View Full Version : Powerpoint Presentation on Police Home Invasion Techniques
13th August 2010, 06:30 PM
Notice especially the "subterfuge" method of gaining entry.
From the Dyer, Tennessee Police Department.
I am me, I am free
13th August 2010, 06:48 PM
No doubt the Masod could help them fine tune and refine their demolition procedures.
Gotta love the way they talk about destroying property: "It is important to note that breaches of this type cause significant damage which generally occurs as the door and frame are permanently reshaped."
"...are *permanently reshaped*" - f*cking genius! Being in denial as they are, they really do talk like this.
13th August 2010, 06:54 PM
They would have to tear down the whole door from its frame, to break only the lock would not give them access to my home because six inches for the door I have a half inch hole in the concrete floor with a half inch rod in it extending six inches above the floor...........also have piano wire here and there that they will trip over if able to enter..........and some other goodies.........all this would give me ample time to die with my boots on, that's all that I care about, to put my boots one hahahahahahahahha.
They also would have to be able to get to my door what with all my outside alarms.........
I am no hero, I just don't care a damn.
13th August 2010, 06:58 PM
I kept thinking "DOG". A dog would alert you before their sacred '12 second' rule.
13th August 2010, 06:58 PM
ZOG training, lets see ho many ZOG officials burst a Tennessee door without being fired upon.
I am me, I am free
13th August 2010, 07:02 PM
I kept thinking "DOG". A dog would alert you before their sacred '12 second' rule.
Yeah, and if the dog is outside you will know of their presence when they shoot your dog -- bark, bark, bark - BANG! - then the sound of a whimpering dying dog. This is one definition of a 'domestic enemy'.
13th August 2010, 07:23 PM
Victims have no rights.........they are property of the government.
13th August 2010, 07:24 PM
Anyone else notice in all that scholarly law enforcement tactics not one mention of the victim's rights?
Victims have rights? Those are drug dealers, rapist, murders and meth labs they are breaking into. Didn't you know? All CRIMINALS!!!!
13th August 2010, 07:32 PM
I did notice how when the talked about Shock Lock 12ga ammo to blow off hinges and locks they mentioned that they should "announce" themselves loudly so that the suspects inside dont hear the gun shot and think they are under attack....................
.....and here I thought shooting and people and forcing your way into their home was an attack. Silly me. BRB, I got some neighbors stuff that would look nice on my counter. Its not attacking them, its a friendly visit....with explosives....and bullets.....
13th August 2010, 08:41 PM
I will peacefully respond, with full consideration of their rights. ;D
*Oh, almost forgot: A few of the intruders may be permanently reshaped. :P
13th August 2010, 09:05 PM
I will peacefully respond, with full consideration of their rights. ;D
*Oh, almost forgot: A few of the intruders may be permanently reshaped. :P
Sign up now for Wild Cards University of Craniotomy/Osteology and Mechanical Engineering. You too can learn how to reshape the very structure of living matter through through advanced programs such as "The sudy of things diametricaly .30 inches to .45 inches" and "Bar-B-Q, The practice of obtaining satisfactory results with your pork and pork products."
13th August 2010, 09:28 PM
Black Blade
13th August 2010, 09:49 PM
Since some of them will go to windows and other entry points as well, you could also plant a few shotgun shell land mines if you feel brave (Anarchists Cookbook), its easy cheap and works.
shotgun shells
film containers
nails with a wide circle head
wire cutters and metal sharpener
How to:
1. cut the nail down to about a centimeter from the base and sharpen the tip
2. glue nail base to the bottem of the film container *glue the nail in the center *
3. now slide the shotgun shell down in to the film container so that the primer in directly on the sharpened tipe of the nail.
4. now its ready the shot gun shell should be sticking out of the film container at lessed a centimeter so that when the container is burried the shot gun shell it about the level ground.
(in order to water proof this suran wrap the hole thing)
How it works: once the land mine is buried someone steps on the top of the shell, under the pressure applied to the shell from foot, tire or any thing that touches it the shell will then push down onto the sharpened tip of the nail, the nail will set off the primer cap allowing the explosion to blow off the home invader's foot. The film case acts as a support for the direction of the blast.
13th August 2010, 09:49 PM
No doubt the Masod could help them fine tune and refine their demolition procedures.
Gotta love the way they talk about destroying property: "It is important to note that breaches of this type cause significant damage which generally occurs as the door and frame are permanently reshaped."
"...are *permanently reshaped*" - f*cking genius! Being in denial as they are, they really do talk like this.
"SWAT Officer Johnson's cranium was reengineered by the high-velocity pneumatic tool wielded by the terrorized homeowner."
13th August 2010, 09:50 PM
I kept thinking "DOG". A dog would alert you before their sacred '12 second' rule.
The scum called SWAT would poison or otherwise kill your four-legged family member to succeed in their "tactical entry."
13th August 2010, 09:56 PM
Victims have rights? Those are <s>drug dealers, rapist, murders and meth labs</s> "illegal" gun owners, tax resisters, and herbiculturists they are breaking into. Didn't you know? All CRIMINALS!!!!
Fixed it. Big-time drug dealers are adopting táctica mexicanas - police raid = retaliation against families. The pigs would much rather go after generally-peaceful gun owners who own the "wrong" type of gun, someone growing a green plant or fungus, or someone who provides data on how to avoid being raped, uh, I mean taxed.
13th August 2010, 10:04 PM
I did notice how when the talked about Shock Lock 12ga ammo to blow off hinges and locks they mentioned that they should "announce" themselves loudly so that the suspects inside dont hear the gun shot and think they are under attack....................
.....and here I thought shooting and people and forcing your way into their home was an attack. Silly me. BRB, I got some neighbors stuff that would look nice on my counter. Its not attacking them, its a friendly visit....with explosives....and bullets.....
Pigs, black-robed whores, and other shyster-swine called "'elected' [sic] officials" expect us common peons to immediately turn off all fear-driven emotion when the pigs demand it so. They believe saying "Police!" or showing some cheap-ass piece of metal is supposed to mean we purge the God-given, innate instinct for self-preservation.
Home-invasion is home-invasion; doesn't matter if it's heroin-hyped Niqqers or prostitutes for lawyers in robes. An attack on one's home is to be repelled with all-necessary violence. It's always been that way, and always should be that way. The common law (that is, the law of God as understood by every just-minded people) is that the home is a man's (or woman's) castle. Violent entry into someone's home is justified in a tiny fraction of cases now claimed: pretty much only if someone is being held hostage.
13th August 2010, 11:11 PM
Joe King
14th August 2010, 04:16 AM
Home-invasion is home-invasion; doesn't matter if it's heroin-hyped Niqqers or prostitutes for lawyers in robes. An attack on one's home is to be repelled with all-necessary violence. It's always been that way, and always should be that way. The common law (that is, the law of God as understood by every just-minded people) is that the home is a man's (or woman's) castle. Violent entry into someone's home is justified in a tiny fraction of cases now claimed: pretty much only if someone is being held hostage.
While in theory, I tend to agree with you here.
But relative to the main topic of this thread, do you honestly think that your sig does not apply to your statement?
Keep in mind too that forcefully repelling prostitutes from invading your home typically won't bring, at the best, capital murder charges. So there is a slight difference.
And really, what have you got against prostitutes anyway? Long as you're not buying they probably won't hurt you.
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