View Full Version : 10 Things You Never Knew About Friday the 13th

Silver Rocket Bitches!
13th August 2010, 01:03 PM
Today is Friday the 13th, traditionally a day of bad luck. But is it really unlucky, and if so, why?

1. It is a curious quirk of the Gregorian calendar that the 13th of the month is more likely to fall on a Friday than any other day of the week.

2. In fact, in any 400-year period, there are 685 Monday the 13ths, 685 Tuesdays, 687 Wednesdays, 684 Thursdays, 688 Fridays, 684 Saturdays and 687 Sundays.

3. In Spain and Greece, they consider Tuesday the 13th to be unlucky.

4. Fear of Friday the 13th is known as paraskevidekatriaphobia.

5. The number 13 has been viewed as unlucky since ancient times and Friday has been seen as inauspicious since the 14th century.

6. Yet Friday the 13th was never seen as specially scary before the middle of the 19th century.

7. Four of the 12 Friday the 13th films were released on Friday the 13th.

8. Finnish researchers in 2004 claimed that men are no more likely to die in traffic accidents on Friday the 13th than on other Fridays…

9. …but Finnish women have a two-thirds greater chance of getting killed in a Friday the 13th crash.

10. There is always at least one and at most three Friday the 13ths in any year.


13th August 2010, 01:36 PM

13th August 2010, 02:01 PM
Good one Wildcard............ ;D

13th August 2010, 02:03 PM
I consider Friday the 13th as a LUCKY day.

13th August 2010, 02:05 PM


13th August 2010, 02:31 PM
Didn't the Stock market crash on Friday the 13th Oct 1929?

while looking for the answer I found this

Some historians propose that the origin of the "Black Friday" was the simultaneous arrest of hundreds of Knights Templars on October 13, 1307 (Friday), to be later tortured into "admitting" heresy.

Today, the concept of Friday the 13th has been extended through the 'black Friday' concept to incorporate anything really bad that happens on a Friday. In history there have been a number of events that happened on a Friday and are known as Black Friday:

Black Friday (1869), a financial crisis in the United States
Black Friday (1889), the day of the Johnstown Flood.
Black Friday (1910), WSPU took militant action when the Conciliation Bill failed.
Black Friday (1919), a riot in Glasgow stemming from industrial unrest
Black Friday (1921), day on which British dockers' and railwaymen's union leaders announced their decision not to call for strike action against wage reductions for miners
Black Friday (1929), a stock market crash in the United States
Black Friday (1939), a day of devastating fires in Australia
Black Friday (1945), largest air battle over Norway, over Sunnfjord
Hollywood Black Friday (1945), the day the six-month-old Confederation of Studio Unions (CSU) strike boiled over into a bloody riot at the Warner Bros. studios leading to the eventual breakup of the CSU.
Black Friday (1978), a massacre of protesters in Iran
Black Friday (1982), known in Britain after Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, sparking the Falklands War
Black Friday (1987), the day an hour-long F4 category tornado ran through the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Black Friday (2004), a crackdown on a peaceful protest in the capital city of Maldives, Malé

13th August 2010, 02:44 PM
NO ONE knows why Friday the 13th is considered "unlucky" except a few and that 's becuase most people don't know the Book of Books which dictates everything in life, like it or not and from this book lies the answer

The Bible sets to pace for all we do and the 13th is no exception

The 1st mention is in Genesis and as usual, the law of 1st mention applies:

Genesis 14:4 Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.

13 is associated with rebellion and rebellion is AS the sin of witchcraft. Then comes the Roman Catholic church with it's many NON-Biblical doctrines like Jesus being crucified on a FRIDAY (Absolutly NOT true) and when you combine the 2 you get the infamous Friday the 13th.

Now you know and you can be the smartest person in the room armed with this little nugget. Not to worry, the God hating, Bible rejecting media will NOT tell you this as it just might get people interested in the "Bible" and they certainly DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN!!!!

13th August 2010, 02:51 PM
and of course we cant forget what happened to the Knights Templar on a Friday, the 13th.....
