limited martial law. "

"AN EXTINCTION EVENT" and THE AGE OF LAWLESSNESS – WILL THE REAL FEMA PLEASE STAND UP? (http://mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2010/05/extinction-event-and-age-of-lawlessness.html) [scroll past the job opening ad]

DEEPWATER HORIZON WILL BE THE END OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (http://mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2010/06/deepwater-horizon-will-be-end-of-united.html)

19th August 2010, 12:30 PM
Just caught this from BNO:

Scientists report undersea oil plume stretching 21 miles from BP spill site (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/19/AR2010081904127.html)

20th August 2010, 08:16 AM
Who cares about the odor or flavor of oil? That's nothing. I am more concerned about the effects of a million gallons of corexit. How are they going to test that? I'll tell you how . . . in a few years when cancer clusters "unexpectedly" appear.


but there may be a silver lining - all those politicians eating Gulf Shrimp to show that it's "safe."

20th August 2010, 11:03 PM
Falls Church News: On the Death of Matthew Simmons (http://www.fcnp.com/commentary/national/7177-on-the-death-of-matthew-simmons.html)

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18 2010 03:23:38 PM

Last week Matt Simmons, who was America's preeminent proponent of the idea that world oil production was about to peak, died at the age of 67. Simmons was unique among those talking and writing about peak oil in that he came from the very heart of American capitalism, a self-made investment banker for the oil industry. Unlike most who are outspoken on the issue of peak oil, Simmons was a Republican, an energy advisor to President George W. Bush, and commanded the attention of the financial and mainstream media.

Whenever the price of gasoline got a little too high for comfort, the worthies of the Fourth Estate would summon the unorthodox-but-acceptable Simmons to explain to obviously skeptical interviewers just why he believed that cheap gasoline would not be around much longer.

In the days following Simmon's death some 400 obituaries appeared on the web, on television broadcasts and in hard copy publications around the world. Some of these were written by people and organizations who understand the threat of peaking world oil supplies and praised Matt for his leadership in analyzing and publicizing the issue. Others were written by hostile skeptics who sought to play down his significance or focused on those instances in his voluminous pronouncements where he was wrong. A few even attributed his death to assassination at the hands of the CIA or BP because of recent anti-BP comments on the Gulf oil spill.

Many of the obituaries however were prepared by mainstream and financial news organizations that are either agnostic about peak oil or hold plainly hostile attitudes towards the concept because of the threat a falling oil supply holds for the American way of life or perhaps even to capitalism. Forced to say something because of Simmon's position in the business community, it is interesting to see just how peak oil is treated in the various obituaries that appeared in the financial press.

Most of the major publications relegated the story of Simmon's death and works to their blogs. In an era of dwindling advertising revenue, however, this has become normal and should not be taken as an effort to downplay the story. Nearly all the stories had some reference to Simmon's global prominence as a proponent of peak oil. One or two even said he invented the concept. Most mentioned his 2005 book Twilight in the Desert which discussed in detail the prospects for Saudi Arabian oil production.

The most interesting distinction, among the major publications' mentions of peak oil was the use of the word "theory" as a means of denigrating the concept. Many put the term in quotes as another sign of denigration, but a few devote a phrase or two explaining what it means.

Now anybody following peak oil soon learns that 50 years ago, when the concept was seriously introduced, peak oil could easily be called a "theory." Today, however, with global production stagnant, the peak oil story has been reduced to a handful of numbers denoting how much oil was actually produced in a given year. This can be the actual number of barrels of oil produced in a single year - currently around 31 billion -- or is more commonly expressed as the average daily production during the year, currently about 86 million barrels per day. When the number of barrels of oil or equivalents produced each year becomes generally smaller in successive years, then you have peak oil.

There really is not any "theory" in this concept, for a declining number series is about as much of a fact as anything in this life can be.

With dozens of obituaries prepared for mainstream and financial media outlets, the treatment of peak oil varies widely. Among the most favorable treatment of peak oil was that of Llewellyn King writing for the Hearst newspapers who took the occasion of Simmon's obituary to remind us that peak oil is an open secret that haunts the oil industry.

The Wall Street Journal landed somewhere in the middle of the controversy by concluding that peak oil remains hotly contested and the information about reserves from less than forthcoming oil-rich nations such as Saudi Arabia and Nigeria is incomplete.
At the other end of the scale a few writers were almost gloating that Simmons was gone and as evidenced by cheap and plentiful gasoline, peak oil was still nowhere in sight. One even suggested that the whole concept of peak oil might have died with Simmons.

And so the debate goes on. Even in death Matt Simmons, as evidenced by the unprecedented widespread treatment of the subject, made yet another contribution to spreading the word about peak oil. For the time being, however, it would seem that for many peak oil has much in common with Harry Potter's dark lord, Voldemort - something so terrible that it cannot be spoken of or written about.

5th September 2010, 08:56 AM
Sometimes a Sorcha report tells such a good story, and regardless has some great links to MSM news stories, I don't feel too bad posting it: September 1, 2010 British Hit Team Spy Killed After Top BP Critic Assassinated (http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1403.htm).

One of the links (interesting even if unrelated to BP and Matt): Telegraph UK, August 30: Police have not ruled out the possibility that the death of a British spy could be linked to his work after investigations into his private life failed to provide a motive for his murder (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/7970699/British-spy-death-police-probe-links-to-secret-work.html).

5th September 2010, 09:25 AM
Goodness gracious, could you imagine MI6 vs. CIA?

That would be Godzilla crawling out of the Gulf.

5th September 2010, 04:13 PM
Goodness gracious, could you imagine MI6 vs. CIA?

i can imagine CIA & MI6 teaming up to delete Mossad.

15th September 2010, 05:01 PM
Goodness gracious, could you imagine MI6 vs. CIA?


19th September 2010, 05:34 AM
[...] "We're going to have to evacuate the gulf states," said Matt Simmons, founder of Simmons and Co., an oil investment firm and, since the April 20 blowout, the unflagging source of end-of-the-world predictions. "Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people? . . . This story is 80 times worse than I thought."


26th November 2010, 10:34 PM
BP oil spill incident commander dies in small plane crash (http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/11/bp_oil_spill_incident_commande.html)

AP November 24, 2010 David Hammer, The Times-Picayune

"BP extends its heartfelt sorrow to the family of our friend and colleague, Jim Black, who, along with two other family members, died yesterday in a tragic plane crash," BP America CEO Lamar McKay said in a statement.

"Jim was a devoted member of our Gulf Coast spill response team and served many years with Amoco and BP. He will be missed by all who knew him and worked with him. Jim and his family are in our thoughts and prayers."

The Coast Guard said the small plane crashed Tuesday about 7:30 p.m. in Choctawhatchee Bay. [on approach for landing at the Destin airport]

Black, whose job at the oil giant was director of operations for the Gulf Coast Restoration Organization, spent a lot of his time during the past several months in and around New Orleans. His work as incident commander for the oil spill response took him to the Joint Incident Command Center in Robert, to another operations center in Houma and often to New Orleans.

He lived in Katy, Texas, and was heading to Destin for the holidays with his sister, Charlene Miller, and the plane's pilot, Gregory Coleman of Cedar Park, Texas. Miller was Coleman's mother-in-law.

According to a report in the Austin American-Statesman, Coleman was the first solicitor general of Texas. Miller was an assistant vice president in Texas A&M University's Division of Research and Graduate Studies.

28th November 2010, 10:19 AM
Sh*t happens to witnesses...

So what did he know that would be cause for this?

Probably was having thoughts on going rogue, with info. implicating neglect & concealment.

Or maybe he just had an opposed opinion?