12th August 2010, 07:08 PM
As you can see, the Satanic tribe controlled media has been saying that Iran is "months away from having nuclear weapons" for nearly 2 DECADES! So, when are they going to finally get them?!?
Olmert: Iran's Atomic Bomb Not Far Off
May 21, 2006
Olmert: Iran's Atomic Bomb Not Far Off - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,196368,00.html)
JERUSALEM — Iran is just a few months away from acquiring the technological know-how that will allow it to build an atomic bomb, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in an interview broadcast Sunday......
Iran Will Know How to Build Bomb in 6 Months - Israel
February 16, 2005[/B]
By Andrew Cawthorne
Iran Will Know How to Build Bomb in 6 Months - Israel (http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?16330-Iran-Will-Know-How-to-Build-Bomb-in-6-Months-Israel&p=147627)
LONDON - Israel said on Wednesday arch-foe Iran was just six months away from having the knowledge to build an atomic bomb, as Tehran accused the United States of using satellites "and other tools" to spy on its nuclear sites........
Iran 'months' from atomic bomb
2004-07-27 10:06
Iran 'months' from atomic bomb: News24: World: News (http://www.news24.com/World/News/Iran-months-from-atomic-bomb-20040727)
London - Iran is just "months away" from being able to enrich uranium for a nuclear bomb, Britain's The Times newspaper reported on Tuesday, quoting Western diplomatic sources.
"Iran appears to be further advanced in acquiring the relevant nuclear technology than we had initially thought," a British official told the newspaper.........
Iran's nuclear program: FAQs
CBC News Online
March 13, 2006
CBC News Indepth: Iran (http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/iran/nuclearprogram.html)
In 2002, Washington became very concerned after intelligence reports pointed to the existence of two secret nuclear facilities. According to an Iranian opposition group, the plants had been funded by front companies. The IAEA said the construction of the plants may have violated Iran's obligations to the agency - especially if Iran introduced nuclear material into the facility to test it, without informing the IAEA.
Through much of 2003, Iran allowed inspectors into the country.........
Dealing With Iran’s Nuclear Challenge
April 28, 2003
[B]Iran will have the bomb in 5 years (again)
20 January 2010
Iran will have the bomb in 5 years (again) « Fabius Maximus (http://fabiusmaximus.wordpress.com/2010/01/20/iran-19/)
Anthony Cordesman and Khalid al-Rodhan have helpfully assembled a catalog of intelligence community predictions about Iran’s nuclear weapons program in their excellent book, Iran’s Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Real and Potential Threat. Here are just a few assessments:
* “Late 1991: In congressional reports and CIA assessments, the United States estimates that there is a ‘high degree of certainty that the government of Iran has acquired all or virtually all of the components required for the construction of 2 to 3 nuclear weapons.’ A February 1992 report by the U.S. House of Representatives suggests that these 2 or 3 nuclear weapons will be operational between February and April 1992.â€
* “February 24, 1993: CIA director James Woolsey says that Iran is still 8 to 10 years away from being able to produce its own nuclear weapon, but with assistance from abroad it could become a nuclear power earlier.â€
* “January 1995: The director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, John Holum, testifies that Iran could have the bomb by 2003.â€
* “January 5, 1995: U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry says that Iran may be less than five years from building an atomic bomb, although ‘how soon…depends how they go about getting it."
* “April 29, 1996: Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres says ‘he believes that in four years, they [Iran] may reach nuclear weapons."
* “October 21, 1998: General Anthony Zinni, head of U.S. Central Command, says Iran could have the capacity to deliver nuclear weapons within five years. ‘If I were a betting man,’ he said, ‘I would say they are on track within five years, they would have the capability."
* “January 17, 2000: A new CIA assessment on Iran’s nuclear capabilities says that the CIA cannot rule out the possibility that Iran may possess nuclear weapons. The assessment is based on the CIA’s admission that it cannot monitor Iran’s nuclear activities with any precision and hence cannot exclude the prospect that Iran may have nuclear weapons.â€
Olmert: Iran's Atomic Bomb Not Far Off
May 21, 2006
Olmert: Iran's Atomic Bomb Not Far Off - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,196368,00.html)
JERUSALEM — Iran is just a few months away from acquiring the technological know-how that will allow it to build an atomic bomb, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in an interview broadcast Sunday......
Iran Will Know How to Build Bomb in 6 Months - Israel
February 16, 2005[/B]
By Andrew Cawthorne
Iran Will Know How to Build Bomb in 6 Months - Israel (http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?16330-Iran-Will-Know-How-to-Build-Bomb-in-6-Months-Israel&p=147627)
LONDON - Israel said on Wednesday arch-foe Iran was just six months away from having the knowledge to build an atomic bomb, as Tehran accused the United States of using satellites "and other tools" to spy on its nuclear sites........
Iran 'months' from atomic bomb
2004-07-27 10:06
Iran 'months' from atomic bomb: News24: World: News (http://www.news24.com/World/News/Iran-months-from-atomic-bomb-20040727)
London - Iran is just "months away" from being able to enrich uranium for a nuclear bomb, Britain's The Times newspaper reported on Tuesday, quoting Western diplomatic sources.
"Iran appears to be further advanced in acquiring the relevant nuclear technology than we had initially thought," a British official told the newspaper.........
Iran's nuclear program: FAQs
CBC News Online
March 13, 2006
CBC News Indepth: Iran (http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/iran/nuclearprogram.html)
In 2002, Washington became very concerned after intelligence reports pointed to the existence of two secret nuclear facilities. According to an Iranian opposition group, the plants had been funded by front companies. The IAEA said the construction of the plants may have violated Iran's obligations to the agency - especially if Iran introduced nuclear material into the facility to test it, without informing the IAEA.
Through much of 2003, Iran allowed inspectors into the country.........
Dealing With Iran’s Nuclear Challenge
April 28, 2003
[B]Iran will have the bomb in 5 years (again)
20 January 2010
Iran will have the bomb in 5 years (again) « Fabius Maximus (http://fabiusmaximus.wordpress.com/2010/01/20/iran-19/)
Anthony Cordesman and Khalid al-Rodhan have helpfully assembled a catalog of intelligence community predictions about Iran’s nuclear weapons program in their excellent book, Iran’s Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Real and Potential Threat. Here are just a few assessments:
* “Late 1991: In congressional reports and CIA assessments, the United States estimates that there is a ‘high degree of certainty that the government of Iran has acquired all or virtually all of the components required for the construction of 2 to 3 nuclear weapons.’ A February 1992 report by the U.S. House of Representatives suggests that these 2 or 3 nuclear weapons will be operational between February and April 1992.â€
* “February 24, 1993: CIA director James Woolsey says that Iran is still 8 to 10 years away from being able to produce its own nuclear weapon, but with assistance from abroad it could become a nuclear power earlier.â€
* “January 1995: The director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, John Holum, testifies that Iran could have the bomb by 2003.â€
* “January 5, 1995: U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry says that Iran may be less than five years from building an atomic bomb, although ‘how soon…depends how they go about getting it."
* “April 29, 1996: Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres says ‘he believes that in four years, they [Iran] may reach nuclear weapons."
* “October 21, 1998: General Anthony Zinni, head of U.S. Central Command, says Iran could have the capacity to deliver nuclear weapons within five years. ‘If I were a betting man,’ he said, ‘I would say they are on track within five years, they would have the capability."
* “January 17, 2000: A new CIA assessment on Iran’s nuclear capabilities says that the CIA cannot rule out the possibility that Iran may possess nuclear weapons. The assessment is based on the CIA’s admission that it cannot monitor Iran’s nuclear activities with any precision and hence cannot exclude the prospect that Iran may have nuclear weapons.â€