View Full Version : Russian textbook seen as anti-Semitic

11th August 2010, 01:56 PM
Russian textbook seen as anti-Semitic (http://bit.ly/ajByWD)

August 8, 2010

MOSCOW (JTA) -- Moscow State University has issued a textbook on Russian history that some are calling anti-Semitic because it counts the number of Jews in Soviet governments.

The Russian Ministry of Education approved the book, which for the first time in a university history textbook provides the exact percentage of Jews in Soviet governments, and recommended it for history students.

Co-authored by Moscow State history professors Alexander Barsenkov and Alexander Vdovin, the publicaton deals with Russian history between 1917 and 2004. Its underlying theme is interethnic relations in the Soviet Union focusing on the research of Alexander Barsenkov, who heads the laboratory of interethnic relations at Moscow State's Social Systems Research Center.

Part of the textbook's forward reads, “For the greater part of its 70-year history, the USSR was ruled by people of non-Russian nationality.” The authors write later, “By the 1930s, the Jewish nation was the leader among those represented in the Communist party and the state machinery, in Science and Art.”

Sociologist Anatoly Golubovsky, a history graduate from Moscow State and Barsenkov's student, was among the first to draw public attention to the textbook.

“The book has not just a strong anti-Semitic mood," Golubovsky said. "In many cases, the authors treat events in the way they like it and pose it as a common knowledge. For example, they say that deportation of the Crimea Tatars was caused by the necessity of clearing the territory for the Jewish republic, which is nonsense from a historical point of view.”

Vdovin said in an interview with the New Times magazine that presenting information on the “Jewish issue” meant just “completeness of knowledge, not anti-Semitism.”

"The Jewish factor has had a big influence in the historical process,” he said.

Vdovin also added that there was no state anti-Semitism in the USSR, “Otherwise we would have had no Jews.”

11th August 2010, 01:59 PM
Is it anti-Semetic if Spaniards talk about banishing the Jews from Spain in 1492?


11th August 2010, 02:17 PM
They really believe they can hide in plain sight.

Yeah Spain, the Joos were fifth columnists for the mooslims then just as they are here.

11th August 2010, 02:36 PM
Once again.........the "Jews" were the founders of the Communist Party.....five of the seven first Politburo members were "Jews".....the secret police was composed of 87% of "Jews".........out of 387 Commissars 297 or them were "Jews"........"Those" "Jews" killed over 20 millions white Russians...........and on, and on, and on.

There were a lot more than even the Russian people even know about (like in the US) because many of "them" changed their names to a more "Christian" name.

The population of the US is supposed to be composed of 2-3% of "Jews" but (to me) is more like 17-18% and then you have the "cousins" who are working for them......you Americanos don't stand a chance against them.

11th August 2010, 02:38 PM
O.K. Ponce, and the difference between Zionists & Jews? Do we need to differentiate?

11th August 2010, 02:46 PM
Come on Neagle, after all this time here and you still ask that dumn question?......only a FREAKING Zionist would ask such a STUPID question............crap >:(, is not worth even an answer.

11th August 2010, 02:48 PM
Then why, you, of all people, keep saying Jew, Jew, Jew?

11th August 2010, 03:22 PM
Then why, you, of all people, keep saying Jew, Jew, Jew?

perhaps a simple spelling change could clarify... joo's = zionists

11th August 2010, 03:30 PM
All of this led me to scrutinize the use of the word ‘Zionist’ as a substitute for the word ‘Jew’, and after years of study, led me to realize that Jews use all sorts of pseudonyms — Communist, Bolshevik, anarchist, revolutionary, and even the word liberal — to distance themselves from any connection with the mostly negative reports that all seem to involve a significant Jewish connection, particularly in matters concerning Israel, finances, censorship, and manipulation of people’s minds.

The deceptive smokescreen of Jewish pseudonyms (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/the-root-of-all-evil-the-deceptive-smokescreen-of-jewish-pseudonyms/)

11th August 2010, 04:00 PM
Mneagle? that's why I put the "Jew" in parenthesis.........because is not.

I am tired of saying Zionist "Jews" so that "Jew" should be all that is needed..........or maybe we should call them by its proper name???? ........SNAKE PEOPLE..........and this is no joke because they were known by this name.............I am talkins about the real Jews and not the Zionist "Jews".

11th August 2010, 05:14 PM
Then why, you, of all people, keep saying Jew, Jew, Jew?

perhaps a simple spelling change could clarify... joo's = zionists

perfect ! same spelling i use.

it is not racist to make observations about racism.

it is racist to deny people jobs because of their race, or to kill them because of their race.

the Joos like to stop people from making observations about their nepotism, e.g. that 2/3 of the Obama administration is Jewish. we all know that there are plenty of qualified Gentile people.

it is essential to tell the truth about these things, to protect ourselves against the racism and nepotism of the Joos.

11th August 2010, 05:19 PM
Some of you people are hilariously blind.

People have hated Jews with good reason since the beginning of recorded history.

Zionism is less than 200 years old.

But of course I must be a "Zionist" for pointing this out, at least according to the all knowing and legendary Ponce. ::)

11th August 2010, 05:25 PM
Some of you people are hilariously blind.

People have hated Jews with good reason since the beginning of recorded history.

Zionism is less than 200 years old.

But of course I must be a "Zionist" for pointing this out, at least according to the all knowing and legendary Ponce. ::)

yep all these places were anti-zionist lol


250 C.E. Canhage Expulsion

224 C.E. Italy Forced Conversion

325 C.E. Jerusalem Expulsion

351 C.E Persia Book Burning

357 C.E. Italy Property Confiscation

379 C.E. Milan Synagogue Burning

415 C.E. Alexandria Expulsion

418 C.E. Minorca Forced Conversion

469 C.E. Ipahan Holocaust

489 C.E. Antioch Synagogue Burning

506 C.E. Daphne Synagogue Burning

519 C.E. Ravenna Synagogue Burning

554 C.E. Diocese of Clement (France) Expulsion

561 C.E. Diocese of Uzes (France) Expulsion

582 C.E Merovingia Forced Conversion

612 C.E. Visigoth Spain Expulsion

628 C.E. Byzantium Forced Conversion

629 C.E. Merovingia Forced Conversion

633 C.E. Toledo Forced Conversion

638 C.E. Toledo Stake Burnings

642 C.E. Visigothic Empire Expulsion

653 C.E. Toledo Expulsion

681 C.E. Spain Forced Conversion

693 C.E. Toledo Jews Enslaved

722 C.E. Byzantium Judaism Outlawed

855 C.E. Italy Expulsion

876 C.E. Sens Expulsion

897 C.E. Narbonne Land Confiscation

945 C.E. Venice Ban on Sea Travel

1009 C.E. Orleans Massacre

1012 C.E. Rouen, Limoges & Rome Massacre

1012 C.E. Mayence Expulsion

1021 C.E. Rome Jews Burned Alive

1063 C.E. Spain Massacre

1095 C.E. Lorraine Massacre

1096 C.E. Northern France & Germany 1/3 of Jewish Population Massacred

1096 C.E. Hungary Massacre

1096 C.E. Ralisbon Massacre

1099 C.E. Jerusalem Jews Burned Alive

1100 C.E. Kiev Pogrom

1140 C.E. Germany Massacres

1146 C.E. Rhine Valley Massacre

1147 C.E. Wurzburg Massacre

1147 C.E. Belitz (Germany) Jews Burned Alive

1147 C.E. Carenton, Ramenu & Sully (France) Massacres

1171 C.E. Blois Stake Burnings

1181 C.E. France Expulsion

1181 C.E. England Property Confiscation

1188 C.E. London & York Mob Attacks

1190 C.E. Norfolk Jews Burned Alive

1191 C.E. Bray (France) Jews Burned Alive

1195 C.E. France Property Confiscation

1209 C.E. Beziers Massacre

1212 C.E. Spain Rioting and blood bath against the Jews of Toledo.

1215 C.E. Rome Lateran Council of Rome decrees that Jews must wear the "badge of shame" in all Christian countries. Jews are denied all public sector employment, and are burdened with extra taxes.

1215 C.E. Toulouse (France) Mass Arrests

1218 C.E. England Jews Forced to Wear Badges

1231 C.E. Rome Inquisition Established

1236 C.E. France Forced Conversion/Massacre

1239 C.E. London Massacre & Property Confiscation

1240 C.E. Austria Property confiscation. Jews either imprisoned, converted, expelled, or burned.

1240 C.E. France Talmud Confiscated

1240 C.E. England Book Burning

1240 C.E. Spain Forced Conversion

1242 C.E. Paris Talmud Burned

1244 C.E. Oxford Mob Attacks

1255 C.E. England Blood libel in Lincoln results in the burning / torture of many Jews & public hangings.

1261 C.E. Canterbury Mob Attacks

1262 C.E. London Mob Attacks

1264 C.E. London Mob Attacks

1264 C.E. Germany Council of Vienna declares that all Jews must wear a "pointed dunce cap." Thousands murdered.

1267 C.E. Vienna Jews Forced to Wear Horned Hats

1270 C.E. Weissenberg, Magdeburg, Arnstadt, Coblenz, Singzig, and Erfurt Jews Burned Alive

1270 C.E. England The libel of the "counterfeit coins" - all Jewish men, women and children in England imprisoned. Hundreds are hung.

1276 C.E. Bavaria Expulsion

1278 C.E. Genoa (Spain) Mob Attacks

1279 C.E. Hungary & Poland The Council of Offon denies Jews the right to all civic positions. The Jews of Hungary & Poland are forced to wear the "red badge of shame."

1283 C.E. Mayence & Bacharach Mob Attacks

1285 C.E. Munich Jews Burned Alive

1290 C.E. England King Edward I issues an edict banishing all Jews from England. Many drowned.

1291 C.E. France The Jewish refugees from England are promptly expelled from France.

1292 C.E. Italy Forced conversions & expulsion of the Italian Jewish community.

1298 C.E. Germany The libel of the "Desecrated Host" is perpetrated against the Jews of Germany. Approximately 150 Jewish communities undergo forced conversion.

1298 C.E. Franconia, Bavaria & Austria Reindfel's Decree is propagated against the Jews of Franconia and Bavarai. Riots against these Jewish communities, as well as those in Austria, result in the massacre of 100,000 Jews over a six-month period.

1306 C.E. France Expulsion

1308 C.E. Strasbourg Jews Burned Alive

1320 C.E. Toulouse & Perpigon 120 Communities Massacred & Talmud Burned

1321 C.E. Teruel Public Executions

1328 C.E. Estella 5,000 Jews Slaughtered

1348 C.E. France & Spain Jews Burned Alive

1348 C.E. Switzerland Expulsion

1349 C.E. Worms, Strasbourg, Oppenheim, Mayence, Erfurt, Bavaria & Swabia Jews Burned Alive

1349 C.E. Heilbronn (Germany) Expulsion

1349 C.E. Hungary Expulsion

1354 C.E. Castile (Spain) 12,000 Jews Slaughtered

1368 C.E. Toledo 8,000 Jews Slaughtered

1370 C.E. Majorca., Penignon & Barcelona Mob Attack

1377 C.E. Huesca (Spain) Jews Burned Alive

1380 C.E. Paris Mob Attack

1384 C.E. Nordlingen Mass Murder

1388 C.E. Strasbourg Expulsion

1389 C.E. Prague Mass Slaughter & Book Burning

1391 C.E. Castille, Toledo, Madrid, Seville, Cordova, Cuenca & Barcelona Forced Conversions & Mass Murder

1394 C.E. Germany Expulsion

1394 C.E. France Expulsion

1399 C.E. Posen (Poland) Jews Burned Alive

1400 C.E. Prague Stake Burnings

1407 C.E. Cracow Mob Attack

1415 C.E. Rome Talmud Confiscated

1422 C.E. Austria Jews Burned Alive

1422 C.E. Austria Expulsion

1424 C.E. Fribourg & Zurich Expulsion

1426 C.E. Cologne Expulsion

1431 C.E. Southern Germany Jews Burned Alive

1432 C.E. Savory Expulsion

1438 C.E. Mainz Expulsion

1439 C.E. Augsburg Expulsion

1449 C.E. Toledo Public Torture &. Burnings

1456 C.E. Bavaria Expulsion

1453 C.E. Franconia Expulsion

1453 C.E. Breslau Expulsion

1454 C.E. Wurzburg Expulsion

1463 C.E. Cracow Mob Attack

1473 C.E. Andalusia Mob Attack

1480 C.E. Venice Jews Burned Alive

1481 C.E. Seville Stake Burnings

1484 C.E. Cuidad Real, Guadalupe, Saragossa & Teruel Jews Burned Alive

1485 C.E. Vincenza (Italy) Expulsion

1486 C.E. Toledo Jews Burned Alive

1488 C.E. Toledo Stake Burnings

1490 C.E. Toledo Public Executions

1491 C.E. Astorga Public Torture & Execution

1492 C.E. Spain Expulsion

1495 C.E. Lithuania Expulsion

1497 C.E. Portugal Expulsion

1499 C.E. Germany Expulsion

1506 C.E. Lisbon Mob Attack

1510 C.E. Berlin Public Torture & Execution

1514 C.E. Strasbourg Expulsion

1519 C.E. Regensburg Expulsion

1539 C.E. Cracow & Portugal Stake Burnings

1540 C.E. Naples Expulsion

1542 C.E. Bohemia Expulsion

1550 C.E. Genoa Expulsion

1551 C.E. Bavaria Expulsion

1555 C.E. Pesaro Expulsion

1556 C.E. Sokhachev (Poland) Public Torture & Execution

1559 C.E. Austria Expulsion

1561 C.E. Prague Expulsion

1567 C.E. Wurzburg Expulsion

1569 C.E. Papal States Expulsion

1571 C.E. Brandenburg Expulsion

1582 C.E. Netherlands Expulsion

1593 C.E. Brunswick Expulsion

1597 C.E. Cremona, Pavia & Lodi Expulsion

1614 C.E. Frankfort Expulsion

1615 C.E. Worms Expulsion

1619 C.E. Kiev Expulsion

1635 C.E. Vilna Mob Attack

1637 C.E. Cracow Public Torture & Execution

1647 C.E. Lisbon Jews Burned Alive

1648 C.E. Poland 1/3 of Jewry Slaughtered

1649 C.E. Ukraine Expulsion

1649 C.E. Hamburg Expulsion

1652 C.E. Lisbon Stake Burnings

1654 C.E. Little Russia Expulsion

1656 C.E. Lithuania Expulsion

1660 C.E. Seville Jews Burned Alive

1663 C.E Cracow Public Torture &. Execution

1664 C.E. Lemberg Mob Attack

1669 C.E. Oran (North Africa) Expulsion

1670 C.E. Vienna Expulsion

1671 C.E. Minsk Mob Attacks

1681 C.E. Vilna Mob Attacks

1682 C.E. Cracow Mob Attacks

1687 C.E. Posen Mob Attacks

1712 C.E. Sandomir Expulsion

1727 C.E. Russia Expulsion

1738 C.E. Wurtemburg Expulsion

1740 C.E. Liule Russia Expulsion

1744 C.E Bohemia Expulsion

1744 C.E. Livonia Expulsion

1745 C.E. Moravia Expulsion

1753 C.E. Kovad (Lithuania) Expulsion

1757 C.E. Kamenetz Talmud Burning

1761 C.E. Bordeaux Expulsion

1768 C.E. Kiev 3,000 Jews Slaughtered

1772 C.E. Russia Expulsion

1775 C.E. Warsaw Expulsion

1789 C.E. Alsace Expulsion

1801 C.E. Bucharest Mob Attack

1804 C.E. Russian Villages Expulsion

1808 C.E. Russian Countryside Expulsion

1815 C.E. Lubeck & Bremen Expulsion

1820 C.E. Bremes Expulsion

1843 C.E. Austria & Prussia Expulsion

1850 C.E. New York City 500 People, Led by Police, Attacked & Wrecked Jewish Synagogue

1862 C.E. Area under General Grant's Jurisdiction in the United States Expulsion

1866 C.E Galatz (Romania) Expulsion

1871 C.E. Odena Mob Attack

1887 C.E. Slovakia Mob Attacks

11th August 2010, 05:31 PM
The attempt to shift the blame from Talmudist Jews to "Zionists" serves only one purpose.

The problem was, is - and until the Talmud is sent back to Hell - shall remain, the Talmudist Jews.

And understand that Communism and Modern Capitalism are both products of the Talmud.

11th August 2010, 05:37 PM
The attempt to shift the blame from Talmudist Jews to "Zionists" serves only one purpose.

The problem was, is - and until the Talmud is sent back to Hell - shall remain, the Talmudist Jews.

And understand that Communism and Modern Capitalism are both products of the Talmud.

Read up on the Karaites and what they believe - they are the only TRUE Jews, from what I can see.

Rabbinical Talmudism is not the true Judaism. The Talmud is the refutation and perversion of the Old Testament.

11th August 2010, 05:59 PM
Read up on the Karaites and what they believe - they are the only TRUE Jews, from what I can see.

Rabbinical Talmudism is not the true Judaism. The Talmud is the refutation and perversion of the Old Testament.

I'm well aware of the Karaites.

The religion of Moses is now called Christianity.

11th August 2010, 06:03 PM
Brent? the Zionist political party movement was founded in 1897.......113 years old.

By the way.......I don't know to much but do know all that I need to know to know who the enemy is.

11th August 2010, 06:10 PM
Some of you people are hilariously blind.

People have hated Jews with good reason since the beginning of recorded history.

Zionism is less than 200 years old.

But of course I must be a "Zionist" for pointing this out, at least according to the all knowing and legendary Ponce. ::)

i know about the Zionist Congress in 1897. Theodore Herzl, etc.

is there some significant Zionist history in the early 1800's or the second half of the 1800's i missed ?

> People have hated Jews with good reason since the beginning of recorded history.

i know about them being expelled from 12-15 European countries during the Middle Ages. I hear some people put the number of their expulsions at 109.

Blood Passover
by Ariel Toaff

Blood Passover, Usury, and generally criminal behavior - the main reasons for these expulsions.

any books or good URL's on the subject are greatly appreciated.

11th August 2010, 07:03 PM
Lets keep it simple, people. The bottom line is that both ashkenazi and sephardic jews are still jews, and are zionists.

The khazarian question does not stop the jews, whether true jews or imposters, from the deceptive art of jewry and it's genocidal imperialism.

11th August 2010, 08:28 PM


12th August 2010, 07:28 AM
There were a lot more than even the Russian people even know about (like in the US) because many of "them" changed their names to a more "Christian" name.

Henry Ford - The International Jew

Chapter 70 - The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names (http://www.churchoftrueisrael.com/Ford/original/ij70.html)

12th August 2010, 09:41 AM
Thanks 2010, that comfirms what I have saying for a many years that % of "those" people in the US is more like 15-18%.........for you not to find a rock all that the rock has to do is to look like another rock.