View Full Version : Man arrested at Atlanta airport in stabbings spree - he was leaving to Tel Aviv

General of Darkness
12th August 2010, 08:31 AM
So it's looks like the maniac is a yid.


Man arrested at Atlanta airport in stabbings spree

This image provided by the Michigan State Police shows a composite sketch of a man they say is the Flint Stabbing Suspect. Authorities in Atlanta arre AP – This image provided by the Michigan State Police shows a composite sketch of a man they say is the Flint …

By GREG BLUESTEIN and COREY WILLIAMS, Associated Press Writers Greg Bluestein And Corey Williams, Associated Press Writers – 1 min ago

ATLANTA – A possible suspect in a string of 20 stabbings that terrorized people across three states and left five dead was arrested at an airport as he tried to board a plane for Israel, officials said Thursday.

The man was arrested late Wednesday and was being held on unrelated charges, police in Leesburg, Va., said.

He was arrested at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, where he was trying to board a Delta Air Lines flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, said Rafael Lemaitre, a spokesman at U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The man has ties to Flint, Mich., where the attacks began May 24, and to Leesburg, the site of three similar attacks last week, Leesburg Police Officer Chris Jones said.

He is an Israeli citizen who is in the U.S. legally, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the ongoing investigation.

"While this is a key step in the investigation there are still many issues that need to be addressed before we identify this individual as the person responsible for this horrific crime spree," Jones said.

Police had been focusing their hunt on Flint — where 16 of the stabbings took place — until Leesburg police reported three attacks. Authorities in Toledo, Ohio, say a stabbing in that city Saturday appears to be linked to the violent spree.

Atlanta authorities became involved late Wednesday night when the suspect was arrested at the airport, said Atlanta Police spokesman Carlos Campos.

"It's not our investigation," he said. "We simply were involved in the apprehension."

The Israeli consulate in Atlanta was in touch with the U.S. government to get information about the case, spokeswoman Amanda Flaks said.

Twisted Titan
12th August 2010, 09:07 AM
How the hell did he get away so long???

20 attacks is quite a number to pull off.

Oh thats right.

Cops are too busy putting thier necks on the line catching people that are going to work trying to eek out a living.

My bad.

12th August 2010, 09:29 AM
Whew! That was a close one. This evil "White" man was I'm sure on his way to kill Jews in the Holy land.

Out of 20 victims 18 were black , 1 Hispanic and 1 was a white guy (must have thoughy he was Jewish.)

12th August 2010, 09:31 AM
From a "jewish conspiracy" viewpoint, I find myself wondering if he was sent here with a mission to terrorize people by use of a knife, in order for TPTB to enact tougher knife laws.

Don't forget that pocket knives were under attack by the obama administration for a while there.
They probably still are. You can't ban knives without a good reason.

If they never caught him, who knows what kind of legislation could be fuelled by these stabbings?

12th August 2010, 09:38 AM
He was arrested at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, where he was trying to board a Delta Air Lines flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, said Rafael Lemaitre, a spokesman at U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


They obviously have his name and identity but refuse to release it. Gee...I wonder why...


12th August 2010, 09:45 AM
I've read several articles about this "stabbing spree" and this one posted and linked by the General is the first I've read that doesn't expound on the racial composition of the victims. One of the latest ones I read downplayed the race angle a bit as one of the later victims was a middle aged white guy. I wonder if they knew by then it might not be your typical "White" guy?

12th August 2010, 09:46 AM
Crazy conspiracy-theorists say that Jews, unable to find enough White anti-Semites to keep everyone convinced that White Americans are evil racists about to go pogromming on 'em at any moment, create hoaxes like painting swastikas.

*I* of course have been well trained not to believe such anti-semitic canards.

Of late, a black man shot up his coworkers and bosses because he was fired for stealing the beer he was supposed to be delivering. His girlfriend and mother assure us that Thornton did it because of White racism.

So the implicitly-White Americans are started to get an idea that poor-blacks-always-victims thing has been a tad exaggerated. Nonsense, of course. Still, safest not to let the hoi-polloi do too much independent thinking.

Nutty conspiracy theorists imagine scenarios like so: (which *I* utterly
reject as preposterous, of course)
Abe Foxman on phone: "Gaaak. We need a White racism incident to take the attention off


12th August 2010, 09:53 AM
this Thornton clown."

"What's that? White racism incidents are scarce?" Abe said.
"Well, if you can't FIND an incident, MAKE one instead."

Random Mossad agent: "Get me an agent to go off some Black guys in U.S.
Assure him Israel will deny all knowledge, and if it comes to it, will refuse extradition. And make sure he's WHITE-LOOKING ENOUGH."

Later in the week:
Abe Foxman on the phone again: "Whaddya mean, ICE caught him boarding his plane back to Tel Aviv?! Whaddya, a buncha incompetents over there? Do you realize how much extra work you've just made for me? Yer killin' me over here! Do you boobs have any idea how hard I'm going to have to work to convince White Americans THIS TIME that the problem lies, not with Jews, or Israel, or immigration, but evil, xenophobic immigration restrictionist White American rednecks wearing hunters' vests?!

12th August 2010, 09:55 AM

Serial stabber identified as Elias Abuelazam in court records

12th August 2010, 10:03 AM

Hunt goyim in America package for only 1200 Shekels. Mossad trainers available for additional 2200 Shekels.


12th August 2010, 10:17 AM
Your beard is looking lovely this morning, mamboni.

May I stroke it as well? 8)

Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th August 2010, 10:23 AM

Elias Abuelazam. He hates the blacks.

12th August 2010, 10:27 AM
John Redneck should be able to bag at least 12 dem suckers den, witout gittin cougt!!! :o


12th August 2010, 10:37 AM
jewishencyclopedia.com --> INSANITY: (http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=149&letter=I&search=insanity)

Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large. From statistics collected by Buschan he concludes that they are four to six times more liable to mental disease than are non-Jews. Lombroso quotes Servi ("Gli Israeliti di Europa," 1872) to the effect that in Italy there is one insane among 391 Jews, nearly four times as many as among the Catholic population of that country. Verga ("Archivio di Statistico," 1880) shows that in 1870 there was one insane among 1,775 Catholics in Italy, while with the Jews it reached the alarming proportion of one insane in 384 of population. A similar phenomenon has been observed in other countries. In the various provinces of Germany and also in Denmark the percentage of Jewish insane is very large, as is seen from the figures in the appended table (http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/table.jsp?table_id=214&volid=6&title=INSANITY:).

In this table the proportion of Jewish, insane is in nearly all places very large, in some cases more than double that of the non-Jewish population.

12th August 2010, 10:44 AM

Elias Abuelazam.

ARRIVES FROM ISRAEL THEN FILES WORKER'S COMP CLAIM (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:iWv-RKfuY10J:nadoka.vipnet.org:8080/search97cgi/s97_cgi%3Faction%3DView%26VdkVgwKey%3D..%252F..%25 2F..%252F..%252F..%252Fhome%252Fstate%252Fvwc%252F REV2006%252F2129373-10.rev.doc%26doctype%3Draw%26Collection%3Dvwc%26+E lias+Abuelazam&cd=66&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)


12th August 2010, 10:53 AM
Welcome back, Book.

12th August 2010, 10:57 AM
Welcome back, Book.

Thanks buddy!


12th August 2010, 11:46 AM
Welcome back, Book.

Thanks buddy!


I was wondering about your fishing trip, and how it went. Glad to have you back.


12th August 2010, 12:19 PM
Welcome back, Book.

Well, I'll be hogg tied & runup, I thought it was bones. ;D