View Full Version : Why are Feminists Surprised Their Daughters are Sl#ts?

12th August 2010, 02:43 AM
by Henry Makow, Ph.D.


In a recent article "Outraged Moms, Trashy Daughters" by Anne Kingston, (Macleans, Aug 16, 2010) mothers lament that their daughters now see "empowerment" in terms of pleasuring males.

While the feminist mothers saw power as financial independence and rejected female "objectification," their daughters accept the pornographic message of pop music and advertising. In the words of one mom, they "believe their purpose in life is to be sexual beings who please men."

"A blow job is like shaking hands," said another mom. "Their attitude is: 'We're emancipated, we're liberated, we're in control. They see [it] as power; I see it as giving their power away."

Yes but: Who taught girls they could have sex outside of courtship, love and marriage?

Feminists did. Feminism brainwashed young women to see husbands as oppressors and family as bondage. There was no longer any reason to restrict sex to love and marriage.

Understandably, feminists don't want to admit their teachers have betrayed them. Feminism was created by elite social engineers to reduce population and undermine marriage and family.

Even while they wring their hands, feminists are blinded by their ideology. (The article veers off into a discussion of how feminism is still relevant.)

The words "love," "marriage," "husband" and "family" do not appear in the article. No wonder they can't understand the problem and what to do about it.

Both mothers and daughters are victims of deliberate social subversion. A woman's career used to be wife and mother. She consecrated her sexuality for the man she loved, the father of her children, her protector and provider.

Young women today are up a creek. They don't know how to be women and men don't know how to be men. But one thing that hasn't changed is - men don't marry sluts. These girls are going to be left high and dry once their sex appeal has faded.

They obsess on looking beautiful but don't know that true beauty comes from within, from a spiritual purity. This means rejecting all coarse influences and behavior. It means focusing on what is good, true, human and inspiring.

In the past, men had to prove their love and commitment before they could have sex. As a result, women were cherished and given a lifelong role (mother, wife) that satisfied their deepest emotional needs.

Now they have been reduced to amateur prostitutes and corporate widgets.

"I don't meet many girls who feel good about themselves, even though they are totally gorgeous," one social worker says.

How could they ... giving their bodies to strangers who dump them?

Girls figure they must give away sex or boys will get it from other girls. That's like saying, "if I don't let muggers rob and beat me, other girls will."

The other word totally absent from this article is "father." Girls could get love, self respect and guidance from their fathers. But I'm guessing their feminist mothers drove their fathers away.

It's not too late for girls to learn to be women again. There can be no sex without courtship and love. If other girls want to give it away, let them suffer the consequences.

Girls can become feminine again by making marriage and family their first priority. If they refocus, they can regain the path to fulfillment and happiness.

12th August 2010, 06:04 AM
I just read that and wanted to post here too. That one is out of the ball-park.

12th August 2010, 06:19 AM
none of these women were giving out handshakes when i was growing up. what bad timing for me. :boohoo

12th August 2010, 06:33 AM
none of these women were giving out handshakes when i was growing up. what bad timing for me. :boohoo

Better to be STD free.

Shorty Harris
12th August 2010, 06:36 AM
I completely agree. I see this all the time. And then these girls wonder why they cant find a decent guy. Or that they all treat em like crap.

I have a 20 yr old Daughter, and Ive told her since she was a little girl that "you cant demand respect, ya have to command it". Just look at the way the majority of these girls dress, act and talk. Bottom line? Ya act like a whore, you'd better be ready to be treated like one, and then don't bitch about it when you are.

12th August 2010, 06:39 AM
So Paris Hilton is not a good role model?


Twisted Titan
12th August 2010, 08:24 AM
I completely agree. I see this all the time. And then these girls wonder why they cant find a decent guy. Or that they all treat em like crap.

I have a 20 yr old Daughter, and Ive told her since she was a little girl that "you cant demand respect, ya have to command it". Just look at the way the majority of these girls dress, act and talk. Bottom line? Ya act like a whore, you'd better be ready to be treated like one, and then don't bitch about it when you are.

Dude, I am soooooooooooo using that one liner.

I'll mail you Three Mercury Dimes for the royalty rights

12th August 2010, 08:38 AM
I completely agree. I see this all the time. And then these girls wonder why they cant find a decent guy. Or that they all treat em like crap.

I have a 20 yr old Daughter, and Ive told her since she was a little girl that "you cant demand respect, ya have to command it". Just look at the way the majority of these girls dress, act and talk. Bottom line? Ya act like a whore, you'd better be ready to be treated like one, and then don't bitch about it when you are.

So true. When you fish for bottom feeders you use skank bait. Dress and act like a skank-the sorry excuses for men you will attract will be bottom feeders...

It is getting almost impossible to find a woman who doesn't have self esteem or self respect issues. Or daddy issues.

12th August 2010, 09:35 AM
Isn't it ironic that what used to be common sense to everybody 50 years ago is now 'fringe'?

Anyone with a little foresight saw what feminism would become.

12th August 2010, 09:43 AM
there's a word for these girls in college...sorostitutes

I can't even stand next to most of these girls because of how many chemicals these girls drench themselves in to smell "pretty". It is absolutely disgusting!

12th August 2010, 09:48 AM


The unmarried daddy of this kid is now running for mayor in Alaska...lol.


12th August 2010, 10:47 AM
Dear Feminists...

I am a thirteen year old girl... Is it a prerequisite for me to have an online webcam porno video available for viewing?

Thank you

12th August 2010, 11:00 AM

Just as a data point from the other side,

I am a non-feminist woman happily married to my kids' biodad -- and, shockingly, I know, we were already married when they were conceived.

I have a lovely 19 y o daughter who keeps her knees together and her mouth shut who just got tossed by a guy she really thought was great, because he found a girl who not only shakes hands, but embraces with legs.

So where are all the young men who want nice girls?

*Actually that's not true about keeping her mouth shut. She talks too much. Maybe that's the REAL issue?

12th August 2010, 11:06 AM
I have a lovely 19 y o daughter who keeps her knees together and her mouth shut who just got tossed by a guy she really thought was great, because he found a girl who not only shakes hands, but embraces with legs.

Your daughter should be looking for a decent guy like her own father. Show her how you found him.


12th August 2010, 11:09 AM
I dunno, Book,

I've always said I got the last good guy in California.
How does one repeat a stroke of luck like that?

12th August 2010, 11:15 AM
I have a lovely 19 y o daughter who keeps her knees together and her mouth shut who just got tossed by a guy she really thought was great, because he found a girl who not only shakes hands, but embraces with legs.

So where are all the young men who want nice girls?

As a single guy, I'll answer this question. It's not that men don't want nice girls, we do. It's that nowadays, the natural progression of courtship, ie relationships, is so out of wack, that it's confusing for men.

A lot of women do use sex as a reward, ie prize to be given, to men...and thus, men get wrapped up into allowing that to affect their 'value' as men. It's hard not to fall into this trap.

For example, say a man starts dating a woman, and after a month or so things progress into sexual relationship...if that same gal slept with a guy in the past after one date. Doesn't that make that guy 'better' than the guy who had to wait a month? The guy she slept with after one date was a better man, a more high value man, who was rewarded sooner, than the other guy.

The sex is the prize to be won. The sooner the better. This seems to be the mentality in the singles dating game these days.

It's not right, it's not a healthy balance between men and women.

Say I meet a gal and things go great...how do I know she didn't sleep with the whole football team before?

It's confusing for men, we don't know anymore who the good gals are, and who the gals that are just using sex as a way to gain respect.

I don't want to be with a gal that thinks I will respect her more because of a long wait for sex. I want to be with a gal that respects that sex is between two people that love each other, and if I am that guy, fantastic.

Sex is a big part of any healthy relationship, for both men and women. For a woman, I'm sure it's hard to tell the men just out for sex, and for men, it's hard to tell the women who try to use sex as a reward, or a way to gain respect.

12th August 2010, 11:16 AM
I dunno, Book,

I've always said I got the last good guy in California. How does one repeat a stroke of luck like that?

Seriously shakinginmyshoes...most single guys here and elsewhere are looking for a wife raised like your daughter. She is only 19 and can afford to be very very very picky. Remind her that she is looking for a decent guy just like her father.


Shorty Harris
12th August 2010, 11:17 AM

Just as a data point from the other side,

I am a non-feminist woman happily married to my kids' biodad -- and, shockingly, I know, we were already married when they were conceived.

I have a lovely 19 y o daughter who keeps her knees together and her mouth shut who just got tossed by a guy she really thought was great, because he found a girl who not only shakes hands, but embraces with legs.

So where are all the young men who want nice girls?

*Actually that's not true about keeping her mouth shut. She talks too much. Maybe that's the REAL issue?

Which is all the more reason for a young lady to wait till she is more "womanly", as a man matures, so will his standards in a WOMEN But then again, that is dependent on how he was brought up.

12th August 2010, 11:22 AM
Say I meet a gal and things go great...how do I know she didn't sleep with the whole football team before?


Um...because she is a virgin and is saving it for her husband? You know...like most women did not that long ago before the recent Sex In The City teevee con job....lol.


Shorty Harris
12th August 2010, 11:23 AM
I completely agree. I see this all the time. And then these girls wonder why they cant find a decent guy. Or that they all treat em like crap.

I have a 20 yr old Daughter, and Ive told her since she was a little girl that "you cant demand respect, ya have to command it". Just look at the way the majority of these girls dress, act and talk. Bottom line? Ya act like a whore, you'd better be ready to be treated like one, and then don't bitch about it when you are.

Dude, I am soooooooooooo using that one liner.

I'll mail you Three Mercury Dimes for the royalty rights

No Need TT, It was told to me when I was a lil boy. I'm just the messenger.

12th August 2010, 11:24 AM
Thanks, Book,

I DO chalk the credit up to her dad for raising her well.
Dad's love for daughter is what gives us women the strength to say no.

Still, meeting other young people is a problem for young people. Always has been. Bars? Bad idea.
We live in a medium-sized town. The smart guys in her high school graduating class all went off to college out of state (because ours is not highly rated.) But we, her parents, being White and therefore not aided by Affirmative Action / gov't help, could only afford to send her to the jr. college in this town, where there aren't that many young men (mostly girls). She met one boy that she thought was great, and then he...

Anybody got suggestions for how to meet people online, while avoiding predators?

I agree she ought to wait to look for a husband. Tell HER that.

12th August 2010, 11:27 AM

You are Phoenix's wife, aren't you?

12th August 2010, 11:32 AM

You are Phoenix's wife, aren't you?

That might explain why she's 'shakinginhershoes'. ;D

Kidding...only light-hearted fun. :)

12th August 2010, 11:44 AM
Still, meeting other young people is a problem for young people. Always has been. Bars? Bad idea.
We live in a medium-sized town. The smart guys in her high school graduating class all went off to college out of state (because ours is not highly rated.) But we, her parents, being White and therefore not aided by Affirmative Action / gov't help, could only afford to send her to the jr. college in this town, where there aren't that many young men (mostly girls). She met one boy that she thought was great, and then he...

Anybody got suggestions for how to meet people online, while avoiding predators?


Her hunt for a husband must be done in person. Face to face. Eye to eye. Men fall in love with their eyes...women with their ears. No way getting around this fundamental truth. She must go to the Man Hunting Ground in person...wherever that is...lol.


12th August 2010, 11:48 AM
just an opinion here, but at 19, she is a baby. i'd say she has more important things to figure out both about herself + life than be worried about finding a man at age 19.

12th August 2010, 12:00 PM
"You are Phoenix's wife, aren't you?"


I agree with much of what he says, but no.

My husband doesn't post on the internet too much. He's too busy running his business. *I* have time to post because what I do, I'm self -employed too, with a home business, (lactation consultant) but my work tends to come in spurts. (Pardon the pun. "Spurts." Mother's milk spurts... heh heh..er...ahem. Sorry)

12th August 2010, 12:01 PM

Her hunt for a husband must be done in person. Face to face. Eye to eye. Men fall in love with their eyes...women with their ears. No way getting around this fundamental truth. She must go to the Man Hunting Ground in person...wherever that is...lol.


LOL, indeed Book. The sooty grouse method is how a lot of dudes put on an act to impress women.

Wise advise though, however you can use online to meet people face to face. I've done that before. The best method seems to use online to first talk to someone over the phone. Then meet them face to face in a public setting, coffee shops are perfect. I've met a few gals that way, and it made them comfortable that I wasn't some crazy predator. I don't prefer to meet people online, but it can be used if done wisely.

I also agree with Chad, at 19 she's just a baby.

12th August 2010, 12:09 PM
Thanks, Liquid,

Agreed she's a baby, but she's lonely.

It's good to know that non-crazies online are willing to do the things like talking on the phone first, then meet in a public place, so she can feel comfortable.

It seems kind of cruel to use as a default assumption that the guy might be a whackjob. Hate to hurt a good guy's feelings by being assuming guilty until he proves his innocence, so to speak, but what can you do?

12th August 2010, 12:11 PM
So where are all the young men who want nice girls?

In church.

12th August 2010, 12:23 PM
I also agree with Chad, at 19 she's just a baby.

MIT Coeds

Nah...19 is the natural prime age for mating and having children. Women who instead go to college and start their "career" in their prime have basically rejected natural motherhood for promiscuity, debt, and corporate slavery. Then at age 35 they finally try and compete with the younger ripe women for husbands...lol.


12th August 2010, 12:26 PM

We, her parents, screwed up just one thing raising her. We admitted our agnosticism and never joined a church.


if that same gal slept with a guy in the past after one date. Doesn't that make that guy 'better' than the guy who had to wait a month? The guy she slept with after one date was a better man, a more high value man, who was rewarded sooner, than the other guy.

I'll answer you with what I saw when I was single. I am 47, the first gen of women who grew up post-sexual revolution. I had good morals,but many of my women-acquaintances didn't. They bought the whole baloney.

Here's what I saw: If she slept with a guy after one date, then waited for a month with the next one, it's because the guy she waited with was BETTER. She discovered that sleeping together on the first date is disastrous for a long-term relationship. So the NEXT guy, she waited, and found out that THAT's the way to make love grow.
Sadly, today too many young women are INCAPABLE of love because they have "daddy issues" from feminist mom's poisoning her mind. So bedhopping sounds like fun.

12th August 2010, 12:26 PM
It seems kind of cruel to use as a default assumption that the guy might be a whackjob. Hate to hurt a good guy's feelings by being assuming guilty until he proves his innocence, so to speak, but what can you do?

Cheers, I wouldn't worry about hurting a guy's feelings, I've never taken it that way personally.

I should add, I have not had good success meeting people online. Women can be crazy too. Last gal I exchanged numbers with, I got busy and didn't call. I guess she took that the wrong way. She called me 5 times in one day, not counting massive text messages...each call got progressively more and more obscene.

Of couse I didn't return her calls, and for about a week after that, I recieved several calls and hang-ups a day. It finally tappered off and I was able to regain my sanity. ;D

I haven't tried online since. I have meet some decent people, but you really do have to be careful out there.

12th August 2010, 12:29 PM
...So where are all the young men who want nice girls?

I think this line form the article covers that (my underline):

But one thing that hasn't changed is - men don't marry sluts.

Who they date is another story all together. Guys will tell themselves the girl's past does not matter UNTIL it comes time to consider marriage.

In Europe many (most?) don't even bother to get married anymore. The institution has been ruined.

12th August 2010, 12:30 PM
I also agree with Chad, at 19 she's just a baby.

MIT Coeds

Nah...19 is the natural prime age for mating and having children. Women who instead go to college and start their "career" in their prime have basically rejected natural motherhood for promiscuity, debt, and corporate slavery. Then at age 35 they finally try and compete with the younger ripe women for husbands...lol.


who's that guy in the back on the far right side? lucky sob ;D

12th August 2010, 12:31 PM
Here's what I saw: If she slept with a guy after one date, then waited for a month with the next one, it's because the guy she waited with was BETTER. She discovered that sleeping together on the first date is disastrous for a long-term relationship. So the NEXT guy, she waited, and found out that THAT's the way to make love grow.
Sadly, today too many young women are INCAPABLE of love because they have "daddy issues" from feminist mom's poisoning her mind. So bedhopping sounds like fun.

Thanks for answering my question, and I agree. I should see it that way, it's a healthy way to look at it.

I think I've been single too long, and have too many really mess-up stories regarding gals I've met and dated...that I honesty have some trust issues with women.

I appreciate your insights, wish more women thought that way. ;)

12th August 2010, 12:46 PM

I wonder about something:

What if, rather than being of the mindset, when will SHE reward YOU with sex, if you took leadership with a lady you've just met and held her at arm's length with a wry smile and said, No, you're going to have to wait.

I can imagine a lot of women getting weak in the knees at such a masterful approach (and it's WHAT she WANTS)

(Something like the movie Love at First Bite where Susan St. James tells George Hamilton, let's have sex. He says, no, I don't have time. She says, just a quickie? He says, For you, no quickies. Only Longies)

Along the mindset that people want what they can't have. A woman who is being DENIED sex with you is going to want you far more.

12th August 2010, 12:49 PM
should add, I have not had good success meeting people online. Women can be crazy too. Last gal I exchanged numbers with, I got busy and didn't call. I guess she took that the wrong way. She called me 5 times in one day, not counting massive text messages...each call got progressively more and more obscene.


12th August 2010, 01:03 PM

I wonder about something:

What if, rather than being of the mindset, when will SHE reward YOU with sex, if you took leadership with a lady you've just met and held her at arm's length with a wry smile and said, No, you're going to have to wait.

I can imagine a lot of women getting weak in the knees at such a masterful approach (and it's WHAT she WANTS)

(Something like the movie Love at First Bite where Susan St. James tells George Hamilton, let's have sex. He says, no, I don't have time. She says, just a quickie? He says, For you, no quickies. Only Longies)

Along the mindset that people want what they can't have. A woman who is being DENIED sex with you is going to want you far more.

In my experience, telling her she has to earn it is also an effective technique.

12th August 2010, 01:21 PM
In my experience, telling her she has to earn it is also an effective technique.

My experience has been different.

That's actually what I usually do, and try and take things slow.

However, I'll tell ya, life is not like the movies. Maybe it's just been my experience. I usually try to take things slow, yet a lot women are so programmed that the greatest thing they can offer men is sex...even an flirty let down like that in the movies is not taken very well. They either assume something is wrong with the guy, or their own insecurities show and they think something is wrong with themselves, or they tend to turn their emotions more towards friendship, etc. IE, the "nice guy" syndrome.

It's expected of men to pursue sex as soon as possible these days. If a man doesn't, he must not be interested.

12th August 2010, 01:50 PM
"You are Phoenix's wife, aren't you?"


I agree with much of what he says, but no.

My husband doesn't post on the internet too much. He's too busy running his business. *I* have time to post because what I do, I'm self -employed too, with a home business, (lactation consultant) but my work tends to come in spurts. (Pardon the pun. "Spurts." Mother's milk spurts... heh heh..er...ahem. Sorry)

Haha, I figured you'd say that (about him not being your husband, but that you agree with him).

Anyway, I was just wondering.... (hehe, I like puns too ;) )

Joe King
12th August 2010, 01:55 PM

Her hunt for a husband must be done in person. Face to face. Eye to eye. Men fall in love with their eyes...women with their ears. No way getting around this fundamental truth. She must go to the Man Hunting Ground in person...wherever that is...lol.


LOL, indeed Book. The sooty grouse method is how a lot of dudes put on an act to impress women.

Wise advise though, however you can use online to meet people face to face. I've done that before. The best method seems to use online to first talk to someone over the phone. Then meet them face to face in a public setting, coffee shops are perfect. I've met a few gals that way, and it made them comfortable that I wasn't some crazy predator. I don't prefer to meet people online, but it can be used if done wisely.

I also agree with Chad, at 19 she's just a baby.

While she's not really a "baby", I tend to agree too.

If, as was posted, she's actively seeking a future mate out of loneliness, she's doing it for the wrong reason. What she needs is to know how to survive herself, in a sustainable manner.
By doing the former, she's facing far less than a 50% chance of success. So she better know how to be able to survive on her own, as there will be a big chance that she'll have to at some point in her life.

The alternative is that years from now she may feel trapped in what became a bad relationship, but chooses to stay out of dependency.
....or she ends up back at home, or bouncing from guy to guy.

IMHO, a strong woman who knows herself how to survive by living a sustainable lifestyle is far more attractive than one that isn't.

12th August 2010, 01:57 PM

We, her parents, screwed up just one thing raising her. We admitted our agnosticism and never joined a church.


if that same gal slept with a guy in the past after one date. Doesn't that make that guy 'better' than the guy who had to wait a month? The guy she slept with after one date was a better man, a more high value man, who was rewarded sooner, than the other guy.

I'll answer you with what I saw when I was single. I am 47, the first gen of women who grew up post-sexual revolution. I had good morals,but many of my women-acquaintances didn't. They bought the whole baloney.

Here's what I saw: If she slept with a guy after one date, then waited for a month with the next one, it's because the guy she waited with was BETTER. She discovered that sleeping together on the first date is disastrous for a long-term relationship. So the NEXT guy, she waited, and found out that THAT's the way to make love grow.
Sadly, today too many young women are INCAPABLE of love because they have "daddy issues" from feminist mom's poisoning her mind. So bedhopping sounds like fun.

I am thanking this post, with an emphasis on one month being the threshold. LOL

12th August 2010, 01:59 PM
there's a word for these girls in college...sorostitutes

I can't even stand next to most of these girls because of how many chemicals these girls drench themselves in to smell "pretty". It is absolutely disgusting!

But man, they can look good at a distance!


12th August 2010, 02:15 PM
Attacked from all angles. I feel for women of today.

Many Girls Now Begin Puberty at Age 7, 8 (http://cryptogon.com/?p=16919)

12th August 2010, 02:57 PM
I think my biggest rant on feminism can be summed up on what I heard on the radio yesterday morning..

DJ had a young gal on the phone, and she was professing her love to some famous pop star. DJ said, "you know that guy goes out with a whole bunch of women, do you want to share him with other women?"

Her honest answer was "yes, I would share him with other women".

An old friend once told me, "women would rather share a successful man, then be with a faithful loser."

So what is successful? Tiger Woods is another perfect example of this, success if fame, wealth...impressing other people. He had his choice of women, and lost his marriage because of it.

Wilt Chamberlain, the basketball player, casually slept with 20,000 women. There's 20,000 women, right there, that display this social convention.

We can go on and on with examples of this.

Feminism created a system where men jump through hoops trying to impress women, and women use their bodies as a reward for this.

That same friend above, also told me you need to impress women. Another quote from him, "Treating women with respect does not impress them. Treat them like little girls, that's charm. Make them giggle."

This guy would go out every weekend and pickup a different gal every night.

I think one of the reasons I'm single, is that the last 10 +gals I've met. I lost interest in them after the 3rd date. I felt like I had to impress them. I then lost respect for them, even though they may have been good gals.

Fortunately, I'm very happy being single. I've lost the sense of needing to impress other people. I like to fly under the radar. The things I respect I don't have to impress. Weigts at the gym, the weights never lie, they are constant. My job, I have the perfect career for myself, I can work hard and that is respected. We don't get praise at work, but we don't get hastled either. I won't get rich or impress others..but that's OK.

And that's the constant battle with trying to get into the dating game. The trade off of values. Do we have to trade off our values to impress other people? Do I set goals in life towards impressing others?

My values are humble ones, not impressive. I treat folks with a smile and respect. I believe humilty is a virtue, and to treat others as I would like to be treated. I don't like attention from other people, but I enjoy their company.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. When I think of the hastles of dating gals, it's just a big arrggh. :(

1970 silver art
12th August 2010, 03:10 PM
I think my biggest rant on feminism can be summed up on what I heard on the radio yesterday morning..

DJ had a young gal on the phone, and she was professing her love to some famous pop star. DJ said, "you know that guy goes out with a whole bunch of women, do you want to share him with other women?"

Her honest answer was "yes, I would share him with other women".

An old friend once told me, "women would rather share a successful man, then be with a faithful loser."

So what is successful? Tiger Woods is another perfect example of this, success if fame, wealth...impressing other people. He had his choice of women, and lost his marriage because of it.

Wilt Chamberlain, the basketball player, casually slept with 20,000 women. There's 20,000 women, right there, that display this social convention.

We can go on and on with examples of this.

Feminism created a system where men jump through hoops trying to impress women, and women use their bodies as a reward for this.

That same friend above, also told me you need to impress women. Another quote from him, "Treating women with respect does not impress them. Treat them like little girls, that's charm. Make them giggle."

This guy would go out every weekend and pickup a different gal every night.

I think one of the reasons I'm single, is that the last 10 +gals I've met. I lost interest in them after the 3rd date. I felt like I had to impress them. I then lost respect for them, even though they may have been good gals.

Fortunately, I'm very happy being single. I've lost the sense of needing to impress other people. I like to fly under the radar. The things I respect I don't have to impress. Weigts at the gym, the weights never lie, they are constant. My job, I have the perfect career for myself, I can work hard and that is respected. We don't get praise at work, but we don't get hastled either. I won't get rich or impress others..but that's OK.

And that's the constant battle with trying to get into the dating game. The trade off of values. Do we have to trade off our values to impress other people? Do I set goals in life towards impressing others?

My values are humble ones, not impressive. I treat folks with a smile and respect. I believe humilty is a virtue, and to treat others as I would like to be treated. I don't like attention from other people, but I enjoy their company.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. When I think of the hastles of dating gals, it's just a big arrggh. :(

I do not bother to impress any women. I refuse to jump through ANY hoops to impress a woman. Women with either like me or dislike me. It is so much easier to just be myself. I am a secure person and I do not need a woman to make me happy. The way that I see it, I am responsible for generating and maintaining my own happiness level. I cannot rely on a woman to do that for me.

Liquid, Not only do you have to be self-sufficient financially and physically but you also have to be emotionally self-sufficient. Being completely dependent on someone else to make you happy is IMO not being emotionally self sufficient.

12th August 2010, 03:22 PM
I do not bother to impress any women. I refuse to jump through ANY hoops to impress a woman. Women with either like me or dislike me. It is so much easier to just be myself. I am a secure person and I do not need a woman to make me happy. The way that I see it, I am responsible for generating and maintaining my own happiness level. I cannot rely on a woman to do that for me.

Liquid, Not only do you have to be self-sufficient financially and physically but you also have to be emotionally self-sufficient. Being completely dependent on someone else to make you happy is IMO not being emotionally self sufficient.

I suppose I'm stubborn that way too. Still human though, and the temptation to go out and pick up a gal for the night is there.

1970 silver art
12th August 2010, 03:31 PM
I do not bother to impress any women. I refuse to jump through ANY hoops to impress a woman. Women with either like me or dislike me. It is so much easier to just be myself. I am a secure person and I do not need a woman to make me happy. The way that I see it, I am responsible for generating and maintaining my own happiness level. I cannot rely on a woman to do that for me.

Liquid, Not only do you have to be self-sufficient financially and physically but you also have to be emotionally self-sufficient. Being completely dependent on someone else to make you happy is IMO not being emotionally self sufficient.

I suppose I'm stubborn that way too. Still human though, and the temptation to go out and pick up a gal for the night is there.

Yeah me too Liquid. I am human too. I will admit that in the past, I have thought about dating but the cold hard reality always seems to splash cold water on my face and as a result, I end up not dating any women. The last time that I went out on a date was in 2002 and ever since that time, I have become more and more emotionally self-sufficient. Being single and enjoying my hobbies are the two main things that keep me happy and allow me to stay emotionally self-sufficient.

12th August 2010, 03:38 PM
IMHO, a strong woman who knows herself how to survive by living a sustainable lifestyle is far more attractive than one that isn't.




Ever notice that all the "strong women" you adore on teevee are always childless? Real women with real children in the real world require real men for protection and support. Men who are immature shirkers embrace the silly notion that women be responsible for raising their children alone. Some even evade court-ordered child support. Nice try pal...lol.


Joe King
12th August 2010, 04:19 PM
What I meant by a "strong" woman is just one who understands how to live a sustainable life without having to always have a man as a SO in their life.
i.e. one that doesn't have to be dependant simply to be able to survive in the World.

12th August 2010, 04:41 PM
How did you get my pic Book?? hahah

Life is hard as it is, it is so much easier when you have your other half.
Somebody on the same page as you.

To Liquid and 1979 Silver art bar, Talk all you want, when it is time you will meet her, it's all fate... I think it is all written out already, when it is time your fate will surprise you.

I met my fate driving down a dirt rd. in the middle of nowhere, we were married for 20 years. :D

1970 silver art
12th August 2010, 04:55 PM
How did you get my pic Book?? hahah

Life is hard as it is, it is so much easier when you have your other half.
Somebody on the same page as you.

To Liquid and 1979 Silver art bar, Talk all you want, when it is time you will meet her, it's all fate... I think it is all written out already, when it is time your fate will surprise you.

I met my fate driving down a dirt rd. in the middle of nowhere, we were married for 20 years. :D

Fate will turn its nose at me and will just run away from me. :D I will stay single for the rest of my life. I will NOT meet her. If/when, for example, I turn 50, I will still be single. Believe it. I am very cynical when it comes to relationships with women. Can you tell? :D :D :D

12th August 2010, 04:59 PM
That's ok 1970 silver art, you go ahead and be cynical, you'll get smacked in the head by fate, when you are least expecting it...... and when you do remember what I said one day online. :D

12th August 2010, 05:00 PM
I do not bother to impress any women. I refuse to jump through ANY hoops to impress a woman. Women with either like me or dislike me. It is so much easier to just be myself. I am a secure person and I do not need a woman to make me happy. The way that I see it, I am responsible for generating and maintaining my own happiness level. I cannot rely on a woman to do that for me.

Liquid, Not only do you have to be self-sufficient financially and physically but you also have to be emotionally self-sufficient. Being completely dependent on someone else to make you happy is IMO not being emotionally self sufficient.

Silver Art:

Find the right woman and show her your silver art bar collection. I suspect when you are sharing it, you are being yourself. That should impress her! :D

If it doesn't impress her- who needs her?

1970 silver art
12th August 2010, 05:05 PM
That's ok 1970 silver art, you go ahead and be cynical, you'll get smacked in the head by fate, when you are least expecting it...... and when you do remember what I said one day online. :D

Ok. Fair enough, however, fate may have to bring a very large stick to beat the cynicism out of me. :D

Joe King
12th August 2010, 05:10 PM
That's ok 1970 silver art, you go ahead and be cynical, you'll get smacked in the head by fate, when you are least expecting it...... and when you do remember what I said one day online. :D

Ok. Fair enough, however, fate may have to bring a very large stick to beat the cynicism out of me. :D

Don't worry, she will. ;D

12th August 2010, 05:24 PM
Here you go 1970 silver art :D


1970 silver art
12th August 2010, 05:43 PM
I do not bother to impress any women. I refuse to jump through ANY hoops to impress a woman. Women with either like me or dislike me. It is so much easier to just be myself. I am a secure person and I do not need a woman to make me happy. The way that I see it, I am responsible for generating and maintaining my own happiness level. I cannot rely on a woman to do that for me.

Liquid, Not only do you have to be self-sufficient financially and physically but you also have to be emotionally self-sufficient. Being completely dependent on someone else to make you happy is IMO not being emotionally self sufficient.

Silver Art:

Find the right woman and show her your silver art bar collection. I suspect when you are sharing it, you are being yourself. That should impress her! :D

If it doesn't impress her- who needs her?

The "right" woman for me must meet the following requirements:

1. Does not have any children.

2. Does not want any children.

3. Does not smoke.

4. Does not drink alcohol.

5. Loves to drink orange juice.

6. Loves to eat pepperoni pizza.

7. Must be an agnostic.

8. Does not want any pets.

9. Love to read novels

10. Allows me to just be myself.

11. Must be between the ages of 30 and 40.

12. Must be honest.

13. Does not do drugs of ANY kind.

14. Must be fiscally conservative

After meeting those 14 requirements, if she happens to be interested in collecting '70's silver art bars, then that would be a bonus for me.

However, I do not have to worry about finding the "right" woman or the "right" woman finding me because she will not meet the 14 requirements mentioned above. There will NOT be a "Mrs. 1970 silver art" in my future. I will remain single for the rest of my life. Fate cannot handle me. ;D

I will also be fair and mention that I have been wrong in the past on certain things and stranger things have happened to me. We will see what the future holds for me.

1970 silver art
12th August 2010, 05:52 PM
Here you go 1970 silver art :D



Thanks for making me laugh. ;D

12th August 2010, 05:57 PM
Shaking, the best thing you can do for your 19 year old is to expose her to more of the world. You are in CA right? She needs to get away from CA for a while if you feel comfortable with that.

Also, unless the junior college has trades or something engineering related, there will be few good men there to catch. The single best thing you can do is get the girl to a better environment.

12th August 2010, 08:05 PM

You are Phoenix's wife, aren't you?

If she is, she's posting without my knowledge. LOL

Seriously, we were talking about Lisa returning to GS-US...and unless she's been keeping a secret, shakinginmyshoes is not my wife.

12th August 2010, 08:07 PM

You are Phoenix's wife, aren't you?

That might explain why she's 'shakinginhershoes'. ;D

Kidding...only light-hearted fun. :)

My wife doesn't back down in arguments. No "shaking" from her regarding me. Strangers, that's a different story.

12th August 2010, 08:12 PM
My wife doesn't back down in arguments. No "shaking" from her regarding me. Strangers, that's a different story.

Much respect, Phoenix, to you and your wife. My comment was un-called for. It was a poor attempt at humour.

12th August 2010, 08:33 PM
IMHO, a strong woman who knows herself how to survive by living a sustainable lifestyle is far more attractive than one that isn't.




Ever notice that all the "strong women" you adore on teevee are always childless? Real women with real children in the real world require real men for protection and support. Men who are immature shirkers embrace the silly notion that women be responsible for raising their children alone. Some even evade court-ordered child support. Nice try pal...lol.


Not all "real" women in the "real" world have "real" children..............

Nor do they always "need" real men for protection and support if they do. I know quite a few living examples who would have something to say to you about that..........

12th August 2010, 08:35 PM
Here you go 1970 silver art :D

My rebuttal to that video.


12th August 2010, 08:41 PM
just an opinion here, but at 19, she is a baby. i'd say she has more important things to figure out both about herself + life than be worried about finding a man at age 19.

No, she's an adult. Arrested development is part of the process to NWO.

12th August 2010, 11:39 PM
Real women with real children in the real world require real men for protection and support. Men who are immature shirkers embrace the silly notion that women be responsible for raising their children alone.

But...but...but...your ideas are "NAZI"! ::)



12th August 2010, 11:39 PM
My wife doesn't back down in arguments. No "shaking" from her regarding me. Strangers, that's a different story.

Much respect, Phoenix, to you and your wife. My comment was un-called for. It was a poor attempt at humour.

I wasn't at all upset at your comment, so no worries.

13th August 2010, 12:43 AM
Real women with real children in the real world require real men for protection and support. Men who are immature shirkers embrace the silly notion that women be responsible for raising their children alone.

But...but...but...your ideas are "NAZI"! ::)



13th August 2010, 02:59 AM
In my experience, telling her she has to earn it is also an effective technique.

My experience has been different.

That's actually what I usually do, and try and take things slow.

However, I'll tell ya, life is not like the movies. Maybe it's just been my experience. I usually try to take things slow, yet a lot women are so programmed that the greatest thing they can offer men is sex...even an flirty let down like that in the movies is not taken very well. They either assume something is wrong with the guy, or their own insecurities show and they think something is wrong with themselves, or they tend to turn their emotions more towards friendship, etc. IE, the "nice guy" syndrome.

It's expected of men to pursue sex as soon as possible these days. If a man doesn't, he must not be interested.

Oh, man, things really are screwed up out there, aren't they?

13th August 2010, 03:12 AM
You are in CA right? She needs to get away from CA for a while if you feel comfortable with that.

We fled CA.

Now we are in the mountain west. I do realize that coming here for the sake of the children , and ourselves, when they were small now has the downside that
there just aren't that many people to choose from.
Send her to Denver when she graduates from jr. college?

1970 silver art
13th August 2010, 03:18 AM
Here you go 1970 silver art :D

My rebuttal to that video.



Thank you for the early morning laughter. ;D

My rule is this: DO NOT date a woman from the workplace. Too much risk and very low reward IMO.

Shorty Harris
13th August 2010, 05:45 AM


Shorty Harris
13th August 2010, 05:53 AM
And the "Final Chapter".. Very telling, very telling indeed..as it all falls into the place LOL..


13th August 2010, 05:58 AM
Chai Feldblum, orthodox jew, Obama-appointed commissioner on the Equal EmploymentOpportinuty Commission, EEOC.
She is a radical lesbian feminist who has her sights set on the destruction of heterosexual marriage, and wishes to elevate sexual preference to equal that of race.

The implications are serious, meaning that companies that wish to avoid being taken to court will be forced to meet "Queer quotas" with their hiring, or else they could be take to task as if they had denied hiring anyone who was black, etc. She wishes to have sexual preference given the same constitutional protective statues as race or religion.

Let's see some quotes

Civil rights are a zero sum game. Gays win, Christians lose.

At a seminar focused on how to bring the gay agenda to the work place, she said

It requires the statement that gay sex is morally good....

...there is a war that needs to be fought. It's not a war over seas, where we're killing people in the name of liberating them. It's a war right here at home, where we need to convince people that morallity demands full equality for gay people.

She also signed a "Beyond same-sex marriage petition, which endorses gay marriage and polygamy. After being caught, she had her name removed off the petition.

Cass Sunstein, Administrator of the office of Information and regulatory affairs.

Cass is another jew in the Obama administration, co-authored a book with fellow jew Richard Thaler, in which they said the following:

Under our proposal, the word "marriage" would no longer appear in any laws, and marriage licences would no longer be offered or recognized by any level of government...
The only legal status states could confer on couples would be a civil union, which would be a domestic partnership agreement between any two people.

I will post more.

This info is sourced from the book Radical Rulers by Robert Knight.
He still believes in the LRP, but he and his team did some serious research.

13th August 2010, 06:30 AM
I do not bother to impress any women. I refuse to jump through ANY hoops to impress a woman. Women with either like me or dislike me. It is so much easier to just be myself. I am a secure person and I do not need a woman to make me happy. The way that I see it, I am responsible for generating and maintaining my own happiness level. I cannot rely on a woman to do that for me.

Liquid, Not only do you have to be self-sufficient financially and physically but you also have to be emotionally self-sufficient. Being completely dependent on someone else to make you happy is IMO not being emotionally self sufficient.

Silver Art:

Find the right woman and show her your silver art bar collection. I suspect when you are sharing it, you are being yourself. That should impress her! :D

If it doesn't impress her- who needs her?

The "right" woman for me must meet the following requirements:

1. Does not have any children.

2. Does not want any children.

3. Does not smoke.

4. Does not drink alcohol.

5. Loves to drink orange juice.

6. Loves to eat pepperoni pizza.

7. Must be an agnostic.

8. Does not want any pets.

9. Love to read novels

10. Allows me to just be myself.

11. Must be between the ages of 30 and 40.

12. Must be honest.

13. Does not do drugs of ANY kind.

14. Must be fiscally conservative

After meeting those 14 requirements, if she happens to be interested in collecting '70's silver art bars, then that would be a bonus for me.

However, I do not have to worry about finding the "right" woman or the "right" woman finding me because she will not meet the 14 requirements mentioned above. There will NOT be a "Mrs. 1970 silver art" in my future. I will remain single for the rest of my life. Fate cannot handle me. ;D

I will also be fair and mention that I have been wrong in the past on certain things and stranger things have happened to me. We will see what the future holds for me.

I have plugged all of your IFPP [Ideal Female Partner Parameters] into my MDPA [Multivariable Differential Population Analyzer] and applied it to the CWDAF [Complete World Dataset of Adult Females] where N=3,342,453,861 and came up with a result that there are only 3 eligible females in the entire world that meet your stringent requirements. One woman lives in Outer Mongolia. One is presently serving in the Peace Corps and cannot be reached. The third lives here and has a facebook page with her picture posted:

13th August 2010, 09:49 AM
Sorry Silver Art, but after plugging Mamboni's candidate into the ACLD [Alcohol Consuming Ladies Database] using the key words "Nordic Warrioress" I came up with the following photographic evidence putting into question her claim to meeting criteria #4. Then again, Outer Mongolia has its charms!


13th August 2010, 10:06 AM
I must say, the comradery on this website is outstanding. It's great to see you guys looking out for Josey, and his destiny.

That woman would wack the cynicysm out of any man. Marriage by sword. ;D Josey, invite us all to the wedding. :D

13th August 2010, 10:41 AM
She's quite the gal.. a woman like that could do things to you, you never even dreamed of... :D

http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=10642.0;attach=350 2;image

13th August 2010, 10:42 AM
Here you go 1970 silver art :D


I love Don Hertzfeldt's work, especially this one.


1970 silver art
13th August 2010, 10:47 AM
Yikes!!!!!!! The big sword would had been a big problem. I forgot to add a few more criteria to what I listed in terms of what I am looking for in the "right woman". The additional criteria are:

15. No swords

16. No tattoos

17. No body piercings.

Like I have mentioned, I will not have to worry about finding the right woman because the right woman does not exist for me. Yep. I will be happily single for the rest of my life. :) I have defeated fate. :)

13th August 2010, 10:56 AM
First, sorry I have been in hiding. I have been busy with school and my role as a mother to my kids. So this article kinda hits home when I read it.

When I was a young girl, I was not taught the in's and out's of what was right and wrong in many situations pertaining to growing up. Figure that one out on your own, sorry. I had to discover what was the best thing for me and thank goodness I did before my kids needed the guidance that I so desperately needed and wish I had had.

Girls now-a-days believe that what they can do with their body is a tool and not a gift. So if they want to get somewhere in life, they use what they have to get where they are. This could mean in general life all the way up to the corporate ladder. You think sexual harassment is gone, forgive me while I sit down from laughing so hard! Here is the catch though, it doesn't really work like it used to. Females know, through examples of fellow employees before them, what they have to do or they will be stuck in the same position the whole time unless you are lucky and have an honorable boss that does not play such games.

Females in their effort to become equal have knocked us off the pedestal that we all once sat upon. I nearly pass out when a guy opens a door for me and then it is his turn to pass out because I say, "Thank you, Sir!" For a brief moment, we are both shocked and long for the days that it was a common thing to do. My son opens doors for me and others. It is imprinted in his mind. I think it is great! He has a deep respect for woman and it seems to really upset him when women do not have a similar respect for themselves.

I could go on and on about this subject. My daughter is very strong willed, both of them. My oldest is moreso than my younger. My oldest was mostly raised in her Dad and his mom. She isn't into the sex aspect of anything but she doesn't like anyone doing anything for her and will do nothing for herself. Figure that one out! She is 18. Then my youngest is just really all about taking care of herself. But will soften up if a guy is sincere about opening a door or some gesture like that.

Kids need to be reminded of the old gerder "rolls". Not to hold them in their place but to allow each side have a role in caring for the other. It does not make one side stronger or weaker than the other. It makes the two parts a stronger whole. To say so is saying you are a stronger person yourself.


13th August 2010, 11:41 AM
Females in their effort to become equal have knocked us off the pedestal that we all once sat upon. I nearly pass out when a guy opens a door for me and then it is his turn to pass out because I say, "Thank you, Sir!" For a brief moment, we are both shocked and long for the days that it was a common thing to do. My son opens doors for me and others. It is imprinted in his mind. I think it is great! He has a deep respect for woman and it seems to really upset him when women do not have a similar respect for themselves.

Nice post stillwondering.

While I disagree that women should be placed upon pedestals...if anything, they are placed higher on pedestals now. Their sexuality often used that way.

I think the frustrating thing is that chivalry is casually discarded, looked upon with distain, or just outright ignored these days.

A perfect example of this is one evening years ago in college, in the dorms, I was walking to my room. A guy stopped me and said there's a drunk gal in his room that wants to to have sex with him. He said he didn't want to, and pushed me in the room saying get in there and take my place. I see the gal was passed out. I leave the room immediately, and stood by the door. I spent that night pushing guys away, and wouldn't let anyone in that room. The gal eventually woke up in the early morning and stumbled to her room.

I received no thanks for this, this act of kindness was not even noticed at all.

It would be nice if even the small things, like opening a door, gets noticed. Sometimes it does, I know, but most often not.

Shorty Harris
13th August 2010, 12:14 PM
On the subject of chivilry and opening doors. I have always been one to open doors, hold elevators or what have you for people. I say on avg, about 8 in 10 men will say thanks, but only about 3 in 10 or less will say thanks. and of the women, most of the ones who show gratitude, most are 50+

Most of the time from the women Its a look of indifference basically. I get the impression that their thought process goes something along these line....

Shit, that guy is holding the door for me?
Whats in it for him?
I know, Hes trying to PICK ME UP!!
He must want in my pants!
I know, He's a WEIRDO!..Must be a PERV!!
I know, I'll just ignore him..That'l show him whose boss!

Don't get me wrong, I don't do things for the "appreciation" of others. I do things because that is how I was raised. Regardless of Gender. But I get the feeling that females think that us Guys all have ulterior motives for what we do, and that is all goes back to us wanting nothing more then to Mount them.


13th August 2010, 12:16 PM
Bang on post Shorty! Thank you, I'm glad I'm not alone in noticing this. I agree with your post 100%!

13th August 2010, 12:30 PM
I received no thanks for this, this act of kindness was not even noticed at all.

Well, you have now!! ;D

13th August 2010, 12:32 PM
Glad to see you here again, Wondering.

13th August 2010, 02:37 PM
On the subject of chivilry and opening doors. I have always been one to open doors, hold elevators or what have you for people. I say on avg, about 8 in 10 men will say thanks, but only about 3 in 10 or less will say thanks. and of the women, most of the ones who show gratitude, most are 50+

Most of the time from the women Its a look of indifference basically. I get the impression that their thought process goes something along these line....

sh*t, that guy is holding the door for me?
Whats in it for him?
I know, Hes trying to PICK ME UP!!
He must want in my pants!
I know, He's a WEIRDO!..Must be a PERV!!
I know, I'll just ignore him..That'l show him whose boss!

Don't get me wrong, I don't do things for the "appreciation" of others. I do things because that is how I was raised. Regardless of Gender. But I get the feeling that females think that us Guys all have ulterior motives for what we do, and that is all goes back to us wanting nothing more then to Mount them.


While I do agree with your first impression, I don't think it is the only factor I think a fair amount of it is also just rude dysfunctional feminism. They take manners and gestures of civility as an insult for some irrational, dysfunctional fukked in the head female reason. Just like they get bent out of shape when you call them ma'am.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't ma'am the female version of sir..? Men don't get all snotty when you call them sir... So are we supposed to call women sir, hey you, it, bitch..? More dysfunctional fukked in the head female rationality...

Your first paragraph is spot on. You describe my experiences and observation to a tee. I wouldn't have worded it any differently. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l37/boris505/fing02.gif

13th August 2010, 04:04 PM
I remember several years (or a couple of decades) back I was in Vegas, standing outside the front door of a hotel waiting for someone. Some poor guy made the mistake of opening the door for a young lady. She ignored him and griped to me (since I happened to be standing there). She said, "what does he think I am, a cripple?". I just said something like "He was just trying to be courteous", but I thought I should say, 'well, if he did think that, he was right. You are a social cripple!'. Of course, I was trying to be courteous...

13th August 2010, 04:25 PM
I saw this

it reminded me of this thread...

Laurence Fishbourne's Daughter, Would be Porn Star?


The Blackosphere is buzzing with the news that Montana Fishbourne, daughter of Laurence Fishbourne has decided to break into Hollywood by releasing a sex tape.

TMZ has learned Montana Fishburne is starring in a porno flick for Vivid Entertainment -- explaining, "I've watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape."

Unlike the celeb she admires -- Montana who also goes by the name "Chippy D," is not arguing that her tape was stolen or obtained illegally.

I circled back and forth regarding this story. On one hand we need to respect Montana's agency. She is going into this with her eyes open and with strict career goals in mind.



13th August 2010, 04:32 PM
I remember several years (or a couple of decades) back I was in Vegas, standing outside the front door of a hotel waiting for someone. Some poor guy made the mistake of opening the door for a young lady. She ignored him and griped to me (since I happened to be standing there). She said, "what does he think I am, a cripple?". I just said something like "He was just trying to be courteous", but I thought I should say, 'well, if he did think that, he was right. You are a social cripple!'. Of course, I was trying to be courteous...

I hold the door for people, regardless of sex.

Any feminut says that to me, and I'm going to ask her to exit and re-enter, so I can slam the door in her face.

13th August 2010, 04:42 PM
If you hold the door for me I will Thankyou kindly.
But I won't stand at the door waiting for some nice guy to open it for me. :D

13th August 2010, 04:53 PM

Just as a data point from the other side,

I am a non-feminist woman happily married to my kids' biodad -- and, shockingly, I know, we were already married when they were conceived.

I have a lovely 19 y o daughter who keeps her knees together and her mouth shut who just got tossed by a guy she really thought was great, because he found a girl who not only shakes hands, but embraces with legs.

So where are all the young men who want nice girls?

*Actually that's not true about keeping her mouth shut. She talks too much. Maybe that's the REAL issue?

It is sad to say that those guys are so hard to find. Many are ones that have been broken by the "other' girls you have described your daughter was "dumped" for. When I stopped looking and didn't look for a Ken doll, I found my guy! I didn't grow up perfect because my home was severely broken. Somehow, even without guidance, I have managed to find my way and I believe my girls are doing the right thing.

My son is that guy that the good girls are looking for. He is polite, opens doors, does not push for inappropriate behavior and he respects women. He becomes angry when he hears about a girl or woman disrespecting herself. (he is taken by a great young lady) He went through a crush that last from about 5th grade until just about the beginning of his junior year in high school. He was heart-broken each time he saw this young lady get hurt. He had to be content with being a good friend. No, that is not who he is with now, however, they are great friends still.

It saddens me that boys like my son are far and few between. He felt there was something wrong with him. Girls seem to go for the bad boys because they are pushing to be popular.

I recall sitting toward the back of the football bus. We were headed home from a game and the guys must have forgotten I was on the bus. They started their "locker talk" about the girls. I stayed quiet because as a girl, I wanted to know what they though of us girls. I was shocked. Correct me if I am wrong guys, this was in the late 80's though...

These guys boasted about who they had sex with and which girls were willing to do what and just how far they could get with a girl. They didn't seem disturbed if their buddy had been with this girl too, it only seemed to fuel on a bragging war as to who got her to do more. I was sick to my stomach! These were all the popular girls and some of the other girls that thought they were liked. Now I knew why they were liked. I still stayed quiet, now more because I was sick to my stomach with the disrespect the guys spoke about these girls and how these girls let these guys treat them! Another name of a girl was brought up and someone said they couldn't get her to do anything. Someone else called her a tease. But then another guy told them to shut up. He said, that was the kind of girl he would want to marry. He didn't think she was a tease at all. He knew she wouldn't do these things and that is the kind of wife he wanted, on that hadn't slept with all the guys in school. The bus got quiet. I learned so much that night. The silence was louder than words! I learned that night, even though the guys held themselves at a lower standard, they didn't want a girl that didn't respect herself when the time came to settle down.

:oo--> go figure....

13th August 2010, 05:07 PM

Nice post stillwondering.

While I disagree that women should be placed upon pedestals...if anything, they are placed higher on pedestals now. Their sexuality often used that way.

I think the frustrating thing is that chivalry is casually discarded, looked upon with distain, or just outright ignored these days.

A perfect example of this is one evening years ago in college, in the dorms, I was walking to my room. A guy stopped me and said there's a drunk gal in his room that wants to to have sex with him. He said he didn't want to, and pushed me in the room saying get in there and take my place. I see the gal was passed out. I leave the room immediately, and stood by the door. I spent that night pushing guys away, and wouldn't let anyone in that room. The gal eventually woke up in the early morning and stumbled to her room.

I received no thanks for this, this act of kindness was not even noticed at all.

It would be nice if even the small things, like opening a door, gets noticed. Sometimes it does, I know, but most often not.

I am sorry if I implied women should be on a high pedestal, as in a place of worship, but a place of respect. With that statement, with the risk of upsetting some women, I take very little issue with my husband being head of household, a place of respect. We may have a disagreement, however, I follow so long as he is not taking us down a wrong path. I have to say that I do not recall many times of having to say anything in this area and we have been together over 10 years.

I feel that each has something to bring into the relationship and if the situation has not presented itself in such a manner that you are on your own and you have to take care of it all, it is nice to just do your part and let your other half do their part. It is a pretty good design and why fight it if you don't have to. I still like to do the things guys do. I just like knowing that I am not required to do it.

I am sorry that you were not thanked for standing guard over this young lady that night. So on behalf of mothers and all other woman, I thank you. That night could have gotten really ugly that night for her and you watched over her. That is what a real man does. Again, thank you!

13th August 2010, 05:16 PM
Yes, Liquid a big fat THANKYOU from all of us, women and mothers. :sun:

Quotefrom stillwondering

So on behalf of mothers and all other woman, I thank you. That night could have gotten really ugly that night for her and you watched over her. That is what a real man does. Again, thank you!

(silversurfer :'()

13th August 2010, 05:18 PM
I saw this

it reminded me of this thread...

Laurence Fishbourne's Daughter, Would be Porn Star?


The Blackosphere is buzzing with the news that Montana Fishbourne, daughter of Laurence Fishbourne has decided to break into Hollywood by releasing a sex tape.

TMZ has learned Montana Fishburne is starring in a porno flick for Vivid Entertainment -- explaining, "I've watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape."

Unlike the celeb she admires -- Montana who also goes by the name "Chippy D," is not arguing that her tape was stolen or obtained illegally.

I circled back and forth regarding this story. On one hand we need to respect Montana's agency. She is going into this with her eyes open and with strict career goals in mind.



How sad that a female seems to think her only way to make it in this world is to sell her body. Flesh is worth more than her brains and thoughts. She thinks she is respected, how little does she know. When her looks are gone, it is over. The men will no longer flock to her with gifts and money. How completely sad.

13th August 2010, 05:26 PM
Yes, Liquid a big fat THANKYOU from all of us, women and mothers. :sun:

Jeez, I appreciate that zap and stillwondering, but really don't think it's that big of a deal. It was just the right thing to do. I think a lot of men would have done that very thing, and it really doesn't need to be noticed.

I posted that story to make a point that the men that actually respect women, just don't get 'noticed' anymore. Which is why I cringe whenever I hear "where are all the good men?"

13th August 2010, 05:34 PM
The original great accomplishment of feminism precedes recorded history: it was the formation of a cartel to force males to invest in their offspring by withholding sex from those who would not commit to it. This wasn't an easy task -- maintaining the cartel required a lot of will-power, and ruthless action against defectors and their bastards. Fortunately they succeeded, and their cartel and the institution that it created – marriage – became one of the cornerstones of civilization.

The modern breed of feminists have gambled that they could enjoy the advantages of their ancient cartel by government fiat, while sparing themselves the pain of maintaining the old order. As the looming bankruptcy of their great sugar-daddy in Washington becomes ever more obvious the foolishness of abandoning the cartel will soon be hard to miss.

13th August 2010, 06:20 PM
Yes, Liquid a big fat THANKYOU from all of us, women and mothers. :sun:

Jeez, I appreciate that zap and stillwondering, but really don't think it's that big of a deal. It was just the right thing to do. I think a lot of men would have done that very thing, and it really doesn't need to be noticed.

I posted that story to make a point that the men that actually respect women, just don't get 'noticed' anymore. Which is why I cringe whenever I hear "where are all the good men?"


13th August 2010, 07:10 PM
Yes, Liquid it is a very big & honorable deed you did. You set a fine example & I thank you too.

Joe King
13th August 2010, 07:31 PM
you suck


Who you say does that? ???

13th August 2010, 07:37 PM

1st place: Happy Feminist
2nd place: Poor Jew

Joe King
13th August 2010, 07:51 PM
Just curious, but if so many young girls today are $!uts, who exactly are they being that with?

If with boys, then what does that fact define said boys as? ???

I know, red blooded. Right? ::)

13th August 2010, 08:01 PM
Just curious, but if so many young girls today are $!uts, who exactly are they being that with?

If with boys, then what does that fact define said boys as? ???

I know, red blooded. Right? ::)

Joe King~

Sadly, you make an excellent point and it goes hand in hand with my previous post regarding the football players on the bus discussing the girls. I have to say that not only did I walk away that night knowing what I didn't want to do so that I would not be talked about like some of those girls, I learned which guys I NEVER wanted to date! I had been asked out by a few sometime after that night. I gave them the answer that I was planning a night out with my younger brother (by seven years) and they were more than welcome to join us. I actually did this with anyone I was unsure of. It was amazing how many no longer wanted to go out on a date with me. I know it was odd to bring a little brother but I would rather not have to fight someone off or tell them no.

So yes, the girls are not making a good name for themselves and somehow, the guys get "stud" status. I don't get it! But in my book, if you had "stud" status, I wanted nothing to do with you. Not in the way of dating or something of "that" nature.

Maybe it was the idea that guys were studs and girls were looked down on that got them in this power struggle. I still think it stupid.

13th August 2010, 08:49 PM
Just curious, but if so many young girls today are $!uts, who exactly are they being that with?

If with boys, then what does that fact define said boys as? ???

I know, red blooded. Right? ::)

I know that's the Devil's Advocate response; but I will tell you, boys/men will never change. The group that is most malleable are the women. In the name of equality, women's roles have been reversed.

I know a couple that keep to themselves that the wife wants to be a house-wife and mother. At one time the house-wife/mother role was revered. Now it's condemned. Why should she have to hide the fact that she wants to be a house-wife/mother so she isn't looked down-upon?

13th August 2010, 09:11 PM
I know that's the Devil's Advocate response; but I will tell you, boys/men will never change. The group that is most malleable are the women. In the name of equality, women's roles have been reversed.
Oh, I don't know about that...I think they already have?


13th August 2010, 09:46 PM
Liquid, I am a bit of an agnostic-believer, but I don't doubt at all, you were chosen to be this particular girls guardian angel for the night... almost as if you did not have a choice... perhaps why you feel it was no big deal...

"but really don't think it's that big of a deal"

But in the invisible world of battling angels and demons (if there is such a thing) you were an armored knight that had the good spirits cheering and the evil ones cursing...

"A perfect example of this is one evening years ago in college, in the dorms, I was walking to my room. A guy stopped me and said there's a drunk gal in his room that wants to to have sex with him. He said he didn't want to, and pushed me in the room saying get in there and take my place. I see the gal was passed out. I leave the room immediately, and stood by the door. I spent that night pushing guys away, and wouldn't let anyone in that room. The gal eventually woke up in the early morning and stumbled to her room."

Stop Making Cents
14th August 2010, 05:32 AM
Very interesing thread, glad I stumbled across it.

Dating was the hardest thing I ever went through - well maybe 2nd hardest besides putting the bottle down.

Anyway, it was nearly impossible to find a decent girl who wasn't 1) a libtard 2) a slut or 3) an low-IQ moron who's intellectual achievements consisted of guessing the next finalist on Dancing with the Stars.

One girl I dated - she was the sweetest, nicest girl I've ever met - but she was divorced (techinically still maried actually) and had a kid. Then I found out she had 'slept around a lot' when she was in the Army. I just found it hard to respect her after that. Such a great person, but she just had NO moral foundation. You could tell that her sleeping around in her youth had caused her such misery and loss of self esteem. I felt sorry for her, and I still wish her the best, but I just couldn't handle the situation and broke up with her.

I hope this doesn't rub too many of you the wrong way, but I always checked to see if a girl I was dating had slept with or dated a black guy and if so, I instantly dumped her. I just find that disgusting and I don't want to catch anything, you know what I mean?

I'd given up hope but thank God when i was about 30 I found a decent girl. She had liberal leanings from her college indoctrination but i've been working on that ;D But a girl that hadn't slept around or sucked off 50 guys - how rare is that nowadays? Pretty damn rare - sadly.

And I will share this tip from my 10 years of dating that took me about 10 years to learn and I hope you single folks will heed it - Be upfront! Be honest! Strap on a pair and tell your dates or potential dates what you are looking for! This will save you so much time and headache from playing games and 'trying to make things work' with someone you aren't compatible with. I had a dating ad once and I just put "Not interested in liberals or sluts". Women may act offended by such statements, but deep down they respect you for being a man and strapping on a pair instead of being politically correct kiss asses.

30th May 2016, 03:56 AM
Lana's guest is a reformed/anti-feminist univ prof, 69 mins, desc & mp3 inside.
Janice Fiamengo - How Academic Feminism Wrecks Women