View Full Version : The Ugly Truth Podcast

Large Sarge
12th August 2010, 11:49 AM

MUST listen to this particular show by Mark Glenn in which he interviews Dr. Terry Jones of the Dove Outreach Church in Gainesville, FL which is going to have a "Koran Burning" this coming Sept. 11th. Mark does a fabulous job and the show turns into a sort of "interfaith dialog" when the conversation is joined by an American convert to Islam. In 1 hour of listening you will get the total picture of what we (humanity) are up against...seriously A MUST LISTEN!!!!!

14th August 2010, 12:47 PM
Agree good stuff,

Interview w/FL Pastor planning ‘Burn a Koran Day’ (audio- excellent!) (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/interview-wfl-pastor-planning-burn-a-koran-day-(audio-excellent!)/)

thread got a little traction already... the way they deconstruct the "Christians ought to be at odds with Scary Moozlems" propaganda is must hear stuff... ;)