View Full Version : It Isn't About Islam and Muslims

11th August 2010, 11:11 PM
Statists who oppose the building of that mosque near the World Trade Center site are missing the point, and the reason they’re missing the point is that they simply cannot bring themselves to recognize that the problem is not with Islam or Muslims. The problem is with the U.S. government and specifically, its imperial, interventionist foreign policy that waged war against people in the Middle East for years prior to the 9/11 attacks.

In other words, the 9/11 terrorists did not attack New York and Washington because of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other religion. They attacked because they were retaliating for the horrible things that the U.S. government had done to people in the Middle East, most of whom happen to have been Muslims.

What bad things, you ask?

Well, how about the intentional and deliberate killing of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. If you want to read the sordid details on how that took place, go to <A HREF="http://www.fff.org/whatsNew/2004-02-09a.htm">this page</A> on The Future of Freedom Foundation’s website or, better yet, purchase and read a copy of Joy Gordon’s new book <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/Invisible-War-United-States-Sanctions/dp/0674035712/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1281103239&sr=8-3">Invisible War: The United States and the Iraq Sanctions</A>.

The U.S. Empire killed those kids with one of the most brutal systems of economic sanctions in history. Since 99 percent of the population of Iraq is Muslim, the odds are that 99 percent of those dead Iraqi children were Muslim.

Now, that’s not to say that the U.S. government killed those children because they were Muslim. It’s simply to say that the kids they killed in Iraq were Muslims.

Why did they kill those children? Because they hoped that Saddam Hussein would leave office rather than continue to watch his own people die from the sanctions. They were using the Iraqi children as the means by which to pressure him into relinquishing power in favor of a U.S.-approved ruler.

The strategy didn’t work. Saddam let the children die, as did the U.S. government, year after year after year.

Did U.S. officials express any remorse for killing all those kids? Are you kidding? It was the exact opposite -- they felt that the killing of those children was "worth it." That was the precise phrase used by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright when "Sixty Minutes" asked her if the deaths of half-a-million children from the sanctions had been worth it. Her response reflected the official position of the Empire: "I think that is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it."

Not surprisingly, people throughout the Middle East were boiling over with anger over these deaths and the callous, indifferent attitude toward the deaths. It also shouldn’t surprise anyone that the people who were boiling over with anger and rage happened to have been Muslim, simply because the children who were dying were Muslim.

Adding fuel to the fire was the U.S. government’s unconditional flow of foreign-aid largess to the Israeli government; the stationing of U.S. troops, most of whom had to have been Christians and Jews, on the holiest lands in the Muslim religion -- Mecca and Medina; and the illegal no-fly zones that were being used to kill even more Iraqis.

As Ron Paul put it in his famous presidential debate exchange with Rudy Giuliani, "They attack us because we've been over there, we've been bombing Iraq for 10 years. We've been in the Middle East. I think Reagan was right. We don't understand the irrationality of Middle Eastern politics."

When will Americans come to see that the never-ending terrorist crisis, along with the concomitant loss of our civil liberties, is rooted in U.S. statism, imperialism, and interventionism rather than in religion? When will they stop treating the U.S. government like a god?

Source: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/article.php?view=1051

19th August 2010, 07:34 PM
In other words, the 9/11 terrorists did not attack New York and Washington because of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other religion. They attacked because they were retaliating for the horrible things that the U.S. government had done to people in the Middle East, most of whom happen to have been Muslims.

Scary Moozlem blowback, Limited Hangout LIHOP... article postures as dissident critical thinking analysis, while preserving the key "scary moozlems booga booga" myth of the Big 911 Zio-Lie. The conclusive CD of the WTC puts a coffin nail in all of this incessant scary-moozlems-did-911 quackery. More zio-shillery, yawn. :oo-->

Were America Attacked by Scary Moozlems on 9/11? (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=10142)

by David Ray Griffin

Much of America's foreign policy since 9/11 has been based on the assumption that it was attacked by Scary Moozlems on that day. This assumption was used, most prominently, to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is now widely agreed that the use of 9/11 as a basis for attacking Iraq was illegitimate: none of the hijackers were Iraqis, there was no working relation between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, and Iraq was not behind the anthrax attacks. But it is still widely believed that the US attack on Afghanistan was justified. For example, the New York Times, while referring to the US attack on Iraq as a "war of choice," calls the battle in Afghanistan a "war of necessity." Time magazine has dubbed it "the right war." And Barack Obama says that one reason to wind down our involvement in Iraq is to have the troops and resources to "go after the people in Afghanistan who actually attacked us on 9/11."

The assumption that America was attacked by Scary Moozlems on 9/11 also lies behind the widespread perception of Islam as an inherently violent religion and therefore of Scary Moozlems as guilty until proven innocent. This perception surely contributed to attempts to portray Obama as a Scary Moozlem, which was lampooned by a controversial cartoon on the July 21, 2008, cover of The New Yorker.

As could be illustrated by reference to many other post-9/11 developments, including as spying, torture, extraordinary rendition, military tribunals, America's new doctrine of preemptive war, and its enormous increase in military spending, the assumption that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked by Scary Moozlem hijackers has had enormous negative consequences for both international and domestic issues.1

Is it conceivable that this assumption might be false? Insofar as Americans and Canadians would say "No," they would express their belief that this assumption is not merely an "assumption" but is instead based on strong evidence. When actually examined, however, the proffered evidence turns out to be remarkably weak. I will illustrate this point by means of 16 questions.

1. Were Mohamed Atta and the Other Hijackers Devout Scary Moozlems?
more... (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=10142)

aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,254 licensed architects & engineers (http://ae911truth.org) now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D



Meanwhile, the REAL 911 PERPS' (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940) banks & synagogues are peppered liberally around ground zero...

Hatha Sunahara
31st August 2010, 03:29 PM
Scarey Moozlimz (aka 'terrorists') is a divide and conquer tactic of the elite--the world's 'metagovernment'. They hired Samuel P. Huntington to write the script for it in his 1993 book The Clash of Civilizations. This was the declaration of war against the moozlimz. Huntington also wrote another seminal piece after the end of the Vietnam War called Crisis in Democracy, where he described how the elites should not allow democracy to deter their will. You can get good understanding of the elite's determination to keep humanity divided on any lines other than class.

Is it possible to not think of all moozlims as terrorists? Or as people who condone cruel punishments and the suppression of women? Was it possible for the Germans in the third reich to not think of Jews as parasites?

There is an art to exposing propaganda--that is, explaining it to others when you see it. But good propaganda is something that has 'the ring of truth'--it slips right past your conscious defenses, and hits your subconscious like a hammer. And as it gets repeated, you pick up the rhythm, and start dancing to it. Today it's the moozlim bash. There are a lot of us dancing to this tune.

To be credible, you should also consider that the elite are also manipulating the moozlims. Why did so many of them move to Europe? Why did so many Mexicans move to the United States? Who makes the laws? Who enforces them? The reason there are so many moozlims in Europe and so many many Mexicans in USA is because the governments of those countries stopped working for the people, and started working for the elite. The elite want it this way. If we're fighting with the moozlims, we won't be noticing how we are being robbed blind by the elite.
