10th August 2010, 05:42 PM
Well, I call it the "Ram-Impulsator" because you have to go at least at 5 MPH before it will work, but once is turned on the 5 MPH should become 15-20 MPH without any more energy.......will it work? it should, I made different models out of paper and test it in my mind and don't see why it should not work.
To me a regular propeller wastes to much power were mine is 100% plus......the plus come from the forward motion of the water itself and the "designed" of the new idea.......how? so sorry, that's part of my crazy idea, all that I can say is that the forward motion will "compress" the water (as in a RAM plane the air) which will help all the power be forced to the rear.
I don't know a damn thing about boats or propellers and things like this pops into my mind all the time, some of them I make a proto and some I don't because I know that it will take a third third party, the second party being what ever gave me the idea to start with, I cannot take the credit for them.
Also have a one man sub where only the head is encapsulated in a bubble and the rest of the body rest on the micro sub itself, it would be used for infiltration and could be programed to return to the mother ship on its own........if I was in CA I could make all that I think about but here in the middle of nowhere it is very hard to do anything.
Yours truly........crazy Ponce hahahahahahahah.
To me a regular propeller wastes to much power were mine is 100% plus......the plus come from the forward motion of the water itself and the "designed" of the new idea.......how? so sorry, that's part of my crazy idea, all that I can say is that the forward motion will "compress" the water (as in a RAM plane the air) which will help all the power be forced to the rear.
I don't know a damn thing about boats or propellers and things like this pops into my mind all the time, some of them I make a proto and some I don't because I know that it will take a third third party, the second party being what ever gave me the idea to start with, I cannot take the credit for them.
Also have a one man sub where only the head is encapsulated in a bubble and the rest of the body rest on the micro sub itself, it would be used for infiltration and could be programed to return to the mother ship on its own........if I was in CA I could make all that I think about but here in the middle of nowhere it is very hard to do anything.
Yours truly........crazy Ponce hahahahahahahah.